1. On Ubuntu 20.04, run "apt-get install build-essential cmake gcc libudev-dev libnl-3-dev libnl-route-3-dev ninja-build pkg-config valgrind python3-dev cython3 python3-docutils pandoc"? ? ? ??
2. To create Debian packages from rdma-core: ? ? ? ? # Download rdma-core?from GitHub ? ? ? ? git clone?https://github.com/linux-rdma/rdma-core ? ? ? ? # Build rdma-core ? ? ? ? dh clean --with python3,systemd --builddirectory=build-deb ? ? ? ? dh build --with systemd --builddirectory=build-deb ? ? ? ? dh binary --with python3,systemd --builddirectory=build-deb ? ? ? ? # This creates .deb packages in the parent directory ? ? ? ? # To install the .deb packages ? ? ? ? dpkg -i ../*.deb