? ? ? ? 奇异递归模板模式(Curiously Recurring Template Pattern,CRTP),CRTP是C++模板编程时的一种惯用法(idiom):把派生类作为基类的模板参数。更一般地被称作F-bound polymorphism。
1980年代作为F-bound polymorphism被提出。Jim Coplien于1995年称之为CRTP。
- 静态多态(static polymorphism)
- 添加方法同时精简代码
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
template <typename Child>
struct Base
void interface()
struct Derived : Base<Derived>
void implementation()
std::cout << "Derived implementation\n";
int main()
Derived d;
d.interface(); // Prints "Derived implementation"
return 0;
template<typename Child>
class Animal
void Run()
class Dog :public Animal<Dog>
void Run()
cout << "Dog Run" << endl;
class Cat :public Animal<Cat>
void Run()
cout << "Cat Run" << endl;
template<typename T>
void Action(Animal<T> &animal)
int main()
Dog dog;
Cat cat;
return 0;
struct Vector3
float x;
float y;
float z;
Vector3() = default;
Vector3(float _x, float _y, float _z);
inline Vector3& operator+=(const Vector3& rhs);
inline Vector3& operator-=(const Vector3& rhs);
inline Vector3 operator+(const Vector3& lhs, const Vector3& rhs);
inline Vector3 operator-(const Vector3& lhs, const Vector3& rhs);
struct Vector2
float x;
float y;
Vector2() = default;
Vector2(float _x, float _y);
inline Vector2& operator+=(const Vector2& rhs);
inline Vector2& operator-=(const Vector2& rhs);
inline Vector2 operator+(const Vector2& lhs, const Vector2& rhs);
inline Vector2 operator-(const Vector2& lhs, const Vector2& rhs);
我们会发现需要为每个类型都实现+=, -= ,++ , -- , + , -等运算符重载,而且每个类型的一些运算符,行为都很类似,而且可以使用其他的运算符进行实现,比如+=, -=, ++, --都可以采用+,-运算符进行实现。这时我们就可以采用CRTP抽离出这些共同的类似方法,减少代码的冗余:
template<typename T>
struct VectorBase
T& underlying() { return static_cast<T&>(*this); }
T const& underlying() const { return static_cast<T const&>(*this); }
inline T& operator+=(const T& rhs)
this->underlying() = this->underlying() + rhs;
return this->underlying();
inline T& operator-=(const T& rhs)
this->underlying() = this->underlying() - rhs;
return this->underlying();
struct Vector3 : public VectorBase<Vector3>
float x;
float y;
float z;
Vector3() = default;
Vector3(float _x, float _y, float _z)
x = _x;
y = _y;
z = _z;
inline Vector3 operator+(const Vector3& lhs, const Vector3& rhs)
Vector3 result;
result.x = lhs.x + rhs.x;
result.y = lhs.y + rhs.y;
result.z = lhs.z + rhs.z;
return result;
inline Vector3 operator-(const Vector3& lhs, const Vector3& rhs)
Vector3 result;
result.x = lhs.x - rhs.x;
result.y = lhs.y - rhs.y;
result.z = lhs.z - rhs.z;
return result;
int main()
Vector3 v0(6.0f, 5.0f, 4.0f);
Vector3 v2(4.0f, 5.0f, 6.0f);
v0 += v2;
v0 -= v2;
return 0;
通过把+=, -=等操作放到基类中并采用+ ,-运算符实现,这样一来所有继承自VectorBase的类,只要其定义了+,-运算符就可以自动获得+=, -=等运算符,这样大大的减少了代码中的冗余。
3 std::enable_shared_from_this
struct Bad
// 错误写法:用不安全的表达式试图获得 this 的 shared_ptr 对象
std::shared_ptr<Bad> getptr() {
return std::shared_ptr<Bad>(this);
~Bad() { std::cout << "Bad::~Bad() called\n"; }
int main()
// 错误的示例,每个 shared_ptr 都认为自己是对象仅有的所有者
std::shared_ptr<Bad> bp1 = std::make_shared<Bad>();
std::shared_ptr<Bad> bp2 = bp1->getptr();
std::cout << "bp2.use_count() = " << bp2.use_count() << '\n';
return 0;
但是上面的写法是完全错误的,因为share_ptr内部存储了两个指针,一个指向被管理对象,另一个指向控制块。控制块内存有删除器,占有被管理对象的?shared_ptr ?的数量,涉及被管理对象的?weak_ptr ?的数量等信息,一旦占有被管理对象的shared_ptr的数量减少至0,被管理的对象就会通过删除器被释放(控制块会等到weakptr计数器也清0时才会释放)。上面的代码中由于在返回this的sharedptr时,又通过this指针构造了一个shared_ptr,这样就会导致有两个shared_ptr通过不同的控制块,管理相同的对象。一旦其中一个shared_ptr释放了所管理的对象,那么另一个shared_ptr将会变成非法的。
struct Good: std::enable_shared_from_this<Good> // 注意:继承
std::shared_ptr<Good> getptr() {
return shared_from_this();
template<class D>
class enable_shared_from_this {
constexpr enable_shared_from_this() { }
enable_shared_from_this(enable_shared_from_this const&) { }
enable_shared_from_this& operator=(enable_shared_from_this const&) {
return *this;
shared_ptr<T> shared_from_this() { return self_; }
shared_ptr<T const> shared_from_this() const { return self_; }
weak_ptr<D> self_;
friend shared_ptr<D>;
template<typename T>
shared_ptr<T>::shared_ptr(T* ptr) {
// ...
// Code that creates control block goes here.
// ...
// NOTE: This if check is pseudo-code. Won't compile. There's a few
// issues not being taken in to account that would make this example
// rather noisy.
if (is_base_of<enable_shared_from_this<T>, T>::value) {
enable_shared_from_this<T>& base = *ptr;
base.self_ = *this;
enable_shared_from_this类使用了CRTP的写法,类中存储了一个weak_ptr<T>,使用这个weak_ptr<t>初始化shared_ptr<T>时,如果这个类型是否继承自enable_shared_from_this,则会使shared_from_this中构造的shared_ptr<T>共享weak_ptr<T>指向的对象的所有权(即从weak_ptr构造的shared_ptr和构造weak_ptr的shared_ptr共享控制块)(std::shared_ptr::shared_ptr - cppreference.com?参见构造函数11),这样就可以保证shared_from_this返回的shared_ptr的内存安全,不会像第一个例子那样出现悬空指针。
单例模式 C++
单例 Singleton 是设计模式的一种,其特点是只提供唯一一个类的实例,具有全局变量的特点,在任何位置都可以通过接口获取到那个唯一实例; 具体运用场景如:
- 设备管理器,系统中可能有多个设备,但是只有一个设备管理器,用于管理设备驱动;
- 数据池,用来缓存数据的数据结构,需要在一处写,多处读取或者多处写,多处读取;
2.1 基础要点
- 全局只有一个实例:static 特性,同时禁止用户自己声明并定义实例(把构造函数设为 private)
- 线程安全
- 禁止赋值和拷贝
- 用户通过接口获取实例:使用 static 类成员函数
2.2 C++ 实现单例的几种方式
懒汉式(Lazy-Initialization)的方法是直到使用时才实例化对象,也就说直到调用get_instance() 方法的时候才 new 一个单例的对象, 如果不被调用就不会占用内存。
#include <iostream>
#include <memory>
#include <mutex>
class Singleton{
typedef std::shared_ptr<Singleton> Ptr;
std::cout<<"destructor called!"<<std::endl;
Singleton& operator=(const Singleton&)=delete;
static Ptr get_instance(){
// "double checked lock"
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lk(m_mutex);
if(m_instance_ptr == nullptr){
m_instance_ptr = std::shared_ptr<Singleton>(new Singleton);
return m_instance_ptr;
std::cout<<"constructor called!"<<std::endl;
static Ptr m_instance_ptr;
static std::mutex m_mutex;
// initialization static variables out of class
Singleton::Ptr Singleton::m_instance_ptr = nullptr;
std::mutex Singleton::m_mutex;
int main(){
Singleton::Ptr instance = Singleton::get_instance();
Singleton::Ptr instance2 = Singleton::get_instance();
return 0;
- 基于 shared_ptr, 用了C++比较倡导的 RAII思想,用对象管理资源,当 shared_ptr 析构的时候,new 出来的对象也会被 delete掉。以此避免内存泄漏。
- 加了锁,使用互斥量来达到线程安全。这里使用了两个 if判断语句的技术称为双检锁;好处是,只有判断指针为空的时候才加锁,避免每次调用 get_instance的方法都加锁,锁的开销毕竟还是有点大的。
不足之处在于: 使用智能指针会要求用户也得使用智能指针,非必要不应该提出这种约束; 使用锁也有开销; 同时代码量也增多了,实现上我们希望越简单越好。
- 分配内存
- 调用构造函数
所以m_instance_ptr = std::shared_ptr<Singleton>(new Singleton);包含了三个步骤:
- 分配内存
- 在内存的位置上调用构造函数
- 将内存的地址赋值给m_instance_ptr
#include <iostream>
class Singleton
std::cout<<"destructor called!"<<std::endl;
Singleton(const Singleton&)=delete;
Singleton& operator=(const Singleton&)=delete;
static Singleton& get_instance(){
static Singleton instance;
return instance;
std::cout<<"constructor called!"<<std::endl;
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
Singleton& instance_1 = Singleton::get_instance();
Singleton& instance_2 = Singleton::get_instance();
return 0;
这种方法又叫做 Meyers' SingletonMeyer's的单例, 是著名的写出《Effective C++》系列书籍的作者 Meyers 提出的。所用到的特性是在C++11标准中的Magic Static特性:
If control enters the declaration concurrently while the variable is being initialized, the concurrent execution shall wait for completion of the initialization. 如果当变量在初始化的时候,并发同时进入声明语句,并发线程将会阻塞等待初始化结束。
- 通过局部静态变量的特性保证了线程安全 (C++11, GCC > 4.3, VS2015支持该特性);
- 不需要使用共享指针,代码简洁;
- 注意在使用的时候需要声明单例的引用?
Single& ?才能获取对象。
call_once - C++ Reference
template <class Fn, class... Args>
void call_once (once_flag& flag, Fn&& fn, Args&&... args);
在C++11中提供一种方法,使得函数可以线程安全的只调用一次。即使用std::call_once和std::once_flag。std::call_once是一种lazy load的很简单易用的机制
#include <mutex>
using namespace std;
class Singleton
static Singleton& getInstance()
static Singleton* single = nullptr;
static std::once_flag flag;
std::call_once(flag, []() {
if (nullptr == single) {
single = new Singleton();
return *single;
Singleton() { cout << "Singleton()" << endl; }
~Singleton() { cout << "~Singleton()" << endl; }
Singleton(const Singleton&);//防止外部使用拷贝构造产生新的对象,如下面CSingleton s = *p1;
int main()
Singleton &p1 = Singleton::getInstance();
Singleton &p2 = Singleton::getInstance();
Singleton &p3 = Singleton::getInstance();
return 0;
CRTP 奇异递归模板模式实现
// brief: a singleton base class offering an easy way to create singleton
#include <iostream>
template<typename T>
class Singleton{
static T& get_instance(){
static T instance;
return instance;
virtual ~Singleton(){
std::cout<<"destructor called!"<<std::endl;
Singleton(const Singleton&)=delete;
Singleton& operator =(const Singleton&)=delete;
std::cout<<"constructor called!"<<std::endl;
// Example:
// 1.friend class declaration is requiered!
// 2.constructor should be private
class DerivedSingle:public Singleton<DerivedSingle>{
// !!!! attention!!!
// needs to be friend in order to
// access the private constructor/destructor
friend class Singleton<DerivedSingle>;
DerivedSingle(const DerivedSingle&)=delete;
DerivedSingle& operator =(const DerivedSingle&)= delete;
int main(int argc, char* argv[]){
DerivedSingle& instance1 = DerivedSingle::get_instance();
DerivedSingle& instance2 = DerivedSingle::get_instance();
return 0;
以上实现一个单例的模板基类,使用方法如例子所示意,子类需要将自己作为模板参数T?传递给?Singleton<T> ?模板; 同时需要将基类声明为友元,这样才能调用子类的私有构造函数。
- 构造函数需要是?protected,这样子类才能继承;
- 使用了奇异递归模板模式CRTP(Curiously recurring template pattern)
- get instance 方法和 2.2.3 的static local方法一个原理。
- 在这里基类的析构函数可以不需要 virtual ,因为子类在应用中只会用 Derived 类型,保证了析构时和构造时的类型一致
c++ - Singleton: How should it be used - Stack Overflow
How to create the best singleton:
- The smaller, the better. I am a minimalist
- Make sure it is thread safe
- Make sure it is never null
- Make sure it is created only once
- Lazy or system initialization? Up to your requirements
- Sometimes the OS or the JVM creates singletons for you (e.g. in Java every class definition is a singleton)
- Provide a destructor or somehow figure out how to dispose resources
- Use little memory
// A wrapper that makes it easy to create an object of type T with static
// storage duration that:
// - is only constructed on first access
// - never invokes the destructor
// in order to satisfy the styleguide ban on global constructors and
// destructors.
// Runtime constant example:
// const std::string& GetLineSeparator() {
// // Forwards to std::string(size_t, char, const Allocator&) constructor.
// static const base::NoDestructor<std::string> s(5, '-');
// return *s;
// }
// More complex initialization with a lambda:
// const std::string& GetSessionNonce() {
// static const base::NoDestructor<std::string> nonce([] {
// std::string s(16);
// crypto::RandString(s.data(), s.size());
// return s;
// }());
// return *nonce;
// }
// NoDestructor<T> stores the object inline, so it also avoids a pointer
// indirection and a malloc. Also note that since C++11 static local variable
// initialization is thread-safe and so is this pattern. Code should prefer to
// use NoDestructor<T> over:
// - A function scoped static T* or T& that is dynamically initialized.
// - A global base::LazyInstance<T>.
// Note that since the destructor is never run, this *will* leak memory if used
// as a stack or member variable. Furthermore, a NoDestructor<T> should never
// have global scope as that may require a static initializer.
template <typename T>
class NoDestructor {
// Not constexpr; just write static constexpr T x = ...; if the value should
// be a constexpr.
template <typename... Args>
explicit NoDestructor(Args&&... args) {
new (storage_) T(std::forward<Args>(args)...);
// Allows copy and move construction of the contained type, to allow
// construction from an initializer list, e.g. for std::vector.
explicit NoDestructor(const T& x) { new (storage_) T(x); }
explicit NoDestructor(T&& x) { new (storage_) T(std::move(x)); }
NoDestructor(const NoDestructor&) = delete;
NoDestructor& operator=(const NoDestructor&) = delete;
~NoDestructor() = default;
const T& operator*() const { return *get(); }
T& operator*() { return *get(); }
const T* operator->() const { return get(); }
T* operator->() { return get(); }
const T* get() const { return reinterpret_cast<const T*>(storage_); }
T* get() { return reinterpret_cast<T*>(storage_); }
alignas(T) char storage_[sizeof(T)];
#if defined(LEAK_SANITIZER)
// TODO(https://crbug.com/812277): This is a hack to work around the fact
// that LSan doesn't seem to treat NoDestructor as a root for reachability
// analysis. This means that code like this:
// static base::NoDestructor<std::vector<int>> v({1, 2, 3});
// is considered a leak. Using the standard leak sanitizer annotations to
// suppress leaks doesn't work: std::vector is implicitly constructed before
// calling the base::NoDestructor constructor.
// Unfortunately, I haven't been able to demonstrate this issue in simpler
// reproductions: until that's resolved, hold an explicit pointer to the
// placement-new'd object in leak sanitizer mode to help LSan realize that
// objects allocated by the contained type are still reachable.
T* storage_ptr_ = reinterpret_cast<T*>(storage_);
#endif // defined(LEAK_SANITIZER)
// Factory& Factory::GetInstance() {
// static base::NoDestructor<Factory> instance;
// return *instance;
// }
// Copyright (c) 2011 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
// PLEASE READ: Do you really need a singleton? If possible, use a
// function-local static of type base::NoDestructor<T> instead:
// Factory& Factory::GetInstance() {
// static base::NoDestructor<Factory> instance;
// return *instance;
// }
// !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
// Singletons make it hard to determine the lifetime of an object, which can
// lead to buggy code and spurious crashes.
// Instead of adding another singleton into the mix, try to identify either:
// a) An existing singleton that can manage your object's lifetime
// b) Locations where you can deterministically create the object and pass
// into other objects
// If you absolutely need a singleton, please keep them as trivial as possible
// and ideally a leaf dependency. Singletons get problematic when they attempt
// to do too much in their destructor or have circular dependencies.
#include "base/at_exit.h"
#include "base/atomicops.h"
#include "base/base_export.h"
#include "base/lazy_instance_helpers.h"
#include "base/logging.h"
#include "base/macros.h"
#include "base/threading/thread_restrictions.h"
namespace base {
// Default traits for Singleton<Type>. Calls operator new and operator delete on
// the object. Registers automatic deletion at process exit.
// Overload if you need arguments or another memory allocation function.
template<typename Type>
struct DefaultSingletonTraits {
// Allocates the object.
static Type* New() {
// The parenthesis is very important here; it forces POD type
// initialization.
return new Type();
// Destroys the object.
static void Delete(Type* x) {
delete x;
// Set to true to automatically register deletion of the object on process
// exit. See below for the required call that makes this happen.
static const bool kRegisterAtExit = true;
// Set to false to disallow access on a non-joinable thread. This is
// different from kRegisterAtExit because StaticMemorySingletonTraits allows
// access on non-joinable threads, and gracefully handles this.
static const bool kAllowedToAccessOnNonjoinableThread = false;
// Alternate traits for use with the Singleton<Type>. Identical to
// DefaultSingletonTraits except that the Singleton will not be cleaned up
// at exit.
template<typename Type>
struct LeakySingletonTraits : public DefaultSingletonTraits<Type> {
static const bool kRegisterAtExit = false;
static const bool kAllowedToAccessOnNonjoinableThread = true;
// Alternate traits for use with the Singleton<Type>. Allocates memory
// for the singleton instance from a static buffer. The singleton will
// be cleaned up at exit, but can't be revived after destruction unless
// the ResurrectForTesting() method is called.
// This is useful for a certain category of things, notably logging and
// tracing, where the singleton instance is of a type carefully constructed to
// be safe to access post-destruction.
// In logging and tracing you'll typically get stray calls at odd times, like
// during static destruction, thread teardown and the like, and there's a
// termination race on the heap-based singleton - e.g. if one thread calls
// get(), but then another thread initiates AtExit processing, the first thread
// may call into an object residing in unallocated memory. If the instance is
// allocated from the data segment, then this is survivable.
// The destructor is to deallocate system resources, in this case to unregister
// a callback the system will invoke when logging levels change. Note that
// this is also used in e.g. Chrome Frame, where you have to allow for the
// possibility of loading briefly into someone else's process space, and
// so leaking is not an option, as that would sabotage the state of your host
// process once you've unloaded.
template <typename Type>
struct StaticMemorySingletonTraits {
// WARNING: User has to support a New() which returns null.
static Type* New() {
// Only constructs once and returns pointer; otherwise returns null.
if (subtle::NoBarrier_AtomicExchange(&dead_, 1))
return nullptr;
return new (buffer_) Type();
static void Delete(Type* p) {
if (p)
static const bool kRegisterAtExit = true;
static const bool kAllowedToAccessOnNonjoinableThread = true;
static void ResurrectForTesting() { subtle::NoBarrier_Store(&dead_, 0); }
alignas(Type) static char buffer_[sizeof(Type)];
// Signal the object was already deleted, so it is not revived.
static subtle::Atomic32 dead_;
template <typename Type>
alignas(Type) char StaticMemorySingletonTraits<Type>::buffer_[sizeof(Type)];
template <typename Type>
subtle::Atomic32 StaticMemorySingletonTraits<Type>::dead_ = 0;
// The Singleton<Type, Traits, DifferentiatingType> class manages a single
// instance of Type which will be created on first use and will be destroyed at
// normal process exit). The Trait::Delete function will not be called on
// abnormal process exit.
// DifferentiatingType is used as a key to differentiate two different
// singletons having the same memory allocation functions but serving a
// different purpose. This is mainly used for Locks serving different purposes.
// Example usage:
// In your header:
// namespace base {
// template <typename T>
// struct DefaultSingletonTraits;
// }
// class FooClass {
// public:
// static FooClass* GetInstance(); <-- See comment below on this.
// void Bar() { ... }
// private:
// FooClass() { ... }
// friend struct base::DefaultSingletonTraits<FooClass>;
// };
// In your source file:
// #include "base/memory/singleton.h"
// FooClass* FooClass::GetInstance() {
// return base::Singleton<FooClass>::get();
// }
// Or for leaky singletons:
// #include "base/memory/singleton.h"
// FooClass* FooClass::GetInstance() {
// return base::Singleton<
// FooClass, base::LeakySingletonTraits<FooClass>>::get();
// }
// And to call methods on FooClass:
// FooClass::GetInstance()->Bar();
// NOTE: The method accessing Singleton<T>::get() has to be named as GetInstance
// and it is important that FooClass::GetInstance() is not inlined in the
// header. This makes sure that when source files from multiple targets include
// this header they don't end up with different copies of the inlined code
// creating multiple copies of the singleton.
// Singleton<> has no non-static members and doesn't need to actually be
// instantiated.
// This class is itself thread-safe. The underlying Type must of course be
// thread-safe if you want to use it concurrently. Two parameters may be tuned
// depending on the user's requirements.
// Glossary:
// RAE = kRegisterAtExit
// On every platform, if Traits::RAE is true, the singleton will be destroyed at
// process exit. More precisely it uses AtExitManager which requires an
// object of this type to be instantiated. AtExitManager mimics the semantics
// of atexit() such as LIFO order but under Windows is safer to call. For more
// information see at_exit.h.
// If Traits::RAE is false, the singleton will not be freed at process exit,
// thus the singleton will be leaked if it is ever accessed. Traits::RAE
// shouldn't be false unless absolutely necessary. Remember that the heap where
// the object is allocated may be destroyed by the CRT anyway.
// Caveats:
// (a) Every call to get(), operator->() and operator*() incurs some overhead
// (16ns on my P4/2.8GHz) to check whether the object has already been
// initialized. You may wish to cache the result of get(); it will not
// change.
// (b) Your factory function must never throw an exception. This class is not
// exception-safe.
template <typename Type,
typename Traits = DefaultSingletonTraits<Type>,
typename DifferentiatingType = Type>
class Singleton {
// A class T using the Singleton<T> pattern should declare a GetInstance()
// method and call Singleton::get() from within that. T may also declare a
// GetInstanceIfExists() method to invoke Singleton::GetIfExists().
friend Type;
// This class is safe to be constructed and copy-constructed since it has no
// member.
// Returns a pointer to the one true instance of the class.
static Type* get() {
if (!Traits::kAllowedToAccessOnNonjoinableThread)
return subtle::GetOrCreateLazyPointer(
&instance_, &CreatorFunc, nullptr,
Traits::kRegisterAtExit ? OnExit : nullptr, nullptr);
// Returns the same result as get() if the instance exists but doesn't
// construct it (and returns null) if it doesn't.
static Type* GetIfExists() {
if (!Traits::kAllowedToAccessOnNonjoinableThread)
if (!subtle::NoBarrier_Load(&instance_))
return nullptr;
// Need to invoke get() nonetheless as some Traits return null after
// destruction (even though |instance_| still holds garbage).
return get();
// Internal method used as an adaptor for GetOrCreateLazyPointer(). Do not use
// outside of that use case.
static Type* CreatorFunc(void* /* creator_arg*/) { return Traits::New(); }
// Adapter function for use with AtExit(). This should be called single
// threaded, so don't use atomic operations.
// Calling OnExit while singleton is in use by other threads is a mistake.
static void OnExit(void* /*unused*/) {
// AtExit should only ever be register after the singleton instance was
// created. We should only ever get here with a valid instance_ pointer.
instance_ = 0;
static subtle::AtomicWord instance_;
template <typename Type, typename Traits, typename DifferentiatingType>
subtle::AtomicWord Singleton<Type, Traits, DifferentiatingType>::instance_ = 0;
} // namespace base
?????????单例使得很难确定对象的生命周期,如果你绝对需要一个单例,请让它们尽可能简单。理想情况下是叶子依赖。 否则会遇到问题:在它们的析构函数中做太多或有循环依赖。
????????DefaultSingletonTraits:提供了new 和delete 方法,在进程退出时调用析构函数
????????StaticMemorySingletonTraits:内存分配在静态缓冲区:这对于特定类别的事物很有用,尤其是日志记录。基于堆的单例的终止竞争:如果一个线程调用get(),但随后另一个线程启动 AtExit 处理,第一个线程可以调用驻留在未分配内存中的对象。如果实例是从数据段分配,那么这是可存活的。
template <typename Type>
Type* GetOrCreateLazyPointer(subtle::AtomicWord* state,
Type* (*creator_func)(void*),
void* creator_arg,
void (*destructor)(void*),
void* destructor_arg) {
// If any bit in the created mask is true, the instance has already been
// fully constructed.
constexpr subtle::AtomicWord kLazyInstanceCreatedMask =
// We will hopefully have fast access when the instance is already created.
// Since a thread sees |state| == 0 or kLazyInstanceStateCreating at most
// once, the load is taken out of NeedsLazyInstance() as a fast-path. The load
// has acquire memory ordering as a thread which sees |state| > creating needs
// to acquire visibility over the associated data. Pairing Release_Store is in
// CompleteLazyInstance().
subtle::AtomicWord instance = subtle::Acquire_Load(state);
if (!(instance & kLazyInstanceCreatedMask)) {
if (internal::NeedsLazyInstance(state)) {
// This thread won the race and is now responsible for creating the
// instance and storing it back into |state|.
instance =
internal::CompleteLazyInstance(state, instance, destructor,
} else {
// This thread lost the race but now has visibility over the constructed
// instance (NeedsLazyInstance() doesn't return until the constructing
// thread releases the instance via CompleteLazyInstance()).
instance = subtle::Acquire_Load(state);
DCHECK(instance & kLazyInstanceCreatedMask);
return reinterpret_cast<Type*>(instance);
void CompleteLazyInstance(subtle::AtomicWord* state,
subtle::AtomicWord new_instance,
void (*destructor)(void*),
void* destructor_arg) {
// Instance is created, go from CREATING to CREATED (or reset it if
// |new_instance| is null). Releases visibility over |private_buf_| to
// readers. Pairing Acquire_Load is in NeedsLazyInstance().
subtle::Release_Store(state, new_instance);
// Make sure that the lazily instantiated object will get destroyed at exit.
if (new_instance && destructor)
AtExitManager::RegisterCallback(destructor, destructor_arg);
// Trace provider class to drive log control and transport
// with Event Tracing for Windows.
class BASE_EXPORT LogEventProvider : public base::win::EtwTraceProvider {
static LogEventProvider* GetInstance();
static bool LogMessage(logging::LogSeverity severity, const char* file,
int line, size_t message_start, const std::string& str);
static void Initialize(const GUID& provider_name);
static void Uninitialize();
// Overridden to manipulate the log level on ETW control callbacks.
void OnEventsEnabled() override;
void OnEventsDisabled() override;
// The log severity prior to OnEventsEnabled,
// restored in OnEventsDisabled.
logging::LogSeverity old_log_level_;
friend struct base::StaticMemorySingletonTraits<LogEventProvider>;
声明友元类:? friend struct base::StaticMemorySingletonTraits<LogEventProvider>;
对外提供:?static LogEventProvider* GetInstance();
LogEventProvider* LogEventProvider::GetInstance() {
return base::Singleton<LogEventProvider, base::StaticMemorySingletonTraits<
namespace google {
namespace protobuf {
namespace internal {
template<typename T>
class Singleton {
static T* get() {
GoogleOnceInit(&once_, &Singleton<T>::Init);
return instance_;
static void ShutDown() {
delete instance_;
instance_ = NULL;
static void Init() {
instance_ = new T();
static ProtobufOnceType once_;
static T* instance_;
template<typename T>
ProtobufOnceType Singleton<T>::once_;
template<typename T>
T* Singleton<T>::instance_ = NULL;
} // namespace internal
} // namespace protobuf
} // namespace google
面试中的Singleton - loveis715 - 博客园
C++ 单例模式总结与剖析 - 行者孙 - 博客园
1.The Curiously Recurring Template Pattern (CRTP)
2.The cost of dynamic (virtual calls) vs. static (CRTP) dispatch in C++
奇异递归模板模式(Curiously Recurring Template Pattern) - 知乎
- https://zh.cppreference.com/w/cpp/memory/enable_shared_from_this
- std::shared_ptr - cppreference.com
- How std::enable_shared_from_this::shared_from_this works
- enable_shared_from_this类的作用和实现 - 杨文的博客 - 博客园
- 关于boost中enable_shared_from_this类的原理分析 - 阿玛尼迪迪 - 博客园