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[人工智能]《Decision Transformer: Reinforcement Learning Via Sequence Modeling》学习笔记

  1. In particular, we present Decision Transformer, an architecture that casts the problem of RL as conditional sequence modeling. Unlike prior approaches to RL that fit value functions or compute policy gradients, Decision Transformer simply outputs the optimal actions by leveraging a causally masked Transformer.
  2. we seek to study if generative trajectory modeling – i.e.modeling the joint distribution of the sequence of states, actions, and rewards – can serve as a replacement for conventional RL algorithms.
  3. We consider the following shift in paradigm: instead of training a policy through conventional RL algorithms like temporal difference (TD) learning [6], we will train transformer models on collected experience using a sequence modeling objective. This will allow us to bypass the need for bootstrapping for long term credit assignment – thereby avoiding one of the “deadly triad” [6] known to destabilize RL. It also avoids the need for discounting future rewards, as typically done in TD learning, which can induce undesirable short-sighted behaviors. Additionally, we can make use of existing transformer frameworks widely used in language and vision that are easy to scale, utilizing a large body of work studying stable training of transformer models.
  4. In addition to their demonstrated ability to model long sequences, transformers also have other advantages. Transformers can perform credit assignment directly via self-attention, in contrast to Bellman backups which slowly propagate rewards and are prone to “distractor” signals [7]. This can enable transformers to still work effectively in the presence of sparse or distracting rewards. Finally, empirical evidence suggest that a transformer modeling approach can model a wide distribution of behaviors, enabling better generalization and transfer [3]。
  5. ?Thus, by combining the tools of sequence modeling with hindsight return information, we achieve policy improvement without the need for dynamic programming.
  6. In offline reinforcement learning, instead of obtaining data via environment interactions, we only have access to some fixed limited dataset consisting of trajectory rollouts of arbitrary policies. This setting is harder as it removes the ability for agents to explore the environment and collect additional feedback.
  7. The key desiderata in our choice of trajectory representation are that it should enable transformers to learn meaningful patterns and we should be able to conditionally generate actions at test time.It is nontrivial to model rewards since we would like the model to generate actions based on future desired returns, rather than past rewards.?
  8. At test time, we can specify the desired performance (e.g. 1 for success or 0 for failure), as well as the environment starting state, as the conditioning information to initiate generation. After executing the generated action for the current state, we decrement the target return by the achieved reward and repeat until episode termination.
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加:2021-08-08 11:20:38  更:2021-08-08 11:24:01 
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