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CSS animation 属性是 animation-nameanimation-duration, animation-timing-functionanimation-delayanimation-iteration-countanimation-directionanimation-fill-modeanimation-play-state 属性的一个简写属性形式。

animation-timing-function: ease;
animation-timing-function: ease-in;//加速
animation-timing-function: ease-out;//减速
animation-timing-function: ease-in-out;//先加速后减速
animation-timing-function: linear;//匀速
animation-timing-function: step-start;
animation-timing-function: step-end;
/* 值为关键字 */
animation-iteration-count: infinite;//循环无限次

/* 值为数字 */
animation-iteration-count: 3;
animation-iteration-count: 2.4;

/* 指定多个值 */
animation-iteration-count: 2, 0, infinite;
动画交替反向运行,反向运行时,动画按步后退,同时,带时间功能的函数也反向,比如,ease-in 在反向时成为 ease-out。计数取决于开始时是奇数迭代还是偶数迭代
反向交替, 反向开始交替


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