Functional Programming in Java venkat(6): Strings Comparators and Filters part1
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About the author
Venkat Subramaniam
Dr. Venkat Subramaniam, founder of Agile Developer, Inc., has trained and mentored thousands of software developers in the US, Canada, Europe, and Asia. Venkat helps his clients effectively apply and succeed with agile practices on their software projects. He is a frequent invited speaker at international software conferences and user groups. He’s author of .NET Gotchas (O’Reilly), coauthor of the 2007 Jolt Productivity award-winning book Practices of an Agile Developer (Pragmatic Bookshelf),
Strings Comparators and Filters
Java JDK现在进化到很容易就能支持函数式风格。
The Java Development Kit (JDK) has evolved to include convenience methods that promote the functional style. When using familiar classes and interfaces from the library—String, for example—we need to look for opportunities to use these newer functions in place of the old style. Also, anywhere we used an anonymous inner class with just one method, we can now use lambda expressions to reduce clutter and ceremony.
这一章我们学习使用lambda表达式和方法引用来遍历String, 实现Comparators,操作文件和目录等。
In this chapter we’ll use lambda expressions and method references to iterate over a String, to implement Comparators, to list files in a directory, and to observe file and directory changes. Quite a few methods introduced in the previous chapter will appear here again to help with the tasks at hand. Techniques you pick up along the way will help turn long, mundane tasks into concise code snippets you can quickly write and easily maintain.
Iterating a String
chars方法来自CharSequence 接口,可以流畅地遍历String的characters。这是一个内部迭代器
The chars() method is a new one in the String class from the CharSequence interface. It’s useful for fluently iterating over the String’s characters. We can use this convenient internal iterator to apply an operation on the individual characters that make up the string. Let’s use it in an example to process a string. Along the way we’ll discuss a few more handy ways to use method references.
final String str = "w00t";
.forEach(ch -> System.out.println(ch));
The chars() method returns a Stream over which we can iterate, using the forEach() internal iterator. We get direct read access to the characters in the String within the iterator. Here’s the result when we iterate and print each character.
The result is not quite what we’d expect. Instead of seeing characters we’re seeing numbers. That’s because the chars() method returns a stream of Integers, representing the characters instead of a stream of Characters. Let’s explore the application programming interface a bit further before we fix the output.
In the previous code we created a lambda expression in the argument list for the forEach() method. The implementation was a simple call where we routed the parameter directly as an argument to the println() method. Since this is a trivial operation, we can eliminate this mundane code with the help of the Java compiler. We can rely on it to do this parameter routing for us, using a method reference like we did in Using Method References, on page 25.
方法调用的使用:这里我们调用静态引用System.out ,然后后面跟着双冒号
We already saw how to create a method reference for an instance method. For example, for the call name.toUpperCase(), the method reference is String::toUpperCase. In this example, however, we have a call on a static reference System.out . We can use either a class name or an expression to the left of the double colon in method references. Using this flexibility, it’s quite easy to provide a reference to the println() method, as we see next.
In this example we see the smarts of the Java compiler for parameter routing. Recall that lambda expressions and method references may stand in where implementations of functional interfaces are expected, and the Java compiler synthesizes the appropriate method in place (see A Little Sugar to Sweeten, on page 15). In the earlier method reference we used, String::toUppercase , the parameter to the synthesized method turned into the target of the method call, like so: parameter.toUppercase() ;. That’s because the method reference is based on a class name (String). In this example, the method reference, again to an instance method, is based on an expression—an instance of PrintStream accessed through the static reference System.out . Since we already provided a target for the method, the Java compiler decided to use the parameter of the synthesized method as an argument to the referenced method, like so: System. out.println(parameter); . Sweet.
The code with the method reference is quite concise, but we have to dig into it a bit more to understand what’s going on. Once we get used to method references, our brains will know to autoparse these.
修复上面输出数字的bug,通过写a convenience method
In this example, although the code is concise, the output is not satisfactory. We want to see characters and not numbers in their place. To fix that, let’s write a convenience method that takes an int and prints it as a character.
private static void printChar(int aChar) {
We can use a reference to this convenience method to fix the output.
We can continue to use the result of chars() as an int, and when it’s time to print we can convert it to a character. The output of this version will display characters.
如果我们想从一开始就处理字符而不是 int,我们可以在调用 chars() 方法之后立即将 int 转换为字符
If we want to process characters and not int from the start, we can convert the ints to characters right after the call to the chars() method, like so:
.mapToObj(ch -> Character.valueOf((char)ch))
可以看到chars方法返回的是IntStream, 具体实现细节需要实现一个类CharIterator , 用到hasNext 等方法的实现
public default IntStream chars() {
class CharIterator implements PrimitiveIterator.OfInt {
int cur = 0;
public boolean hasNext() {
return cur < length();
public int nextInt() {
if (hasNext()) {
return charAt(cur++);
} else {
throw new NoSuchElementException();
public void forEachRemaining(IntConsumer block) {
for (; cur < length(); cur++) {
return StreamSupport.intStream(() ->
new CharIterator(),
Spliterator.SUBSIZED | Spliterator.SIZED | Spliterator.ORDERED,
We used the internal iterator on the Stream that the chars() method returned, but we’re not limited to that method. Once we get a Stream we can use any methods available on it, like map(), filter(), reduce(), and so on, to process the characters in the string. For example, we can filter out only digits from the string, like so:
.filter(ch -> Character.isDigit(ch))
.forEach(ch -> printChar(ch));
final String str = "w00t";
Once again, instead of the lambda expressions we passed to the filter() method and the forEach() method, we can use references to the respective methods.
The method references here helped remove the mundane parameter routing. In addition, in this example we see yet another variation of method references compared to the previous two instances where we used them. When we first saw method references, we created one for an instance method. Later we created one for a call on a static reference. Now we’re creating a method reference for a static method—method references seem to keep on giving.
实例方法:是参数调用这个方法,比如 parameter.toUppercase()
静态方法(类方法):是方法调用这个参数,比如 Character.isDigit(parameter)
The one for an instance method and a static method look the same structurally: for example, String::toUppercase and Character::isDigit . To decide how to route the parameter, the Java compiler will check whether the method is an instance method or a static method. If it’s an instance method, then synthesized method’s parameter becomes the call’s target, like in parameter.toUppercase() ; (the exception to this rule is if the target is already specified like in System.out::println ). On the other hand, if the method is static, then the parameter to the synthesized method is routed as an argument to this method, like in Character.isDigit( parameter) ;. See Appendix 2, Syntax Overview, on page 159, for a listing of method-reference variations and their syntax.
While this parameter routing is quite convenient, there is one caveat—method collisions and the resulting ambiguity. If there’s both a matching instance method and a static method, we’ll get a compilation error due to the reference’s ambiguity. For example, if we write Double::toString to convert an instance of Double to a String, the compiler would get confused whether to use the public String toString() instance method or the static method public static String toString(double value) , both from the Double class. If we run into this, no sweat; we simply switch back to using the appropriate lambda-expression version to move on.
Once we get used to the functional style, we can switch between the lambda expressions and the more concise method references, based on our comfort level.
下一节学the enhancements to the Comparator interface
We used a new method in Java 8 to easily iterate over characters. Next we’ll explore the enhancements to the Comparator interface.
Implementing the Comparator Interface
The Comparator interface is used in hundreds of places in the JDK library, from searching operations to sorting, reversing, and so on. In Java 8 this has turned into a functional interface; the benefit is that we can use charmingly fluent syntax to implement comparators.
Let’s create a few different implementations of the Comparator to understand the influence of the new style. Our fingers will thank us for all the keystrokes saved by not having to create anonymous inner classes.
Sorting with a Comparator
We’ll build an example to sort a list of people using a few different points of comparisons. Let’s first create the Person JavaBean.
package fpij;
public class Person {
private final String name;
private final int age;
public Person(final String theName, final int theAge) {
name = theName;
age = theAge;
public String getName() { return name; }
public int getAge() { return age; }
public int ageDifference(final Person other) {
return age - other.age;
public String toString() {
return String.format("%s - %d", name, age);
在Java中,有很多class 的定义都符合这样的规范:
- 若干
private 实例字段; - 通过
public 方法来读写实例字段。
public Type getXyz()
public void setXyz(Type value)
那么这种class 被称为JavaBean :
JavaBean是一种符合命名规范的class ,它通过getter 和setter 来定义属性;
可以利用IDE快速生成getter 和setter ;
使用Introspector.getBeanInfo() 可以获取属性列表。
为了可扩展,我们不在Person类中实现Comparable interface
We could implement the Comparable interface on the Person class, but that’d limit us to one particular comparison. We would want to compare on different things—on name, age, or a combination of fields, for example. To get this flexibility, we’ll create the code for different comparisons just when we need them, with the help of the Comparator interface.
Let’s create a list of people to work with, folks with different names and ages.
final List<Person> people = Arrays.asList(
new Person("John", 20),
new Person("Sara", 21),
new Person("Jane", 21),
new Person("Greg", 35));
We could sort the people by their names or the ages and in ascending or descending order. In the habitual way to achieve this we would implement the Comparator interface using anonymous inner classes. But the essence here
is the code for the comparison logic, and anything else we write would be pure ceremony. We can boil this down to its essence using lambda expressions.
sort方法不好,这是一个void类型的方法,会修改源List的内容,labor intensive,我们使用Stream。
Let’s first sort the people in the list in ascending order by age. Since we have a List, the obvious choice is the sort() method on the List. There are downsides to using this method, however. That’s a void method, which means the list will be mutated when we call it. To preserve the original list, we’d have to make a copy and then invoke the sort() method on the copy; that’s quite labor intensive. Instead we’ll seek the help of the Stream.
We can get a Stream from the List and conveniently call the sorted() method on it. Rather than messing with the given collection, it will return a sorted collection. We can nicely configure the Comparator parameter when calling this method.
List<Person> ascendingAge =
.sorted((person1, person2) -> person1.ageDifference(person2))
printPeople("Sorted in ascending order by age: ", ascendingAge);
这里再放一遍ageDifference 方法
public int ageDifference(final Person other) {
return age - other.age;
使用stream方法把List转变为Stream,然后在流上调用sorted方法。sorted把Comparator 作为参数。排完序之后,使用collect方法将其变成List。collect方法是一个reducer,可以把结果变成想要的数据类型。 toList方法是Collectors类中的一个静态方法。
We first transformed the given List of people to a Stream using the stream() method. We then invoked the sorted() method on it. This method takes a Comparator as its parameter. Since Comparator is a functional interface, we conveniently passed in a lambda expression. Finally we invoked the collect() method and asked it to put the result into a List. Recall that the collect() method is a reducer that will help to target the members of the transformed iteration into a desirable type or format. The toList() is a static method on the Collectors convenience class.
Comparator’s compareTo()抽象方法接受两个参数(需要比较的对象),然后返回一个int值。
Comparator’s compareTo() abstract method takes two parameters, the objects to be compared, and returns an int result. To comply with this, our lambda expression takes two parameters, two instances of Person, with their types inferred by the Java compiler. We return an int indicating whether the objects are equal.
Since we want to sort by the age property, we compare the two given people’s ages and return the difference. If they’re the same age, our lambda expression will return a 0 to indicate they’re equal. Otherwise, it will indicate the first person is younger by returning a negative number or older by returning a positive number for the age difference.
Stream<T> sorted(Comparator<? super T> comparator);
The sorted() method will iterate over each element in the target collection (people in this example) and apply the given Comparator (a lambda expression in this
case) to decide the logical ordering of the elements. The execution mechanism of sorted() is much like the reduce() method we saw earlier. The reduce() method trickles the list down to one value. The sorted() method, on the other hand, uses the result of the comparison to perform the ordering.
Once we sort the instances we want to print the values, so we invoke a convenience method printPeople(); let’s write that method next.
public static void printPeople(
final String message, final List<Person> people) {
In this method we print a message and iterate over the given collection, printing each of the instances. Let’s call the sorted() method, and the people in the list will be printed in ascending order by age.
Sorted in ascending order by age and name:
John - 20
Jane - 21
Sara - 21
Greg - 35
Let’s revisit the call to the sorted() method and make one more improvement to it.
.sorted((person1, person2) -> person1.ageDifference(person2))
In the lambda expression we’re passing to the sorted() method, we’re simply routing the two parameters—the first parameter as the target to the ageDifference() method and the second as its argument. Rather than writing this code, we can ask the Java compiler to do the routing again, using a method reference.
The parameter routing we want here is a bit different from the ones we saw earlier. So far we’ve seen a parameter being used as a target in one case and as an argument in another case. In the current situation, however, we have two parameters and we want those to be split, the first to be used as a target to the method and the second as an argument. No worries. The Java compiler gives us a friendly nod: “I can take care of that for you.”
Let’s replace the lambda expression in the previous call to the sorted() method with a short and sweet reference to the ageDifference() method.
List<Person> ascendingAge =
printPeople("Sorted in ascending order by age: ", ascendingAge);
The code is fantastically concise, thanks to the method-reference convenience the Java compiler offers. The compiler took the parameters, the two person instances being compared, and made the first the ageDifference() method’s target and the second the parameter. Rather than explicitly connecting these, we let the compiler work a little extra for us. When using this conciseness, we must be careful to ensure that the first parameter is really the intended target of the method referenced and the remaining parameters are its arguments
Reusing a Comparator
We got the people sorted in ascending order by age quite easily, and sorting them in descending order is just as easy. Let’s give that a shot.
We called the sorted() method and passed a lambda expression that conforms to the Comparator interface, much like the previous time. The only difference is the implementation of the lambda expression—we switched the people in the age comparison. The result should be a sort by descending order of their ages.
printPeople("Sorted in descending order by age: ",
.sorted((person1, person2) -> person2.ageDifference(person1))
System.out.println("//" + "END:AGE_DESCEND_OUTPUT");
Changing the logic for our comparison was effortless. We can’t quite refactor this version to use the method reference, though, because the parameter order here does not follow the parameter-routing conventions for method reference; the first parameter is not used as a target to the method, but rather as its argument. There’s a way to fix that, and in the process remove a duplication of effort that crept in. Let’s see how.
Comparator<Person> compareAscending =
(person1, person2) -> person1.ageDifference(person2);
Comparator<Person> compareDescending = compareAscending.reversed();
Earlier we created two lambda expressions: one to order the ages of two people in ascending order and the other to do it in descending order. In so doing, we duplicated the logic and the effort, and violated the DRY principle.1 If all we want is a reverse of the comparison, the JDK has us covered with a reversed()
method on the Comparator, available as a special method called default. We’ll discuss default methods later in the book, but here we’ll use the new reversed() method to remove the duplication and use method references.
reversed方法干了什么呢? Under the hood the reversed() creates a comparator that swaps its parameters’ order of comparison.
We first created a Comparator, compareAscending, to compare the age of the people in ascending order using the lambda expression syntax. To reverse the order of comparison instead of duplicating the effort, we can simply call reversed() on the first Comparator to get another Comparator with the comparison orders in reverse. Under the hood the reversed() creates a comparator that swaps its parameters’ order of comparison. This makes the reversed() method a higherorder method—this function creates and returns another functional expression with no side effect. Let’s use these two comparators in the code, but we’ll use method references to them.
Comparator<Person> compareAscending =
(person1, person2) -> person1.ageDifference(person2);
Comparator<Person> compareDescending = compareAscending.reversed();
printPeople("Sorted in ascending order by age: ",
printPeople("Sorted in descending order by age: ",
java 8 提供的特性
It’s becoming clear how the new features in Java 8 can greatly reduce code complexity and duplication of effort, but to get all the benefits we have to explore the seemingly endless possibilities the JDK offers.
We’ve been sorting by age, but we could sort by name quite easily, as well. Let’s sort in ascending alphabetical order by name; again, only the logic within the lambda expression needs to change.
printPeople("Sorted in ascending order by name: ",
.sorted((person1, person2) ->
So far our comparisons have worked on either the age or the name property. We can make the logic in the lambda expression more intelligent. For example, we could sort based on both name and age.
Let’s pick the youngest person in the list. We could find the first person after we’ve sorted by age in ascending order. But we don’t need to go that far; the Stream has us covered with a min() method. This method also accepts a Comparator but returns the smallest object in the order. Let’s use that method.
.ifPresent(youngest -> System.out.println("Youngest: " + youngest));
我们在min方法中调用方法引用,从低到高排序(ageDifference内部返回 第一个参数 减去 第二个参数)
We use the reference for the ageDifference() method in the call to the min() method. The min() method returns an Optional because the list may be empty and therefore there may not be a youngest person. We then print the details of the youngest person that we get access to from the Optional using its ifPresent() method. Let’s look at the output.
Youngest: John - 20
We can as easily find the oldest person in the list. Simply pass that method reference to a max() method.
System.out.println("//" + "START:ELDEST_OUTPUT");
.ifPresent(eldest -> System.out.println("Eldest: " + eldest));
We saw how lambda expressions and method references make implementing comparators concise and easy. For its part, the JDK has evolved with a few convenience methods added to the Comparator interface to make comparisons more fluent, as we’ll see next.
Multiple and Fluent Comparisons
看一看Comparator 中的新convenience methods
Let’s look at the new convenience methods added to the Comparator interface and use them to compare with ease based on multiple properties.
We’ll continue with the example from the previous section. To sort people by their name we used this:
.sorted((person1, person2) ->
The syntax is quite concise compared to the inner-classes syntax from yesteryear. But we can do better thanks to convenience functions in the Comparator interface. We can more fluently express our objectives using them. For example, to sort people by comparing their names, we can write this:
final Function<Person, String> byName = person -> person.getName();
我们静态导入Comparator中的comparing方法,这个方法使用调用的lambda表达式来确定比较逻辑,这里是byName 这个lambda表达式。
In the code we statically imported the comparing() method in the Comparator interface. The comparing() method uses the logic embedded in the provided lambda expression to create a Comparator. In other words, it’s a higher-order function that takes in one function (Function) and returns another (Comparator). In addition to making the syntax more concise, the code now reads fluently to express the problem being solved.
We can take this fluency further to make multiple comparisons. For example, here is some cogent syntax to sort people in ascending order by both age and name:
final Function<Person, Integer> byAge = person -> person.getAge();
final Function<Person, String> byTheirName = person -> person.getName();
printPeople("Sorted in ascending order by age and name: ",
We first created two lambda expressions, one to return the age of a given person and the other to return that person’s name. We then combined these two lambda expressions in the call to the sorted() method to compare on both properties. The comparing() method created and returned a Comparator to compare based on age. On the returned Comparator we invoked the thenComparing() method to create a composite comparator that compares based on both age and name.
The output from this code shows the net result of sorting by age first and then by name.
Sorted in ascending order by age and name:
John - 20
Jane - 21
Sara - 21
Greg - 35
As we can see, it’s easy to combine the Comparator implementations using the convenience of lambda expressions and the new utility classes in the JDK. Next we’ll examine Collectors.
clutter: 杂乱无章
crowd (something) untidily; fill with clutter.
his apartment was cluttered with paintings and antiques
trivial: 微不足道的,不重要的
Since this is a trivial operation, we can eliminate this mundane code with the help of the Java compiler.
双冒号:double colon
这个英文表达写得不错: 好处是我们可以使用迷人流畅的语法来实现比较器
the benefit is that we can use charmingly fluent syntax to implement comparators
treadmill: 跑步机
boil xxx down = condense, reduce, distill, compress,这里取压缩(这个方向)的意思
我们可以使用 lambda 表达式将其归结为本质。
We can boil this down to its essence using lambda expressions.
了解了lambda 表达式转化为方法引用的手法。需要注意的是多个参数的情形,第一个参数必须是target,后续的参数是arguments。
2022年5月5日23点59分, time to rest。今天把这篇blog发出来就去睡觉,5月份还有很多工作要做。
Keynote: Pleasure and Peril of Being a Polyglot Programmer by Dr. Venkat Subramaniam
With so many languages on the Java platform, there are real benefits to learning and using them. However, these languages bring along some challenges as well. Attend this keynote to learn, from a world renowned polyglot programmer and author of books on multiple languages, the pleasures and perils of being a polyglot programmer.
Slide and Other details:…
Venkat是一位真正的多语言programmer,polyglot programmer,给了我很多启发。
目前,笔者感兴趣的语言有Java,Groovy,Scala,Kotlin,Ruby, Haskell等等,可以按照Venkat的意见,一年学习一门新的编程语言,当然不仅仅会语法,要掌握idioms,要用这门语言处理tasks,做业务,遇到问题,解决问题。
当然,作为一名NLPer,Python必不可少,最近看到Fluent Python出第二版了,喜上眉梢!
Functional Programming in Java: Harnessing the Power Of Java 8 Lambda Expressions 1st Edition:
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