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   -> C++知识库 -> C++翁恺学习27-运算符重载-基本规则 -> 正文阅读


overloaded operators? 重载几乎所有的运算符?

  • allows user-defined types to act like built in types

  • another way to make a function call

  • unary and binary operators can be overloaded:

    + - * / % ^(异或) & | ~
    = < > += -= *= /= %=
    ^= &=  |= << >> <<= >>= ==
    != <= >= ! && || ++ --
        , ->* -> () []

    operator new operator delete

    operator new[] operator delete[]

operators you can't overload 不能重载

	. .* :: ?:
	sizeof typeid
    static_cast dynamic_cast const_cast

Restrictions? ?限制条件

  • only existing operators can be overloaded(you can't create a ** operator for exponentiation)? 已经存在的运算符可以被重载
  • operators must be overloaded on a class or enumeration type??
  • overloaded operators must:
    • preserve number of operands? ?保持原有操作数的个数
    • preserve precedence(优先级)? 保持优先级

c++ overloaded operator

  • just a function with an operator name!? 写一个函数

    • use the "operator" keyword as a prefix to name

      operator *(...)  // 重载 * 号
  • can be a member function? 成员函数

    • implicit first argument
    const String String::operator +(const String& that);  //this + that
  • can be a global (free) function? 全局函数

    • both arguments explicit
    const String operator +(const String& r,const String& l);

how to overload

  • an member function? ? 成员函数
    • implicit first argument? ? this是第一个参数
    • no type conversion performed on receiver(运算符左值)? ??
    • must have access to class definition



1. x + y, ? ? ? ?编译器从左到右扫描,用x的operator+,两个intrger类型;

2. z = x + 3, ?编译器从左到右扫描,用x的operator+,integer里面有函数将int 3转化为integer的类型(构造函数);

3. z = 3 + y, ? ?编译器从左到右扫描,用int 3的+,integer里面没有将nteger的类型转化为int类型的函数;×

4. z = x + 3.5 ,用x的operator+,double 到 int 不能自动转换,需要强制类型转换??×?

  • for binary operaters(+,-,*,etc) member functions require one argument.? 二元运算符需要一个参数

  • for unary operators (unary -,!,etc) member functions require no arguments:? ?一元不改自己,制造出来一个新的对象来

    const Integer operator-() const{
        return Integer(-i);
    z=-x;    //z.operator=(x.oprator-()); 

?operator- ,this仍然是const,不改自己,产生一个新的对象。

  • as a global function? ?两个算子都要写上
    • explicit first argument
    • type conversions performed on both arguments
    • can be made a friend
    • type conversions performed on both arguments

global operators(friend)

class Integer{
    friend const Integer operator+(const Integer&rhs,const Integer& lhs); // 
const Integer operator+(const Integer&rhs,const Integer& lhs){  // 全局函数
    return Integer(lhs.i,rhs.i);
  • binary operators require two arguments

  • unary operators require one argument

  • conversion

    • z=x+y;//ok

    • z=x+3;//ok

    • z=3+y;//ok

    • z=3+7;//ok

  • if you don't have access to private data members, then the global function must use the pubic interface

tips: members vs. free functions

  • unary operators should be members 单目的应该是成员的

  • = () -> ->* must be members 必须

  • assignment operators should be members

  • all other binary operators as non-members 非成员的

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