Please prepare for the flask environment and install flask and bokeh before running the code.
Install Flask:
1 Preparation Work
Before install flask, please make sure python, anaconda and a code edit IED has been installed.
Step1 Create a seperate project
mkdir project_name
cd project_name
Step2 Install and Create environment for Flask
Installation environment module For Python 3: No need to install, because Python 3 has venv module. For Python 2: Use virtualenv instead of venv module.
pip install virtualenv #Windows
sudo pip install virtualenv # Linux & macOS
python -m venv environment_name # Windows
python3 -m venv env # Linux & macOS
For Python 2:
virtualenv environment_name
This will create a folder ‘environment_name’ of project_name file.
Step3 Activate virtual environment and Install Flask
environment_name\Scripts\activate # Windows
. env/bin/activate # Linux & macOS
When the virtual environment has been activate, install flask:
pip install flask
It will install all modules and pre-requiste packages to the virtual environment.
Then pleas move, info.db, folder ‘static’ and folder ‘templates’ to your project_name folder.