《C++ Primer》第15章 面向对象程序设计
15.9节 文本查询程序再探 习题答案
(a) Query(s1) | Query(s2) & ~Query(s3);
(b) Query(s1) | (Query(s2) & ~Query(s3));
(c) (Query(s1) | Query(s2)) | ( Query(s3) & Query(s4)));
(c)共创建 14个对象:7个Query_base对象及其相关联的句柄。7个Query_ base对象分别是4个WordQuery对象,2个AndQuery对象,1个OrQuery对象。
WordQuery(std::string &)
Query(const std::string &)
WordQuery(std::string &)
Query(const std::string &)
WordQuery(std::string &)
Query(const std::string &)
BinaryQuery(Query, Query, std::string)
AndQuery(Query, Query)
BinaryQuery(Query, Query, std::string)
Query(std::shared_ptr<Query_base> query)
BinaryQuery(Query, Query, std::string)
OrQuery(Query, Query)
Query(std::shared_ptr<Query_base> query)
BinaryQuery, Query, WordQuery, Query, BinaryQuery, Query, WordQuery,
Query, WordQuery, BinaryQuery, Query, WordQuery, Query, WordQuery,
BinaryQuery, Query, WordQuery, Query, BinaryQuery, Query, WordQuery,
Query, WordQuery, Query, BinaryQuery, Query, WordQuery, Query, BinaryQuery,
Query, WordQuery, Query, WordQuery
Alice Emma has long flowing red hair.
Her Daddy says when the wind blows
through her hair, it looks almost alive,
like a fiery bird in flight.
A beautiful fiery bird, he tells her,
magical but untamed.
"Daddy, shush, there is no such thing,"
she tells him, at the same time wanting
him to tell her more.
Shyly, she asks, "I mean, Daddy, is there?"
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <map>
#include <set>
#include <fstream>
class QueryResult
friend std::ostream& print(std::ostream&, const QueryResult&);
typedef std::vector<std::string>::size_type line_no;
typedef std::set<line_no>::const_iterator line_it;
QueryResult(std::string s, std::shared_ptr<std::set<line_no>> p,
std::shared_ptr<std::vector<std::string>> f):
sought(s), lines(p), file(f) { }
std::set<line_no>::size_type size() const
return lines->size();
line_it begin() const
return lines->cbegin();
line_it end() const
return lines->cend();
std::shared_ptr<std::vector<std::string>> get_file()
return file;
std::string sought; // word this query represents
std::shared_ptr<std::set<line_no>> lines; // lines it's on
std::shared_ptr<std::vector<std::string>> file; //input file
std::ostream &print(std::ostream&, const QueryResult&);
class QueryResult; // declaration needed for return type in the query function
class TextQuery
using line_no = std::vector<std::string>::size_type;
QueryResult query(const std::string&) const;
void display_map(); // debugging aid: print the map
std::shared_ptr<std::vector<std::string>> file; // input file
// maps each word to the set of the lines in which that word appears
std::map<std::string, std::shared_ptr<std::set<line_no>>> wm;
// canonicalizes text: removes punctuation and makes everything lower case
static std::string cleanup_str(const std::string&);
#include "TextQuery.h"
#include "make_plural.h"
#include <cstddef>
#include <memory>
#include <sstream>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <map>
#include <set>
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <cctype>
#include <cstring>
#include <utility>
using std::size_t;
using std::shared_ptr;
using std::istringstream;
using std::string;
using std::getline;
using std::vector;
using std::map;
using std::set;
using std::cerr;
using std::cout;
using std::cin;
using std::ostream;
using std::endl;
using std::ifstream;
using std::ispunct;
using std::tolower;
using std::strlen;
using std::pair;
//把每一行放入text, 存入file(vector), 组成word和行号(set)的映射
// read the input file and build the map of lines to line numbers
TextQuery::TextQuery(ifstream &is): file(new vector<string>)
string text;
while (getline(is, text)) { // for each line in the file
file->push_back(text); // remember this line of text
int n = file->size() - 1; // the current line number
istringstream line(text); // separate the line into words
string word;
while (line >> word) { // for each word in that line
word = cleanup_str(word);
// if word isn't already in wm, subscripting adds a new entry
auto &lines = wm[word]; // lines is a shared_ptr
if (!lines) // that pointer is null the first time we see word
lines.reset(new set<line_no>); // allocate a new set
lines->insert(n); // insert this line number
// not covered in the book -- cleanup_str removes
// punctuation and converts all text to lowercase so that
// the queries operate in a case insensitive manner
string TextQuery::cleanup_str(const string &word)
string ret;
for (auto it = word.begin(); it != word.end(); ++it) {
if (!ispunct(*it))
ret += tolower(*it);
return ret;
QueryResult TextQuery::query(const string &sought) const
// we'll return a pointer to this set if we don't find sought
static shared_ptr<set<line_no>> nodata(new set<line_no>);
// use find and not a subscript to avoid adding words to wm!
auto loc = wm.find(cleanup_str(sought));
if (loc == wm.end())
return QueryResult(sought, nodata, file); // not found
return QueryResult(sought, loc->second, file);
ostream &print(ostream & os, const QueryResult &qr)
// if the word was found, print the count and all occurrences
os << qr.sought << " occurs " << qr.lines->size() << " "
<< make_plural(qr.lines->size(), "time", "s") << endl;
// print each line in which the word appeared
for (auto num : *qr.lines) // for every element in the set
// don't confound the user with text lines starting at 0
os << "\t(line " << num + 1 << ") "
<< *(qr.file->begin() + num) << endl;
return os;
// debugging routine, not covered in the book
void TextQuery::display_map()
auto iter = wm.cbegin(), iter_end = wm.cend();
// for each word in the map
for ( ; iter != iter_end; ++iter) {
cout << "word: " << iter->first << " {";
// fetch location vector as a const reference to avoid copying it
auto text_locs = iter->second;
auto loc_iter = text_locs->cbegin(),
loc_iter_end = text_locs->cend();
// print all line numbers for this word
while (loc_iter != loc_iter_end)
cout << *loc_iter;
if (++loc_iter != loc_iter_end)
cout << ", ";
cout << "}\n"; // end list of output this word
cout << endl; // finished printing entire map
#include <cstddef>
using std::size_t;
#include <string>
using std::string;
#include <iostream>
using std::cout;
using std::endl;
// return the plural version of word if ctr is greater than 1
string make_plural(size_t ctr, const string &word,
const string &ending)
return (ctr > 1) ? word + ending : word;
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <sstream>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <memory>
#include <algorithm>
#include <iterator>
#include <set>//multiset
#include <map>
#include "TextQuery.h"
using namespace std;
/*抽象基类, 没有public成员*/
class Query_base
friend class Query;
using line_no = TextQuery::line_no;//用于eval函数
virtual ~Query_base() = default;
virtual QueryResult eval (const TextQuery &) const = 0; //纯虚函数
virtual std::string rep() const = 0;
class Query
friend Query operator~ (const Query &); //取反
friend Query operator| (const Query&, const Query&); //取或
friend Query operator& (const Query&, const Query&); //取交
Query(const std::string &);//构建一个新的WordQuery
QueryResult eval(const TextQuery &t) const
return q->eval(t);
std::string rep() const
return q->rep();
Query(shared_ptr<Query_base> query)
shared_ptr<Query_base> q;
std::ostream & operator<<(std::ostream &os, const Query &query)
return os << query.rep();
class WordQuery : public Query_base
friend class Query;
WordQuery (const std::string &s) : query_word (s)
QueryResult eval (const TextQuery &t) const
return t.query(query_word);
std::string rep() const
return query_word;
std::string query_word;
inline Query::Query (const std::string &s) : q(new WordQuery(s))
class NotQuery : public Query_base
friend Query operator~ (const Query &); //友元是取反函数
NotQuery (const Query &q) : query(q)
std::string rep() const
return "~("+query.rep()+")";
QueryResult eval (const TextQuery &t) const;
Query query;
//实现取反操作, 动态绑定NotQuery对象
//最终使用的是WordQuery类, Query构建需要WordQuery, 再传入NotQuery;
inline Query operator~ (const Query &operand)
return std::shared_ptr<Query_base> (new NotQuery(operand));
//二元查询, 没有eval, 则继承纯虚函数
class BinaryQuery : public Query_base
BinaryQuery (const Query &l, const Query &r, std::string s) :
lhs(l), rhs(r), opSym(s)
std::string rep() const
return "(" + lhs.rep() + " " + opSym + " " + rhs.rep() + ")";
Query lhs, rhs;
std::string opSym;
class AndQuery : public BinaryQuery
friend Query operator& (const Query&, const Query&);
AndQuery (const Query& left, const Query& right) : BinaryQuery (left, right, "&")
QueryResult eval (const TextQuery&) const;
inline Query operator& (const Query& lhs, const Query& rhs)
return std::shared_ptr<Query_base>(new AndQuery(lhs, rhs));
class OrQuery : public BinaryQuery
friend Query operator| (const Query&, const Query&);
OrQuery (const Query& left, const Query& right) : BinaryQuery (left, right, "|")
QueryResult eval (const TextQuery&) const;
inline Query operator| (const Query& lhs, const Query& rhs)
return std::shared_ptr<Query_base>(new OrQuery(lhs, rhs));
QueryResult OrQuery::eval(const TextQuery& text) const
auto right = rhs.eval(text), left = lhs.eval(text);
auto ret_lines = std::make_shared<std::set<line_no> >(left.begin(), left.end());
ret_lines->insert(right.begin(), right.end());
return QueryResult(rep(), ret_lines, left.get_file());
QueryResult AndQuery::eval(const TextQuery& text) const
auto left = lhs.eval(text), right = rhs.eval(text); //调用的是WordQuery的eval
auto ret_lines = std::make_shared<std::set<line_no>>();
std::set_intersection(left.begin(), left.end(), right.begin(), right.end(),
std::inserter(*ret_lines, ret_lines->begin()));
return QueryResult(rep(), ret_lines, left.get_file());
QueryResult NotQuery::eval(const TextQuery& text) const
auto result = query.eval(text); //调用WordQuery.eval;
auto ret_lines = std::make_shared<std::set<line_no>>();
auto beg = result.begin(), end = result.end();
auto sz = result.get_file()->size();
for (size_t n=0; n!=sz; ++n)
if (beg==end || *beg != n )
else if (beg!=end)
return QueryResult(rep(), ret_lines, result.get_file());
bool get_word(std::string& str)
std::cout << "enter word to look for, or q to quit: " << std::endl;
if ( !(std::cin >> str) || str == "q")
std::cout << str;
return false;
std::cout << str;
return true;
int main(int argc, const char *argv[])
std::ifstream infile;
TextQuery file = infile;
Query q = Query("fiery") & Query("bird") | Query("wind");
const auto results = q.eval(file);
std::cout << "\nExecuting Query for: " << q << endl;
print(cout, results) << endl;
return 0;
BinaryQuery a = Query("fiery") & Query("bird");
AndQuery b = Query("fiery") & Query("bird");
OrQuery c = Query("flery") & Query("bird")
除了将成员q的类型改为Query_base*外,还需增加引用计数成员int* uc,并增加拷贝构造函数、拷贝赋值运算符和析构函数。具体方法参考第13章的练习即可。当然,其他用到q的地方也需要进行修改。
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <string>
#include <sstream>
#include <vector>
#include <memory>
#include <algorithm>
#include <iterator>
#include <set>//multiset
#include <map>
#include "TextQuery.h"
using namespace std;
//抽象基类, 没有public成员
class Query_base
friend class Query;
using line_no = TextQuery::line_no;//用于eval函数
virtual ~Query_base() = default;
virtual QueryResult eval(const TextQuery &) const = 0; //纯虚函数
virtual std::string rep() const = 0;
class Query
friend Query operator~(const Query &);//取反
friend Query operator|(const Query &, const Query &);//取或
friend Query operator&(const Query &, const Query &);//取与
Query(const std::string &);//构建一个新的WordQuery
Query(const Query &query)
:q(query.q), uc(query.uc)
Query& operator=(const Query& query);//拷贝赋值运算符
QueryResult eval(const TextQuery &t) const
return q->eval(t);
std::string rep() const
return q->rep();
Query(Query_base *query)
:q(query), uc(new int(1))
Query_base *q;
int *uc;
inline Query::~Query()
if(--*uc == 0)
delete q;
delete uc;
inline Query& Query::operator=(const Query& query)
if(--*uc == 0)
delete q;
q = NULL;
delete uc;
uc = NULL;
q = query.q;
uc = query.uc;
return *this;
class WordQuery: public Query_base
friend class Query;
WordQuery(const std::string &s)
QueryResult eval(const TextQuery &t) const
return t.query(query_word);
std::string rep() const
return query_word;
std::string query_word;
inline Query::Query(const std::string &s)
:q(new WordQuery(s)), uc(new int(1))
std::ostream& operator << (std::ostream &os, const Query &query)
return os << query.rep();
class NotQuery: public Query_base
friend Query operator~(const Query &);//友元是取反函数
NotQuery(const Query &q)
std::string rep() const
return "~(" + query.rep() + ")";
QueryResult eval(const TextQuery &t) const;
Query query;
//实现取反操作, 动态绑定NotQuery对象
//最终使用的是WordQuery类, Query构建需要WordQuery, 再传入NotQuery;
inline Query operator~(const Query &operand)
return new NotQuery(operand);
//二元查询, 没有eval, 则继承纯虚函数
class BinaryQuery: public Query_base
BinaryQuery(const Query &l, const Query &r, std::string s)
:lhs(l), rhs(r), opSym(s)
std::string rep() const
return "(" + lhs.rep() + " " + opSym + " " + rhs.rep() + ")";
Query lhs, rhs;
std::string opSym;
class AndQuery: public BinaryQuery
friend Query operator&(const Query &, const Query &);
AndQuery(const Query &left, const Query &right)
:BinaryQuery(left, right, "&")
QueryResult eval(const TextQuery &) const;
inline Query operator&(const Query &lhs, const Query &rhs)
return new AndQuery(lhs, rhs);
class OrQuery: public BinaryQuery
friend Query operator|(const Query &, const Query &);
OrQuery(const Query &left, const Query &right)
:BinaryQuery(left, right, "|")
QueryResult eval(const TextQuery &) const;
inline Query operator|(const Query &lhs, const Query &rhs)
return new OrQuery(lhs, rhs);
QueryResult OrQuery::eval(const TextQuery &text) const
auto right = rhs.eval(text);
auto left = lhs.eval(text);
auto ret_lines = std::make_shared<std::set<line_no>>(left.begin(), left.end());
ret_lines->insert(right.begin(), right.end());
return QueryResult(rep(), ret_lines, left.get_file());
QueryResult AndQuery::eval(const TextQuery &text) const
auto left = lhs.eval(text), right = rhs.eval(text);//调用的是WordQuery的eval
auto ret_lines = std::make_shared<std::set<line_no>>();
std::set_intersection(left.begin(), left.end(), right.begin(), right.end(),
std::inserter(*ret_lines, ret_lines->begin()));
return QueryResult(rep(), ret_lines, left.get_file());
QueryResult NotQuery::eval(const TextQuery &text) const
auto result = query.eval(text);//调用WordQuery.eval;
auto ret_lines = std::make_shared<std::set<line_no>>();
auto beg = result.begin(), end = result.end();
auto sz = result.get_file()->size();
for(size_t n = 0; n != sz; ++n)
if(beg == end || *beg !=n)
else if(beg != end)
return QueryResult(rep(), ret_lines, result.get_file());
bool get_word(std::string &str)
std::cout << "enter word to look for, or q to quit:" << std::endl;
if(!(std::cin >> str) || str == "q")
std::cout << str;
return false;
std::cout << str;
return true;
int main(int argc, const char *argv[])
std::ifstream infile;
TextQuery file = infile;
Query q = Query("fiery") & Query("bird") | Query("wind");
const auto results = q.eval(file);
std::cout << "\nExecuting Query for:" << q << endl;
print(cout, results) << endl;
return 0;
TextQuery::TextQuery(ifstream &is)
:file(new vector<string>)
char ws[] = {'\t', '\r', '\v', '\f', '\n'};
char eos[] = {'?', '.', ',', '!'};
set<char> whiteSpace(ws, ws + 5);//空白符
set<char> endOfSentence(eos, eos + 3);//句子结束符
string sentence;
char ch;
if(!whiteSpace.count(ch)) //非空白符
sentence += ch;
int n = file->size() - 1;
istringstream is(sentence);
string word;
while(is >> word)
auto &lines = wm[word];
lines.reset(new set<line_no>);
bool get_word(string &str)
cout << "enter a word to search for, or q to quit, or h to history: ";
if(!(std::cin >> str) || str == "q")
std::cout << str;
return false;
std::cout << str;
return true;
int main(int argc, char **argv)
//TextQuery file = get_file(argc, argv);
std::ifstream infile;
TextQuery file = infile;
vector<array<string, 3>> h;
string sought1, sought2, sought3;
if(sought1 != "h")
cout << "\nenter second and third words:";
cin >> sought2 >> sought3;
Query q = Query(sought1) & Query(sought2) | Query(sought3);
h.push_back({sought1, sought2, sought3});
//h.push_back({sought1, sought2, sought3});
cout << "\nExecuting Query for: " << q << endl;
const auto results = q.eval(file);
print(cout, results, 0, 10);
else //用户输入了"h“,表示要提取历史查询
cout << "\nenter Query no.:";
int i;
cin >> i;
if(i < 1 || i > h.size()) //历史编号合法性检查
cout << "\nBad Query no." << endl;
Query q = Query(h[i - 1][0]) & Query(h[i - 1][1]) | Query(h[i - 1][2]);
cout << "\nExecuting Query for: " << q << endl;
const auto results = q.eval(file);
print(cout, results, 0, 10);
return 0;
ostream &print(ostream &os, const QueryResult &qr, int beg, int end)
os << qr.sought << " occures " << qr.lines->size() << " " << make_plural(qr.lines->size(), "time", "s") << endl;
for(auto num: *qr.lines)//对set中每个元素
if(num + 1 >= beg && num + 1 <= end)
os << "\t(line " << num + 1 << ") " << *(qr.file->begin() + num) << endl;
return os;