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The following expressions are lvalue expressions:
the name of a variable, a function, a template parameter object (since C++20), or a data member, regardless of type, such as std::cin or std::endl. Even if the variable’s type is rvalue reference, the expression consisting of its name is an lvalue expression;
a function call or an overloaded operator expression of lvalue reference return type, such as std::getline(std::cin, str), std::cout << 1, str1 = str2, or ++it;
a = b, a += b, a %= b, and all other built-in assignment and compound assignment expressions;
++a and --a, the built-in pre-increment and pre-decrement expressions;
*p, the built-in indirection expression;
a[n] and p[n], the built-in subscript expressions, except where a is an array rvalue (since C++11);
a.m, the member of object expression, except where m is a member enumerator or a non-static member function, or where a is an rvalue and m is a non-static data member of non-reference type;
p->m, the built-in member of pointer expression, except where m is a member enumerator or a non-static member function;
a.*mp, the pointer to member of object expression, where a is an lvalue and mp is a pointer to data member;
p->*mp, the built-in pointer to member of pointer expression, where mp is a pointer to data member;
a, b, the built-in comma expression, where b is an lvalue;
a ? b : c, the ternary conditional expression for some a, b, and c;
a string literal, such as “Hello, world!”;
a cast expression to lvalue reference type, such as static_cast<int&>(x);
a function call or an overloaded operator expression of rvalue reference to function return type;
(C++ 11 类里面的指定左值返回类型的成员函数(即 class{ void fun()&; },fun是左值))
a cast expression to rvalue reference to function type, such as static_cast<void (&&)(int)>(x).
(C++ 11 右值强转函数类型)
Same as glvalue (below).
Address of an lvalue may be taken: &++i[1] and &std::endl are valid expressions.
A modifiable lvalue may be used as the left-hand operand of the built-in assignment and + compound assignment operators.
An lvalue may be used to initialize an lvalue reference; this associates a new name with the object identified by the expression.


The following expressions are prvalue expressions:
a literal (except for string literal), such as 42, true or nullptr;
a function call or an overloaded operator expression of non-reference return type, such as str.substr(1, 2), str1 + str2, or it++;
a++ and a–, the built-in post-increment and post-decrement expressions;
a + b, a % b, a & b, a << b, and all other built-in arithmetic expressions;
a && b, a || b, ~a, the built-in logical expressions;
a < b, a == b, a >= b, and all other built-in comparison expressions;
&a, the built-in address-of expression;
a.m, the member of object expression, where m is a member enumerator or a non-static member function[2], or where a is an rvalue and m is a non-static data member of non-reference type (until C++11);
p->m, the built-in member of pointer expression, where m is a member enumerator or a non-static member function[2];
a.*mp, the pointer to member of object expression, where mp is a pointer to member function[2], or where a is an rvalue and mp is a pointer to data member (until C++11);
p->*mp, the built-in pointer to member of pointer expression, where mp is a pointer to member function[2];
a, b, the built-in comma expression, where b is an rvalue;
a ? b : c, the ternary conditional expression for some a, b, and c;
a cast expression to non-reference type, such as static_cast(x), std::string{}, or (int)42;
the this pointer;
an enumerator;
non-type template parameter unless its type is a class or (since C++20) an lvalue reference type;
a lambda expression, such as [](int x){ return x * x; };(since C++11)
a requires-expression, such as requires (T i) { typename T::type; };
a specialization of a concept, such as std::equality_comparable.(since c++20)
Same as rvalue (below).
A prvalue cannot be polymorphic: the dynamic type of the object it identifies is always the type of the expression.
A non-class non-array prvalue cannot be cv-qualified. unless it is materialized in order to be bound to a reference to a cv-qualified type (since C++17). (Note: a function call or cast expression may result in a prvalue of non-class cv-qualified type, but the cv-qualifier is generally immediately stripped out.)
(不是class也不是数组的纯右值不能声明为cv限定符(const, volatile, const-volatile))
A prvalue cannot have incomplete type (except for type void, see below, or when used in decltype specifier).
A prvalue cannot have abstract class type or an array thereof.


The following expressions are xvalue expressions:

a function call or an overloaded operator expression of rvalue reference to object return type, such as std::move(x);
a[n], the built-in subscript expression, where one operand is an array rvalue ;
a.m, the member of object expression, where a is an rvalue and m is a non-static data member of non-reference type;
a.*mp, the pointer to member of object expression, where a is an rvalue and mp is a pointer to data member;
a ? b : c, the ternary conditional expression for some a, b, and c;
a cast expression to rvalue reference to object type, such as static_cast<char&&>(x).
any expression that designates a temporary object, after temporary materialization.(since C++17)
Same as rvalue (below).
Same as glvalue (below).
In particular, like all rvalues, xvalues bind to rvalue references, and like all glvalues, xvalues may be polymorphic, and non-class xvalues may be cv-qualified.

4、Mixed categories(混合类型)
A glvalue expression is either lvalue or xvalue.
A glvalue may be implicitly converted to a prvalue with lvalue-to-rvalue, array-to-pointer, or function-to-pointer implicit conversion.
A glvalue may be polymorphic: the dynamic type of the object it identifies is not necessarily the static type of the expression.
A glvalue can have incomplete type, where permitted by the expression.
An rvalue expression is either prvalue or xvalue.
Address of an rvalue cannot be taken by built-in address-of operator: &int(), &i++[3], &42, and &std::move(x) are invalid.
An rvalue can’t be used as the left-hand operand of the built-in assignment or compound assignment operators.
An rvalue may be used to initialize a const lvalue reference, in which case the lifetime of the object identified by the rvalue is extended until the scope of the reference ends.
An rvalue may be used to initialize an rvalue reference, in which case the lifetime of the object identified by the rvalue is extended until the scope of the reference ends.
When used as a function argument and when two overloads of the function are available, one taking rvalue reference parameter and the other taking lvalue reference to const parameter, an rvalue binds to the rvalue reference overload (thus, if both copy and move constructors are available, an rvalue argument invokes the move constructor, and likewise with copy and move assignment operators).(since C++11)
(当用作函数参数并且函数的两个重载可用时,一个采用右值引用参数,另一个采用左值引用 const 参数,右值绑定到右值引用重载(因此,如果复制和移动构造函数都可用,右值参数调用移动构造函数,同样使用复制和移动赋值运算符))

5、Special categories(特殊类型)
Pending member function call(挂起的成员函数调用)
The expressions and p->mf, where mf is a non-static member function, and the expressions a.*pmf and p->*pmf, where pmf is a pointer to member function, are classified as prvalue expressions, but they cannot be used to initialize references, as function arguments, or for any purpose at all, except as the left-hand argument of the function call operator, e.g. (p->*pmf)(args).

Void expressions(空表达式)
Function call expressions returning void, cast expressions to void, and throw-expressions are classified as prvalue expressions, but they cannot be used to initialize references or as function arguments. They can be used in discarded-value contexts (e.g. on a line of its own, as the left-hand operand of the comma operator, etc.) and in the return statement in a function returning void. In addition, throw-expressions may be used as the second and the third operands of the conditional operator ?:.
(函数调用表达式返回 void, 将表达式转换为void, 和throw 表达式被归类为纯右值表达式,但它们不能用于初始化引用或作为函数参数。它们可以用在丢弃值的上下文中(例如,在它自己的一行中,作为逗号运算符的左侧操作数等)和返回 函数中的语句返回void, 此外,抛出表达式可以用作条件运算符 ?:的第二个和第三个操作数。)

Void expressions have no result object.(since C++17)
Bit fields(位域)
An expression that designates a bit field (e.g. a.m, where a is an lvalue of type struct A { int m: 3; }) is a glvalue expression: it may be used as the left-hand operand of the assignment operator, but its address cannot be taken and a non-const lvalue reference cannot be bound to it. A const lvalue reference or rvalue reference can be initialized from a bit-field glvalue, but a temporary copy of the bit-field will be made: it won’t bind to the bit field directly.
(指定位域的表达式(例如一种。米, 其中a是类型的左值struct A { int m : 3 ; }) 是一个泛左值表达式:它可以用作赋值运算符的左手操作数,但它的地址不能被获取并且非const 左值引用不能绑定到它。const 左值引用或右值引用可以从位域泛左值初始化,但会生成位域的临时副本:它不会直接绑定到位域。)



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