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[C++知识库]c++ stl常用算法总结


  • 将容器元素进行排序, 会改变容器顺序, 默认从小到大排序

    void sort( RandomIt first, RandomIt last );
  • comp: returns true if the first argument is less than the second.

    struct {
         bool operator()(int a, int b) const { return a < b; }
     } customLess;
  • 算法复杂度: nlogn


  • 将容器中的[first, middle)元素进行排序, 会改变容器顺序, 默认从小到大排序

    void partial_sort( RandomIt first, RandomIt middle, RandomIt last );
  • comp: returns true if the first argument is less than the second.

  • 算法复杂度: Approximately (last-first)log(middle-first) applications of cmp.


  • 找到容器中假设从小到大排序的第n个元素, 会改变容器顺序, 一般用于找中位数

    void nth_element( RandomIt first, RandomIt nth, RandomIt last );
  • comp: returns true if the first argument is less than the second.

  • 算法复杂度: Linear in std::distance(first, last) on average.


  • 将容器中满足条件的放在一边, 不满足条件的放在另一边, 返回两边中间另一边开始前的指针, 会改变容器顺序

  • UnaryPredicate: unary predicate which returns true if the element should be ordered before other elements.

    auto it = std::partition(v.begin(), v.end(), [](int i){return i % 2 == 0;});
  • 算法复杂度: n


  • 找到容器中第一个大于等于一个值的元素, 不会改变容器顺序, 要求容器有序
    Returns an iterator pointing to the first element in the range [first, last) that does not satisfy element < value (or comp(element, value)),
    (i.e. greater or equal to), or last if no such element is found.

    ForwardIt lower_bound( ForwardIt first, ForwardIt last, const T& value );
  • comp: binary predicate which returns true if the first argument is less than the second.

    auto prc_info = std::lower_bound(prices.begin(), prices.end(), to_find,
            [](const PriceInfo& info, double value)
                return info.price < value;
  • 算法复杂度: logn


  • 找到容器中第一个大于一个值的元素, 不会改变容器顺序, 要求容器有序
    Returns an iterator pointing to the first element in the range [first, last) such that value < element
    (or comp(value, element)) is true (i.e. strictly greater), or last if no such element is found.

    ForwardIt upper_bound( ForwardIt first, ForwardIt last, const T& value );
  • comp: binary predicate which returns true if the first argument is less than the second.

    auto prc_info = std::upper_bound(prices.begin(), prices.end(), to_find,
              [](double value, const PriceInfo& info)
                  return value < info.price;
  • 算法复杂度: logn


  • Returns a range containing all elements equivalent to value in the range [first, last). 要求容器有序

    Possible implementation:

    template<class ForwardIt, class T>
    std::pair<ForwardIt, ForwardIt>
        equal_range(ForwardIt first, ForwardIt last, const T& value) {
        return std::make_pair(std::lower_bound(first, last, value),
                              std::upper_bound(first, last, value));
  • comp: binary predicate which returns true if the first argument is less than the second.

  • 算法复杂度: 2 * logn


  • 二分法查找element equivalent to value, 要求容器有序, 不会改变容器顺序
    Possible implementation:

    template<class ForwardIt, class T>
    bool binary_search(ForwardIt first, ForwardIt last, const T& value)
      first = std::lower_bound(first, last, value);
      return (!(first == last) && !(value < *first));
  • comp: binary predicate which returns true if the first argument is less than the second.

  • 算法复杂度: logn


  • 将一个容器中的元素施加某种算法后, 并作用于另一个容器上

  • unary_op/binary_op:

    std::transform(s.cbegin(), s.cend(),
                    s.begin(), // write to the same location
                    [](unsigned char c) { return std::toupper(c); });
    std::transform(s.cbegin(), s.cend(), std::back_inserter(ordinals),
     [](unsigned char c) { return c; });
    std::transform(ordinals.cbegin(), ordinals.cend(), ordinals.cbegin(),
                    ordinals.begin(), std::plus<>{});
  • 算法复杂度: n


  • 去除器中相邻的两个equivalent elements中的一个, 通常与erase联合使用, 完成真正意义上的删除, 不要求容器有序

    left_boundary.erase(std::unique(left_boundary.begin(), left_boundary.end()),
  • BinaryPredicate: binary predicate which returns true if the elements should be treated as equal.

  • 算法复杂度: n


  • 去除容器中满足特定条件的元素, 通常与erase联合使用, 完成真正意义上的删除, 不要求容器有序

    auto noSpaceEnd = std::remove(str1.begin(), str1.end(), ' ');
    str1.erase(noSpaceEnd, str1.end());
  • UnaryPredicate: unary predicate which returns true if the element should be removed.

                               [](unsigned char x){return std::isspace(x);}),
  • 算法复杂度: n


  • 对一个容器循环调用某个函数

    std::for_each(nums.begin(), nums.end(), [](int &n){ n++; });

    因为c++11引入了for(auto var : vars)基于范围的for循环语法, 使得for_each的语义表达相形见绌了许多, 大多数情况可以不用for_each

  • 算法复杂度: n


  • 找到容器中最大/最小元素, 默认使用<比较

  • comp: comparison function object (i.e. an object that satisfies the requirements of Compare) which returns true if the first argument is less than the second.

    result = std::max_element(v.begin(), v.end(), [](int a, int b) {
         return std::abs(a) < std::abs(b);
  • 算法复杂度: n

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