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[C++知识库]Resource And Memory


? Introduction

? Almost Containers(拟容器)
array ; bitset ; vector<bool> ; Tuples

? Resource Management Pointers
unique_ptr ; shared_ptr ; weak_ptr

? Allocators
The Default Allocator; 
Allocator Traits; 
Pointer Traits; 
Scoped Allocators

? The Garbage Collection Interface

? Uninitialized Memory
Temporary Buffers; raw_storage_iterator

? Advice


The STL (Chapter 31, Chapter 32, Chapter 33) is the most highly structured and 
general part standard-library facilities for the management and manipulation 
of data. This chapter presents facilitiesthat are more specialized or deal with 
raw memory (as opposed to typed objects).


2."almost containers"

The standard library provides several containers that don’t fit perfectly into the 
STL framework (§31.4, §32.2, §33.1). Examples are built-in arrays, array , and 
string. I sometimes refer to those as "almost containers" (§31.4), but that is 
not quite fair: they hold elements, so they are containers,but each has 
restrictions or added facilities that make them awkward in the context of the 
STL.Describing them separately also simplifies the description of the STL.

标准库提供了几个不完全适合STL框架的容器(§31.4, §32.2, §33.1). 
但这不太公平: 它们包含元素,所以它们是容器,但每一个都有限制或增加的
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?Almost Containers
? ? T[N]Built-in array: a fixed-size continuously allocated sequence of N elements of type T ; implicitly converts to a T?



array<T,N>A fixed-size continuously allocated sequence of N elements of type T ; like the built-in array, but with most problems solved



bitset<N>A fixed-size sequence of N bitsN位的固定大小序列
vector<bool>?A sequence of bits compactly stored in a specialization of vector在向量的特殊化中紧凑地存储的位序列
pair<T,U>Two elements of types T and UT型和U型两种元素
tuple<T...>A sequence of an arbitrary number of elements of arbitrary types任意数目的任意类型元素的序列
valarray<T>An array of numeric values of type T ; provides numeric operationsT型数值数组;提供数字操作
Why does the standard library provide so many containers? They serve common 
but different (often overlapping) needs. If the standard library didn’t provide
them, many people would have to design and implement their own. For example:
? pair and tuple are heterogeneous; all other containers are homogeneous 
(all elements are of the same type).
? array , vector , and tuple elements are contiguously allocated; 
forward_list and map are linked structures.
? bitset and vector<bool> hold bits and access them through proxy objects; 
all other standardlibrary containers can hold a variety of types and access 
elements directly.
? basic_string requires its elements to be some form of character and to 
provide string manipulation, such as concatenation and locale-sensitive 
operations (Chapter 39) and valarray requires its elements to be numbers 
and to provide numerical operations.

All of these containers can be seen as providing specialized services needed 
by large communities of programmers. No single container could serve all of 
these needs because some needs are contradictory, for example,"ability to grow"
vs. "guaranteed to be allocated in a fixed location," and
"elements do not move when elements are added" vs. "contiguously allocated." 
Furthermore, a very general container would imply overhead deemed unacceptable 
for individual containers.

很多人将不得不设计和实现他们自己的. 例如:
? 成对和元组是异质的;所有其他容器都是同质的(所有元件均为同一类型);
? array、vector和tuple是连续分配的,forward_list和map是链接结构;
? bitset和vector<bool> 含有比特们,并且通过代理对象访问这些比特,所有其他标准库容器都
? basic_string要求其元素是某种形式的字符,并且提供字符串操作,例如连接和区分区域设置操

所有这些容器都可以被视为大量程序员需要的专门话的服务. 没有一个容器可以应付所有的这些需

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