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[C++知识库]C++ Primer Plus(第六版)第15章 友元、异常和其他


// tv.h -- Tv and Remote classes
#ifndef TV_H_
#define TV_H_

class Tv
	friend class Remote;   // Remote can access Tv private parts
	enum { Off, On };
	enum { MinVal, MaxVal = 20 };
	enum { Antenna, Cable };
	enum { TV, DVD };

	Tv(int s = Off, int mc = 125) : state(s), volume(5),
		maxchannel(mc), channel(2), mode(Cable), input(TV) {}
	void onoff() { state = (state == On) ? Off : On; }
	bool ison() const { return state == On; }
	bool volup();
	bool voldown();
	void chanup();
	void chandown();
	void set_mode() { mode = (mode == Antenna) ? Cable : Antenna; }
	void set_input() { input = (input == TV) ? DVD : TV; }
	void settings() const; // display all settings
	int state;             // on or off
	int volume;            // assumed to be digitized
	int maxchannel;        // maximum number of channels
	int channel;           // current channel setting
	int mode;              // broadcast or cable
	int input;             // TV or DVD

class Remote
	int mode;              // controls TV or DVD
	Remote(int m = Tv::TV) : mode(m) {}
	bool volup(Tv & t) { return t.volup(); }
	bool voldown(Tv & t) { return t.voldown(); }
	void onoff(Tv & t) { t.onoff(); }
	void chanup(Tv & t) { t.chanup(); }
	void chandown(Tv & t) { t.chandown(); }
	void set_chan(Tv & t, int c) { = c; }
	void set_mode(Tv & t) { t.set_mode(); }
	void set_input(Tv & t) { t.set_input(); }


// tv.cpp -- methods for the Tv class (Remote methods are inline)
#include <iostream>
#include "tv.h"

bool Tv::volup()
	if (volume < MaxVal)
		return true;
		return false;
bool Tv::voldown()
	if (volume > MinVal)
		return true;
		return false;

void Tv::chanup()
	if (channel < maxchannel)
		channel = 1;

void Tv::chandown()
	if (channel > 1)
		channel = maxchannel;

void Tv::settings() const
	using std::cout;
	using std::endl;
	cout << "TV is " << (state == Off ? "Off" : "On") << endl;
	if (state == On)
		cout << "Volume setting = " << volume << endl;
		cout << "Channel setting = " << channel << endl;
		cout << "Mode = "
			<< (mode == Antenna ? "antenna" : "cable") << endl;
		cout << "Input = "
			<< (input == TV ? "TV" : "DVD") << endl;


//use_tv.cpp -- using the Tv and Remote classes
#include <iostream>
#include "tv.h"

int main()
	using std::cout;
	Tv s42;
	cout << "Initial settings for 42\" TV:\n";
	cout << "\nAdjusted settings for 42\" TV:\n";

	Remote grey;

	grey.set_chan(s42, 10);
	cout << "\n42\" settings after using remote:\n";

	Tv s58(Tv::On);
	grey.set_chan(s58, 28);
	cout << "\n58\" settings:\n";
	// std::cin.get();
	return 0;


Initial settings for 42" TV:
TV is Off

Adjusted settings for 42" TV:
TV is On
Volume setting = 5
Channel setting = 3
Mode = cable
Input = TV

42" settings after using remote:
TV is On
Volume setting = 7
Channel setting = 10
Mode = cable
Input = TV

58" settings:
TV is On
Volume setting = 5
Channel setting = 28
Mode = antenna
Input = TV


// tvfm.h -- Tv and Remote classes using a friend member
#ifndef TVFM_H_
#define TVFM_H_

class Tv;                       // forward declaration

class Remote
	enum State { Off, On };
	enum { MinVal, MaxVal = 20 };
	enum { Antenna, Cable };
	enum { TV, DVD };
	int mode;
	Remote(int m = TV) : mode(m) {}
	bool volup(Tv & t);         // prototype only
	bool voldown(Tv & t);
	void onoff(Tv & t);
	void chanup(Tv & t);
	void chandown(Tv & t);
	void set_mode(Tv & t);
	void set_input(Tv & t);
	void set_chan(Tv & t, int c);

class Tv
	friend void Remote::set_chan(Tv & t, int c);
	enum State { Off, On };
	enum { MinVal, MaxVal = 20 };
	enum { Antenna, Cable };
	enum { TV, DVD };

	Tv(int s = Off, int mc = 125) : state(s), volume(5),
		maxchannel(mc), channel(2), mode(Cable), input(TV) {}
	void onoff() { state = (state == On) ? Off : On; }
	bool ison() const { return state == On; }
	bool volup();
	bool voldown();
	void chanup();
	void chandown();
	void set_mode() { mode = (mode == Antenna) ? Cable : Antenna; }
	void set_input() { input = (input == TV) ? DVD : TV; }
	void settings() const;
	int state;
	int volume;
	int maxchannel;
	int channel;
	int mode;
	int input;

// Remote methods as inline functions
inline bool Remote::volup(Tv & t) { return t.volup(); }
inline bool Remote::voldown(Tv & t) { return t.voldown(); }
inline void Remote::onoff(Tv & t) { t.onoff(); }
inline void Remote::chanup(Tv & t) { t.chanup(); }
inline void Remote::chandown(Tv & t) { t.chandown(); }
inline void Remote::set_mode(Tv & t) { t.set_mode(); }
inline void Remote::set_input(Tv & t) { t.set_input(); }
inline void Remote::set_chan(Tv & t, int c) { = c; }


// tv1.cpp -- methods for the Tv class (Remote methods are inline)
#include <iostream>
#include "tvfm.h"

bool Tv::volup()
	if (volume < MaxVal)
		return true;
		return false;
bool Tv::voldown()
	if (volume > MinVal)
		return true;
		return false;

void Tv::chanup()
	if (channel < maxchannel)
		channel = 1;

void Tv::chandown()
	if (channel > 1)
		channel = maxchannel;

void Tv::settings() const
	using std::cout;
	using std::endl;
	cout << "TV is " << (state == Off ? "Off" : "On") << endl;
	if (state == On)
		cout << "Volume setting = " << volume << endl;
		cout << "Channel setting = " << channel << endl;
		cout << "Mode = "
			<< (mode == Antenna ? "antenna" : "cable") << endl;
		cout << "Input = "
			<< (input == TV ? "TV" : "DVD") << endl;


//use_tv1.cpp -- using the Tv and Remote classes
#include <iostream>
#include "tvfm.h"

int main()
	using std::cout;
	Tv s42;
	cout << "Initial settings for 42\" TV:\n";
	cout << "\nAdjusted settings for 42\" TV:\n";

	Remote grey;

	grey.set_chan(s42, 10);
	cout << "\n42\" settings after using remote:\n";

	Tv s58(Tv::On);
	grey.set_chan(s58, 28);
	cout << "\n58\" settings:\n";
	// std::cin.get();
	return 0;


Initial settings for 42" TV:
TV is Off

Adjusted settings for 42" TV:
TV is On
Volume setting = 5
Channel setting = 3
Mode = cable
Input = TV

42" settings after using remote:
TV is On
Volume setting = 7
Channel setting = 10
Mode = cable
Input = TV

58" settings:
TV is On
Volume setting = 5
Channel setting = 28
Mode = antenna
Input = TV


// queuetp.h -- queue template with a nested class
#ifndef QUEUETP_H_
#define QUEUETP_H_

template <class Item>
class QueueTP
	enum { Q_SIZE = 10 };
	// Node is a nested class definition
	class Node
		Item item;
		Node * next;
		Node(const Item & i) :item(i), next(0) { }
	Node * front;       // pointer to front of Queue
	Node * rear;        // pointer to rear of Queue
	int items;          // current number of items in Queue
	const int qsize;    // maximum number of items in Queue
	QueueTP(const QueueTP & q) : qsize(0) {}
	QueueTP & operator=(const QueueTP & q) { return *this; }
	QueueTP(int qs = Q_SIZE);
	bool isempty() const
		return items == 0;
	bool isfull() const
		return items == qsize;
	int queuecount() const
		return items;
	bool enqueue(const Item &item); // add item to end
	bool dequeue(Item &item);       // remove item from front

// QueueTP methods
template <class Item>
QueueTP<Item>::QueueTP(int qs) : qsize(qs)
	front = rear = 0;
	items = 0;

template <class Item>
	Node * temp;
	while (front != 0)      // while queue is not yet empty
		temp = front;       // save address of front item
		front = front->next;// reset pointer to next item
		delete temp;        // delete former front

// Add item to queue
template <class Item>
bool QueueTP<Item>::enqueue(const Item & item)
	if (isfull())
		return false;
	Node * add = new Node(item);    // create node
// on failure, new throws std::bad_alloc exception
	if (front == 0)         // if queue is empty,
		front = add;        // place item at front
		rear->next = add;   // else place at rear
	rear = add;             // have rear point to new node
	return true;

// Place front item into item variable and remove from queue
template <class Item>
bool QueueTP<Item>::dequeue(Item & item)
	if (front == 0)
		return false;
	item = front->item;     // set item to first item in queue
	Node * temp = front;    // save location of first item
	front = front->next;    // reset front to next item
	delete temp;            // delete former first item
	if (items == 0)
		rear = 0;
	return true;



// nested.cpp -- using a queue that has a nested class
#include <iostream>

#include <string>
#include "queuetp.h"

int main()
	using std::string;
	using std::cin;
	using std::cout;

	QueueTP<string> cs(5);
	string temp;

	while (!cs.isfull())
		cout << "Please enter your name. You will be "
			"served in the order of arrival.\n"
			"name: ";
		getline(cin, temp);
	cout << "The queue is full. Processing begins!\n";

	while (!cs.isempty())
		cout << "Now processing " << temp << "...\n";
	// cin.get();
	return 0;


Please enter your name. You will be served in the order of arrival.
name: Kinsey Millhone
Please enter your name. You will be served in the order of arrival.
name: Adam Dalgliesh
Please enter your name. You will be served in the order of arrival.
name: Andrew Dalziel
Please enter your name. You will be served in the order of arrival.
name: Kay Scarpetta
Please enter your name. You will be served in the order of arrival.
name: Richard Jury
The queue is full. Processing begins!
Now processing Kinsey Millhone...
Now processing Adam Dalgliesh...
Now processing Andrew Dalziel...
Now processing Kay Scarpetta...
Now processing Richard Jury...


//error1.cpp -- using the abort() function
#include <iostream>
#include <cstdlib>
double hmean(double a, double b);

int main()
	double x, y, z;

	std::cout << "Enter two numbers: ";
	while (std::cin >> x >> y)
		z = hmean(x, y);
		std::cout << "Harmonic mean of " << x << " and " << y
			<< " is " << z << std::endl;
		std::cout << "Enter next set of numbers <q to quit>: ";
	std::cout << "Bye!\n";
	return 0;

double hmean(double a, double b)
	if (a == -b)
		std::cout << "untenable arguments to hmean()\n";
	return 2.0 * a * b / (a + b);


Enter two numbers: 3 6
Harmonic mean of 3 and 6 is 4
Enter next set of numbers <q to quit>: 10 -10
untenable arguments to hmean()


//error2.cpp -- returning an error code
#include <iostream>
#include <cfloat>  // (or float.h) for DBL_MAX

bool hmean(double a, double b, double * ans);

int main()
	double x, y, z;

	std::cout << "Enter two numbers: ";
	while (std::cin >> x >> y)
		if (hmean(x, y, &z))
			std::cout << "Harmonic mean of " << x << " and " << y
			<< " is " << z << std::endl;
			std::cout << "One value should not be the negative "
			<< "of the other - try again.\n";
		std::cout << "Enter next set of numbers <q to quit>: ";
	std::cout << "Bye!\n";
	return 0;

bool hmean(double a, double b, double * ans)
	if (a == -b)
		*ans = DBL_MAX;
		return false;
		*ans = 2.0 * a * b / (a + b);
		return true;


Enter two numbers: 3 6
Harmonic mean of 3 and 6 is 4
Enter next set of numbers <q to quit>: 10 -10
One value should not be the negative of the other - try again.
Enter next set of numbers <q to quit>: 1 19
Harmonic mean of 1 and 19 is 1.9
Enter next set of numbers <q to quit>: q


// error3.cpp -- using an exception
#include <iostream>
double hmean(double a, double b);

int main()
	double x, y, z;

	std::cout << "Enter two numbers: ";
	while (std::cin >> x >> y)
		try {                   // start of try block
			z = hmean(x, y);
		}                       // end of try block
		catch (const char * s)  // start of exception handler
			std::cout << s << std::endl;
			std::cout << "Enter a new pair of numbers: ";
		}                       // end of handler
		std::cout << "Harmonic mean of " << x << " and " << y
			<< " is " << z << std::endl;
		std::cout << "Enter next set of numbers <q to quit>: ";
	std::cout << "Bye!\n";
	return 0;

double hmean(double a, double b)
	if (a == -b)
		throw "bad hmean() arguments: a = -b not allowed";
	return 2.0 * a * b / (a + b);


Enter two numbers: 3 6
Harmonic mean of 3 and 6 is 4
Enter next set of numbers <q to quit>: 10 -10
One value should not be the negative of the other - try again.
Enter next set of numbers <q to quit>: 1 19
Harmonic mean of 1 and 19 is 1.9
Enter next set of numbers <q to quit>: q


// exc_mean.h  -- exception classes for hmean(), gmean()
#include <iostream>

class bad_hmean
	double v1;
	double v2;
	bad_hmean(double a = 0, double b = 0) : v1(a), v2(b) {}
	void mesg();

inline void bad_hmean::mesg()
	std::cout << "hmean(" << v1 << ", " << v2 << "): "
		<< "invalid arguments: a = -b\n";

class bad_gmean
	double v1;
	double v2;
	bad_gmean(double a = 0, double b = 0) : v1(a), v2(b) {}
	const char * mesg();

inline const char * bad_gmean::mesg()
	return "gmean() arguments should be >= 0\n";


//error4.cpp using exception classes
#include <iostream>
#include <cmath> // or math.h, unix users may need -lm flag
#include "exc_mean.h"
// function prototypes
double hmean(double a, double b);
double gmean(double a, double b);
int main()
    using std::cout;
    using std::cin;
    using std::endl;
    double x, y, z;

    cout << "Enter two numbers: ";
    while (cin >> x >> y)
        try {                  // start of try block
            z = hmean(x,y);
            cout << "Harmonic mean of " << x << " and " << y
                << " is " << z << endl;
            cout << "Geometric mean of " << x << " and " << y
                << " is " << gmean(x,y) << endl;
            cout << "Enter next set of numbers <q to quit>: ";
        }// end of try block
        catch (bad_hmean & bg)    // start of catch block
            cout << "Try again.\n";
        catch (bad_gmean & hg) 
            cout << hg.mesg();
            cout << "Values used: " << hg.v1 << ", " 
                 << hg.v2 << endl;
            cout << "Sorry, you don't get to play any more.\n";
        } // end of catch block
    cout << "Bye!\n";
    // cin.get();
    // cin.get();
    return 0;

double hmean(double a, double b)
    if (a == -b)
        throw bad_hmean(a,b);
    return 2.0 * a * b / (a + b);

double gmean(double a, double b)
    if (a < 0 || b < 0)
        throw bad_gmean(a,b);
    return std::sqrt(a * b); 


Enter two numbers: 4 12
Harmonic mean of 4 and 12 is 6
Geometric mean of 4 and 12 is 6.9282
Enter next set of numbers <q to quit>: 5 -5
hmean(5, -5): invalid arguments: a = -b
Try again.
5 -2
Harmonic mean of 5 and -2 is -6.66667
gmean() arguments should be >= 0
Values used: 5, -2
Sorry, you don't get to play any more.


//error5.cpp -- unwinding the stack
#include <iostream>
#include <cmath> // or math.h, unix users may need -lm flag
#include <string>
#include "exc_mean.h"

class demo
	std::string word;
	demo(const std::string & str)

		word = str;
		std::cout << "demo " << word << " created\n";
		std::cout << "demo " << word << " destroyed\n";
	void show() const
		std::cout << "demo " << word << " lives!\n";

// function prototypes
double hmean(double a, double b);
double gmean(double a, double b);
double means(double a, double b);

int main()
	using std::cout;
	using std::cin;
	using std::endl;

	double x, y, z;
		demo d1("found in block in main()");
		cout << "Enter two numbers: ";
		while (cin >> x >> y)
			try {                  // start of try block
				z = means(x, y);
				cout << "The mean mean of " << x << " and " << y
					<< " is " << z << endl;
				cout << "Enter next pair: ";
			} // end of try block
			catch (bad_hmean & bg)    // start of catch block
				cout << "Try again.\n";
			catch (bad_gmean & hg)
				cout << hg.mesg();
				cout << "Values used: " << hg.v1 << ", "
					<< hg.v2 << endl;
				cout << "Sorry, you don't get to play any more.\n";
			} // end of catch block
	cout << "Bye!\n";
	// cin.get();
	// cin.get();
	return 0;

double hmean(double a, double b)
	if (a == -b)
		throw bad_hmean(a, b);
	return 2.0 * a * b / (a + b);

double gmean(double a, double b)
	if (a < 0 || b < 0)
		throw bad_gmean(a, b);
	return std::sqrt(a * b);

double means(double a, double b)
	double am, hm, gm;
	demo d2("found in means()");
	am = (a + b) / 2.0;    // arithmetic mean
		hm = hmean(a, b);
		gm = gmean(a, b);
	catch (bad_hmean & bg) // start of catch block
		std::cout << "Caught in means()\n";
		throw;             // rethrows the exception 
	return (am + hm + gm) / 3.0;


demo found in block in main() created
Enter two numbers: 6 12
demo found in means() created
demo found in means() lives!
demo found in means() destroyed
The mean mean of 6 and 12 is 8.49509
Enter next pair: 6 -6
demo found in means() created
hmean(6, -6): invalid arguments: a = -b
Caught in means()
demo found in means() destroyed
hmean(6, -6): invalid arguments: a = -b
Try again.
6 -8
demo found in means() created
demo found in means() destroyed
gmean() arguments should be >= 0
Values used: 6, -8
Sorry, you don't get to play any more.
demo found in block in main() lives!
demo found in block in main() destroyed


// newexcp.cpp -- the bad_alloc exception
#include <iostream>
#include <new>
#include <cstdlib>  // for exit(), EXIT_FAILURE
using namespace std;

struct Big
	double stuff[20000];

int main()
	Big * pb;
	try {
		cout << "Trying to get a big block of memory:\n";
		pb = new Big[10000]; // 1,600,000,000 bytes
		cout << "Got past the new request:\n";
	catch (bad_alloc & ba)
		cout << "Caught the exception!\n";
		cout << ba.what() << endl;
	cout << "Memory successfully allocated\n";
	pb[0].stuff[0] = 4;
	cout << pb[0].stuff[0] << endl;
	delete[] pb;
	// cin.get();
	return 0;


Trying to get a big block of memory:
Got past the new request:
Memory successfully allocated


// sales.h  -- exceptions and inheritance
#include <stdexcept>
#include <string>

class Sales
	enum { MONTHS = 12 };   // could be a static const
	class bad_index : public std::logic_error
		int bi;  // bad index value
		explicit bad_index(int ix,
			const std::string & s = "Index error in Sales object\n");
		int bi_val() const { return bi; }
		virtual ~bad_index() throw() {}
	explicit Sales(int yy = 0);
	Sales(int yy, const double * gr, int n);
	virtual ~Sales() { }
	int Year() const { return year; }
	virtual double operator[](int i) const;
	virtual double & operator[](int i);
	double gross[MONTHS];
	int year;

class LabeledSales : public Sales
	class nbad_index : public Sales::bad_index
		std::string lbl;
		nbad_index(const std::string & lb, int ix,
			const std::string & s = "Index error in LabeledSales object\n");
		const std::string & label_val() const { return lbl; }
		virtual ~nbad_index() throw() {}
	explicit LabeledSales(const std::string & lb = "none", int yy = 0);
	LabeledSales(const std::string & lb, int yy, const double * gr, int n);
	virtual ~LabeledSales() { }
	const std::string & Label() const { return label; }
	virtual double operator[](int i) const;
	virtual double & operator[](int i);
	std::string label;


// sales.cpp -- Sales implementation
#include "sales.h"
using std::string;

Sales::bad_index::bad_index(int ix, const string & s)
	: std::logic_error(s), bi(ix)

Sales::Sales(int yy)
	year = yy;
	for (int i = 0; i < MONTHS; ++i)
		gross[i] = 0;

Sales::Sales(int yy, const double * gr, int n)
	year = yy;
	int lim = (n < MONTHS) ? n : MONTHS;
	int i;
	for (i = 0; i < lim; ++i)
		gross[i] = gr[i];
	// for i > n and i < MONTHS
	for (; i < MONTHS; ++i)
		gross[i] = 0;

double Sales::operator[](int i) const
	if (i < 0 || i >= MONTHS)
		throw bad_index(i);
	return gross[i];

double & Sales::operator[](int i)
	if (i < 0 || i >= MONTHS)
		throw bad_index(i);
	return gross[i];

LabeledSales::nbad_index::nbad_index(const string & lb, int ix,
	const string & s) : Sales::bad_index(ix, s)
	lbl = lb;

LabeledSales::LabeledSales(const string & lb, int yy)
	: Sales(yy)
	label = lb;

LabeledSales::LabeledSales(const string & lb, int yy, const double * gr, int n)
	: Sales(yy, gr, n)
	label = lb;

double LabeledSales::operator[](int i) const
	if (i < 0 || i >= MONTHS)
		throw nbad_index(Label(), i);
	return Sales::operator[](i);

double & LabeledSales::operator[](int i)
	if (i < 0 || i >= MONTHS)
		throw nbad_index(Label(), i);
	return Sales::operator[](i);


// use_sales.cpp  -- nested exceptions
#include <iostream>
#include "sales.h"

int main()
	using std::cout;
	using std::cin;
	using std::endl;

	double vals1[12] =
		1220, 1100, 1122, 2212, 1232, 2334,
		2884, 2393, 3302, 2922, 3002, 3544

	double vals2[12] =
		12, 11, 22, 21, 32, 34,
		28, 29, 33, 29, 32, 35

	Sales sales1(2011, vals1, 12);
	LabeledSales sales2("Blogstar", 2012, vals2, 12);

	cout << "First try block:\n";
		int i;
		cout << "Year = " << sales1.Year() << endl;
		for (i = 0; i < 12; ++i)

			cout << sales1[i] << ' ';
			if (i % 6 == 5)
				cout << endl;
		cout << "Year = " << sales2.Year() << endl;
		cout << "Label = " << sales2.Label() << endl;
		for (i = 0; i <= 12; ++i)

			cout << sales2[i] << ' ';
			if (i % 6 == 5)
				cout << endl;
		cout << "End of try block 1.\n";
	catch (LabeledSales::nbad_index & bad)
		cout << bad.what();
		cout << "Company: " << bad.label_val() << endl;
		cout << "bad index: " << bad.bi_val() << endl;
	catch (Sales::bad_index & bad)
		cout << bad.what();
		cout << "bad index: " << bad.bi_val() << endl;
	cout << "\nNext try block:\n";
		sales2[2] = 37.5;
		sales1[20] = 23345;
		cout << "End of try block 2.\n";
	catch (LabeledSales::nbad_index & bad)
		cout << bad.what();
		cout << "Company: " << bad.label_val() << endl;
		cout << "bad index: " << bad.bi_val() << endl;
	catch (Sales::bad_index & bad)
		cout << bad.what();
		cout << "bad index: " << bad.bi_val() << endl;
	cout << "done\n";
	// std::cin.get();
	return 0;


First try block:
Year = 2011
1220 1100 1122 2212 1232 2334
2884 2393 3302 2922 3002 3544
Year = 2012
Label = Blogstar
12 11 22 21 32 34
28 29 33 29 32 35
Index error in LabeledSales object
Company: Blogstar
bad index: 12

Next try block:
Index error in Sales object
bad index: 20


使用了可能未初始化的本地指针变量“p”?? ?

?将Grand * p;
? ? 改为 Grand * p = nullptr;


// rtti1.cpp -- using the RTTI dynamic_cast operator
#include <iostream>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <ctime>

using std::cout;

class Grand
	int hold;
	Grand(int h = 0) : hold(h) {}
	virtual void Speak() const { cout << "I am a grand class!\n"; }
	virtual int Value() const { return hold; }

class Superb : public Grand
	Superb(int h = 0) : Grand(h) {}
	void Speak() const { cout << "I am a superb class!!\n"; }
	virtual void Say() const
		cout << "I hold the superb value of " << Value() << "!\n";

class Magnificent : public Superb
	char ch;
	Magnificent(int h = 0, char c = 'A') : Superb(h), ch(c) {}
	void Speak() const { cout << "I am a magnificent class!!!\n"; }
	void Say() const {
		cout << "I hold the character " << ch <<
			" and the integer " << Value() << "!\n";

Grand * GetOne();

int main()
	Grand * pg;
	Superb * ps;
	for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
		pg = GetOne();
		if (ps = dynamic_cast<Superb *>(pg))
	// std::cin.get();
	return 0;

Grand * GetOne()    // generate one of three kinds of objects randomly
	Grand * p = nullptr;
	switch (std::rand() % 3)
	case 0: p = new Grand(std::rand() % 100);
	case 1: p = new Superb(std::rand() % 100);
	case 2: p = new Magnificent(std::rand() % 100,
		'A' + std::rand() % 26);
	return p;


I am a grand class!
I am a superb class!!
I hold the superb value of 50!
I am a superb class!!
I hold the superb value of 22!
I am a magnificent class!!!
I hold the character P and the integer 32!
I am a superb class!!
I hold the superb value of 33!


// rtti2.cpp  -- using dynamic_cast, typeid, and type_info
#include <iostream>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <ctime>
#include <typeinfo>
using namespace std;

class Grand
	int hold;
	Grand(int h = 0) : hold(h) {}
	virtual void Speak() const { cout << "I am a grand class!\n"; }
	virtual int Value() const { return hold; }

class Superb : public Grand
	Superb(int h = 0) : Grand(h) {}
	void Speak() const { cout << "I am a superb class!!\n"; }
	virtual void Say() const
		cout << "I hold the superb value of " << Value() << "!\n";

class Magnificent : public Superb
	char ch;
	Magnificent(int h = 0, char cv = 'A') : Superb(h), ch(cv) {}
	void Speak() const { cout << "I am a magnificent class!!!\n"; }
	void Say() const {
		cout << "I hold the character " << ch <<
			" and the integer " << Value() << "!\n";

Grand * GetOne();
int main()
	Grand * pg;
	Superb * ps;
	for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
		pg = GetOne();
		cout << "Now processing type " << typeid(*pg).name() << ".\n";
		if (ps = dynamic_cast<Superb *>(pg))
		if (typeid(Magnificent) == typeid(*pg))
			cout << "Yes, you're really magnificent.\n";
	// std::cin.get();
	return 0;

Grand * GetOne()
	//Grand * p;
	Grand * p = nullptr;

	switch (rand() % 3)
	case 0: p = new Grand(rand() % 100);
	case 1: p = new Superb(rand() % 100);
	case 2: p = new Magnificent(rand() % 100, 'A' + rand() % 26);
	return p;


Now processing type class Magnificent.
I am a magnificent class!!!
I hold the character Y and the integer 75!
Yes, you're really magnificent.
Now processing type class Magnificent.
I am a magnificent class!!!
I hold the character D and the integer 68!
Yes, you're really magnificent.
Now processing type class Grand.
I am a grand class!
Now processing type class Magnificent.
I am a magnificent class!!!
I hold the character F and the integer 55!
Yes, you're really magnificent.
Now processing type class Superb.
I am a superb class!!
I hold the superb value of 1!


// constcast.cpp -- using const_cast<>
#include <iostream>
using std::cout;
using std::endl;

void change(const int * pt, int n);

int main()
	int pop1 = 38383;
	const int pop2 = 2000;

	cout << "pop1, pop2: " << pop1 << ", " << pop2 << endl;
	change(&pop1, -103);
	change(&pop2, -103);
	cout << "pop1, pop2: " << pop1 << ", " << pop2 << endl;
	// std::cin.get();
	return 0;

void change(const int * pt, int n)
	int * pc;

	pc = const_cast<int *>(pt);
	*pc += n;



pop1, pop2: 38383, 2000
pop1, pop2: 38280, 2000

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