Optimal Planning Tutorial
Optimal Planning 应该是最优规划吧,规划算法在某种程度上是最优,比如RRT*等等。
官方教程中说使用要进行Optimal Planning 与一般的规划方法使用流程基本一样,只不过多了一下两点:
- 需要为ompl::base::ProblemDefinition 对象设置目标函数optimization objective
- 需要使用最有规划器optimizing planner,而不是一般的规划器。
- 一般的规划的步骤:
- 使用SimpleSetup 对象则:
- 应该使用setPlanner() 完成
- 不使用SimpleSetup对象则:
- 创建SpaceInformation
- 创建ProblemDefinition 根据SpaceInformation
- 为ProblemDefinition 设置起点终点
- 创建planner,根据SpaceInformation 以及所使用的规划方法
- 为planner 设置ProblemDefinition
- planner->setup(),启动?
- planner->slove(),求解.
- 最优规划的步骤:
- 教程中只给了不使用SimpleSetup 的情况,下面列出不同之处:
- 创建SpaceInformation
- 创建ProblemDefinition 根据SpaceInformation
- 为ProblemDefinition 设置起点终点
- 创建OptimizationObjective
- 为ProblemDefinition 设置OptimizationObjective
- 创建planner,根据SpaceInformation 以及所使用的最优规划方法
- 为planner 设置ProblemDefinition
- planner->setup(),启动?
- planner->slove(),求解.
1.Finding the shortest path
We’ll demonstrate OMPL’s optimal planning framework with an example. In this example, our robot is represented as a (x,y) coordinate on a square, where (0,0) is the square’s bottom-left corner and (1,1) is the square’s top-right corner. There is also an obstacle in this square that the robot cannot pass through; this obstacle is a circle of radius 0.25 centered at (0.5,0.5). To reflect this environment, we use a two-dimensional ompl::base::RealVectorStateSpace and define our state validity checker as follows:
官方自定义了一个state validity checker,我们StateValidityChecker与 StateSpace 对象是必须实现的两个对象。实现StateValidityChecker 主要就是为了实现两个虚函数,不过这两个虚函数在基类也有实现,这里重新实现了:
- isValid:判断状态是否有效
- clearance:当前状态距离最近的无效状态之间的距离
Report the distance to the nearest invalid state when starting from state. If the distance is negative, the value of clearance is the penetration depth.
class ValidityChecker : public ob::StateValidityChecker
ValidityChecker(const ob::SpaceInformationPtr& si) :
ob::StateValidityChecker(si) {}
bool isValid(const ob::State* state) const
return this->clearance(state) > 0.0;
double clearance(const ob::State* state) const
const ob::RealVectorStateSpace::StateType* state2D =
double x = state2D->values[0];
double y = state2D->values[1];
return sqrt((x-0.5)*(x-0.5) + (y-0.5)*(y-0.5)) - 0.25;
ob::StateSpacePtr space(new ob::RealVectorStateSpace(2));
space->as<ob::RealVectorStateSpace>()->setBounds(0.0, 1.0);
ob::SpaceInformationPtr si(new ob::SpaceInformation(space));
si->setStateValidityChecker(ob::StateValidityCheckerPtr(new ValidityChecker(si)));
ob::ScopedState<> start(space);
start->as<ob::RealVectorStateSpace::StateType>()->values[0] = 0.0;
start->as<ob::RealVectorStateSpace::StateType>()->values[1] = 0.0;
ob::ScopedState<> goal(space);
goal->as<ob::RealVectorStateSpace::StateType>()->values[0] = 1.0;
goal->as<ob::RealVectorStateSpace::StateType>()->values[1] = 1.0;
ob::ProblemDefinitionPtr pdef(new ob::ProblemDefinition(si));
pdef->setStartAndGoalStates(start, goal);
接下来就是使用最优规划需要使用的过程: 为最优规划设置一个目标函数:ompl::base::OptimizationObjective对象的创建。 从下面代码中可以看出:
- OptimizationObjective 应该是优化函数的基类表示
- 使用过程中用OptimizationObjective对不同的优化函数进行统一表示
- 使用函数进行封装,我觉得应该可以不封装
- 创建OptimizationObjective 输入是SpaceInformation。
ob::OptimizationObjectivePtr getPathLengthObjective(const ob::SpaceInformationPtr& si)
return ob::OptimizationObjectivePtr(new ob::PathLengthOptimizationObjective(si));
然后就是为ProblemDefinition 设置目标函数,从官方提供的API关系图中可以会好的理解。 这里用一个OptimizationObjective对象应该也可以。
最后就是设置最优规划器,这里使用的是RRT*算法 从代码可以看出:
- 创建的对象依然是Planner,只不过规划算法是一种最优算法
- 为Planner 设置ProblemDefinition
ob::PlannerPtr optimizingPlanner(new og::RRTstar(si));
ob::PlannerStatus solved = optimizingPlanner->solve(1.0);
2.Specifying an optimality threshold
- 最优函数的满足存在一个阈值
- 阈值设置为0.0的时候表示:希望找到能够找到的最好路线。
- 如果不设置阈值,则默认为0.0
- 我们可以通过OptimizationObjective 的setCostThreshold 来设置阈值
What does satisfying an optimization objective mean? This behaviour can be customized, but by default, it means finding a path that passes some quality threshold. For shortest path planning, it means finding a path that is shorter than some given length. You’ll notice we never specified this threshold; the default behaviour for ompl::base::PathLengthOptimizationObjective is to set the threshold to 0.0 if a threshold wasn’t specified. This means that the objective is only satisfied by paths of length less than 0.0, which means this objective will never be satisfied! Our reasoning for doing this is that, if you don’t specify a threshold, we assume that you want the planner to return the best possible path it can find in the time limit. Therefore, setting a threshold of 0.0 means that the objective will never be satisfied, and guarantee that the planner runs all the way until the specified time limit and returns the best path it could find.
ob::OptimizationObjectivePtr getThresholdPathLengthObj(const ob::SpaceInformationPtr& si)
ob::OptimizationObjectivePtr obj(new ob::PathLengthOptimizationObjective(si));
return obj;
- 阈值的的设置将极大的影响规划器求解的速度。
- OptimizationObjective::setCostThreshold 实际上在调用Cost对象
If you set this as the objective for the ompl::base::ProblemDefinition you’ll find that the planner will terminate far more quickly, since it stops planning as soon as it has found a path shorter than the given threshold. Note that when calling ompl::base::OptimizationObjective::setCostThreshold, we wrap our threshold value in an ompl::base::Cost object. We’ll talk more about the ompl::base::Cost object later, but for now you can think of them as a wrapper for double values that represent the cost of a path.