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   -> C++知识库 -> 判断二叉树的叶子是否在同一层 c++ -> 正文阅读

[C++知识库]判断二叉树的叶子是否在同一层 c++

Judge if the leaves of a tree are in the same level or not:

1. Iteration Version:

  • Description: ?

If the tree is null,return true. ?

Else,using the level order traversal to examine every levels of the tree and judge according to wheather all the leaves are at the same level.

  • Pseudocode: ?
Algoritm: SameLevel(node* root)
Input:a pointer of node pointing to a root of a tree.
Output:a bool which is true when all the leaves(if exsits) are at the same level and false vice versa.

queue<int> tem;
if root == NULL then  
    return true;
while tem.size() != 0 do
    flag <- -1; //-1 for uninitialized,0 for non-leaf nodes before,1 for leaves before
    size <- tem.size(); //record the node number of this level
    for i <- 0 to i < size do
        NodeTem <- tem.front();
        if NodeTem.leftc == NULL && Node.right == NULL then  
            if flag == -1 then
            flag <- 1;
            else if flag == 0 then
            return false;
            if flag == -1 then
            flag <- 0;
            else if flag == 1 then
            return false;
            //push the next level into the queue
            if nodeTem.leftc != NULL then  
            if nodeTem.rightc != NULL then  

return true;
  • Analysis: ?

? time : O(n)

? space : O(n)

  • Thoughts: ?

? 1. the key of this algorithm is how can we process the same level of a tree and how we judge the same level nodes.

? 2. i have wrote the pseudocode and it did help me figure out how i'll write the code but it's hard for me to make sure the correctness of the pseudocode and i still debug my code as if the pseudocode is somehow can i make the best of the pseudocode?

? 3. this is a rather explicit and strightforward method basicall just reinterpret the definition.

2. Recursion Version:

Description: ?

? Examine every node of the tree :

? if it has no children,then continue;

? if it has one child,then examine the child;

? if it has two children,then examine if the height of the two children is the same ?and then seperately examine the two children;

? until all the nodes are examined can we reach a conclusion.

  • ?Pseudocode:
Algoritm: SameLevel(node* root)

Input:a pointer of node pointing to a root of a (sub)tree.

Output:a bool which is true when all the leaves(if exsits) are at the same level and false vice versa.

int height(node* root);//return the height of the tree

if NodeTem.leftc == NULL && Node.rightc == NULL then

? ? return true

else if NodeTem.leftc != NULL && NodeTem.rightc == NULL then

? ? if SameLevel(NodeTem.leftc) then

? ? ? ? return true;

? ? else

? ? ? ? return false;

else if NodeTem.rightc != NULL && NodeTem.leftc == NULL then

? ? if SameLevel(NodeTem.rightc) then

? ? ? ? return true;

? ? else

? ? ? ? return false;


? ? if height(NodeTem.rightc) == height(NodeTem.leftc) && SameLevel(NodeTem.rightc) && SameLevel(NodeTem.leftc)

? ? ? ? return true;

? ? else

? ? ? ? return false;

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