在pycharm的虚拟环境库安装搜索中到有libopencv ,?opencv ,?py-opencv 共三个包,根本没有opencv-python啊,看其他博客的解释,感觉最后并没有给出结果,只介绍了这几个库:
OpenCV is computer vision a library written using highly optimized C/C++ code. It makes use of multiprocessing in the background. It has a collection of a large number of algorithms tested and verifiend by the developers. The best thing about this is it’s FREE under the BSD license. libopencv is only a metapackage. These packages do not contain actual software, they simply depend on other packages to be installed. So libopencv is a metapackage which simply references one or more related packages which are loosely grouped together. It is dedicated for installing OpenCV in Ubuntu and Debian OS. Python-OpenCV is the OpenCV library available as a wrapper with bindings for python. The link also shows how to install OpenCV in Ubuntu OS.
那只能试试水了,后面搜到一篇在anaconda prompt来install opencv-python,
试下,python版本是3.7.13,安装pip3 install opencv-python==
本来还想尝试下,用conda install来安装opencv-python,看其他博主反馈,conda里根本没有opencv-python的包,所以就不浪费时间了
执行conda list,可以看到安装完成,到代码里调用看看