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   -> Java知识库 -> eclipseMosquitto源码客户端源码解析 -> 正文阅读


一、Eclipse Mosquitto :




定义struct mqtt5__property
在/lib/connect.c文件中定义struct mqtt5__property;
typedef struct mqtt5__property mosquitto_property;
struct mqtt5__property {
	struct mqtt5__property *next;
	union {
		uint8_t i8;
		uint16_t i16;
		uint32_t i32;
		uint32_t varint;
		struct mqtt__string bin;
		struct mqtt__string s;
	} value;
	struct mqtt__string name;
	int32_t identifier;
	bool client_generated;
定义 struct mosquitto_message
struct mosquitto_message{
	int mid;
	char *topic;
	void *payload;
	int payloadlen;
	int qos;
	bool retain;
定义enum mosquitto_msg_state
enum mosquitto_msg_state {
	mosq_ms_invalid = 0,
	mosq_ms_publish_qos0 = 1,
	mosq_ms_publish_qos1 = 2,
	mosq_ms_wait_for_puback = 3,
	mosq_ms_publish_qos2 = 4,
	mosq_ms_wait_for_pubrec = 5,
	mosq_ms_resend_pubrel = 6,
	mosq_ms_wait_for_pubrel = 7,
	mosq_ms_resend_pubcomp = 8,
	mosq_ms_wait_for_pubcomp = 9,
	mosq_ms_send_pubrec = 10,
	mosq_ms_queued = 11
定义enum mosquitto_client_stat
enum mosquitto_client_state {
	mosq_cs_new = 0,
	mosq_cs_connected = 1,
	mosq_cs_disconnecting = 2,
	mosq_cs_active = 3,
	mosq_cs_connect_pending = 4,
	mosq_cs_connect_srv = 5,
	mosq_cs_disconnect_ws = 6,
	mosq_cs_disconnected = 7,
	mosq_cs_socks5_new = 8,
	mosq_cs_socks5_start = 9,
	mosq_cs_socks5_request = 10,
	mosq_cs_socks5_reply = 11,
	mosq_cs_socks5_auth_ok = 12,
	mosq_cs_socks5_userpass_reply = 13,
	mosq_cs_socks5_send_userpass = 14,
	mosq_cs_expiring = 15,
	mosq_cs_duplicate = 17, /* client that has been taken over by another with the same id */
	mosq_cs_disconnect_with_will = 18,
	mosq_cs_disused = 19, /* client that has been added to the disused list to be freed */
	mosq_cs_authenticating = 20, /* Client has sent CONNECT but is still undergoing extended authentication */
	mosq_cs_reauthenticating = 21, /* Client is undergoing reauthentication and shouldn't do anything else until complete */
定义enum mosquitto__protocol
enum mosquitto__protocol {
	mosq_p_invalid = 0,
	mosq_p_mqtt31 = 1,
	mosq_p_mqtt311 = 2,
	mosq_p_mqtts = 3,
	mosq_p_mqtt5 = 5,
定义enum mosquitto__threaded_state
enum mosquitto__threaded_state {
	mosq_ts_none,		/* No threads in use */
	mosq_ts_self,		/* Threads started by libmosquitto */
	mosq_ts_external	/* Threads started by external code */
定义enum mosquitto__transport
enum mosquitto__transport {
	mosq_t_invalid = 0,
	mosq_t_tcp = 1,
	mosq_t_ws = 2,
	mosq_t_sctp = 3
定义struct mosquitto__alias
struct mosquitto__alias{
	char *topic;
	uint16_t alias;
定义struct session_expiry_list
struct session_expiry_list {
	struct mosquitto *context;
	struct session_expiry_list *prev;
	struct session_expiry_list *next;
定义struct mosquitto__packet
struct mosquitto__packet{
	uint8_t *payload;
	struct mosquitto__packet *next;
	uint32_t remaining_mult;
	uint32_t remaining_length;
	uint32_t packet_length;
	uint32_t to_process;
	uint32_t pos;
	uint16_t mid;
	uint8_t command;
	int8_t remaining_count;
定义struct mosquitto_message_all
struct mosquitto_message_all{
	struct mosquitto_message_all *next;
	struct mosquitto_message_all *prev;
	mosquitto_property *properties;
	time_t timestamp;
	enum mosquitto_msg_state state;
	bool dup;
	struct mosquitto_message msg;
	uint32_t expiry_interval;
定义struct mosquitto_msg_data
struct mosquitto_msg_data{
	struct mosquitto_client_msg *inflight;
	struct mosquitto_client_msg *queued;
	long inflight_bytes;
	long inflight_bytes12;
	int inflight_count;
	int inflight_count12;
	long queued_bytes;
	long queued_bytes12;
	int queued_count;
	int queued_count12;
	struct mosquitto_message_all *inflight;
	int queue_len;
	pthread_mutex_t mutex;
#  endif
	int inflight_quota;
	uint16_t inflight_maximum;
定义struct mosquitto
结构体struct mosquitto 主要用于保存客户端连接的所有信息,例如用户id,用户名,客户端socket,ip地址,密码,保持连接的时间值等
struct mosquitto {
#if defined(WITH_BROKER) && defined(WITH_EPOLL)
	/* This *must* be the first element in the struct. */
	int ident;
	mosq_sock_t sock;
	mosq_sock_t sockpairR, sockpairW;
	uint32_t maximum_packet_size;
#if defined(__GLIBC__) && defined(WITH_ADNS)
	struct gaicb *adns; /* For getaddrinfo_a */
	enum mosquitto__protocol protocol;
	char *address;
	char *id;
	char *username;
	char *password;
	uint16_t keepalive;
	uint16_t last_mid;
	enum mosquitto_client_state state;
	time_t last_msg_in;
	time_t next_msg_out;
	time_t ping_t;
	struct mosquitto__packet in_packet;
	struct mosquitto__packet *current_out_packet;
	struct mosquitto__packet *out_packet;
	struct mosquitto_message_all *will;
	struct mosquitto__alias *aliases;
	struct will_delay_list *will_delay_entry;
	int alias_count;
	int out_packet_count;
	uint32_t will_delay_interval;
	time_t will_delay_time;
#ifdef WITH_TLS
	SSL *ssl;
	SSL_CTX *ssl_ctx;
	SSL_CTX *user_ssl_ctx;
	char *tls_cafile;
	char *tls_capath;
	char *tls_certfile;
	char *tls_keyfile;
	int (*tls_pw_callback)(char *buf, int size, int rwflag, void *userdata);
	char *tls_version;
	char *tls_ciphers;
	char *tls_psk;
	char *tls_psk_identity;
	char *tls_engine;
	char *tls_engine_kpass_sha1;
	char *tls_alpn;
	int tls_cert_reqs;
	bool tls_insecure;
	bool ssl_ctx_defaults;
	bool tls_ocsp_required;
	bool tls_use_os_certs;
	enum mosquitto__keyform tls_keyform;
	bool want_write;
	bool want_connect;
#if defined(WITH_THREADING) && !defined(WITH_BROKER)
	pthread_mutex_t callback_mutex;
	pthread_mutex_t log_callback_mutex;
	pthread_mutex_t msgtime_mutex;
	pthread_mutex_t out_packet_mutex;
	pthread_mutex_t current_out_packet_mutex;
	pthread_mutex_t state_mutex;
	pthread_mutex_t mid_mutex;
	pthread_t thread_id;
	bool clean_start;
	time_t session_expiry_time;
	uint32_t session_expiry_interval;
	bool in_by_id;
	bool is_dropping;
	bool is_bridge;
	struct mosquitto__bridge *bridge;
	struct mosquitto_msg_data msgs_in;
	struct mosquitto_msg_data msgs_out;
	struct mosquitto__acl_user *acl_list;
	struct mosquitto__listener *listener;
	struct mosquitto__packet *out_packet_last;
	struct mosquitto__client_sub **subs;
	char *auth_method;
	int sub_count;
#  ifndef WITH_EPOLL
	int pollfd_index;
#  endif
	struct lws *wsi;
#  endif
	bool ws_want_write;
	bool assigned_id;
#  ifdef WITH_SOCKS
	char *socks5_host;
	uint16_t socks5_port;
	char *socks5_username;
	char *socks5_password;
#  endif
	void *userdata;
	bool in_callback;
	struct mosquitto_msg_data msgs_in;
	struct mosquitto_msg_data msgs_out;
	void (*on_connect)(struct mosquitto *, void *userdata, int rc);
	void (*on_connect_with_flags)(struct mosquitto *, void *userdata, int rc, int flags);
	void (*on_connect_v5)(struct mosquitto *, void *userdata, int rc, int flags, const mosquitto_property *props);
	void (*on_disconnect)(struct mosquitto *, void *userdata, int rc);
	void (*on_disconnect_v5)(struct mosquitto *, void *userdata, int rc, const mosquitto_property *props);
	void (*on_publish)(struct mosquitto *, void *userdata, int mid);
	void (*on_publish_v5)(struct mosquitto *, void *userdata, int mid, int reason_code, const mosquitto_property *props);
	void (*on_message)(struct mosquitto *, void *userdata, const struct mosquitto_message *message);
	void (*on_message_v5)(struct mosquitto *, void *userdata, const struct mosquitto_message *message, const mosquitto_property *props);
	void (*on_subscribe)(struct mosquitto *, void *userdata, int mid, int qos_count, const int *granted_qos);
	void (*on_subscribe_v5)(struct mosquitto *, void *userdata, int mid, int qos_count, const int *granted_qos, const mosquitto_property *props);
	void (*on_unsubscribe)(struct mosquitto *, void *userdata, int mid);
	void (*on_unsubscribe_v5)(struct mosquitto *, void *userdata, int mid, const mosquitto_property *props);
	void (*on_log)(struct mosquitto *, void *userdata, int level, const char *str);
	/*void (*on_error)();*/
	char *host;
	uint16_t port;
	char *bind_address;
	unsigned int reconnects;
	unsigned int reconnect_delay;
	unsigned int reconnect_delay_max;
	bool reconnect_exponential_backoff;
	char threaded;
	struct mosquitto__packet *out_packet_last;
	mosquitto_property *connect_properties;
#  ifdef WITH_SRV
	ares_channel achan;
#  endif
	uint8_t max_qos;
	uint8_t retain_available;
	bool tcp_nodelay;

	UT_hash_handle hh_id;
	UT_hash_handle hh_sock;
	struct mosquitto *for_free_next;
	struct session_expiry_list *expiry_list_item;
	uint16_t remote_port;
	uint32_t events;
参数last_msg_in和last_msg_out用于记录上次收发消息的时间;参数struct mosquitto_client_msg*msgs用于
定义struct mosquitto__callback
struct mosquitto__callback{
	UT_hash_handle hh; /* For callbacks that register for e.g. a specific topic */
	struct mosquitto__callback *next, *prev; /* For typical callbacks */
	MOSQ_FUNC_generic_callback cb;
	void *userdata;
	char *data; /* e.g. topic for control event */
定义struct plugin__callbacks
struct plugin__callbacks{
	struct mosquitto__callback *tick;
	struct mosquitto__callback *acl_check;
	struct mosquitto__callback *basic_auth;
	struct mosquitto__callback *control;
	struct mosquitto__callback *disconnect;
	struct mosquitto__callback *ext_auth_continue;
	struct mosquitto__callback *ext_auth_start;
	struct mosquitto__callback *message;
	struct mosquitto__callback *psk_key;
	struct mosquitto__callback *reload;
定义struct mosquitto__security_options
struct mosquitto__security_options {
	/* Any options that get added here also need considering
	 * in config__read() with regards whether allow_anonymous
	 * should be disabled when these options are set.
	struct mosquitto__unpwd *unpwd;
	struct mosquitto__unpwd *psk_id;
	struct mosquitto__acl_user *acl_list;
	struct mosquitto__acl *acl_patterns;
	char *password_file;
	char *psk_file;
	char *acl_file;
	struct mosquitto__auth_plugin_config *auth_plugin_configs;
	int auth_plugin_config_count;
	int8_t allow_anonymous;
	bool allow_zero_length_clientid;
	char *auto_id_prefix;
	uint16_t auto_id_prefix_len;
	struct plugin__callbacks plugin_callbacks;
	mosquitto_plugin_id_t *pid; /* For registering as a "plugin" */
定义struct mosquitto__listener
struct mosquitto__listener {
	uint16_t port;
	char *host;
	char *bind_interface;
	int max_connections;
	char *mount_point;
	mosq_sock_t *socks;
	int sock_count;
	int client_count;
	enum mosquitto_protocol protocol;
	int socket_domain;
	bool use_username_as_clientid;
	uint8_t max_qos;
	uint16_t max_topic_alias;
#ifdef WITH_TLS
	char *cafile;
	char *capath;
	char *certfile;
	char *keyfile;
	char *tls_engine;
	char *tls_engine_kpass_sha1;
	char *ciphers;
	char *ciphers_tls13;
	char *psk_hint;
	SSL_CTX *ssl_ctx;
	char *crlfile;
	char *tls_version;
	char *dhparamfile;
	bool use_identity_as_username;
	bool use_subject_as_username;
	bool require_certificate;
	enum mosquitto__keyform tls_keyform;
	struct lws_context *ws_context;
	bool ws_in_init;
	char *http_dir;
	struct lws_protocols *ws_protocol;
	struct mosquitto__security_options security_options;
	char *unix_socket_path;

定义 struct mosquitto__listener_sock
struct mosquitto__listener_sock{
	/* This *must* be the first element in the struct. */
	int ident;
	mosq_sock_t sock;
	struct mosquitto__listener *listener;
typedef struct mosquitto_plugin_id_t{
	struct mosquitto__listener *listener;
} mosquitto_plugin_id_t;
定义struct mosquitto__config
结构体struct mosquitto_config用于保存mosquitto的所有配置信息,mosquitto程序在启动时将初始化该结构体并从配置文件中读取配置信息保存于该结构体变量内。
struct mosquitto__config {
	bool allow_duplicate_messages;
	int autosave_interval;
	bool autosave_on_changes;
	bool check_retain_source;
	char *clientid_prefixes;
	bool connection_messages;
	uint16_t cmd_port[CMD_PORT_LIMIT];
	int cmd_port_count;
	bool daemon;
	struct mosquitto__listener default_listener;
	struct mosquitto__listener *listeners;
	int listener_count;
	bool local_only;
	unsigned int log_dest;
	int log_facility;
	unsigned int log_type;
	bool log_timestamp;
	char *log_timestamp_format;
	char *log_file;
	FILE *log_fptr;
	size_t max_inflight_bytes;
	size_t max_queued_bytes;
	int max_queued_messages;
	uint32_t max_packet_size;
	uint32_t message_size_limit;
	uint16_t max_inflight_messages;
	uint16_t max_keepalive;
	uint8_t max_qos;
	bool persistence;
	char *persistence_location;
	char *persistence_file;
	char *persistence_filepath;
	time_t persistent_client_expiration;
	char *pid_file;
	bool queue_qos0_messages;
	bool per_listener_settings;
	bool retain_available;
	bool set_tcp_nodelay;
	int sys_interval;
	bool upgrade_outgoing_qos;
	char *user;
	int websockets_log_level;
	uint16_t websockets_headers_size;
	struct mosquitto__bridge *bridges;
	int bridge_count;
	struct mosquitto__security_options security_options;
定义struct mosquitto__subleaf
该链表的节点即是:struct mosquitto__subleaf,定义形式为:
struct mosquitto__subleaf {
	struct mosquitto__subleaf *prev;
	struct mosquitto__subleaf *next;
	struct mosquitto *context;
	uint32_t identifier;
	uint8_t qos;
	bool no_local;
	bool retain_as_published;
其中成员struct mosquitto *context表示一个订阅客户端,prev和next表示其前一个节点和后一个节点,identifier 表示标识符。
定义struct mosquitto__subshared
struct mosquitto__subshared {
	UT_hash_handle hh;
	char *name;
	struct mosquitto__subleaf *subs;
定义struct mosquitto__subhier
数据结构struct mosquitto__subhier是用于保存订阅树的节点(包括叶子节点和中间节点),
mosquitto中对订阅树采用父亲–孩子链表法的方式进行存储,该存储方式主要借助与数据结构struct mosquitto__subhier来完成。
struct mosquitto__subhier {
	UT_hash_handle hh;
	struct mosquitto__subhier *parent;
	struct mosquitto__subhier *children;
	struct mosquitto__subleaf *subs;
	struct mosquitto__subshared *shared;
	char *topic;
	uint16_t topic_len;
定义struct mosquitto__client_sub
struct mosquitto__client_sub {
	struct mosquitto__subhier *hier;
	struct mosquitto__subshared *shared;
	char topic_filter[];
定义struct sub__token
struct sub__token {
	struct sub__token *next;
	char *topic;
	uint16_t topic_len;
定义struct mosquitto__retainhier
struct mosquitto__retainhier {
	UT_hash_handle hh;
	struct mosquitto__retainhier *parent;
	struct mosquitto__retainhier *children;
	struct mosquitto_msg_store *retained;
	char *topic;
	uint16_t topic_len;
定义struct mosquitto_msg_store_load
struct mosquitto_msg_store_load{
	UT_hash_handle hh;
	dbid_t db_id;
	struct mosquitto_msg_store *store;
定义struct mosquitto_msg_store
struct mosquitto_msg_store{
	struct mosquitto_msg_store *next;
	struct mosquitto_msg_store *prev;
	dbid_t db_id;
	char *source_id;
	char *source_username;
	struct mosquitto__listener *source_listener;
	char **dest_ids;
	int dest_id_count;
	int ref_count;
	char* topic;
	mosquitto_property *properties;
	void *payload;
	time_t message_expiry_time;
	uint32_t payloadlen;
	enum mosquitto_msg_origin origin;
	uint16_t source_mid;
	uint16_t mid;
	uint8_t qos;
	bool retain;
定义struct mosquitto_client_msg
struct mosquitto_client_msg{
	struct mosquitto_client_msg *prev;
	struct mosquitto_client_msg *next;
	struct mosquitto_msg_store *store;
	mosquitto_property *properties;
	time_t timestamp;
	uint16_t mid;
	uint8_t qos;
	bool retain;
	enum mosquitto_msg_direction direction;
	enum mosquitto_msg_state state;
	bool dup;
定义struct mosquitto__unpwd
struct mosquitto__unpwd{
	UT_hash_handle hh;
	char *username;
	char *password;
	char *clientid;
#ifdef WITH_TLS
	unsigned char *salt;
	unsigned int password_len;
	unsigned int salt_len;
	int iterations;
	enum mosquitto_pwhash_type hashtype;
定义struct mosquitto__acl
struct mosquitto__acl{
	struct mosquitto__acl *next;
	char *topic;
	int access;
	int ucount;
	int ccount;
定义struct mosquitto__acl_user
struct mosquitto__acl_user{
	struct mosquitto__acl_user *next;
	char *username;
	struct mosquitto__acl *acl;
定义struct mosquitto_message_v5
struct mosquitto_message_v5{
	struct mosquitto_message_v5 *next, *prev;
	char *topic;
	void *payload;
	mosquitto_property *properties;
	char *clientid; /* Used only by mosquitto_broker_publish*() to indicate
					   this message is for a specific client. */
	int payloadlen;
	int qos;
	bool retain;
定义struct mosquitto_db
结构体struct mosquitto_db是mosquitto对所有内部数据的统一管理结构,
struct mosquitto_db{
	dbid_t last_db_id;
	struct mosquitto__subhier *subs;
	struct mosquitto__retainhier *retains;
	struct mosquitto *contexts_by_id;
	struct mosquitto *contexts_by_sock;
	struct mosquitto *contexts_for_free;
	struct mosquitto **bridges;
	struct clientid__index_hash *clientid_index_hash;
	struct mosquitto_msg_store *msg_store;
	struct mosquitto_msg_store_load *msg_store_load;
	time_t now_s; /* Monotonic clock, where possible */
	time_t now_real_s; /* Read clock, for measuring session/message expiry */
	int bridge_count;
	int msg_store_count;
	unsigned long msg_store_bytes;
	char *config_file;
	struct mosquitto__config *config;
	int auth_plugin_count;
	bool verbose;
	int subscription_count;
	int shared_subscription_count;
	int retained_count;
	int persistence_changes;
	struct mosquitto *ll_for_free;
	int epollfd;
	struct mosquitto_message_v5 *plugin_msgs;
结构体成员struct mosquitto__subhier *subs保存了订阅树的总树根,mosquitto中对所有的topic都在该订阅树中维护,客户端的订阅关系
也在该订阅树中维护;成员结构体struct clientid__index_hash*clientid_index_hash用于保存一个hash表,该hash表可通过客户端的ID
快速找到该客户端在数组contexts中的索引;结构体成员struct mosquitto__config *config用于保存mosquitto的所有配置信息。
enum mosquitto__bridge_direction{
	bd_out = 0,
	bd_in = 1,
	bd_both = 2
enum mosquitto_bridge_start_type{
	bst_automatic = 0,
	bst_lazy = 1,
	bst_manual = 2,
	bst_once = 3
定义struct mosquitto__bridge_topic
struct mosquitto__bridge_topic{
	char *topic;
	char *local_prefix;
	char *remote_prefix;
	char *local_topic; /* topic prefixed with local_prefix */
	char *remote_topic; /* topic prefixed with remote_prefix */
	enum mosquitto__bridge_direction direction;
	uint8_t qos;
定义struct bridge_address
struct bridge_address{
	char *address;
	uint16_t port;
定义struct mosquitto__bridge
struct mosquitto__bridge{
	char *name;
	struct bridge_address *addresses;
	int cur_address;
	int address_count;
	time_t primary_retry;
	mosq_sock_t primary_retry_sock;
	bool round_robin;
	bool try_private;
	bool try_private_accepted;
	bool clean_start;
	int8_t clean_start_local;
	uint16_t keepalive;
	struct mosquitto__bridge_topic *topics;
	int topic_count;
	bool topic_remapping;
	enum mosquitto__protocol protocol_version;
	time_t restart_t;
	char *remote_clientid;
	char *remote_username;
	char *remote_password;
	char *local_clientid;
	char *local_username;
	char *local_password;
	char *notification_topic;
	char *bind_address;
	bool notifications;
	bool notifications_local_only;
	enum mosquitto_bridge_start_type start_type;
	int idle_timeout;
	int restart_timeout;
	int backoff_base;
	int backoff_cap;
	int threshold;
	uint32_t maximum_packet_size;
	bool lazy_reconnect;
	bool attempt_unsubscribe;
	bool initial_notification_done;
	bool outgoing_retain;
#ifdef WITH_TLS
	bool tls_insecure;
	bool tls_ocsp_required;
	char *tls_cafile;
	char *tls_capath;
	char *tls_certfile;
	char *tls_keyfile;
	char *tls_version;
	char *tls_alpn;
	char *tls_psk_identity;
	char *tls_psk;
#  endif
struct libws_mqtt_hack {
	char *http_dir;
	struct mosquitto__listener *listener;
struct libws_mqtt_data {
	struct mosquitto *mosq;

4.1 publish客户端

 int main(int argc, char *argv[])
	struct mosquitto *mosq;
	int rc;

	/* Required before calling other mosquitto functions */

	/* Create a new client instance.
	 * id = NULL -> ask the broker to generate a client id for us
	 * clean session = true -> the broker should remove old sessions when we connect
	 * obj = NULL -> we aren't passing any of our private data for callbacks
	mosq = mosquitto_new(NULL, true, NULL);
	if(mosq == NULL){
		fprintf(stderr, "Error: Out of memory.\n");
		return 1;

	/* Configure callbacks. This should be done before connecting ideally. */
	mosquitto_connect_callback_set(mosq, on_connect);
	mosquitto_publish_callback_set(mosq, on_publish);

	/* Connect to on port 1883, with a keepalive of 60 seconds.
	 * This call makes the socket connection only, it does not complete the MQTT
	 * CONNECT/CONNACK flow, you should use mosquitto_loop_start() or
	 * mosquitto_loop_forever() for processing net traffic. */
	rc = mosquitto_connect(mosq, "", 1883, 60);
	if(rc != MOSQ_ERR_SUCCESS){
		fprintf(stderr, "Error: %s\n", mosquitto_strerror(rc));
		return 1;

	/* Run the network loop in a background thread, this call returns quickly. */
	rc = mosquitto_loop_start(mosq);
	if(rc != MOSQ_ERR_SUCCESS){
		fprintf(stderr, "Error: %s\n", mosquitto_strerror(rc));
		return 1;

	/* At this point the client is connected to the network socket, but may not
	 * have completed CONNECT/CONNACK.
	 * It is fairly safe to start queuing messages at this point, but if you
	 * want to be really sure you should wait until after a successful call to
	 * the connect callback.
	 * In this case we know it is 1 second before we start publishing.

	return 0;


mosquitto_loop函数内部调用: mosquitto_loop_read和mosquitto_loop_write函数。


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