点击——> <——箭头,实现不同动画效果的炫酷切换?。
animejs_1照片墙: 使用animejs实现照片墙的炫酷切换效果
1、 我们切换风格的逻辑是通过改变每个风格的透明度来实现。
; (function (window) {
// 严格模式下
'use strict';
// extend:把某一个对象的属性复制给另一个对象,把b的属性给a
function extend(a, b) {
for (var key in b) {
if (b.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
a[key] = b[key];
return a;
// 防抖:我们不希望当快速点击的时候我们就一直在执行。想要间隔一定的时间在去触发
function debounce(func, wait) {
var timeout;
return function () {
var context = this, args = arguments;
var later = function () {
timeout = null;
func.apply(context, args);
timeout = setTimeout(later, wait);
function MLSlideshow(el, options) {
// 1. 元素属性
// 拿到元素,就把元素挂载到对象下
this.el = el;
// 2. 相关参数
this.options = extend({}, this.options);
extend(this.options, options);
// 3. 所有照片的风格
// 最外层盒子取到所有风格的类名
this.slides = [].slice.call(this.el.querySelectorAll('.slide'));
// 判断:如果当前照片风格少于2,不创建实例————也就是只有1种风格
this.slidesTotal = this.slides.length;
if (this.slidesTotal <= 1) {
// 4. 当前展示的风格的下标
this.current = this.options.startIdx || 0;
// 5. 当前窗口大小————因为图片的宽高是由窗口大小决定的
this.dimentions = {
width: this.el.offsetWidth,
height: this.el.offsetHeight
// 6. 照片风格初始化
// 需要一个_init方法————下面会写
this.slides = [].slice.call(this.el.querySelectorAll('.slide'));
// 照片墙初始化
MLSlideshow.prototype._init = function () {
var self = this, // self保存一下当前的this
// 1. 当图片加载完成,展示当前第一个风格————由current决定是第几个风格
// onPreload:图片加载完成要做的事情
onPreload = function () {
// 给当前的图片添加一个类名
// 让第一个风格展示
// 在图片加载完成的时候调用
// 2. 添加事件:
// 2.1 窗口大小事件
// 2.2 键盘触发切换风格事件
// _initEvents独立出一个方法
// 判断图片是否加载完成
MLSlideshow.prototype._preload = function (callback) {
// imagesLoaded直接调用,因为我们已经引入了这个包
imagesLoaded(this.el, { background: true }, function () {
// 如果传入的回调是一个函数,我们就去调用它
if (typeof callback === 'function') {
MLSlideshow.prototype._initEvents = function () {
var self = this;
// 2.1 窗口大小事件
// 用到防抖debounce
this.debounceResize = debounce(function (ev) {
self.dimentions = {
width: self.el.offsetWidth,
height: self.el.offsetHeight
}, 10)
// 添加事件,当窗口的大小发送改变:
window.addEventListener('resize', this.debounceResize);
// 2.2 键盘触发切换风格事件
// 按下左右键的键盘按键,触发切换的按钮
this.keyboardFn = function (ev) {
var keyCode = ev.keyCode || ev.which;
switch (keyCode) {
case 37:
// _navigate('prev'):往前切换————一会完成前后切换的函数实现
case 39:
// _navigate('next'):往后切换
this.el.addEventListener('keydown', this.keyboardFn);
// _navigate:参数接收prev和next
MLSlideshow.prototype._navigate = function (direction) {
// isAnimating:判断当前动画是否在运动
if (this.isAnimating) {
return false;
this.isAnimating = true;
// 1. 获取当前展示风格的信息: 当前元素,唯一标识,相关标题
var self = this,
// 知道当前展示的下标是什么,当点击前后切换的时候,改变下标的值来完成
currentSlide = this.slides[this.current],
// 获取当前风格标识
currentLayout = currentSlide.getAttribute('data-layout') || 'layout1',
// 获取当前展示风格的标题
currentTitle = currentSlide.querySelector('.slide__title');
// 2. 获取下一个要展示风格的信息: 当前元素,唯一标识,相关标题
if (direction === 'next') {
this.current = this.current < this.slidesTotal - 1 ? this.current + 1 : 0;
else {
this.current = this.current > 0 ? this.current - 1 : this.slidesTotal - 1;
// 获取元素信息
var nextSlide = this.slides[this.current],
nextLayout = nextSlide.getAttribute('data-layout'),
nextTitle = nextSlide.querySelector('.slide__title');
// 3. 针对要出去的元素的动画
// currentSlide.querySelectorAll('.slide-imgwrap .slide__img-inner'):动画中要出去的所有的图片
// currentSlide:当前要出去的元素
var outItems = [].slice.call(currentSlide.querySelectorAll('.slide-imgwrap .slide__img-inner')),
// 获取相关配置参数
outconfig = this.options.layoutConfig[currentLayout] !== undefined ? this.options.layoutConfig[currentLayout].out : this.options.layoutConfig['layout1'].out,
animeOutProps = {
targets: outItems,
duration: outconfig.duration,
easing: outconfig.easing,
// 延迟是一个方法
delay: function (el, index) {
return direction === 'next' ? index * outconfig.itemsDelay : (outItems.length - 1 - index) * outconfig.itemsDelay;
// 走的这个元素之前是添加了一个类名,现在走了要把类名拿掉
complete: function () {
this._setAnimationProperties(animeOutProps, outconfig, direction)
// 参数传入,直接进行动画
// 标题
this._anmateTitle(currentTitle, 'out');
// 创建定时器:当前风格出去了,再让下一个风格进来
// animateIn:让动画进来
this.navtime = setTimeout(animateIn, this.options.layoutConfig[nextLayout] !== undefined && this.options.layoutConfig[nextLayout].in.delay !== undefined ? this.options.layoutConfig[nextLayout].in.delay : 150);
// _navigate:参数接收prev和next
MLSlideshow.prototype._navigate = function (direction) {
// isAnimating:判断当前动画是否在运动
if (this.isAnimating) {
return false;
this.isAnimating = true;
// 1. 获取当前展示风格的信息: 当前元素,唯一标识,相关标题
var self = this,
// 知道当前展示的下标是什么也就是要出去的元素,当点击前后切换的时候,改变下标的值来完成
currentSlide = this.slides[this.current],
// 获取当前风格标识
currentLayout = currentSlide.getAttribute('data-layout') || 'layout1',
// 获取当前展示风格的标题
currentTitle = currentSlide.querySelector('.slide__title');
// 2. 获取下一个要展示风格的信息: 当前元素,唯一标识,相关标题
if (direction === 'next') {
this.current = this.current < this.slidesTotal - 1 ? this.current + 1 : 0;
else {
this.current = this.current > 0 ? this.current - 1 : this.slidesTotal - 1;
// 获取元素信息
var nextSlide = this.slides[this.current],
nextLayout = nextSlide.getAttribute('data-layout'),
nextTitle = nextSlide.querySelector('.slide__title');
// 4. 针对要显示的风格创建方法
var animateIn = function () {
// 开启动画之前把其他动画停掉
// 获取计算的要进入的风格的照片元素
var inItems = [].slice.call(nextSlide.querySelectorAll('.slide-imgwrap .slide__img-inner')),
// 设置计算的下一个的下标元素动画,如果不存在就设置第一个元素动画,标识区分
// 获取即将进入的风格的动画参数
inconfig = self.options.layoutConfig[nextLayout] !== undefined ? self.options.layoutConfig[nextLayout].in : self.options.layoutConfig['layout1'].in,
// 进入时,初始化设置赋值给inresetconfig
inresetconfig = inconfig.resetProps,
// 设置动画参数
animeInProps = {
targets: inItems,
duration: inconfig.duration,
easing: inconfig.easing,
delay: function (el, index) {
return direction === 'next' ? index * inconfig.itemsDelay : (inItems.length - 1 - index) * inconfig.itemsDelay;
// 动画完成设置动画运动标识是false
complete: function () {
self.isAnimating = false;
// Configure the animation in properties.
// 将动画参数,当前动画元素相关信息,前后传入设置动画属性的方法中
self._setAnimationProperties(animeInProps, inconfig, direction);
// Reset before animating in:
// 在动画之前重置即将进入的风格的图片
// 需要重置的原因:因为图片的宽高是相对窗口的 ,但是图片的宽高又是根据浏览器窗口的,所以每一次我们都要重置一下图片的宽高,避免窗口发生改变之后,盒子小了图片还很大这种不好的效果
inItems.forEach(function (item, pos) {
var transformStr = '';
// 将属性中的translateX、translateY、rotateZ、scale、opacity进行重置
if (inresetconfig.translateX !== undefined) {
var tx = typeof inresetconfig.translateX === 'object' ?
function () {
return typeof inresetconfig.translateX[direction] === 'function' ?
self._getValuePercentage(inresetconfig.translateX[direction](item, pos), 'width') :
self._getValuePercentage(inresetconfig.translateX[direction], 'width');
} : self._getValuePercentage(inresetconfig.translateX, 'width');
transformStr += ' translateX(' + (typeof tx === 'function' ? tx() : tx) + 'px)';
if (inresetconfig.translateY !== undefined) {
var ty = typeof inresetconfig.translateY === 'object' ? function () {
return typeof inresetconfig.translateY[direction] === 'function' ? self._getValuePercentage(inresetconfig.translateY[direction](item, pos), 'height') : self._getValuePercentage(inresetconfig.translateY[direction], 'height');
} : self._getValuePercentage(inresetconfig.translateY, 'height');
transformStr += ' translateY(' + (typeof ty === 'function' ? ty() : ty) + 'px)';
if (inresetconfig.rotateZ !== undefined) {
var rot = typeof inresetconfig.rotateZ === 'object' ? function () {
return typeof inresetconfig.rotateZ[direction] === 'function' ? inresetconfig.rotateZ[direction](item, pos) : inresetconfig.rotateZ[direction];
} : inresetconfig.rotateZ;
transformStr += ' rotateZ(' + (typeof rot === 'function' ? rot() : rot) + 'deg)';
if (inresetconfig.scale !== undefined) {
var s = typeof inresetconfig.scale === 'object' ? function () {
return typeof inresetconfig.scale[direction] === 'function' ? inresetconfig.scale[direction](item, pos) : inresetconfig.scale[direction];
} : inresetconfig.scale;
transformStr += ' scale(' + (typeof s === 'function' ? s() : s) + ')';
if (transformStr !== '') {
item.style.transform = item.style.WebkitTransform = transformStr;
if (inresetconfig.opacity !== undefined) {
item.style.opacity = inresetconfig.opacity;
// 设置即将进入的风格的title是透明的
// Reset next title.
nextTitle.style.opacity = 0;
// Switch current class.
// 设置即将进入的元素类名是当前风格的
// Animate next slide in.
// 动画让其进入
// Animate next title in.
// 让标题进入
self._animateTitle(nextTitle, 'in');
// 3. 针对要出去的元素的动画
// currentSlide.querySelectorAll('.slide-imgwrap .slide__img-inner'):动画中要出去的所有的图片
// currentSlide:当前要出去的元素
var outItems = [].slice.call(currentSlide.querySelectorAll('.slide-imgwrap .slide__img-inner')),
// 获取相关配置参数
outconfig = this.options.layoutConfig[currentLayout] !== undefined ? this.options.layoutConfig[currentLayout].out : this.options.layoutConfig['layout1'].out,
animeOutProps = {
targets: outItems,
duration: outconfig.duration,
easing: outconfig.easing,
// 延迟是一个方法
delay: function (el, index) {
return direction === 'next' ? index * outconfig.itemsDelay : (outItems.length - 1 - index) * outconfig.itemsDelay;
// 走的这个元素之前是添加了一个类名,现在走了要把类名拿掉
complete: function () {
this._setAnimationProperties(animeOutProps, outconfig, direction)
// 参数传入,直接进行动画
// 标题
this._anmateTitle(currentTitle, 'out');
// 创建定时器:当前风格出去了,再让下一个风格进来
// animateIn:让动画进来
this.navtime = setTimeout(animateIn, this.options.layoutConfig[nextLayout] !== undefined && this.options.layoutConfig[nextLayout].in.delay !== undefined ? this.options.layoutConfig[nextLayout].in.delay : 150);
// 图片进入和出去相关的动画参数
// 设计风格动画参数
MLSlideshow.prototype.options = {
// 起始的下标设置成0
startIdx: 0,
// layoutConfig:7个风格会放在一个对象下
layoutConfig: {
layout1: {
// 退出时
out: {
// 点击next还是点击prev,方向是不一样的
translateX: {
next: '-100%',
prev: '100%'
rotateZ: {
next: function (el, index) {
return anime.random(-15, 0);
prev: function (el, index) {
return anime.random(0, 15);
opacity: 0,
duration: 1200,
easing: 'easeOutQuint',
itemsDelay: 80
// 进入时
in: {
// resetProps:在进入时需要重置一下动画的参数
resetProps: {
translateX: {
next: '100%',
prev: '-100%'
rotateZ: {
next: function (el, index) {
return anime.random(0, 15);
prev: function (el, index) {
return anime.random(-15, 0);
opacity: 0,
translateX: '0%',
rotateZ: 0,
opacity: 1,
duration: 700,
easing: 'easeOutQuint',
itemsDelay: 80
layout12: {
// 处理参数
MLSlideshow.prototype._setAnimationProperties = function (props, config, direction) {
var self = this;
if (config.translateX !== undefined) {
props.translateX = typeof config.translateX === 'object' ?
function (el, index) {
return typeof config.translateX[direction] === 'function' ?
self._getValuePercentage(config.translateX[direction](el, index), 'width')
: self._getValuePercentage(config.translateX[direction], 'width');
} : this._getValuePercentage(config.translateX, 'width');
if (config.translateY !== undefined) {
props.translateY = typeof config.translateY === 'object' ? function (el, index) {
return typeof config.translateY[direction] === 'function' ? self._getValuePercentage(config.translateY[direction](el, index), 'width') : self._getValuePercentage(config.translateY[direction], 'height');
} : this._getValuePercentage(config.translateY, 'height');
if (config.rotateZ !== undefined) {
props.rotateZ = typeof config.rotateZ === 'object' ? function (el, index) {
return typeof config.rotateZ[direction] === 'function' ? config.rotateZ[direction](el, index) : config.rotateZ[direction];
} : config.rotateZ;
if (config.scale !== undefined) {
props.scale = typeof config.scale === 'object' ? function (el, index) {
return typeof config.scale[direction] === 'function' ? config.scale[direction](el, index) : config.scale[direction];
} : config.scale;
if (config.opacity !== undefined) {
props.opacity = config.opacity;
// _getValuePercentage :获取百分比,改为值
MLSlideshow.prototype._getValuePercentage = function (str, axis) {
return typeof str === 'string' && str.indexOf('%') !== -1 ? parseFloat(str) / 100 * this.dimentions[axis] : str;
// 设置title动画
MLSlideshow.prototype._anmateTitle = function (titleEl, dir) {
targets: titleEl,
opacity: dir === 'out' ? 0 : 1,
duration: dir === 'out' ? 200 : 500,
easing: 'easeOutExpo'
MLSlideshow.prototype.next = function () {
MLSlideshow.prototype.prev = function () {
window.MLSlideshow = MLSlideshow;
<script src="js/imagesloaded.pkgd.min.js"></script>
<script src="js/anime.min.js"></script>
<script src="js/main.js"></script>
(function () {
var slideshow = new MLSlideshow(document.querySelector('.slideshow'));
document.querySelector('#prev-slide').addEventListener('click', function () {
document.querySelector('#next-slide').addEventListener('click', function () {
// ?main.js
// 所有代码都是自执行函数
; (function (window) {
// 严格模式下
'use strict';
// extend:把某一个对象的属性复制给另一个对象,把b的属性给a
function extend(a, b) {
for (var key in b) {
if (b.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
a[key] = b[key];
return a;
// 防抖:我们不希望当快速点击的时候我们就一直在执行。想要间隔一定的时间在去触发
function debounce(func, wait) {
var timeout;
return function () {
var context = this, args = arguments;
var later = function () {
timeout = null;
func.apply(context, args);
timeout = setTimeout(later, wait);
function MLSlideshow(el, options) {
// 1. 元素属性
// 拿到元素,就把元素挂载到对象下
this.el = el;
// 2. 相关参数
this.options = extend({}, this.options);
extend(this.options, options);
// 3. 所有照片的风格
// 最外层盒子取到所有风格的类名
this.slides = [].slice.call(this.el.querySelectorAll('.slide'));
// 判断:如果当前照片风格少于2,不创建实例
this.slidesTotal = this.slides.length;
if (this.slidesTotal <= 1) {
// 4. 当前展示的风格的下标
this.current = this.options.startIdx || 0;
// 5. 当前窗口
this.dimentions = {
width: this.el.offsetWidth,
height: this.el.offsetHeight
// 6. 照片风格初始化
// 照片墙初始化
MLSlideshow.prototype._init = function () {
var self = this, // self保存一下当前的this
// 1. 当图片加载完成,展示当前第一个风格————由current决定是第几个风格
// onPreload:图片加载完成要做的事情
onPreload = function () {
// 给当前的图片添加一个类名
// 让第一个风格展示
// 在图片加载完成的时候调用
// 2. 添加事件:
// _initEvents独立出一个方法
// 判断图片是否加载完成
MLSlideshow.prototype._preload = function (callback) {
// imagesLoaded直接调用,因为我们已经引入了这个包
imagesLoaded(this.el, { background: true }, function () {
// 如果传入的回调是一个函数,我们就去调用它
if (typeof callback === 'function') {
MLSlideshow.prototype._initEvents = function () {
var self = this;
// 2.1 窗口大小事件
// 用到防抖debounce
this.debounceResize = debounce(function (ev) {
self.dimentions = {
width: self.el.offsetWidth,
height: self.el.offsetHeight
}, 10)
// 添加事件,当窗口的大小发送改变:
window.addEventListener('resize', this.debounceResize);
// 2.2 键盘触发切换风格事件
// 按下左右键的键盘按键,触发切换的按钮
this.keyboardFn = function (ev) {
var keyCode = ev.keyCode || ev.which;
switch (keyCode) {
case 37:
// _navigate('prev'):往前切换
case 39:
// _navigate('next'):往后切换
this.el.addEventListener('keydown', this.keyboardFn);
// 图片进入和出去相关的动画参数
// 设计风格动画参数
MLSlideshow.prototype.options = {
// 起始的下标设置成0
startIdx: 0,
// layoutConfig:7个风格会放在一个对象下
layoutConfig: {
layout1: {
// 退出时
out: {
// 点击next还是点击prev,方向是不一样的
translateX: {
next: '-100%',
prev: '100%'
rotateZ: {
next: function (el, index) {
return anime.random(-15, 0);
prev: function (el, index) {
return anime.random(0, 15);
opacity: 0,
duration: 1200,
easing: 'easeOutQuint',
itemsDelay: 80
// 进入时
in: {
// resetProps:在进入时需要重置一下动画的参数
resetProps: {
translateX: {
next: '100%',
prev: '-100%'
rotateZ: {
next: function (el, index) {
return anime.random(0, 15);
prev: function (el, index) {
return anime.random(-15, 0);
opacity: 0,
translateX: '0%',
rotateZ: 0,
opacity: 1,
duration: 700,
easing: 'easeOutQuint',
itemsDelay: 80
layout2: {
out: {
translateX: {
next: function (el, index) {
return anime.random(-50, 50) + '%';
prev: function (el, index) {
return anime.random(-50, 50) + '%';
translateY: {
next: function (el, index) {
return anime.random(-50, 50) + '%';
prev: function (el, index) {
return anime.random(-50, 50) + '%';
opacity: 0,
duration: 1200,
easing: 'easeOutQuint',
itemsDelay: 10
in: {
resetProps: {
translateX: {
next: '100%',
prev: '-100%'
rotateZ: {
next: function (el, index) {
return anime.random(0, 90);
prev: function (el, index) {
return anime.random(-90, 0);
opacity: 0,
translateX: '0%',
rotateZ: 0,
opacity: 1,
duration: 900,
easing: 'easeOutExpo',
itemsDelay: 30
layout3: {
out: {
translateX: '-10%',
rotateZ: 0,
opacity: 0,
duration: 500,
easing: 'easeOutExpo',
itemsDelay: 0
in: {
resetProps: {
translateX: '-10%',
rotateZ: 0,
opacity: 0
translateX: 0,
opacity: 1,
rotateZ: {
next: function (el, index) {
return index * 6;
prev: function (el, index) {
return index * 6;
duration: 1200,
easing: 'easeOutElastic',
itemsDelay: 0
layout4: {
out: {
translateY: {
next: '60%',
prev: '-60%'
opacity: 0,
duration: 700,
easing: 'easeOutQuint',
itemsDelay: 50
in: {
resetProps: {
translateY: {
next: '-60%',
prev: '60%'
opacity: 0,
translateY: '0%',
opacity: 1,
duration: 700,
easing: 'easeOutQuint',
itemsDelay: 50,
delay: 250
layout5: {
out: {
scale: 0.5,
opacity: 0,
duration: 500,
easing: 'easeOutExpo',
itemsDelay: 20
in: {
resetProps: {
scale: 0.5,
opacity: 0
opacity: 1,
scale: 1,
duration: 500,
easing: 'easeOutExpo',
itemsDelay: 20,
delay: 300
layout6: {
out: {
scale: 0.5,
opacity: 0,
duration: 300,
easing: 'easeInBack',
itemsDelay: 20
in: {
resetProps: {
scale: 0.5,
opacity: 0
opacity: 1,
scale: 1,
duration: 1000,
easing: 'easeOutElastic',
itemsDelay: 50,
delay: 400
layout7: {
out: {
translateX: {
next: '-100%',
prev: '100%'
opacity: 0,
duration: 1200,
easing: 'easeOutQuint',
itemsDelay: 40
in: {
resetProps: {
translateX: {
next: '100%',
prev: '-100%'
rotateZ: {
next: function (el, index) {
return anime.random(0, 25);
prev: function (el, index) {
return anime.random(-25, 0);
opacity: 0,
translateX: '0%',
rotateZ: 0,
opacity: 1,
duration: 700,
easing: 'easeOutQuint',
itemsDelay: 40,
delay: 250
// _navigate:参数接收prev和next
MLSlideshow.prototype._navigate = function (direction) {
// isAnimating:判断当前动画是否在运动
if (this.isAnimating) {
return false;
this.isAnimating = true;
// 1. 获取当前展示风格的信息: 当前元素,唯一标识,相关标题
var self = this,
// 知道当前展示的下标是什么也就是要出去的元素,当点击前后切换的时候,改变下标的值来完成
currentSlide = this.slides[this.current],
// 获取当前风格标识
currentLayout = currentSlide.getAttribute('data-layout') || 'layout1',
// 获取当前展示风格的标题
currentTitle = currentSlide.querySelector('.slide__title');
// 2. 获取下一个要展示风格的信息: 当前元素,唯一标识,相关标题
if (direction === 'next') {
this.current = this.current < this.slidesTotal - 1 ? this.current + 1 : 0;
else {
this.current = this.current > 0 ? this.current - 1 : this.slidesTotal - 1;
// 获取元素信息
var nextSlide = this.slides[this.current],
nextLayout = nextSlide.getAttribute('data-layout'),
nextTitle = nextSlide.querySelector('.slide__title');
// 4. 针对要显示的风格创建方法
var animateIn = function () {
// 开启动画之前把其他动画停掉
// 获取计算的要进入的风格的照片元素
var inItems = [].slice.call(nextSlide.querySelectorAll('.slide-imgwrap .slide__img-inner')),
// 设置计算的下一个的下标元素动画,如果不存在就设置第一个元素动画,标识区分
// 获取即将进入的风格的动画参数
inconfig = self.options.layoutConfig[nextLayout] !== undefined ? self.options.layoutConfig[nextLayout].in : self.options.layoutConfig['layout1'].in,
// 进入时,初始化设置赋值给inresetconfig
inresetconfig = inconfig.resetProps,
// 设置动画参数
animeInProps = {
targets: inItems,
duration: inconfig.duration,
easing: inconfig.easing,
delay: function (el, index) {
return direction === 'next' ? index * inconfig.itemsDelay : (inItems.length - 1 - index) * inconfig.itemsDelay;
// 动画完成设置动画运动标识是false
complete: function () {
self.isAnimating = false;
// Configure the animation in properties.
// 将动画参数,当前动画元素相关信息,前后传入设置动画属性的方法中
self._setAnimationProperties(animeInProps, inconfig, direction);
// Reset before animating in:
// 在动画之前重置即将进入的风格的图片
// 需要重置的原因:因为图片的宽高是相对窗口的 ,但是图片的宽高又是根据浏览器窗口的,所以每一次我们都要重置一下图片的宽高,避免窗口发生改变之后,盒子小了图片还很大这种不好的效果
inItems.forEach(function (item, pos) {
var transformStr = '';
// 将属性中的translateX、translateY、rotateZ、scale、opacity进行重置
if (inresetconfig.translateX !== undefined) {
var tx = typeof inresetconfig.translateX === 'object' ?
function () {
return typeof inresetconfig.translateX[direction] === 'function' ?
self._getValuePercentage(inresetconfig.translateX[direction](item, pos), 'width') :
self._getValuePercentage(inresetconfig.translateX[direction], 'width');
} : self._getValuePercentage(inresetconfig.translateX, 'width');
transformStr += ' translateX(' + (typeof tx === 'function' ? tx() : tx) + 'px)';
if (inresetconfig.translateY !== undefined) {
var ty = typeof inresetconfig.translateY === 'object' ? function () {
return typeof inresetconfig.translateY[direction] === 'function' ? self._getValuePercentage(inresetconfig.translateY[direction](item, pos), 'height') : self._getValuePercentage(inresetconfig.translateY[direction], 'height');
} : self._getValuePercentage(inresetconfig.translateY, 'height');
transformStr += ' translateY(' + (typeof ty === 'function' ? ty() : ty) + 'px)';
if (inresetconfig.rotateZ !== undefined) {
var rot = typeof inresetconfig.rotateZ === 'object' ? function () {
return typeof inresetconfig.rotateZ[direction] === 'function' ? inresetconfig.rotateZ[direction](item, pos) : inresetconfig.rotateZ[direction];
} : inresetconfig.rotateZ;
transformStr += ' rotateZ(' + (typeof rot === 'function' ? rot() : rot) + 'deg)';
if (inresetconfig.scale !== undefined) {
var s = typeof inresetconfig.scale === 'object' ? function () {
return typeof inresetconfig.scale[direction] === 'function' ? inresetconfig.scale[direction](item, pos) : inresetconfig.scale[direction];
} : inresetconfig.scale;
transformStr += ' scale(' + (typeof s === 'function' ? s() : s) + ')';
if (transformStr !== '') {
item.style.transform = item.style.WebkitTransform = transformStr;
if (inresetconfig.opacity !== undefined) {
item.style.opacity = inresetconfig.opacity;
// 设置即将进入的风格的title是透明的
// Reset next title.
nextTitle.style.opacity = 0;
// Switch current class.
// 设置即将进入的元素类名是当前风格的
// Animate next slide in.
// 动画让其进入
// Animate next title in.
// 让标题进入
self._anmateTitle(nextTitle, 'in');
// 3. 针对要出去的元素的动画
// currentSlide.querySelectorAll('.slide-imgwrap .slide__img-inner'):动画中要出去的所有的图片
// currentSlide:当前要出去的元素
var outItems = [].slice.call(currentSlide.querySelectorAll('.slide-imgwrap .slide__img-inner')),
// 获取相关配置参数
outconfig = this.options.layoutConfig[currentLayout] !== undefined ? this.options.layoutConfig[currentLayout].out : this.options.layoutConfig['layout1'].out,
animeOutProps = {
targets: outItems,
duration: outconfig.duration,
easing: outconfig.easing,
// 延迟是一个方法
delay: function (el, index) {
return direction === 'next' ? index * outconfig.itemsDelay : (outItems.length - 1 - index) * outconfig.itemsDelay;
// 走的这个元素之前是添加了一个类名,现在走了要把类名拿掉
complete: function () {
this._setAnimationProperties(animeOutProps, outconfig, direction)
// 参数传入,直接进行动画
// 标题
this._anmateTitle(currentTitle, 'out');
// 创建定时器:当前风格出去了,再让下一个风格进来
// animateIn:让动画进来
this.navtime = setTimeout(animateIn, this.options.layoutConfig[nextLayout] !== undefined && this.options.layoutConfig[nextLayout].in.delay !== undefined ? this.options.layoutConfig[nextLayout].in.delay : 150);
// 处理参数
MLSlideshow.prototype._setAnimationProperties = function (props, config, direction) {
var self = this;
if (config.translateX !== undefined) {
props.translateX = typeof config.translateX === 'object' ?
function (el, index) {
return typeof config.translateX[direction] === 'function' ?
self._getValuePercentage(config.translateX[direction](el, index), 'width')
: self._getValuePercentage(config.translateX[direction], 'width');
} : this._getValuePercentage(config.translateX, 'width');
if (config.translateY !== undefined) {
props.translateY = typeof config.translateY === 'object' ? function (el, index) {
return typeof config.translateY[direction] === 'function' ? self._getValuePercentage(config.translateY[direction](el, index), 'width') : self._getValuePercentage(config.translateY[direction], 'height');
} : this._getValuePercentage(config.translateY, 'height');
if (config.rotateZ !== undefined) {
props.rotateZ = typeof config.rotateZ === 'object' ? function (el, index) {
return typeof config.rotateZ[direction] === 'function' ? config.rotateZ[direction](el, index) : config.rotateZ[direction];
} : config.rotateZ;
if (config.scale !== undefined) {
props.scale = typeof config.scale === 'object' ? function (el, index) {
return typeof config.scale[direction] === 'function' ? config.scale[direction](el, index) : config.scale[direction];
} : config.scale;
if (config.opacity !== undefined) {
props.opacity = config.opacity;
MLSlideshow.prototype._getValuePercentage = function (str, axis) {
return typeof str === 'string' && str.indexOf('%') !== -1 ? parseFloat(str) / 100 * this.dimentions[axis] : str;
// 设置title动画
MLSlideshow.prototype._anmateTitle = function (titleEl, dir) {
targets: titleEl,
opacity: dir === 'out' ? 0 : 1,
duration: dir === 'out' ? 200 : 500,
easing: 'easeOutExpo'
MLSlideshow.prototype.next = function () {
MLSlideshow.prototype.prev = function () {
window.MLSlideshow = MLSlideshow;
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<h3 class="slide__title-main">Now or Never</h3>
<p class="slide__title-sub">Our battered suitcases were piled on the sidewalk again; we had longer
ways to go. But no matter, the road is life. <a href="#">Read more</a></p>
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<h4 class="slide__img-caption">Today is someday</h4>
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<h3 class="slide__title-main">Crazy Breed</h3>
<p class="slide__title-sub">There's those thinking more or less less is more. But if less is more
how you're keeping score?</p>
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<h3 class="slide__title-main">Safe Harbor</h3>
<p class="slide__title-sub">Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you
didn’t do than by the ones you did do.</p>
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<h3 class="slide__title-main">Our Freedom</h3>
<p class="slide__title-sub">For to be free is not merely to cast off one's chains, but to live in a
way that respects and enhances the freedom of others.</p>
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<h3 class="slide__title-main">Stopping Time</h3>
<p class="slide__title-sub">Emancipate yourselves from mental slavery, none but ourselves can free
our minds.</p>
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<h3 class="slide__title-main">Walk the Walk</h3>
<p class="slide__title-sub">The trouble with being in the rat race is that even if you win, you're
still a rat.</p>
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<h3 class="slide__title-main">Caged Birds</h3>
<p class="slide__title-sub">They told me to grow roots, instead I grew wings. Birds born in a cage
think flying is an illness. </p>
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