hyperf 的 hyperf-passport 组件,支持对多种用户进行登录授权支持Oauth2.0的四种授权模式,目前密码授权模式已完全可用。下载地址:https://github.com/richard8768/hyperf-passport 本组件参考了 laravel 的 passport 组件设计,使用体验大体和 laravel 的 passport 差不多。
> 任何问题请加QQ提问:444626008
## 安装前的准备 - before install
PHP>=7.3 安装依赖包 ```bash #授权依赖包 $ composer require 96qbhy/hyperf-auth $ php bin/hyperf.php vendor:publish 96qbhy/hyperf-auth #加密依赖包 $ composer require hyperf-ext/encryption $ php bin/hyperf.php vendor:publish hyperf-ext/encryption $ composer require hyperf-ext/hashing $ php bin/hyperf.php vendor:publish hyperf-ext/hashing #模板引擎和视图 $ composer require hyperf/view-engine $ composer require hyperf/view #hyperf的session $ composer require hyperf/session $ php bin/hyperf.php vendor:publish hyperf/session ``` 使用 php bin/hyperf.php gen:key 命令来生成密钥,并将KEY值复制到文件 config/autoload/encryption.php中的env('AES_KEY', 'place_to_hold_key')
编辑文件config/autoload/view.php配置视图默认引擎: ``` <?php declare(strict_types=1);
use Hyperf\View\Mode; use Hyperf\View\Engine\BladeEngine;
return [ ? ? // 使用的渲染引擎 ? ? 'engine' => BladeEngine::class, ? ? // 不填写则默认为 Task 模式,推荐使用 Task 模式 ? ? 'mode' => Mode::TASK, ? ? 'config' => [ ? ? ? ? // 若下列文件夹不存在请自行创建 ? ? ? ? 'view_path' => BASE_PATH . '/storage/view/', ? ? ? ? 'cache_path' => BASE_PATH . '/runtime/view/', ? ? ], ]; ?> ``` 在文件 config/autoload/middlewares.php中添加全局中间件? ``` <?php return [ ? ? // 这里的 http 对应默认的 server name,如您需要在其它 server 上使用 Session,需要对应的配置全局中间件 ? ? 'http' => [ ? ? ? ? \Hyperf\Session\Middleware\SessionMiddleware::class, ? ? ], ]; ?> ```
## 安装 - install
```bash $ composer require richard/hyperf-passport php bin/hyperf.php vendor:publish richard/hyperf-passport ```
## 配置 - configuration
编辑文件 config/autoload/auth.php
use Richard\HyperfPassport\PassportUserProvider;
use Richard\HyperfPassport\Guard\TokenGuard;
'passport' => [ ? ? 'driver' => TokenGuard::class, ? ? 'provider' => 'users', ]
'users' => [ ? ? 'driver' => PassportUserProvider::class,? ?? ? ? ? 'model' => App\Model\User::class, ]
``` <?php
use HPlus\Admin\Model\Admin\Administrator; use Qbhy\HyperfAuth\Provider\EloquentProvider; use Qbhy\SimpleJwt\Encoders\Base64UrlSafeEncoder; use Qbhy\SimpleJwt\EncryptAdapters\PasswordHashEncrypter; use Richard\HyperfPassport\PassportUserProvider; use Richard\HyperfPassport\Guard\TokenGuard;
return [ ? ? 'default' => [ ? ? ? ? 'guard' => 'jwt', ? ? ? ? 'provider' => 'admin', ? ? ], ? ? 'guards' => [// 开发者可以在这里添加自己的 guard ,guard Qbhy\HyperfAuth\AuthGuard 接口 ? ? ? ? 'jwt' => [ ? ? ? ? ? ? 'driver' => Qbhy\HyperfAuth\Guard\JwtGuard::class, ? ? ? ? ? ? 'provider' => 'admin', ? ? ? ? ? ? 'secret' => env('JWT_SECRET', 'hyperf.plus'), ? ? ? ? ? ? 'ttl' => 60 * 60, // 单位秒 ? ? ? ? ? ? 'default' => PasswordHashEncrypter::class, ? ? ? ? ? ? 'encoder' => new Base64UrlSafeEncoder(), ? ? ? ? ? ? 'cache' => function () { ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? return make(Qbhy\HyperfAuth\HyperfRedisCache::class); ? ? ? ? ? ? }, ? ? ? ? ], ? ? ? ? 'session' => [ ? ? ? ? ? ? 'driver' => Qbhy\HyperfAuth\Guard\SessionGuard::class, ? ? ? ? ? ? 'provider' => 'users', ? ? ? ? ], ? ? ? ? 'passport' => [ ? ? ? ? ? ? 'driver' => TokenGuard::class, ? ? ? ? ? ? 'provider' => 'users', ? ? ? ? ], ? ? ], ? ? 'providers' => [ ? ? ? ? 'admin' => [ ? ? ? ? ? ? 'driver' => EloquentProvider::class, // user provider 需要实现 Qbhy\HyperfAuth\UserProvider 接口 ? ? ? ? ? ? 'model' => Administrator::class, // ?需要实现 Qbhy\HyperfAuth\Authenticatable 接口 ? ? ? ? ], ? ? ? ? 'users' => [ ? ? ? ? ? ? 'driver' => PassportUserProvider::class, // user provider 需要实现 Qbhy\HyperfAuth\UserProvider 接口 ? ? ? ? ? ? 'model' => App\Model\User::class, // ?需要实现 Qbhy\HyperfAuth\Authenticatable 接口 ? ? ? ? ], ? ? ? ? 'merchants' => [ ? ? ? ? ? ? 'driver' => PassportUserProvider::class, // user provider 需要实现 Qbhy\HyperfAuth\UserProvider 接口 ? ? ? ? ? ? 'model' => App\Model\Merchant::class, // ?需要实现 Qbhy\HyperfAuth\Authenticatable 接口 ? ? ? ? ], ? ? ], ]; ?> ``` 执行迁移
php bin/hyperf.php migrate
php bin/hyperf.php migrate:status
php bin/hyperf.php passport:install ?--force --length=4096
php bin/hyperf.php passport:purge
php bin/hyperf.php passport:client --password --name="your client name"
如果有数据填充文件可以执行 php bin/hyperf.php db:seed --path=seeders/user_table_seeder.php
注意填充文件中密码的格式为 \HyperfExt\Hashing\Hash::make('your password'),否则会导致passport密码校验失败
``` <?php
declare (strict_types=1);
namespace App\Model;
use Hyperf\DbConnection\Db; use Qbhy\HyperfAuth\AuthAbility; use Qbhy\HyperfAuth\Authenticatable; use Richard\HyperfPassport\Auth\AuthenticatableTrait; use Richard\HyperfPassport\HasApiTokens;
/** ?*/ class User extends Model implements Authenticatable {
? ? use HasApiTokens; ? ? use AuthenticatableTrait; ? ? use AuthAbility;
? ? public $timestamps = false;
? ? /** ? ? ?* The table associated with the model. ? ? ?* ? ? ?* @var string ? ? ?*/ ? ? protected $table = 'member';
? ? /** ? ? ?* The attributes that are mass assignable. ? ? ?* ? ? ?* @var array ? ? ?*/ ? ? protected $fillable = [];
? ? /** ? ? ?* The attributes that should be cast to native types. ? ? ?* ? ? ?* @var array ? ? ?*/ ? ? protected $casts = [];
? ? /** ? ? ?* 修改认证时的默认username字段 ? ? ?*/ ? ? public function findForPassport($username) { ? ? ? ? if (strpos($username, '@') !== false) { ? ? ? ? ? ? return $this->findByEmailForPassport($username); ? ? ? ? } else { ? ? ? ? ? ? if ((is_numeric($username)) && (strlen($username) == 11)) { ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? return $this->findByMobileForPassport($username); ? ? ? ? ? ? } else { ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? return $this->findByUsernameForPassport($username); ? ? ? ? ? ? } ? ? ? ? } ? ? }
? ? protected function findByEmailForPassport($username) { ? ? ? ? return $this->where('email', $username)->first(); ? ? }
? ? protected function findByMobileForPassport($username) { ? ? ? ? return $this->where('mobile', $username)->first(); ? ? }
? ? protected function findByUsernameForPassport($username) { ? ? ? ? return $this->where('member_name', $username)->first(); ? ? }
? ? /** ? ? ?* Get the password for the user. ? ? ?* ? ? ?* @return string ? ? ?*/ ? ? public function getAuthPassword() { ? ? ? ? return $this->member_pass; ? ? }
} ?> ```
## 使用 - usage
> 以下是伪代码,仅供参考。 在文件config/autoload/exceptions.php中添加全局异常处理器 ``` <?php
declare(strict_types=1); /** ?* This file is part of Hyperf. ?* ?* @link ? ? https://www.hyperf.io ?* @document https://hyperf.wiki ?* @contact ?group@hyperf.io ?* @license ?https://github.com/hyperf/hyperf/blob/master/LICENSE ?*/ return [ ? ? 'handler' => [ ? ? ? ? 'http' => [ ? ? ? ? ? ? \HPlus\Admin\Exception\Handler\AppExceptionHandler::class, ? ? ? ? ? ? Hyperf\HttpServer\Exception\Handler\HttpExceptionHandler::class, ? ? ? ? ? ? App\Exception\Handler\AppExceptionHandler::class, ? ? ? ? ? ? \Richard\HyperfPassport\PassportExceptionHandler::class, ? ? ? ? ], ? ? ], ]; ?> ``` ##### 接口名称
- 登录以获取会话令牌和刷新令牌
##### 请求地址 - ` /oauth/token ` ?? ##### 请求方式 - POST?
##### 参数
|参数名|必选|类型|说明| |:---- ? ?|:---|:----- |----- ? | username |是 ?|string |用户名/邮箱/手机号 ?| password |是 ?|string |用户密码 ?| grant_type |是 ?|string |授权类型 一般填password ?| client_id |是 ?|string |服务端分配的client_id ?| client_secret |是 ?|string |服务端分配的client_id对应的密钥 ?|
##### 响应信息?
```? { ? ? "token_type": "Bearer", ? ? "expires_in": 31536000, ? ? "access_token": "eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiJ9.eyJhdWQiOiIyIiwianRpIjoiMjFhZWY3ODJkNjhhMjE3YmQzYTg1YTFlMTY3MWYwMjBmMzIxOGIwMTNlZDA4ZmNlMjIzYTFiNGFkODM1ZGY2MDE3YThjODg0YjU3ZDVhMDUiLCJpYXQiOjE2Mjg1NjkzMzQsIm5iZiI6MTYyODU2OTMzNCwiZXhwIjoxNjYwMTA1MzM0LCJzdWIiOiIxIiwic2NvcGVzIjpbXX0.Z2PCWbJeL4NsDtJqLyER-Gg0Kf-DV-66mV91bVLryXJtl3YBhZcPsALQZt5WVTa4gC2s-GBOvMBnREZeJ4RfBaBKoBmEF1_6Cj1I8u0zdazF3mGh-V5JpiDJw73XmdQQ61lqiOp0Lxx34H7ZSkhGYhn9QqSkHmqtrRT_8NYY-bJ1GOE4i0EO-ckFqrHhtvWrVooZ5eN3SkxG3bEf24LLuvCj9EhtKPdF818dYjjWxiA2pl_3OAakQDOHTVh1MhvFW1TTnjBGf0aG2_7gcZWyFzJydx59U_8knOvIS5upTB9aP13q2dXGTGf9Q-1EvVDLNyxB_ppDCkCogc7daTkgs_aqvoC1EsC5pqPDZQDCO5RbVcJ881GGNdjtrmud7qapc9HO7e6JZSKg_cx72IB8jziKwWiqTMJMtDrlaWJ4gkGMO5MeEnberIp6J6Yut0iWR6CUWVBTDPymeOpdbZqpwINhcFh4qq_YSNh8IE9tW9-HbYi6NrAX1I1KSaDWgHI9m56nkY2afT8le0IbEJ5AjwcWBATuQbJfj3S2jfyIembJoq9egKeGMrG9KADM151phFR1h6vItJMlGbjwMx6Pry6E5fvQUIxfi3N5-k-ptfKEsb2x-ENffzg_W8aeEEbObt4kV7OczxKGGdGqk3WY7_suASyEkN-7oEiUd77EJps", ? ? "refresh_token": "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" } ``` ##### 接口名称
- 使用刷新令牌获得新的会话令牌和刷新令牌
##### 请求地址 - ` /oauth/token/refresh ` ?? ##### 请求方式 - POST?
##### 参数
|参数名|必选|类型|说明| |:---- ? ?|:---|:----- |----- ? | grant_type |是 ?|string |授权类型 refresh_token ?| refresh_token |是 ?|string |登录获得的刷新令牌 ?| client_id |是 ?|string |服务端分配的client_id ?| client_secret |是 ?|string |服务端分配的client_id对应的密钥 ?|
##### 响应信息?
```? { ? ? "token_type": "Bearer", ? ? "expires_in": 31536000, ? ? "access_token": "eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiJ9.eyJhdWQiOiIyIiwianRpIjoiZTAwYzY5ZmU1YzJmZjJhY2RlYjU5ZGU5YTY3YzIwOTNiOWNmZGJmNjFjYWIwMDg5OWNmYTI1NWJiZWVhYmNlYTJhN2JiNGFhNTUyMzg3NzEiLCJpYXQiOjE2Mjg1Njk0ODgsIm5iZiI6MTYyODU2OTQ4OCwiZXhwIjoxNjYwMTA1NDg4LCJzdWIiOiIxIiwic2NvcGVzIjpbXX0.qljYkIJUOkrMFsdxrMrieuj9uanUMo5lKqwvWBvg1cvHFvjXA0FxhTb6cnnKNKdUCFmKCIwWhCY-MleNDy5rso5NF_1EWiWTmaWgpGibVZvbuvrPSL6md8OWiMp3WBa-twO0F-YGkinRu2zycpi_3eVFp5OLL1vWTsOPNuUAHIqWc0bOjoKdGLy8z3bGY3K6iOzBDk2E9FNZG-af8ZDL-cA-0wDcsLRibexBon8rzNbpCK_rmuk8tm2u4xiEQ8xtvJysQ5d8vm19oUpXY61WkiePXbJolxpctCJAkmyZftwFIH1J9nQbLXxyeDenWqkB5Yi2L8wbgmf6y4xhNfDCDvNlionJl32COeT90zj0CUijQyUy6xrUW_kieC2OIjQ6FWLfMA_tMg2RmoS4BAyQah9cFq2B9g0K-SkVyQKpm7Tb7oTqJ3b3mMcL_SYGcwQH5QrAAFI0ngiHMdXJKW_HAcwV5qycQDRkeSqdkNExqawSeFVuM9xqstv8Q-y0i2Y4MmweBo8WHi4UL5NdALGKeK-rT_vQePcb-6l30d3PODH4UpZKwTddfNaP60m3OAqSOP4b1ZeV9shLSOotdUobDHzI3Y1Geujv30uphp1FyvPdsxKUba7o_94GOAsj7ggIAY1K5VLdjpUF0AxL611BRTWZ2NA5whwPbGOg5WGQpOc", ? ? "refresh_token": "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" } ```
Authorization Bearer access_token(注意Bearer后面含有空格)
X-Client-Id client_id
控制器代码 ``` <?php
namespace App\Controller;
use Hyperf\HttpServer\Contract\RequestInterface; use Hyperf\HttpServer\Contract\ResponseInterface; use Hyperf\HttpServer\Annotation\Controller; use Hyperf\HttpServer\Annotation\RequestMapping; use Hyperf\Di\Annotation\Inject; use Hyperf\HttpServer\Annotation\Middleware; use Hyperf\HttpServer\Annotation\Middlewares; use Richard\HyperfPassport\PassportAuthMiddleware; use Richard\HyperfPassport\AuthManager;
/** ?* @Controller ?*/ class DemoController extends AbstractController {
? ? /** ? ? ?* @Inject ? ? ?* @var AuthManager ? ? ?*/ ? ? protected $auth;
? ? /** ? ? ?* @Middlewares({ ? ? ?* ? ?@Middleware(PassportAuthMiddleware::class) ? ? ?* }) ? ? ?* @RequestMapping(path="index", methods="get,post,options") ? ? ?*/ ? ? public function index(RequestInterface $request, ResponseInterface $response) { ? ? ? ? $user = $this->auth->guard('passport')->user(); ? ? ? ? //var_dump($user); ? ? ? ? $userId = (int) $user->getId(); ? ? ? ? return ['user_id' => $userId]; ? ? }
} ?> ```