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[Python知识库]云学编程的第19天—【微软官方python入门教程 P36笔记】2021-11-19 Calling an API

What is a web service?

When a developer wants to share the functionality of a function but not the actual code in the program, they can place the function on a web server.?

A programmer with the address of that function on the web server and the required permissions can call the function.

This is called a web service.


Computer Vision API - v2.0

What is an API

You can't call a function unless you know the function name and the required parameters.

When you create a web service you create an Application Programming Interface(API).

The API defines the function names and parameters so others know how to call your function.

Keys allow me to track which users have permission to use my web service.

A developer signs up on my web site, or buys a license for my software and is provided a unique key.

When the developer calls my web service they provide their unique key and I am able to verify the key has been approved for calls to my web service.

There is a standard for sending messages across the web

Hypertext Transfer Protocol(HTTP)is standard protocol for sending messages across the web.


1.pass values in query string only

2.special characters must be "escaped" amount of data


1.pass values in query string and body

2.No need to escape speacial characters if passed in body

3.Can pass large amounts of data, including images, in body?

The requests library simplifies HTTP calls from Python code.



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加:2021-11-20 18:21:00  更:2021-11-20 18:21:02 
开发: C++知识库 Java知识库 JavaScript Python PHP知识库 人工智能 区块链 大数据 移动开发 嵌入式 开发工具 数据结构与算法 开发测试 游戏开发 网络协议 系统运维
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