int main (int arg,char *argv[])
int distance = 100;
float power = 2.345f;
double super_power = 56789.4532;
char initial = 'A';
char first_name[] = "zed";
char last_name[] = "shaw";
printf("you are %d miles away.\n",distance);
printf("you have %f levels of power.\n",power);
printf("you have %f awesome super power.\n",super_power);
printf("I have an initial %c.\n",initial);
printf("I have a first name %s.\n",first_name);
printf("I have a last name %s.\n",last_name);
int bug = 100;
double bug_rate = 1.2;
printf("YOu have %d,%f.\n",bug,bug_rate);
long universe_of_detects = 1L * 1024L * 1024L * 1024L;
printf("universe_of_detects = %ld",universe_of_detects);
return 0;
重点问题(1)int和long最大多少 可以发现原数据中的定义long变为int还是满足数据长度 long再乘以10倍发现已经报错 warning: integer overflow in expression of type ‘long int’ results in ‘-2147483648’ [-Woverflow] long universe_of_detects = 1L * 10240L * 1024L * 1024L; (2)%c和%s使用问题 字符用字符串打印会报错
char initial = ‘A’; //这个是定义一个字符,注意‘’单引号。 char initial =“A”; //这个是定义一个字符串,注意”“双引号。