??B+树是从B树修改而来的。对 B 树的建立会了的话,对 B+ 树的操作就不会太难。 ??关于 B 树,可以参看之前写的文章:对B树的插入删除理解和c/c++代码实践 https://blog.csdn.net/zhangzhangkeji/article/details/119767646 ??m 阶 B+ 树的特点是: ??(1)树里节点最多有 m 个 指针 ,指向 m 个子节点 。 ??(2)分支节点最少可以有 ceil(m/2) 个指针 。如 m = 9, 则最少有5 个指针。m = 10 也最少有 5 个指针 。根节点若是叶节点,最少可以没有;若是分支节点,最少有2个。 ??(3)节点里关键字个数 和指针个数是相等的。关键字的值是其对应指针指向的子树的最大关键字值。所以,节点里有几个元素,就有几个子树。关键字就是元素。 ??(4)如 m = 9 则非根节点最少含有 5 个关键字, m = 10 ,则非根节点最少含有 5 个关键字。当一个节点太小,与相邻节点合并时,刚好可以两个最小节点合并成一个最大节点或仅比最大节点少一个元素。一个最大节点刚好也可以拆分成两个最小节点。这也是最小指针数与最大阶数成 二分之一 关系的意义。 ??(5)B+ 树 始终有两个头指针,一个指向根节点,另一个指向含有最小元素的叶节点,即最左边的叶节点。所以,既可以从根节点开始对关键字进行二分查找。也可以对所有叶节点里的关键字进行顺序查找。 ??(6)B+ 树里 关键字是重复的。 所有分支节点里的关键字都会在叶节点里再出现一次。所有叶节点含有了不重复的树里所有关键字。分支节点里的关键字,更像是索引,指示了其所有子树的关键字的取值范围。这也为二分查找提供了选择依据。 ??(7)B+ 树的插入,也是插入到合适的叶节点里,若叶节点太大,则拆分成两个叶节点,并在其父母节点里插入一个元素和一个指向新的节点的指针。如果父母节点太大,则拆分父母节点,依次类推,直到根节点被拆分,生成新的根节点,树的高度加一。若插入的是比整棵树都大的节点,则要修改一系列分支节点里最右侧元素的值,其要代表对应子树的最大值。 ??(8)B+ 树的所有叶节点,也要求在同一条水平线上,即在树里同样的深度上。 ??(9)B+ 树的删除,只能对叶节点里的元素进行直接删除。对分支节点里的元素是不能直接删除的,而是用其对应子树的次最大元素替代之,再从其对应子树里删除最右叶节点里的最大元素。若删除后,叶节点太小,则可以从其左右兄弟叶节点借一个元素。若其左右兄弟节点都是最小节点,则合并该节点和其右兄弟节点(这只是规定,合并其和左兄弟节点也可以,但同一个程序,只能选择一个方向,保持一致性和程序计算的简单化),并从其父母节点里删除一个元素,一个指针。若父母节点也太小了,则合并父母节点和父母节点的右兄弟节点。若合并后的父母节点太大,则还需要拆分父母节点。使父母节点有合适的爷爷奶奶节点。若根节点太大被拆分,则生成新的根。分支节点里出现的元素被删除时,因为其代表子树的最大元素,所以要用子树里的第二最大元素替代之。 ??(10)合并节点的操作不一定非得是两个最小节点。对于分支节点的合并,必须考虑合并后的分支节点太大的问题。 ??(11)程序建立 B+ 树正确的话,对叶节点里关键字的遍历,依据根节点从上往下从左往右遍历到叶节点,和直接对叶节点的顺序遍历,其结果是相同的。 ??(12)因为要求可以对所有叶节点从左到右顺序遍历,所有节点类型里还要有一个指针指向其右侧兄弟节点,当然对于叶节点,这个指针才有意义。只需要对叶节点建立右指针的连接。 ??(13)B+ 树已经不适合再用中序遍历了,因为对于典型的二叉树中序遍历(左根右),B+ 树的指针数目和关键字数目是相同的。而且B+ 树可以直接对叶节点进行顺序遍历。中序递归遍历的存在对于 B+ 树已经不重要了。 ??(14)复杂的程序,在编写之前,最好可以列出流程图,明确程序执行步骤,逐步细化,叶降低了大脑的想象力负担。 ?? ??错过晚饭4小时了。终于测试完毕。再精确的大脑,总还是会出bug。然后修复程序中错误。今天先贴出最后的完整程序。一些分析过程明天再说。我要休息会。顶不住了。头晕眼花。 先是main函数所在源文件代码:
using namespace std;
#define MAX 8
#define ORDER 5
#define MINKEYS (ORDER + 1) / 2
struct Node {
int numKeys;
int keyArray[MAX];
Node* ptChildren[MAX] = {NULL};
Node* ptParent;
Node* ptRightBrother;
struct Result {
Node* pt;
int index;
bool findOrNot;
extern int searchNode(Node*& pt, int key);
extern Result searchTree(Node * & rootVerti,int key);
extern void newRootVerti(Node*& rootVerti, int keyLeft, Node* ptLeft, int keyRight ,Node* ptRight);
extern void split(Node*& rootVerti, Node* ptLeft);
extern void insertNode(Node * &rootVerti,Node* pt, int index, int key, Node* ptKey);
extern void insertTree(Node*& rootVerti, int key,Node * & rootHoriz);
extern void dispalyCommaExp(Node * & rootVerti);
extern void sequenTraverseLeafNodes(Node*& rootHoriz);
extern void deleteKeyFromNode(Node*& rootVerti, Node* pt, int index, Node* ptIndex);
extern void smallNode(Node * & rootVerti,Node* pt);
extern bool deleteKeyFromTree(Node*& rootVerti,int key,Node * & rootHoriz);
extern void moveToLeft(Node* ptParent, int indexKey, Node* ptLeft, Node* ptRight);
extern void moveToRight(Node* ptParent, int indexKey, Node* ptLeft, Node* ptRight);
extern void combine(Node*& rootVerti, Node* ptParent, int indexLeft, int indexRight, Node* ptLeft, Node* ptRight);
int main() {
Node* rootVerti = NULL, * rootHoriz = NULL;
int array[] = { 1,2,6,7,11,4,8,13,10,5,17,9,16,20,3,12,14,18,19,15,21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28,29,30},length = 30;
for (int i = 0; i < length ; i++)
insertTree(rootVerti, array[i],rootHoriz);
cout << endl;
cout << endl;
cout << "input number after 'next' to continue test,but 100 means stop test.eg.next:100";
cout << endl << "input the number you want to delete : ";
int input;
cin >>input ;
cout << endl;
if (input == 100)
if(deleteKeyFromTree(rootVerti,input,rootHoriz) == false)
cout << "list does not have this key : "<<input<<'.';
else {
cout << "逗号表达式:";
cout << endl;
cout << "叶节点遍历:";
cout<< " next :";
} while (1 == 1);
return 0;
using namespace std;
#define MAX 8
#define ORDER 5
#define MINKEYS (ORDER + 1) / 2
struct Node {
int numKeys;
int keyArray[MAX];
Node* ptChildren[MAX] = {NULL};
Node* ptParent;
Node* ptRightBrother;
struct Result {
Node* pt;
int index;
bool findOrNot;
int searchNode(Node*& pt, int key) {
int index;
for (index = 0; index < pt->numKeys && pt->keyArray[index] < key; index++);
return index;
Result searchTree(Node*& rootVerti, int key) {
Result result;
Node* pt = rootVerti, * ptParent = NULL;
int index = 0;
while (pt != NULL) {
index = searchNode(pt, key);
if (index == pt->numKeys) {
while (pt->ptChildren[0] != NULL)
pt = pt->ptChildren[pt->numKeys - 1];
result.findOrNot = false;
result.pt = pt;
result.index = pt->numKeys;
return result;
else if (pt->keyArray[index] != key) {
ptParent = pt;
pt = pt->ptChildren[index];
if (pt == NULL) {
result.findOrNot = false;
result.pt = ptParent;
else {
result.findOrNot = true;
result.pt = pt;
result.index = index;
return result;
void newRootVerti(Node*& rootVerti, int keyLeft, Node* ptLeft, int keyRight, Node* ptRight) {
rootVerti = new Node;
rootVerti->ptParent = NULL;
rootVerti->numKeys = 2;
rootVerti->keyArray[0] = keyLeft;
rootVerti->keyArray[1] = keyRight;
rootVerti->ptChildren[0] = ptLeft;
ptLeft->ptParent = rootVerti;
rootVerti->ptChildren[1] = ptRight;
ptRight->ptParent = rootVerti;
if (ptLeft->ptChildren[0] == NULL) {
ptRight->ptRightBrother = ptLeft->ptRightBrother;
ptLeft->ptRightBrother = ptRight;
void split(Node*& rootVerti, Node* ptLeft) {
void insertNode(Node * &rootVerti, Node * pt, int index, int key, Node * ptKey);
Node* ptRight = new Node;
ptRight->numKeys = MINKEYS;
ptLeft->numKeys = ptLeft->numKeys - MINKEYS;
ptRight->ptParent = ptLeft->ptParent;
for (int i = 0, j = ptLeft->numKeys; i < MINKEYS; i++) {
ptRight->keyArray[i] = ptLeft->keyArray[j + i];
ptRight->ptChildren[i] = ptLeft->ptChildren[j + i];
if (ptRight->ptChildren[i] != NULL)
ptRight->ptChildren[i]->ptParent = ptRight;
if (ptLeft == rootVerti)
newRootVerti(rootVerti,ptLeft->keyArray[ptLeft->numKeys - 1],ptLeft,
ptRight->keyArray[ptRight->numKeys - 1],ptRight);
else {
int i = searchNode(ptLeft->ptParent,ptLeft->keyArray[ptLeft->numKeys - 1]);
ptLeft->ptParent->keyArray[i] = ptLeft->keyArray[ptLeft->numKeys - 1];
insertNode(rootVerti,ptRight->ptParent,i + 1,
ptRight->keyArray[ptRight->numKeys - 1],ptRight);
void insertNode(Node*& rootVerti, Node* pt, int index, int key, Node* ptKey) {
int i;
for (i = pt->numKeys; i > index; i--) {
pt->keyArray[i] = pt->keyArray[i - 1];
pt->ptChildren[i] = pt->ptChildren[i - 1];
pt->keyArray[index] = key;
pt->ptChildren[index] = ptKey;
if (ptKey != NULL && ptKey->ptChildren[0] == NULL) {
pt->ptChildren[index]->ptRightBrother = pt->ptChildren[index - 1]->ptRightBrother;
pt->ptChildren[index - 1]->ptRightBrother = pt->ptChildren[index];
if (pt->ptChildren[0] == NULL &&
key == pt->keyArray[pt->numKeys - 1]) {
Node* ptTemp = pt->ptParent;
int index,keyOld = pt->keyArray[pt->numKeys - 2];
while (ptTemp != NULL) {
index = searchNode(ptTemp, keyOld);
ptTemp->keyArray[index] = key;
if (index < ptTemp->numKeys - 1)
ptTemp = ptTemp->ptParent;
if (pt->numKeys > ORDER)
split(rootVerti, pt);
void insertTree(Node*& rootVerti, int key, Node*& rootHoriz) {
Result result = searchTree(rootVerti,key);
if (result.findOrNot == false)
if (rootVerti == NULL) {
rootHoriz = rootVerti = new Node;
rootHoriz->ptRightBrother = NULL;
rootVerti->ptParent = NULL;
rootHoriz->numKeys = 1;
rootVerti->keyArray[0] = key;
void dispalyCommaExp(Node*& rootVerti) {
if (rootVerti == NULL)
int i;
cout << '[';
for (i = 0; i < rootVerti->numKeys - 1; i++)
cout << rootVerti->keyArray[i] << ' ';
cout << rootVerti->keyArray[i] << ']';
if (rootVerti->ptChildren[0] != NULL) {
cout << '(';
for (i = 0; i < rootVerti->numKeys - 1; i++) {
cout << ',';
cout << ')';
void sequenTraverseLeafNodes(Node*& rootHoriz) {
Node* pt = rootHoriz;
while (pt != NULL) {
for (int i = 0; i < pt->numKeys; i++)
cout << pt->keyArray[i] << ' ';
pt = pt->ptRightBrother;
void deleteKeyFromNode(Node*& rootVerti, Node* pt, int index,Node * ptIndex) {
void smallNode(Node * &rootVerti, Node * pt);
int max = pt->keyArray[index];
for (int j = index; j < pt->numKeys - 1; j++) {
pt->keyArray[j] = pt->keyArray[j + 1];
pt->ptChildren[j] = pt->ptChildren[j + 1];
if(ptIndex == NULL)
if (index == pt->numKeys) {
Node* ptTemp = pt->ptParent;
while (ptTemp != NULL) {
index = searchNode(ptTemp, max);
ptTemp->keyArray[index] = pt->keyArray[pt->numKeys - 1];
if (index < ptTemp->numKeys - 1)
ptTemp = ptTemp->ptParent;
if (ptIndex != NULL && ptIndex->ptChildren[0] == NULL)
pt->ptChildren[index - 1]->ptRightBrother = ptIndex->ptRightBrother;
delete ptIndex;
if (pt->ptParent != NULL && pt->numKeys < MINKEYS)
void combine(Node*& rootVerti, Node* ptParent, int indexLeft,int indexRight,Node* ptLeft, Node* ptRight) {
for (int i = 0; i < ptRight->numKeys; i++) {
ptLeft->keyArray[ptLeft->numKeys + i] = ptRight->keyArray[i];
ptLeft->ptChildren[ptLeft->numKeys + i] = ptRight->ptChildren[i];
if (ptLeft->ptChildren[0] != NULL)
ptRight->ptChildren[i]->ptParent = ptLeft;
ptLeft->numKeys = ptLeft->numKeys + ptRight->numKeys;
ptParent->keyArray[indexLeft] = ptRight->keyArray[ptRight->numKeys - 1];
if (ptParent == rootVerti && rootVerti->numKeys == 2) {
if (ptLeft->ptChildren[0] == NULL)
ptLeft->ptRightBrother = ptRight->ptRightBrother;
delete rootVerti;
delete ptRight;
rootVerti = ptLeft;
rootVerti->ptParent = NULL;
if (ptLeft->numKeys > MAXKEYS)
void smallNode(Node*& rootVerti, Node* pt) {
Node* ptParent = pt->ptParent, * ptLeft, * ptRight;
int index = searchNode(ptParent,pt->keyArray[pt->numKeys - 1]);
if (index == 0) {
ptRight = ptParent->ptChildren[index + 1];
if (pt->ptChildren[0] == NULL && ptRight->numKeys > MINKEYS) {
insertNode(rootVerti, pt, pt->numKeys, ptRight->keyArray[0], NULL);
deleteKeyFromNode(rootVerti, ptRight, 0, NULL);
combine(rootVerti, ptParent, 0, 1, pt, ptRight);
else if (index == ptParent->numKeys - 1) {
ptLeft = ptParent->ptChildren[index - 1];
if (pt->ptChildren[0] == NULL && ptParent->ptChildren[index - 1]->numKeys > MINKEYS) {
insertNode(rootVerti, pt, 0, ptLeft->keyArray[ptLeft->numKeys - 1], NULL);
deleteKeyFromNode(rootVerti, ptLeft, ptLeft->numKeys - 1, NULL);
combine(rootVerti,ptParent,index - 1,index,ptLeft,pt);
else {
ptLeft = ptParent->ptChildren[index - 1];
ptRight = ptParent->ptChildren[index + 1];
if (pt->ptChildren[0] == NULL)
if (ptLeft->numKeys > MINKEYS) {
insertNode(rootVerti, pt, 0, ptLeft->keyArray[ptLeft->numKeys - 1], NULL);
deleteKeyFromNode(rootVerti, ptLeft, ptLeft->numKeys - 1, NULL);
else if (ptRight->numKeys > MINKEYS) {
insertNode(rootVerti, pt, pt->numKeys, ptRight->keyArray[0], NULL);
deleteKeyFromNode(rootVerti, ptRight, 0, NULL);
combine(rootVerti,ptParent,index,index + 1,pt,ptRight);
bool deleteKeyFromTree(Node*& rootVerti, int key, Node*& rootHoriz) {
Result result = searchTree(rootVerti,key);
if (result.findOrNot == false)
return false;
if (result.pt->ptChildren[0] != NULL) {
Node* ptTemp = result.pt->ptChildren[result.index];
while (ptTemp->ptChildren[0] != NULL)
ptTemp = ptTemp->ptChildren[ptTemp->numKeys - 1];
deleteKeyFromNode(rootVerti, ptTemp, ptTemp->numKeys - 1,NULL);
else if (result.pt == rootVerti && rootVerti->numKeys == 1) {
delete rootVerti;
rootVerti = rootHoriz = NULL;
return true;
接着是测试结果,30个数字的大 B+ 树。一一从树中删除到空树。足够的测试才可以检验程序全面的性能。 
 具体分析补充明天再说。程序变量命名见名知意,易于理解和跟踪程序。 谢谢阅读。