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   -> 人工智能 -> Optiver股价波动率预测,附量化因子baseline+金牌开源代码 -> 正文阅读


Kaggle 上近日发布了一个时间序列方向的新赛:Optiver Realized Volatility Prediction,即“ 股票市场波动率预测 ”比赛。奖金10W美刀,要求参赛者构建模型预测不同行业数百只股票的短期波动。
这是一个 时间序列预测 的任务,整体难度不大,适合机器学习/深度学习初学者参加。此外,本次比赛还涉及到金融行业的 量化交易 知识,对此感兴趣的同学千万不要错过。

1 比赛简介

  • 比赛名称:Optiver Realized Volatility Prediction
  • 比赛链接:



1.1 比赛目标

在本次比赛的前三个月,你将构建模型来预测不同行业数百只股票的短期波动。你将拥有触手可及的数亿行高度细化的财务数据,你将利用这些数据设计预测 10 分钟内波动率的模型。

1.2 比赛时间

  • 2021年6月28日-开始报名比赛;
  • 2021年9月20日-合并队伍截止日期;
  • 2021年9月27日-最终提交日期.;
  • 在最终提交截止日期之后,排行榜将定期更新,以测试比赛选手模型在真实交易市场的实时分数。

1.3 评估指标

RMSPE = 1 n ∑ i = 1 n ( ( y i ? y ^ i ) / y i ) 2 \text{RMSPE} = \sqrt{\frac{1}{n} \sum_{i=1}^{n} ((y_i - \hat{y}_i)/y_i)^2} RMSPE=n1?i=1n?((yi??y^?i?)/yi?)2 ?
结果提交: 结果文件submission.csv中应该包括row_id和target两列,如下所示。并且必须通过Notebooks来提交代码,运行时间不能超过九个小时。提交示例文件如下:


2 数据分析


数据集是不允许下载的,只有测试集的前几行可供下载,可在notebook中进行使用,隐藏的测试集大概有15w的数据需要预测,public leaderboard和private leaderboard所使用的的数据是完全没有重叠的。

2.1 book数据


book0 = util.load_book(0)



2.2 trade 数据


trade0 = util.load_trade(0)


book_trade = book0.merge(
        , how='outer'
        , on=['time_id', 'seconds_in_bucket', 'stock_id']

2.3 金融背景知识补充

这里先要对不熟悉背景的同学介绍一下什么叫做Order Book。现在主流的交易所一般都使用Order Book进行交易,交易所在内部的Order Book上记录所有买家和卖家的报价,比如像这样:

Bid表示买家,Offer表示卖家,这张报价单表示买卖双方发出的所有报价单(Limit Order)。这张表才是高频交易最关心的信息。任意时刻,买家的出价总是低于卖家(比如这里的98对101)。所以报价虽然一直在变化,但是只有报价是不会有任何成交的。

什么时候会产生交易呢?有两种情况,第一是任一方发出市价单(Market Order),比如一个买家发出一张单量为10的市价单,就可以买到卖方在101价格上挂的10份,这个交易成功之后,Order Book会变成这样:

3 基于特征工程与LGB的波动率基线模型

3.1 金融交易特征

def log_return(list_stock_prices):
    return np.log(list_stock_prices).diff()

def realized_volatility(series_log_return):
    return np.sqrt(np.sum(series_log_return**2))

def fix_jsonerr(df):
    df.columns = [
        "".join(c if c.isalnum() else "_" for c in str(x)) for x in df.columns
    return df

def feature_row(book):
    # book_wap1 生成标签
    for i in [
        # wap
        book[f'book_wap{i}'] = (book[f'bid_price{i}'] * book[f'ask_size{i}'] +
                                book[f'ask_price{i}'] *
                                book[f'bid_size{i}']) / (book[f'bid_size{i}'] +

    # mean wap
    book['book_wap_mean'] = (book['book_wap1'] + book['book_wap2']) / 2

    # wap diff
    book['book_wap_diff'] = book['book_wap1'] - book['book_wap2']

    # other orderbook features
    book['book_price_spread'] = (book['ask_price1'] - book['bid_price1']) / (
        book['ask_price1'] + book['bid_price1'])
    book['book_bid_spread'] = book['bid_price1'] - book['bid_price2']
    book['book_ask_spread'] = book['ask_price1'] - book['ask_price2']
    book['book_total_volume'] = book['ask_size1'] + book['ask_size2'] + book[
        'bid_size1'] + book['bid_size2']
    book['book_volume_imbalance'] = (book['ask_size1'] + book['ask_size2']) - (
        book['bid_size1'] + book['bid_size2'])
    return book

def feature_agg(book, trade):
    # 聚合生成特征
    book_feats = book.columns[book.columns.str.startswith('book_')].tolist()
    trade_feats = ['price', 'size', 'order_count', 'seconds_in_bucket']

    trade = trade.groupby(['time_id', 'stock_id'])[trade_feats].agg(
        ['sum', 'mean', 'std', 'max', 'min']).reset_index()

    book = book.groupby(['time_id', 'stock_id'])[book_feats].agg(
        [lambda x: realized_volatility(log_return(x))]).reset_index()

    # 修改特征名称
    book.columns = ["".join(col).strip() for col in book.columns.values]
    trade.columns = ["".join(col).strip() for col in trade.columns.values]
    df_ret = book.merge(trade, how='left', on=['time_id', 'stock_id'])
    return df_ret

3.2 统计编码特征

def gen_data_encoding(df_ret, df_label, data_type='train'):
    test 不使用自己数据的 stock_id encoding

    # 对 stock_id 进行 encoding
    vol_feats = [f for f in df_ret.columns if ('lambda' in f) & ('wap' in f)]
    if data_type == 'train':
        # agg
        stock_df = df_ret.groupby('stock_id')[vol_feats].agg([

        # fix column names
        stock_df.columns = ['stock_id'] + [
            f'{f}_stock' for f in stock_df.columns.values.tolist()[1:]
        stock_df = fix_jsonerr(stock_df)

    # 对 time_id 进行 encoding
    time_df = df_ret.groupby('time_id')[vol_feats].agg([
    time_df.columns = ['time_id'] + [
        f'{f}_time' for f in time_df.columns.values.tolist()[1:]

    # merge
    df_ret = df_ret.merge(time_df, how='left', on='time_id')

    # make sure to fix json error for lighgbm
    df_ret = fix_jsonerr(df_ret)

    # out
    if data_type == 'train':
        df_ret = df_ret.merge(stock_df, how='left', on='stock_id').merge(
            df_label, how='left',
            on=['stock_id', 'time_id']).replace([np.inf, -np.inf],
        return df_ret
    if data_type == 'test':
        stock_df = pd.read_pickle(os.path.join(input_dir, '20210805.pkl'))
        df_ret = df_ret.merge(stock_df, how='left', on='stock_id').replace(
            [np.inf, -np.inf], np.nan).fillna(method='ffill')
        return df_ret


3.3 LGB模型构建

import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import lightgbm as lgb
from imp import reload
import warnings
from utils import util
from sklearn import model_selection

df_all_stock = df_all[['stock_id']+df_all.columns[df_all.columns.str.endswith('_stock')].tolist()]

X_train = df_all[df_all.columns.difference(['target'])]
y_train = df_all['target']
features = df_all[df_all.columns.difference(['time_id','target'])].columns.tolist()
oof_df = util.fit_model(params,X_train,y_train,features,cats=['stock_id'],n_fold=10,seed=66)
params = {
    'n_estimators': 10000,
    'objective': 'rmse',
    'boosting_type': 'gbdt',
    'max_depth': -1,
    'learning_rate': 0.01,
    'subsample': 0.72,
    'subsample_freq': 4,
    'feature_fraction': 0.8,
    'lambda_l1': 1,
    'lambda_l2': 1,
    'seed': 66,
    'early_stopping_rounds': 300,
    'verbose': -1


4 金牌区开源代码


# data directory
data_dir = '../input/optiver-realized-volatility-prediction/'

# Function to calculate first WAP
def calc_wap1(df):
    wap = (df['bid_price1'] * df['ask_size1'] + df['ask_price1'] * df['bid_size1']) / (df['bid_size1'] + df['ask_size1'])
    return wap

# Function to calculate second WAP
def calc_wap2(df):
    wap = (df['bid_price2'] * df['ask_size2'] + df['ask_price2'] * df['bid_size2']) / (df['bid_size2'] + df['ask_size2'])
    return wap

def calc_wap3(df):
    wap = (df['bid_price1'] * df['bid_size1'] + df['ask_price1'] * df['ask_size1']) / (df['bid_size1'] + df['ask_size1'])
    return wap

def calc_wap4(df):
    wap = (df['bid_price2'] * df['bid_size2'] + df['ask_price2'] * df['ask_size2']) / (df['bid_size2'] + df['ask_size2'])
    return wap

# Function to calculate the log of the return
# Remember that logb(x / y) = logb(x) - logb(y)
def log_return(series):
    return np.log(series).diff()

# Calculate the realized volatility
def realized_volatility(series):
    return np.sqrt(np.sum(series**2))

# Function to count unique elements of a series
def count_unique(series):
    return len(np.unique(series))

# Function to read our base train and test set
def read_train_test():
    train = pd.read_csv('../input/optiver-realized-volatility-prediction/train.csv')
    test = pd.read_csv('../input/optiver-realized-volatility-prediction/test.csv')
    # Create a key to merge with book and trade data
    train['row_id'] = train['stock_id'].astype(str) + '-' + train['time_id'].astype(str)
    test['row_id'] = test['stock_id'].astype(str) + '-' + test['time_id'].astype(str)
    print(f'Our training set has {train.shape[0]} rows')
    return train, test

# Function to preprocess book data (for each stock id)
def book_preprocessor(file_path):
    df = pd.read_parquet(file_path)
    # Calculate Wap
    df['wap1'] = calc_wap1(df)
    df['wap2'] = calc_wap2(df)
    df['wap3'] = calc_wap3(df)
    df['wap4'] = calc_wap4(df)
    # Calculate log returns
    df['log_return1'] = df.groupby(['time_id'])['wap1'].apply(log_return)
    df['log_return2'] = df.groupby(['time_id'])['wap2'].apply(log_return)
    df['log_return3'] = df.groupby(['time_id'])['wap3'].apply(log_return)
    df['log_return4'] = df.groupby(['time_id'])['wap4'].apply(log_return)
    # Calculate wap balance
    df['wap_balance'] = abs(df['wap1'] - df['wap2'])
    # Calculate spread
    df['price_spread'] = (df['ask_price1'] - df['bid_price1']) / ((df['ask_price1'] + df['bid_price1']) / 2)
    df['price_spread2'] = (df['ask_price2'] - df['bid_price2']) / ((df['ask_price2'] + df['bid_price2']) / 2)
    df['bid_spread'] = df['bid_price1'] - df['bid_price2']
    df['ask_spread'] = df['ask_price1'] - df['ask_price2']
    df["bid_ask_spread"] = abs(df['bid_spread'] - df['ask_spread'])
    df['total_volume'] = (df['ask_size1'] + df['ask_size2']) + (df['bid_size1'] + df['bid_size2'])
    df['volume_imbalance'] = abs((df['ask_size1'] + df['ask_size2']) - (df['bid_size1'] + df['bid_size2']))
    # Dict for aggregations
    create_feature_dict = {
        'wap1': [np.sum, np.std],
        'wap2': [np.sum, np.std],
        'wap3': [np.sum, np.std],
        'wap4': [np.sum, np.std],
        'log_return1': [realized_volatility],
        'log_return2': [realized_volatility],
        'log_return3': [realized_volatility],
        'log_return4': [realized_volatility],
        'wap_balance': [np.sum, np.max],
        'price_spread':[np.sum, np.max],
        'price_spread2':[np.sum, np.max],
        'bid_spread':[np.sum, np.max],
        'ask_spread':[np.sum, np.max],
        'total_volume':[np.sum, np.max],
        'volume_imbalance':[np.sum, np.max],
        "bid_ask_spread":[np.sum,  np.max],
    create_feature_dict_time = {
        'log_return1': [realized_volatility],
        'log_return2': [realized_volatility],
        'log_return3': [realized_volatility],
        'log_return4': [realized_volatility],
    # Function to get group stats for different windows (seconds in bucket)
    def get_stats_window(fe_dict,seconds_in_bucket, add_suffix = False):
        # Group by the window
        df_feature = df[df['seconds_in_bucket'] >= seconds_in_bucket].groupby(['time_id']).agg(fe_dict).reset_index()
        # Rename columns joining suffix
        df_feature.columns = ['_'.join(col) for col in df_feature.columns]
        # Add a suffix to differentiate windows
        if add_suffix:
            df_feature = df_feature.add_suffix('_' + str(seconds_in_bucket))
        return df_feature
    # Get the stats for different windows
    df_feature = get_stats_window(create_feature_dict,seconds_in_bucket = 0, add_suffix = False)
    df_feature_500 = get_stats_window(create_feature_dict_time,seconds_in_bucket = 500, add_suffix = True)
    df_feature_400 = get_stats_window(create_feature_dict_time,seconds_in_bucket = 400, add_suffix = True)
    df_feature_300 = get_stats_window(create_feature_dict_time,seconds_in_bucket = 300, add_suffix = True)
    df_feature_200 = get_stats_window(create_feature_dict_time,seconds_in_bucket = 200, add_suffix = True)
    df_feature_100 = get_stats_window(create_feature_dict_time,seconds_in_bucket = 100, add_suffix = True)

    # Merge all
    df_feature = df_feature.merge(df_feature_500, how = 'left', left_on = 'time_id_', right_on = 'time_id__500')
    df_feature = df_feature.merge(df_feature_400, how = 'left', left_on = 'time_id_', right_on = 'time_id__400')
    df_feature = df_feature.merge(df_feature_300, how = 'left', left_on = 'time_id_', right_on = 'time_id__300')
    df_feature = df_feature.merge(df_feature_200, how = 'left', left_on = 'time_id_', right_on = 'time_id__200')
    df_feature = df_feature.merge(df_feature_100, how = 'left', left_on = 'time_id_', right_on = 'time_id__100')
    # Drop unnecesary time_ids
    df_feature.drop(['time_id__500','time_id__400', 'time_id__300', 'time_id__200','time_id__100'], axis = 1, inplace = True)
    # Create row_id so we can merge
    stock_id = file_path.split('=')[1]
    df_feature['row_id'] = df_feature['time_id_'].apply(lambda x: f'{stock_id}-{x}')
    df_feature.drop(['time_id_'], axis = 1, inplace = True)
    return df_feature

# Function to preprocess trade data (for each stock id)
def trade_preprocessor(file_path):
    df = pd.read_parquet(file_path)
    df['log_return'] = df.groupby('time_id')['price'].apply(log_return)
    # Dict for aggregations
    create_feature_dict = {
        'size':[np.sum, np.max, np.min],
    create_feature_dict_time = {
    # Function to get group stats for different windows (seconds in bucket)
    def get_stats_window(fe_dict,seconds_in_bucket, add_suffix = False):
        # Group by the window
        df_feature = df[df['seconds_in_bucket'] >= seconds_in_bucket].groupby(['time_id']).agg(fe_dict).reset_index()
        # Rename columns joining suffix
        df_feature.columns = ['_'.join(col) for col in df_feature.columns]
        # Add a suffix to differentiate windows
        if add_suffix:
            df_feature = df_feature.add_suffix('_' + str(seconds_in_bucket))
        return df_feature

    # Get the stats for different windows
    df_feature = get_stats_window(create_feature_dict,seconds_in_bucket = 0, add_suffix = False)
    df_feature_500 = get_stats_window(create_feature_dict_time,seconds_in_bucket = 500, add_suffix = True)
    df_feature_400 = get_stats_window(create_feature_dict_time,seconds_in_bucket = 400, add_suffix = True)
    df_feature_300 = get_stats_window(create_feature_dict_time,seconds_in_bucket = 300, add_suffix = True)
    df_feature_200 = get_stats_window(create_feature_dict_time,seconds_in_bucket = 200, add_suffix = True)
    df_feature_100 = get_stats_window(create_feature_dict_time,seconds_in_bucket = 100, add_suffix = True)
    def tendency(price, vol):    
        df_diff = np.diff(price)
        val = (df_diff/price[1:])*100
        power = np.sum(val*vol[1:])
    lis = []
    for n_time_id in df['time_id'].unique():
        df_id = df[df['time_id'] == n_time_id]        
        tendencyV = tendency(df_id['price'].values, df_id['size'].values)      
        f_max = np.sum(df_id['price'].values > np.mean(df_id['price'].values))
        f_min = np.sum(df_id['price'].values < np.mean(df_id['price'].values))
        df_max =  np.sum(np.diff(df_id['price'].values) > 0)
        df_min =  np.sum(np.diff(df_id['price'].values) < 0)
        # new
        abs_diff = np.median(np.abs( df_id['price'].values - np.mean(df_id['price'].values)))        
        energy = np.mean(df_id['price'].values**2)
        iqr_p = np.percentile(df_id['price'].values,75) - np.percentile(df_id['price'].values,25)
        # vol vars
        abs_diff_v = np.median(np.abs( df_id['size'].values - np.mean(df_id['size'].values)))        
        energy_v = np.sum(df_id['size'].values**2)
        iqr_p_v = np.percentile(df_id['size'].values,75) - np.percentile(df_id['size'].values,25)
    df_lr = pd.DataFrame(lis)
    df_feature = df_feature.merge(df_lr, how = 'left', left_on = 'time_id_', right_on = 'time_id')
    # Merge all
    df_feature = df_feature.merge(df_feature_500, how = 'left', left_on = 'time_id_', right_on = 'time_id__500')
    df_feature = df_feature.merge(df_feature_400, how = 'left', left_on = 'time_id_', right_on = 'time_id__400')
    df_feature = df_feature.merge(df_feature_300, how = 'left', left_on = 'time_id_', right_on = 'time_id__300')
    df_feature = df_feature.merge(df_feature_200, how = 'left', left_on = 'time_id_', right_on = 'time_id__200')
    df_feature = df_feature.merge(df_feature_100, how = 'left', left_on = 'time_id_', right_on = 'time_id__100')
    # Drop unnecesary time_ids
    df_feature.drop(['time_id__500','time_id__400', 'time_id__300', 'time_id__200','time_id','time_id__100'], axis = 1, inplace = True)
    df_feature = df_feature.add_prefix('trade_')
    stock_id = file_path.split('=')[1]
    df_feature['row_id'] = df_feature['trade_time_id_'].apply(lambda x:f'{stock_id}-{x}')
    df_feature.drop(['trade_time_id_'], axis = 1, inplace = True)
    return df_feature

# Function to get group stats for the stock_id and time_id
def get_time_stock(df):
    vol_cols = ['log_return1_realized_volatility', 'log_return2_realized_volatility', 'log_return1_realized_volatility_400', 'log_return2_realized_volatility_400', 
                'log_return1_realized_volatility_300', 'log_return2_realized_volatility_300', 'log_return1_realized_volatility_200', 'log_return2_realized_volatility_200', 
                'trade_log_return_realized_volatility', 'trade_log_return_realized_volatility_400', 'trade_log_return_realized_volatility_300', 'trade_log_return_realized_volatility_200']

    # Group by the stock id
    df_stock_id = df.groupby(['stock_id'])[vol_cols].agg(['mean', 'std', 'max', 'min', ]).reset_index()
    # Rename columns joining suffix
    df_stock_id.columns = ['_'.join(col) for col in df_stock_id.columns]
    df_stock_id = df_stock_id.add_suffix('_' + 'stock')

    # Group by the stock id
    df_time_id = df.groupby(['time_id'])[vol_cols].agg(['mean', 'std', 'max', 'min', ]).reset_index()
    # Rename columns joining suffix
    df_time_id.columns = ['_'.join(col) for col in df_time_id.columns]
    df_time_id = df_time_id.add_suffix('_' + 'time')
    # Merge with original dataframe
    df = df.merge(df_stock_id, how = 'left', left_on = ['stock_id'], right_on = ['stock_id__stock'])
    df = df.merge(df_time_id, how = 'left', left_on = ['time_id'], right_on = ['time_id__time'])
    df.drop(['stock_id__stock', 'time_id__time'], axis = 1, inplace = True)
    return df
# Funtion to make preprocessing function in parallel (for each stock id)
def preprocessor(list_stock_ids, is_train = True):
    # Parrallel for loop
    def for_joblib(stock_id):
        # Train
        if is_train:
            file_path_book = data_dir + "book_train.parquet/stock_id=" + str(stock_id)
            file_path_trade = data_dir + "trade_train.parquet/stock_id=" + str(stock_id)
        # Test
            file_path_book = data_dir + "book_test.parquet/stock_id=" + str(stock_id)
            file_path_trade = data_dir + "trade_test.parquet/stock_id=" + str(stock_id)
        # Preprocess book and trade data and merge them
        df_tmp = pd.merge(book_preprocessor(file_path_book), trade_preprocessor(file_path_trade), on = 'row_id', how = 'left')
        # Return the merge dataframe
        return df_tmp
    # Use parallel api to call paralle for loop
    df = Parallel(n_jobs = -1, verbose = 1)(delayed(for_joblib)(stock_id) for stock_id in list_stock_ids)
    # Concatenate all the dataframes that return from Parallel
    df = pd.concat(df, ignore_index = True)
    return df

# Function to calculate the root mean squared percentage error
def rmspe(y_true, y_pred):
    return np.sqrt(np.mean(np.square((y_true - y_pred) / y_true)))

# Function to early stop with root mean squared percentage error
def feval_rmspe(y_pred, lgb_train):
    y_true = lgb_train.get_label()
    return 'RMSPE', rmspe(y_true, y_pred), False


def feval_rmspe(y_pred, lgb_train):
    y_true = lgb_train.get_label()
    return 'RMSPE', rmspe(y_true, y_pred), False

def train_and_evaluate_lgb(train, test, params):
    # Hyperparammeters (just basic)
    features = [col for col in train.columns if col not in {"time_id", "target", "row_id"}]
    y = train['target']
    # Create out of folds array
    oof_predictions = np.zeros(train.shape[0])
    # Create test array to store predictions
    test_predictions = np.zeros(test.shape[0])
    # Create a KFold object
    kfold = KFold(n_splits = 5, random_state = 2021, shuffle = True)
    # Iterate through each fold
    for fold, (trn_ind, val_ind) in enumerate(kfold.split(train)):
        print(f'Training fold {fold + 1}')
        x_train, x_val = train.iloc[trn_ind], train.iloc[val_ind]
        y_train, y_val = y.iloc[trn_ind], y.iloc[val_ind]
        # Root mean squared percentage error weights
        train_weights = 1 / np.square(y_train)
        val_weights = 1 / np.square(y_val)
        train_dataset = lgb.Dataset(x_train[features], y_train, weight = train_weights)
        val_dataset = lgb.Dataset(x_val[features], y_val, weight = val_weights)
        model = lgb.train(params = params,
                          train_set = train_dataset, 
                          valid_sets = [train_dataset, val_dataset], 
                          verbose_eval = 250,
                          feval = feval_rmspe)
        # Add predictions to the out of folds array
        oof_predictions[val_ind] = model.predict(x_val[features])
        # Predict the test set
        test_predictions += model.predict(test[features]) / 5
    rmspe_score = rmspe(y, oof_predictions)
    print(f'Our out of folds RMSPE is {rmspe_score}')
    # Return test predictions
    return test_predictions
# Traing and evaluate
predictions_lgb= train_and_evaluate_lgb(train, test,params0)
test['target'] = predictions_lgb
test[['row_id', 'target']].to_csv('submission.csv',index = False)


from keras.backend import sigmoid
def swish(x, beta = 1):
    return (x * sigmoid(beta * x))

from keras.utils.generic_utils import get_custom_objects
from keras.layers import Activation
get_custom_objects().update({'swish': Activation(swish)})

hidden_units = (128,64,32)
stock_embedding_size = 24

cat_data = train_nn['stock_id']

def base_model():
    # Each instance will consist of two inputs: a single user id, and a single movie id
    stock_id_input = keras.Input(shape=(1,), name='stock_id')
    num_input = keras.Input(shape=(244,), name='num_data')

    #embedding, flatenning and concatenating
    stock_embedded = keras.layers.Embedding(max(cat_data)+1, stock_embedding_size, 
                                           input_length=1, name='stock_embedding')(stock_id_input)
    stock_flattened = keras.layers.Flatten()(stock_embedded)
    out = keras.layers.Concatenate()([stock_flattened, num_input])
    # Add one or more hidden layers
    for n_hidden in hidden_units:

        out = keras.layers.Dense(n_hidden, activation='swish')(out)

    #out = keras.layers.Concatenate()([out, num_input])

    # A single output: our predicted rating
    out = keras.layers.Dense(1, activation='linear', name='prediction')(out)
    model = keras.Model(
    inputs = [stock_id_input, num_input],
    outputs = out,
    return model

5 总结



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