做图像分割,想试试GHMC_Loss,但没找到一个完整,复杂度较好的代码,所以写了一个自我感觉良好的代码。贴出来方便小白参考和接受大佬指正错误. 学习原理可以看5分钟理解Focal Loss与GHM——解决样本不平衡利器
import torch
import numpy as np
from torch import nn
class GHM_Loss(nn.Module):
def __init__(self, bins, alpha, device, is_split_batch=True):
super(GHM_Loss, self).__init__()
self._bins = bins
self._alpha = alpha
self._last_bin_count = None
self._device = device
self.is_split_batch = is_split_batch
self.is_evaluation = False
def set_evaluation(self, is_evaluation):
:param is_evaluation: bool
self.is_evaluation = is_evaluation
def _g2bin(self, g, bin):
return torch.floor(g * (bin - 0.0001)).long()
def _custom_loss(self, x, target, weight):
raise NotImplementedError
def _custom_loss_grad(self, x, target):
raise NotImplementedError
def use_alpha(self, bin_count):
if (self._alpha != 0):
if (self.is_evaluation):
if (self._last_bin_count == None):
self._last_bin_count = bin_count
bin_count = self._alpha * self._last_bin_count + (1 - self._alpha) * bin_count
self._last_bin_count = bin_count
return bin_count
def forward(self, x, target):
:param x: torch.Tensor,[B,C,*]
:param target: torch.Tensor,[B,*]
:return: loss
g = torch.abs(self._custom_loss_grad(x, target)).detach()
weight = torch.zeros((x.size(0), x.size(2), x.size(3)))
if self.is_split_batch:
N = x.size(2) * x.size(3)
bin = (int)(N // self._bins)
bin_idx = self._g2bin(g, bin)
bin_idx = torch.clamp(bin_idx, max=bin - 1)
bin_count = torch.zeros((x.size(0), bin))
for i in range(x.size(0)):
bin_count[i] = torch.from_numpy(np.bincount(torch.flatten(bin_idx[i].cpu()), minlength=bin))
bin_count[i] *= (bin_count[i] > 0).sum()
bin_count = self.use_alpha(bin_count)
gd = torch.clamp(bin_count, min=1)
beta = N * 1.0 / gd
for i in range(x.size(0)):
weight[i] = beta[i][bin_idx[i]]
N = x.size(0) * x.size(2) * x.size(3)
bin = (int)(N // self._bins)
bin_idx = self._g2bin(g, bin)
bin_idx = torch.clamp(bin_idx, max=bin - 1)
bin_count = torch.from_numpy(np.bincount(torch.flatten(bin_idx.cpu()), minlength=bin))
bin_count *= (bin_count > 0).sum()
bin_count = self.use_alpha(bin_count)
gd = torch.clamp(bin_count, min=1)
beta = N * 1.0 / gd
weight = beta[bin_idx]
return self._custom_loss(x, target, weight)
class GHMC_Loss(GHM_Loss):
def __init__(self, bins, alpha, device, num_classes, ignore_classes=None, class_weights=None, is_split_batch=True):
:param bins: int。不是bin,这里将取数据[B,C,X,Y]的size计算bin=[B*]X*Y,B不一定乘
:param alpha: float。
:param device:
:param num_classes: int。分类数量。
:param ignore_classes: [int]。不计算的
:param class_weights: torch.Tensor,每个类型的权重
:param is_split_batch: bool,是否分离batch统计
super(GHMC_Loss, self).__init__(bins, alpha, device, is_split_batch)
self.num_classes = num_classes
self.ignore_classes = ignore_classes
self.class_weights = class_weights
def _custom_loss(self, x, target, weight):
:param x: torch.Tensor,[B,C,*]
:param target: torch.Tensor,[B,*]
:param weight: torch.Tensor,[B,C,*]
:return: loss
if (self.is_evaluation):
return torch.mean(
(torch.nn.NLLLoss(weight=self.class_weights, reduction='none')(
torch.log_softmax(x, 1), target)))
return torch.mean(
(torch.nn.NLLLoss(weight=self.class_weights, reduction='none')(
torch.log_softmax(x, 1), target)).mul(weight.to(self._device).detach()))
def _custom_loss_grad(self, x, target):
:param x: torch.Tensor,[B,C,*]
:param target: torch.Tensor,[B,*]
:return: 梯度信息
g = (torch.softmax(x, 1).detach() - make_one_hot(target.unsqueeze(1), self.num_classes).to(self._device)). \
gather(1, target.unsqueeze(1)).squeeze(1)
if self.ignore_classes != None:
a = torch.tensor(0.0, dtype=torch.float32).to(self._device)
for class_id in self.ignore_classes:
g = torch.where(target != class_id, g, a)
return g
def make_one_hot(input, num_classes):
"""Convert class index tensor to one hot encoding tensor.
input: A tensor of shape [N, 1, *]
num_classes: An int of number of class
A tensor of shape [N, num_classes, *]
shape = np.array(input.shape)
shape[1] = num_classes
shape = tuple(shape)
result = torch.zeros(shape)
result = result.scatter_(1, input.cpu(), 1)
return result