composer 升级yii2到最新版本,报错信息
yiisoft/yii2 2.0.29 requires bower-asset/inputmask ~3.2.2 | ~3.3.5 -> no matching package found.
"repositories": {
"bower-asset/jquery.inputmask": {
"type": "bower-github",
"url": "https://github.com/petrabarus/jquery.inputmask"
composer self-update 1.9.0
composer global require "fxp/composer-asset-plugin:1.4.3"
composer clear-cache
composer update -vvv
composer config -g repo.packagist composer https://mirrors.aliyun.com/composer/
composer config -g --unset repos.packagist
Reading /htdocs/website/basic/vendor/composer/installed.json
Writing lock file
Generating autoload files
Seems you have upgraded Yii Framework from version 2.0.29 to
Please check the upgrade notes for possible incompatible changes
and adjust your application code accordingly.
Upgrade from Yii 2.0.41
* `NumberValidator` (`number`, `double`, `integer`) does not allow values with leading or terminating (non-trimmed)
white spaces anymore. If your application expects non-trimmed values provided to this validator make sure to trim
them first (i.e. by using `trim` / `filter` "validators").
Upgrade from Yii 2.0.40
* The methods `getAuthKey()` and `validateAuthKey()` of `yii\web\IdentityInterface` are now also used to validate active
sessions (previously these methods were only used for cookie-based login). If your identity class does not properly
implement these methods yet, you should update it accordingly (an example can be found in the guide under
`Security` -> `Authentication`). Alternatively, you can simply return `null` in the `getAuthKey()` method to keep
the old behavior (that is, no validation of active sessions). Applications that change the underlying `authKey` of
an authenticated identity, should now call `yii\web\User::switchIdentity()`, `yii\web\User::login()`
or `yii\web\User::logout()` to recreate the active session with the new `authKey`.
Upgrade from Yii
* Priority of processing `yii\base\Arrayable`, and `JsonSerializable` data has been reversed (`Arrayable` data is checked
first now) in `yii\base\Model`, and `yii\rest\Serializer`. If your application relies on the previous priority you need
to fix it manually based on the complexity of desired (de)serialization result.
Upgrade from Yii 2.0.38
* The storage structure of the file cache has been changed when you use `\yii\caching\FileCache::$keyPrefix`.
It is worth warming up the cache again if there is a logical dependency when working with the file cache.
* `yii\web\Session` now respects the 'session.use_strict_mode' ini directive.
In case you use a custom `Session` class and have overwritten the `Session::openSession()` and/or
`Session::writeSession()` functions changes might be required:
* When in strict mode the `openSession()` function should check if the requested session id exists
(and mark it for forced regeneration if not).
For example, the `DbSession` does this at the beginning of the function as follows:
if ($this->getUseStrictMode()) {
$id = $this->getId();
if (!$this->getReadQuery($id)->exists()) {
//This session id does not exist, mark it for forced regeneration
$this->_forceRegenerateId = $id;
// ... normal function continues ...
* When in strict mode the `writeSession()` function should ignore writing the session under the old id.
For example, the `DbSession` does this at the beginning of the function as follows:
if ($this->getUseStrictMode() && $id === $this->_forceRegenerateId) {
//Ignore write when forceRegenerate is active for this id
return true;
// ... normal function continues ...
> Note: The sample code above is specific for the `yii\web\DbSession` class.
Make sure you use the correct implementation based on your parent class,
e.g. `yii\web\CacheSession`, `yii\redis\Session`, `yii\mongodb\Session`, etc.
> Note: In case your custom functions call their `parent` functions, there are probably no changes needed to your
code if those parents implement the `useStrictMode` checks.
> Warning: in case `openSession()` and/or `writeSession()` functions do not implement the `useStrictMode` code
the session could be stored under a malicious id without warning even if `useStrictMode` is enabled.
Upgrade from Yii 2.0.37
* Resolving DI references inside of arrays in dependencies was made optional and turned off by default. In order
to turn it on, set `resolveArrays` of container instance to `true`.
Upgrade from Yii 2.0.36
* `yii\db\Exception::getCode()` now returns full PDO code that is SQLSTATE string. If you have relied on comparing code
with an integer value, adjust your code.
Upgrade from Yii 2.0.35
* Inline validator signature has been updated with 4th parameter `current`:
* @param mixed $current the currently validated value of attribute
function ($attribute, $params, $validator, $current)
* Behavior of inline validator used as a rule of `EachValidator` has been changed - `$attribute` now refers to original
model's attribute and not its temporary counterpart:
public $array_attribute = ['first', 'second'];
public function rules()
return [
['array_attribute', 'each', 'rule' => ['customValidatingMethod']],
public function customValidatingMethod($attribute, $params, $validator, $current)
// $attribute === 'array_attribute' (as before)
// now: $this->$attribute === ['first', 'second'] (on every iteration)
// previously:
// $this->$attribute === 'first' (on first iteration)
// $this->$attribute === 'second' (on second iteration)
// use now $current instead
// $current === 'first' (on first iteration)
// $current === 'second' (on second iteration)
* `$this` in an inline validator defined as closure now refers to model instance. If you need to access the object registering
the validator, pass its instance through use statement:
$registrar = $this;
$validator = function($attribute, $params, $validator, $current) use ($registrar) {
// ...
* Validator closure callbacks should not be declared as static.
* If you have any controllers that override the `init()` method, make sure they are calling `parent::init()` at
the beginning, as demonstrated in the [component guide](https://www.yiiframework.com/doc/guide/2.0/en/concept-components).
Upgrade from Yii 2.0.34
* `ExistValidator` used as a rule of `EachValidator` now requires providing `targetClass` explicitely and it's not possible to use it with `targetRelation` in
that configuration.
public function rules()
return [
['attribute', 'each', 'rule' => ['exist', 'targetClass' => static::className(), 'targetAttribute' => 'id']],
Upgrade from Yii 2.0.32
* `yii\helpers\ArrayHelper::filter` now correctly filters data when passing a filter with more than 2 "levels",
e.g. `ArrayHelper::filter($myArray, ['A.B.C']`. Until Yii 2.0.32 all data after the 2nd level was returned,
please see the following example:
$myArray = [
'A' => 1,
'B' => [
'C' => 1,
'D' => [
'E' => 1,
'F' => 2,
ArrayHelper::filter($myArray, ['B.D.E']);
Before Yii 2.0.33 this would return
'B' => [
'D' => [
'E' => 1,
'F' => 2, //Please note the unexpected inclusion of other elements
Since Yii 2.0.33 this returns
'B' => [
'D' => [
'E' => 1,
Note: If you are only using up to 2 "levels" (e.g. `ArrayHelper::filter($myArray, ['A.B']`), this change has no impact.
* `UploadedFile` class `deleteTempFile()` and `isUploadedFile()` methods introduced in 2.0.32 were removed.
* Exception will be thrown if `UrlManager::$cache` configuration is incorrect (previously misconfiguration was silently
ignored and `UrlManager` continue to work without cache). Make sure that `UrlManager::$cache` is correctly configured
or set it to `null` to explicitly disable cache.
Upgrade from Yii 2.0.31
* `yii\filters\ContentNegotiator` now generates 406 'Not Acceptable' instead of 415 'Unsupported Media Type' on
content-type negotiation fail.
Upgrade from Yii 2.0.30
* `yii\helpers\BaseInflector::slug()` now ensures there is no repeating $replacement string occurrences.
In case you rely on Yii 2.0.16 - 2.0.30 behavior, consider replacing `Inflector` with your own implementation.
You can find the upgrade notes for all versions online at: