def mrcnn_edge_loss_graph(target_masks, target_class_ids, pred_masks):
"""Edge L2 loss for mask edge head
target_masks: [batch, num_rois, height, width].
A float32 tensor of Value 0 or 1(boolean?). Use zero padding to fill array
target_class_ids: [batch, num_rois]. Integer class IDs. Zeros padded.
pred_masks: [batch, proposal, height, width, num_classes] float32 tensor
with value from 0 to 1(soft mask)(more information)
# Reshape for simplicity. Merge first two dimensions into one
# 即将batch 和 num_rois 合并为一项
target_class_ids = K.reshape(target_class_ids, (-1,))
mask_shape = tf.shape(target_masks)
target_masks = K.reshape(target_masks, (-1, mask_shape[2], mask_shape[3]))
pred_shape = tf.shape(pred_masks)
pred_masks = K.reshape(pred_masks,
(-1, pred_shape[2], pred_shape[3], pred_shape[4]))
# Permute predicted masks to [N, num_classes, height, width]
pred_masks = tf.transpose(pred_masks, [0, 3, 1, 2])
# Only positive ROIs contribute to the loss. (正的ROI是相对BG而言吗)
# And only the class specific mask of each ROI
# tf.where 获得索引值
# tf.gather 根据索引值从张量中获得元素构成新张量Tensor
# tf.cast 类型转换
# tf.stack
positive_ix = tf.where(target_class_ids > 0)[:, 0]
positive_class_ids = tf.cast(
tf.gather(target_class_ids, positive_ix), tf.int64)
indices = tf.stack([positive_ix, positive_class_ids], axis=1)
# Gather the masks (predicted and true) that contribute to loss
y_true = tf.gather(target_masks, positive_ix)
y_pred = tf.gather_nd(pred_masks, indices)
# shape: [batch * rois, height, width, 1]
y_true = tf.expand_dims(y_true, -1)
y_pred = tf.expand_dims(y_pred, -1)
y_true = 255 * y_true
y_pred = 255 * y_pred
# shape: [3, 3, 1, 2]
sobel_kernel = tf.constant([[[[1, 1]], [[0, 2]], [[-1, 1]]],
[[[2, 0]], [[0, 0]], [[-2, 0]]],
[[[1, -1]], [[0, -2]], [[-1, -1]]]], dtype=tf.float32)
# Conv2D with kernel
edge_true = tf.nn.conv2d(y_true, sobel_kernel, strides=[1, 1, 1, 1], padding="SAME")
edge_pred = tf.nn.conv2d(y_pred, sobel_kernel, strides=[1, 1, 1, 1], padding="SAME")
# abs and clip
edge_true = tf.clip_by_value(abs(edge_true), 0, 255)
edge_pred = tf.clip_by_value(abs(edge_pred), 0, 255)
# Mean Square Error(MSE) Loss
return tf.reduce_mean(tf.square(edge_true / 255. - edge_pred / 255.))