朋友写的。Python实现的。用的是PyCharm编译。 代码如下
def split_list_average(send, n): # 用于分割指定长度字符串 for i in range(0, len(send), n): yield send[i:i + n]
def check_chip(chipS, chipT, chipU, chipV): # 判断码片之间是否相互正交 def check(chipA, chipB): if sum(list(map(lambda x, y: x * y, chipA, chipB))) == 0: return True # 判断其内积是否为0
if check(chipS, chipT) and check(chipS, chipU) and check(chipS, chipV) and check(chipT, chipU) and check(chipT, chipV) and check(chipU, chipV):
return True
return False
def get_vector(chip, send): # 用于通过传输信息与码片信息得出发送的向量信息 vector = [] reverse = list(map(lambda x: x * (-1), chip)) for i in send: i = int(i) if i == 1: vector.extend(chip) elif i == 0 or i == -1: vector.extend(reverse) else: print(“发送数据出现非法字符。”) return return vector
def send_message(chipS, chipT, chipU, chipV): # 输入四个站分别发送的信息,输入要传输的信息,进而生成发送的加密信息 if not check_chip(chipS, chipT, chipU, chipV): print(“码片不符合要求”) return sendS = input(“请输入S站要发送数据,每个数字之间用空格隔开:”).split(" “) sendT = input(“请输入T站要发送数据,每个数字之间用空格隔开:”).split(” “) sendU = input(“请输入U站要发送数据,每个数字之间用空格隔开:”).split(” “) sendV = input(“请输入V站要发送数据,每个数字之间用空格隔开:”).split(” “) if len(sendS) == len(sendT) == len(sendU) == len(sendV): print(”\n码片创建成功,请输入每个站发送信息\n") vectorS = get_vector(chipS, sendS) vectorT = get_vector(chipT, sendT) vectorU = get_vector(chipU, sendU) vectorV = get_vector(chipV, sendV) if vectorS is not None and vectorT is not None and vectorU is not None and vectorV is not None: send = list(map(lambda x, y, z, t: x + y + z + t, vectorS, vectorT, vectorU, vectorV)) print(“发送数据为:”) print(send) return send return
def receive_message(chip, send): # 每个站根据自己的码片信息与接收信息进行正交从而解密接收信息 decrypt = [] if send is not None: for i in split_list_average(send, len(chip)): decrypt.append(int(sum(list(map(lambda x, y: x * y, i, chip))) / 8