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[人工智能]【CVPR 2021】Joint Generative and Contrastive Learning for Unsupervised Person Re-identification



2, 在生成模块中,我们引入了3D网格生成器。
3, 在对比模块,我们提出了一种视角无关的损失,来减少生成样本和原始样本之间的类内变化。


Joint Generative and Contrastive Learning for Unsupervised Person Re-identificationGCLCVPR2021【JVTC】Li, J., Zhang, S.: Joint visual and temporal consistency for unsupervised domain adaptive person re- identification. pp. 1–14 (2020)ImageNet [32] pre-trained ResNet50 [17] with slight modificationsMarket-1501、DukeMTMC-reID, MSMT17 [41]

源码链接: https: //


1, we incorporate a Generative Adversarial Network (GAN) and a contrastive learning module into one joint training framework.
2, While the GAN provides online data augmentation for contrastive learning, the contrastive module learns view-invariant fea- tures for generation.
3, we propose a mesh- based view generator. Specifically, mesh projections serve as references towards generating novel views of a per- son.
4,we propose a view-invariant loss to fa- cilitate contrastive learning between original and gener- ated views.


our method significantly outperforms state-of-the-art methods under both, fully unsupervised and unsupervised domain adaptive settings on several large scale ReID dat- sets.




Figure 2: (a) General architecture of GCL: Generative and contrastive modules are coupled by the shared identity encoder Eid. (b) Generative module: The decoder G combines the identity features encoded by Eid and structure features Estr to generate a novel view x′
new with a cycle consistency. ? Contrastive module: View-invariance is enhanced by maximizing the agreement between original Eid(x), synthesized Eid(x′
new) and memory fpos representations.


Figure 3: Example images as generated by the View Generator via 3D mesh rotation based on left input image.


1,GCL框架主要包含了 生成模块和 对比模块两个模块。
2, 在生成模块中,文章通过HMR构建3D网格,提取图像的外观和姿势。 然后通过对姿势进行不同角度的旋转来重新构成样本,以此从样本、特征和解码结果三个层面构成损失gan。

3, 在对比模块中,文章维护了一个内存条(memory bank)来存储样本的特征向量,并在迭代过程中根据公式5更新。然后从前面诸多的样本中构造正负样本对,然后求对比损失。





1, 基本上所有创新点都基于一开始想到了是用3D网格来生成样本,在这个基础上,后面的创新点都水到渠成的出来了。


author = {Hao Chen and
Yaohui Wang and
Benoit Lagadec and
Antitza Dantcheva and
Fran{\c{c}}ois Br{’{e}}mond},
title = {Joint Generative and Contrastive Learning for Unsupervised Person
booktitle = {{CVPR}},
pages = {2004–2013},
publisher = {Computer Vision Foundation / {IEEE}},
year = {2021}


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