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   -> 人工智能 -> OpenCV之getOptimalNewCameraMatrix -> 正文阅读








源码中提到:Get inscribed and circumscribed rectangles in normalized (independent of camera matrix) coordinates.

static void
icvGetRectangles(const CvMat* cameraMatrix, const CvMat* distCoeffs,
	const CvMat* R, const CvMat* newCameraMatrix, CvSize imgSize,
	cv::Rect_<float>& inner, cv::Rect_<float>& outer)
	const int N = 9;
	int x, y, k;
	cv::Ptr<CvMat> _pts(cvCreateMat(1, N * N, CV_32FC2));
	CvPoint2D32f* pts = (CvPoint2D32f*)(_pts->data.ptr);

	for (y = k = 0; y < N; y++)
		for (x = 0; x < N; x++)
			pts[k++] = cvPoint2D32f((float)x * imgSize.width / (N - 1),
				(float)y * imgSize.height / (N - 1));
	// 由于R和newCameraMatrix为0,因此,去畸变后的坐标为相机坐标系下的坐标,(如 mm)
	cvUndistortPoints(_pts, _pts, cameraMatrix, distCoeffs, R, newCameraMatrix);
	float iX0 = -FLT_MAX, iX1 = FLT_MAX, iY0 = -FLT_MAX, iY1 = FLT_MAX;
	float oX0 = FLT_MAX, oX1 = -FLT_MAX, oY0 = FLT_MAX, oY1 = -FLT_MAX;
	// find the inscribed rectangle.
	// the code will likely not work with extreme rotation matrices (R) (>45%)
	for (y = k = 0; y < N; y++)
		for (x = 0; x < N; x++)
			CvPoint2D32f p = pts[k++];
			oX0 = MIN(oX0, p.x);
			oX1 = MAX(oX1, p.x);
			oY0 = MIN(oY0, p.y);
			oY1 = MAX(oY1, p.y);

			if (x == 0)
				iX0 = MAX(iX0, p.x);
			if (x == N - 1)
				iX1 = MIN(iX1, p.x);
			if (y == 0)
				iY0 = MAX(iY0, p.y);
			if (y == N - 1)
				iY1 = MIN(iY1, p.y);
	inner = cv::Rect_<float>(iX0, iY0, iX1 - iX0, iY1 - iY0);
	outer = cv::Rect_<float>(oX0, oY0, oX1 - oX0, oY1 - oY0);




double fx0 = (newImgSize.width - 1) / inner.width; // 可以认为inner所在坐标系下单位长度对应的像素个数
double fy0 = (newImgSize.height - 1) / inner.height;
double cx0 = -fx0 * inner.x; // 将矩形的左上角,移动到图像坐标系的原点
double cy0 = -fy0 * inner.y;

// Projection mapping outer rectangle to viewport
double fx1 = (newImgSize.width - 1) / outer.width;
double fy1 = (newImgSize.height - 1) / outer.height;
double cx1 = -fx1 * outer.x;
double cy1 = -fy1 * outer.y;

// Interpolate between the two optimal projections
M[0][0] = fx0 * (1 - alpha) + fx1 * alpha;
M[1][1] = fy0 * (1 - alpha) + fy1 * alpha;
M[0][2] = cx0 * (1 - alpha) + cx1 * alpha;
M[1][2] = cy0 * (1 - alpha) + cy1 * alpha;



if (validPixROI)
	// 利用上述得到的投影矩阵(“新相机内参矩阵”),得到像素坐标系下的内切和外切矩形
	icvGetRectangles(cameraMatrix, distCoeffs, 0, &matM, imgSize, inner, outer);
	// 这里我们只关注内切矩形
	cv::Rect r = inner;
	r &= cv::Rect(0, 0, newImgSize.width, newImgSize.height);
	*validPixROI = cvRect(r);


void cvGetOptimalNewCameraMatrix(const CvMat* cameraMatrix, const CvMat* distCoeffs,
	CvSize imgSize, double alpha,
	CvMat* newCameraMatrix, CvSize newImgSize,
	CvRect* validPixROI, int centerPrincipalPoint)
	cv::Rect_<float> inner, outer;
	newImgSize = newImgSize.width * newImgSize.height != 0 ? newImgSize : imgSize;

	double M[3][3];
	CvMat matM = cvMat(3, 3, CV_64F, M);
	cvConvert(cameraMatrix, &matM);

	if (centerPrincipalPoint)
		double cx0 = M[0][2];
		double cy0 = M[1][2];
		double cx = (newImgSize.width - 1) * 0.5;
		double cy = (newImgSize.height - 1) * 0.5;

		icvGetRectangles(cameraMatrix, distCoeffs, 0, cameraMatrix, imgSize, inner, outer);
		double s0 = std::max(std::max(std::max((double)cx / (cx0 - inner.x), (double)cy / (cy0 - inner.y)),	(double)cx / (inner.x + inner.width - cx0)), (double)cy / (inner.y + inner.height - cy0));
		double s1 = std::min(std::min(std::min((double)cx / (cx0 - outer.x), (double)cy / (cy0 - outer.y)), (double)cx / (outer.x + outer.width - cx0)), (double)cy / (outer.y + outer.height - cy0));
		double s = s0 * (1 - alpha) + s1 * alpha;

		M[0][0] *= s;
		M[1][1] *= s;
		M[0][2] = cx;
		M[1][2] = cy;

		if (validPixROI)
			inner = cv::Rect_<float>((float)((inner.x - cx0) * s + cx),
				(float)((inner.y - cy0) * s + cy),
				(float)(inner.width * s),
				(float)(inner.height * s));
			cv::Rect r(cvCeil(inner.x), cvCeil(inner.y), cvFloor(inner.width), cvFloor(inner.height));
			r &= cv::Rect(0, 0, newImgSize.width, newImgSize.height);
			*validPixROI = cvRect(r);
		// Get inscribed and circumscribed rectangles in normalized
		// (independent of camera matrix) coordinates
		icvGetRectangles(cameraMatrix, distCoeffs, 0, 0, imgSize, inner, outer);

		// Projection mapping inner rectangle to viewport
		double fx0 = (newImgSize.width - 1) / inner.width; // 可以认为inner所在坐标系下单位长度对应的像素个数
		double fy0 = (newImgSize.height - 1) / inner.height;
		double cx0 = -fx0 * inner.x; // 将矩形的左上角,移动到图像坐标系的原点
		double cy0 = -fy0 * inner.y;

		// Projection mapping outer rectangle to viewport
		double fx1 = (newImgSize.width - 1) / outer.width;
		double fy1 = (newImgSize.height - 1) / outer.height;
		double cx1 = -fx1 * outer.x;
		double cy1 = -fy1 * outer.y;

		// Interpolate between the two optimal projections
		M[0][0] = fx0 * (1 - alpha) + fx1 * alpha;
		M[1][1] = fy0 * (1 - alpha) + fy1 * alpha;
		M[0][2] = cx0 * (1 - alpha) + cx1 * alpha;
		M[1][2] = cy0 * (1 - alpha) + cy1 * alpha;

		if (validPixROI)
			// 利用上述得到的投影矩阵(新相机内参矩阵),得到像素坐标系下的内切和外切矩形
			icvGetRectangles(cameraMatrix, distCoeffs, 0, &matM, imgSize, inner, outer);
			// 这里我们只关注内切矩形
			cv::Rect r = inner;
			r &= cv::Rect(0, 0, newImgSize.width, newImgSize.height);
			*validPixROI = cvRect(r);

	cvConvert(&matM, newCameraMatrix);


  1. 该函数提供了一种思路,通过划分网格来确定图像有效区域的矩形边界。
  2. 在去畸变函数cvUndistortPoints()中,通过内参矩阵将像素点转化到相机坐标系下,然后根据畸变系数进行畸变矫正。如果给定旋转矩阵matR,可以对去畸变后的点进行旋转变换(可用于旋转补偿,如视频防抖)。如果给定matP,则可以对去畸变后的点重新投影到像素坐标系(如投影到指定图像区域)。
void cvUndistortPoints(const CvMat* _src, CvMat* _dst, const CvMat* _cameraMatrix,
	const CvMat* _distCoeffs, const CvMat* matR, const CvMat* matP)
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