# Using dictionaries
stocks = {
"GOOG": (1235.20, 1242.54, 1231.06),
"MSFT": (110.41, 110.45, 109.84),
random_keys = {}
random_keys["astring"] = "somestring"
random_keys[5] = "aninteger"
random_keys[25.2] = "floats work too"
random_keys[("abc", 123)] = "so do tuples"
class AnObject:
def __init__(self, avalue):
self.avalue = avalue
my_object = AnObject(14)
random_keys[my_object] = "We can even store objects"
my_object.avalue = 12
random_keys[[1, 2, 3]] = "we can't store lists though"
print("unable to store list\n")
for key, value in random_keys.items():
print("{} has value {}".format(key, value))
unable to store list
astring has value somestring
5 has value aninteger
25.2 has value floats work too
('abc', 123) has value so do tuples
<__main__.AnObject object at