Machine learning and Deep learning
Machine learning
Looking for function

Different types of Functions

Structured Learning
create something with structure(image, document) in other word, learn how to create
How to find a function
1.Function with unknown Parameters

2.Define Loss from Training Data
Loss is a function of paras
Loss: how good a set of values is

If y and y-hat are both probability distributions -> Cross-entropy
Gradient Descent

local minima


Example-> Linear Models

Linear models are too simple … we need more sophisticated modes.
1. Piecewise function

Linear models have severe limitation-> model bias
All piecewise linear curves = constant + sum of set of linear functions 
Beyond piecewise linear?

2. The bule lines - sigmoid

3. Different sigmoid

4. Representation

6. Vector representation
7. optimization
8. model optimize

9. fancy name
neuron and neural network

why don’t we go deeper? -> overfitting
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