NG Format?? ?格式化建议 NG Merit?? ?ng 优点 NG New?? ?创建项目,文件介绍 NG Basis?? ?基础 NG Text?? ?文本绑定、属性绑定 NG ngIf、ngSwithch?? ?条件判断 *ngIf 、ngSwithch NG ngFor?? ?数据循环 NG Click?? ?点击 NG @input?? ?父组件给子组件传值 NG @Output?? ?子组件通过@Output触发父组件的方法 NG @ViewChild?? ?父组件通过@ViewChild主动获取子组件的数据和方法 NG Communication?? ?通信 NG Command?? ?命令 NG Hooks?? ?生命周期 NG ChangeDetectorRef?? ?变更检测 NG DI?? ?依赖注入 NG Injectable?? ?注入实现 NG Service?? ?服务 NG Style?? ?样式 NG NgFor?? ?循环 NG Pipe?? ?管道 NG Model?? ?双向绑定 NG ElementRef?? ?DOM获取 NG DOM?? ?DOM获取 NG LazyLoading?? ?懒加载和预加载 NG Set & Get?? ?组件传值,监听数据修改 NG Service?? ?Service + Rxjs 通信 NG Extends?? ?组件继承、虚函数的继承 NG Component extends?? ?组件继承 NG Ng-content?? ?内容映射 NG Ng-template?? ?模板元素 NG Ng-container?? ?逻辑容器 NG RouteReuseStrategy?? ?路由复用策略 NG Compilation?? ?编译 NG Updata?? ?版本升级 NG selectionStart?? ?获取光标位置 NG Error?? ?错误 NG JQ?? ?引入JQ NG Project Directory?? ?项目目录 NG ComponentLibrary?? ?组件库 NG AOT & JIT?? ?预先编译、及时编辑 NG Form?? ?Form 表单
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