Planning module 是自动驾驶的决策模块,会收集其他模块的所有信息进行综合决策,Apollo 开源系统的架构如下:
Planning 会订阅感知,预测,地图,导航,定位,底盘,HMI(Pad) ,Storytelling 模块发布的消息.
channel | message | module | content |
"/apollo/prediction" | PredictionObstacles | Predicition | 障碍物信息 | "/apollo/perception/traffic_light" | TrafficLightDetection | Perception | 交通灯信息 | "/apollo/relative_map" | MapMsg | Map * | 地图信息 | "/apollo/routing_response" | RoutingResponse | Routing | 导航信息 | "/apollo/localization/pose" | LocalizationEstimate | Localization | 定位信息 | "/apollo/canbus/chassis" | Chassis | Canbus | 底盘信息 | "/apollo/planning/pad" | PadMessage | Pad * | Pad 信息 | "/apollo/storytelling" | Stories | Storytelling * | -- |
注: 地图信息分为HD Map (UTM 坐标系)和Relative Map (相对坐标系),两者地图数据格式相同.
在L2 或者L3 智能驾驶系统中,没有Pad 输入,此功能是Robotaix 中乘客的指令信息.
目前Apollo 并未对Storytelling 信息做响应或者处理.
channel | message | module | content |
"/apollo/planning" | ADCTrajectory | Control | 规划信息 | "/apollo/routing_request" | RoutingRequest | Routing | 导航更新信息 | "/apollo/planning/learning_data" | PlanningLearningData | Planning | Planning 机器学习数据 |
1 Input
1.1 Perception Input
1.1.1 PredictionObstacles
Perception Module 检测到的障碍物PerceptionObstacles ,经由Predicition Module 进行封装成PredictionObstacles . proto目录 proto定义
syntax = "proto2"; ? ? ? ? ? ?// protobuf version
package apollo.perception; ? ?// namespace apollo::perception
// 依赖的其他 proto 定义
import "modules/common/proto/error_code.proto";
import "modules/common/proto/geometry.proto";
import "modules/common/proto/header.proto";
import "modules/common/proto/pnc_point.proto";
import "modules/map/proto/map_lane.proto";
// 2D框
message BBox2D {
?optional double xmin = 1; ?// in pixels. // 像素级
?optional double ymin = 2; ?// in pixels.
?optional double xmax = 3; ?// in pixels.
?optional double ymax = 4; ?// in pixels.
// 检测到车辆的灯光状态
message LightStatus {
?optional double brake_visible = 1; ? ? ? ? ? // 刹车灯可见
?optional double brake_switch_on = 2; ? ? ? ? // 刹车灯打开
?optional double left_turn_visible = 3; ? ? ? // 左转向灯可见
?optional double left_turn_switch_on = 4; ? ? // 左转向灯打开
?optional double right_turn_visible = 5; ? ? ?// 右转向灯可见
?optional double right_turn_switch_on = 6; ? ?// 右转向灯打开
message SensorMeasurement {
?optional string sensor_id = 1; ?// 传感器id
?optional int32 id = 2; ? ? ? ? ?// 障碍物ID?
?optional apollo.common.Point3D position = 3; // 障碍物坐标
?optional double theta = 4;
?optional double length = 5;
?optional double width = 6;
?optional double height = 7;
?optional apollo.common.Point3D velocity = 8;
?optional PerceptionObstacle.Type type = 9;
?optional PerceptionObstacle.SubType sub_type = 10;
?optional double timestamp = 11;
?optional BBox2D box = 12; ?// only for camera measurements
message Trajectory {
?optional double probability = 1; ?// probability of this trajectory
?repeated apollo.common.TrajectoryPoint trajectory_point = 2; // 可能由多条轨迹
message DebugMessage {
?// can have multiple trajectories per obstacle
?repeated Trajectory trajectory = 1;
message PerceptionObstacle {
?optional int32 id = 1; ?// obstacle ID.
?// obstacle position in the world coordinate system.(x, y, z)
?optional apollo.common.Point3D position = 2;
?optional double theta = 3; ?// heading in the world coordinate system.
?optional apollo.common.Point3D velocity = 4; ?// obstacle velocity.(x, y, z)
?// Size of obstacle bounding box.
?optional double length = 5; ?// obstacle length.
?optional double width = 6; ? // obstacle width.
?optional double height = 7; ?// obstacle height.
?repeated apollo.common.Point3D polygon_point = 8; ?// obstacle corner points.
?// duration of an obstacle since detection in s.
?optional double tracking_time = 9;
?enum Type {
? ?UNKNOWN = 0; ? ? ? ? ? ?// 不能确定的类型
? ?UNKNOWN_MOVABLE = 1; ? ?// 移动的不确定类型
? ?UNKNOWN_UNMOVABLE = 2; ?// 静止的不确定类型
? ?PEDESTRIAN = 3; ?// Pedestrian, usually determined by moving behavior.
? ?BICYCLE = 4; ? ? // bike, motor bike
? ?VEHICLE = 5; ? ? // Passenger car or truck.
?optional Type type = 10; ? ? ? ? // obstacle type
?optional double timestamp = 11; ?// GPS time in seconds.
?// Just for offline debugging, will not fill this field on board.
?// Format: [x0, y0, z0, x1, y1, z1...]
?repeated double point_cloud = 12 [packed = true];
?optional double confidence = 13 [deprecated = true]; ?// 置信度??
?enum ConfidenceType {
?optional ConfidenceType confidence_type = 14 [deprecated = true];
?// trajectory of object.
?repeated apollo.common.Point3D drops = 15 [deprecated = true]; ?// 障碍物的历史轨迹
?// The following fields are new added in Apollo 4.0
?optional apollo.common.Point3D acceleration = 16; ?// obstacle acceleration
?// a stable obstacle point in the world coordinate system
?// position defined above is the obstacle bounding box ground center
?optional apollo.common.Point3D anchor_point = 17; // 矩形的中心点??
?optional BBox2D bbox2d = 18; ? // 将障碍物的多边形形状近似(放大)成矩形
?enum SubType {
? ?ST_UNKNOWN = 0;
? ?ST_CAR = 3;
? ?ST_VAN = 4;
? ?ST_TRUCK = 5;
? ?ST_BUS = 6;
? ?ST_CYCLIST = 7;
?optional SubType sub_type = 19; ?// obstacle sub_type
?repeated SensorMeasurement measurements = 20; ?// sensor measurements 来自传感器的信息
?// orthogonal distance between obstacle lowest point and ground plane
?optional double height_above_ground = 21 [default = nan]; ?// 高度
?// position covariance which is a row-majored 3x3 matrix
?repeated double position_covariance = 22 [packed = true]; ?// 坐标的协方差
?// velocity covariance which is a row-majored 3x3 matrix
?repeated double velocity_covariance = 23 [packed = true]; ?// 速度的协方差
?// acceleration covariance which is a row-majored 3x3 matrix
?repeated double acceleration_covariance = 24 [packed = true]; ?// 加速度的协方差
?// lights of vehicles
?optional LightStatus light_status = 25; ?// 障碍物如果是车辆,车辆的灯光信息
?// Debug Message
?optional DebugMessage msg = 26;
message LaneMarker {
?optional apollo.hdmap.LaneBoundaryType.Type lane_type = 1; ?// 车道线类型(双黄线,实白线等)
?optional double quality = 2; ?// range = [0,1]; 1 = the best quality // 车道线识别的质量
?optional int32 model_degree = 3; ?// 车道线多项式的阶次
?// equation X = c3 * Z^3 + c2 * Z^2 + c1 * Z + c0
?optional double c0_position = 4; ? ? ? ? ? ? ? // 常数项系数
?optional double c1_heading_angle = 5; ? ? ? ? ?// 一次项系数
?optional double c2_curvature = 6; ? ? ? ? ? ? ?// 二次项系数
?optional double c3_curvature_derivative = 7; ? // 三次项系数
?optional double view_range = 8; ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?// 感知的可视范围?
?optional double longitude_start = 9; ? ? ? ? ? // z的最小值
?optional double longitude_end = 10; ? ? ? ? ? ?// z的最大值
// 车道线
message LaneMarkers {
?optional LaneMarker left_lane_marker = 1; ? ? ?// adc车道的左侧车道线
?optional LaneMarker right_lane_marker = 2; ? ? // adc车道的右侧车道线
?repeated LaneMarker next_left_lane_marker = 3; // adc左车道的左侧车道线
?repeated LaneMarker next_right_lane_marker = 4; // adc右车道的左侧车道线
// 车道上距ADC最近的车辆
message CIPVInfo {
?optional int32 cipv_id = 1; ? ? ? ? ? // 最近车辆的ID
?repeated int32 potential_cipv_id = 2; // 可能是最近车辆的ID(多个)
message PerceptionObstacles {
?repeated PerceptionObstacle perception_obstacle = 1; ?// An array of obstacles
?optional apollo.common.Header header = 2; ? ? ? ? ? ? // Header
?optional apollo.common.ErrorCode error_code = 3 [default = OK]; ?// 错误码
?optional LaneMarkers lane_marker = 4; ? ? // 本车道和左右相邻车道的标识(车道线多项式和车道边界类型)
?optional CIPVInfo cipv_info = 5; ? ? ? ? ?// Closest In Path Vehicle (CIPV)
syntax = "proto2";
package apollo.prediction;
import "modules/common/proto/error_code.proto";
import "modules/common/proto/header.proto";
import "modules/prediction/proto/scenario.proto";
import "modules/perception/proto/perception_obstacle.proto";
import "modules/prediction/proto/feature.proto";
// estimated obstacle intent 预测障碍物的行为/意图
message ObstacleIntent {
?enum Type {
? ?UNKNOWN = 0;
? ?STOP = 1;
? ?MOVING = 3;
?optional Type type = 1 [default = UNKNOWN];
// self driving car intent 自车的驾驶意图
message Intent {
?enum Type {
? ?UNKNOWN = 0;
? ?STOP = 1;
? ?CRUISE = 2;
?optional Type type = 1 [default = UNKNOWN];
message PredictionObstacle {
?optional apollo.perception.PerceptionObstacle perception_obstacle = 1; ?// 障碍物信息
?optional double timestamp = 2; ?// GPS time in seconds 时间戳
?// the length of the time for this prediction (e.g. 10s)
?optional double predicted_period = 3; ?// 预测周期
?// can have multiple trajectories per obstacle
?repeated Trajectory trajectory = 4; ? // 障碍物的预测轨迹,一个障碍物可能有多条预测轨迹,每条轨迹有概率值
?// estimated obstacle intent
?optional ObstacleIntent intent = 5; ?// 障碍物的意图
?optional ObstaclePriority priority = 6; // 预测给出的障碍物的处理的等级: caution/normal/ignore
?optional bool is_static = 7 [default = false]; ?// 是否是静态障碍物
?// Feature history latest -> earliest sequence
?repeated Feature feature = 8; ?// 用于做预测的特征信息, PNC模块不用关心,是prediction使用的
message PredictionObstacles {
?// timestamp is included in header
?optional apollo.common.Header header = 1;
?// make prediction for multiple obstacles
?repeated PredictionObstacle prediction_obstacle = 2;
?// perception error code
?optional apollo.common.ErrorCode perception_error_code = 3;
?// start timestamp
?optional double start_timestamp = 4;
?// end timestamp
?optional double end_timestamp = 5;
?// self driving car intent
?optional Intent intent = 6;
?// Scenario
?optional Scenario scenario = 7; // 场景信息, prediction模块使用的,PNC不用关心, Planning有自己的scenario,且二者定义不同
1.1.2 TrafficLightDetection
Perception Module 检测到交通信号灯. proto目录
apollo\modules\perception\proto\traffic_light_detection.proto proto定义
syntax = "proto2";
package apollo.perception;
import "modules/common/proto/header.proto";
message TrafficLightBox {
?optional int32 x = 1;
?optional int32 y = 2;
?optional int32 width = 3;
?optional int32 height = 4;
?optional TrafficLight.Color color = 5;
?optional bool selected = 6;
?optional string camera_name = 7;
message TrafficLightDebug {
?optional TrafficLightBox cropbox = 1;
?repeated TrafficLightBox box = 2;
?optional int32 signal_num = 3;
?optional int32 valid_pos = 4;
?optional double ts_diff_pos = 5;
?optional double ts_diff_sys = 6;
?optional int32 project_error = 7;
?optional double distance_to_stop_line = 8;
?optional int32 camera_id = 9 [deprecated = true];
?repeated TrafficLightBox crop_roi = 10;
?repeated TrafficLightBox projected_roi = 11;
?repeated TrafficLightBox rectified_roi = 12;
?repeated TrafficLightBox debug_roi = 13;
message TrafficLight {
?enum Color {
? ?UNKNOWN = 0;
? ?RED = 1;
? ?YELLOW = 2;
? ?GREEN = 3;
? ?BLACK = 4;
?optional Color color = 1; ?// 信号灯颜色
?// Traffic light string-ID in the map data.
?optional string id = 2;
?// How confidence about the detected results, between 0 and 1.
?optional double confidence = 3 [default = 1.0]; ?// 置信度
?// Duration of the traffic light since detected.
?optional double tracking_time = 4;
?// Is traffic blinking
?optional bool blink = 5; ?// 交通灯是否闪烁
?// v2x traffic light remaining time.
?optional double remaining_time = 6; ?// 持续时间,用来估算变灯时间
message TrafficLightDetection {
?optional apollo.common.Header header = 2;
?repeated TrafficLight traffic_light = 1; ? // 交通灯,多个
?optional TrafficLightDebug traffic_light_debug = 3; ?// debug信息,perception使用
?optional bool contain_lights = 4; ?// ??
?enum CameraID {
?optional CameraID camera_id = 5; ?// 哪个传感器检测到的?
1.2 Map Input
1.2.1 proto 目录
1.2.2 proto定义
syntax = "proto2";
package apollo.hdmap;
import "modules/map/proto/map_clear_area.proto";
import "modules/map/proto/map_crosswalk.proto";
import "modules/map/proto/map_junction.proto";
import "modules/map/proto/map_lane.proto";
import "modules/map/proto/map_overlap.proto";
import "modules/map/proto/map_signal.proto";
import "modules/map/proto/map_speed_bump.proto";
import "modules/map/proto/map_stop_sign.proto";
import "modules/map/proto/map_yield_sign.proto";
import "modules/map/proto/map_road.proto";
import "modules/map/proto/map_parking_space.proto";
import "modules/map/proto/map_pnc_junction.proto";
import "modules/map/proto/map_rsu.proto";
// This message defines how we project the ellipsoidal Earth surface to a plane.
message Projection {
?// PROJ.4 setting:
?// "+proj=tmerc +lat_0={} +lon_0={origin.lon} +k={scale_factor}
?// +ellps=WGS84 +no_defs"
?optional string proj = 1;
message Header {
?optional bytes version = 1;
?optional bytes date = 2;
?optional Projection projection = 3;
?optional bytes district = 4;
?optional bytes generation = 5;
?optional bytes rev_major = 6;
?optional bytes rev_minor = 7;
?optional double left = 8;
?optional double top = 9;
?optional double right = 10;
?optional double bottom = 11;
?optional bytes vendor = 12;
message Map {
?optional Header header = 1;
?repeated Crosswalk crosswalk = 2; ? ? ? ?// 人行横道
?repeated Junction junction = 3; ? ? ? ? ?// 路口
?repeated Lane lane = 4; ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?// lane
?repeated StopSign stop_sign = 5; ? ? ? ? // 停车标识
?repeated Signal signal = 6; ? ? ? ? ? ? ?// 交通标志
?repeated YieldSign yield = 7; ? ? ? ? ? ?// 让行标识(国内没有,美国有)
?repeated Overlap overlap = 8; ? ? ? ? ? ?// 任何一对在地图上重合的东西,包括(车道,路口,人行横道)
?repeated ClearArea clear_area = 9; ? ? ? // 禁停区域
?repeated SpeedBump speed_bump = 10; ? ? ?// 减速带
?repeated Road road = 11; ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? // road
?repeated ParkingSpace parking_space = 12; // 停车场
?repeated PNCJunction pnc_junction = 13; ? // PNC 路口
?repeated RSU rsu = 14;
syntax = "proto2";
import "modules/common/proto/geometry.proto";
package apollo.hdmap;
// Polygon, not necessary convex.
message Polygon {
?repeated apollo.common.PointENU point = 1;
// Straight line segment.
message LineSegment {
?repeated apollo.common.PointENU point = 1;
// Generalization of a line.
message CurveSegment {
?oneof curve_type {
? ?LineSegment line_segment = 1;
?optional double s = 6; ?// start position (s-coordinate)
?optional apollo.common.PointENU start_position = 7;
?optional double heading = 8; ?// start orientation
?optional double length = 9;
// An object similar to a line but that need not be straight.
message Curve {
?repeated CurveSegment segment = 1;
syntax = "proto2";
package apollo.hdmap;
import "modules/map/proto/map_id.proto";
import "modules/map/proto/map_geometry.proto";
// 车道线类型
message LaneBoundaryType {
?enum Type {
? ?UNKNOWN = 0;
? ?CURB = 6;
?// Offset relative to the starting point of boundary
?optional double s = 1;
?// support multiple types
?repeated Type types = 2;
// 车道线
message LaneBoundary {
?optional Curve curve = 1; // 车道线的坐标点
?optional double length = 2; // 长度
?// indicate whether the lane boundary exists in real world
?optional bool virtual = 3;
?// in ascending order of s
?repeated LaneBoundaryType boundary_type = 4; // 类型
// Association between central point to closest boundary.
// lane在每个采样点s处的车道宽度
message LaneSampleAssociation {
?optional double s = 1;
?optional double width = 2;
// road是由lane构成的
// A lane is part of a roadway, that is designated for use by a single line of
// vehicles.
// Most public roads (include highways) have more than two lanes.
message Lane {
?optional Id id = 1;
?// Central lane as reference trajectory, not necessary to be the geometry
?// central.
?// 车道中心线,不一定是车道的几何中心,在planning作为参考线.
?// 是由一个个的lane segment(由两个坐标点构成的线段)组成的
?optional Curve central_curve = 2;
?// Lane boundary curve.
?optional LaneBoundary left_boundary = 3; ?// 左侧车道线
?optional LaneBoundary right_boundary = 4; // 右侧车道线
?// in meters.
?optional double length = 5; ?// 长度
?// Speed limit of the lane, in meters per second.
?optional double speed_limit = 6; ?// 限速
?repeated Id overlap_id = 7;
?// All lanes can be driving into (or from).
?repeated Id predecessor_id = 8; ?// 先序,如果有多个,则本车道是汇入车道
?repeated Id successor_id = 9; ? ?// 后序,如果有多个,则本车道是汇出车道
?// Neighbor lanes on the same direction.
?repeated Id left_neighbor_forward_lane_id = 10; ? // 同向的左侧相邻车道
?repeated Id right_neighbor_forward_lane_id = 11; ?// 同向的右侧相邻车道
?enum LaneType {
? ?NONE = 1;
? ?BIKING = 3;
? ?SIDEWALK = 4;
? ?PARKING = 5;
? ?SHOULDER = 6;
?optional LaneType type = 12; ?// 车道类型: 城市道路/自行车道路/人行道/停车区域/路肩
?enum LaneTurn {
? ?NO_TURN = 1;
? ?LEFT_TURN = 2;
? ?RIGHT_TURN = 3;
? ?U_TURN = 4;
?optional LaneTurn turn = 13; // 转弯类型
?repeated Id left_neighbor_reverse_lane_id = 14; ?// 反向的左侧相邻车道
?repeated Id right_neighbor_reverse_lane_id = 15; // 反向的右侧相邻车道
?optional Id junction_id = 16; ?// 路口id
?// Association between central point to closest boundary.
?repeated LaneSampleAssociation left_sample = 17; ? //车道中心线到左侧车道线的宽度
?repeated LaneSampleAssociation right_sample = 18; ?//车道中心线到左侧车道线的宽度
?enum LaneDirection {
? ?FORWARD = 1;
? ?BACKWARD = 2;
?optional LaneDirection direction = 19; ?// 车道方向
?// Association between central point to closest road boundary.
?repeated LaneSampleAssociation left_road_sample = 20; ?//车道中心线到左侧road boudary的宽度
?repeated LaneSampleAssociation right_road_sample = 21; ?//车道中心线到右侧road boudary的宽度
?repeated Id self_reverse_lane_id = 22; ?// ??
syntax = "proto2";
package apollo.hdmap;
import "modules/map/proto/map_geometry.proto";
import "modules/map/proto/map_id.proto";
message BoundaryEdge {
?optional Curve curve = 1;
?enum Type {
? ?UNKNOWN = 0;
? ?NORMAL = 1;
?optional Type type = 2;
message BoundaryPolygon {
?repeated BoundaryEdge edge = 1;
// boundary with holes
message RoadBoundary {
?optional BoundaryPolygon outer_polygon = 1;
?// if boundary without hole, hole is null
?repeated BoundaryPolygon hole = 2; ?// ???
message RoadROIBoundary {
?optional Id id = 1;
?repeated RoadBoundary road_boundaries = 2;
// road section defines a road cross-section, At least one section must be
// defined in order to
// use a road, If multiple road sections are defined, they must be listed in
// order along the road
message RoadSection {
?optional Id id = 1;
?// lanes contained in this section
?repeated Id lane_id = 2; ?// section由多个lane构成
?// boundary of section
?optional RoadBoundary boundary = 3; ?// 道路边界
// The road is a collection of traffic elements, such as lanes, road boundary
// etc.
// It provides general information about the road.
message Road {
?optional Id id = 1;
?repeated RoadSection section = 2; ?// 将road沿纵向分成一个个的片段(section),每个section在横向上由一个个lane组成
?// if lane road not in the junction, junction id is null.
?optional Id junction_id = 3; ?// 路口id
?enum Type {
? ?UNKNOWN = 0;
? ?HIGHWAY = 1;
? ?CITY_ROAD = 2;
? ?PARK = 3;
?optional Type type = 4; ?// 道路类型, lane的类型会更多,更细致
syntax = "proto2";
package apollo.hdmap;
import "modules/map/proto/map_geometry.proto";
import "modules/map/proto/map_id.proto";
// Crosswalk is a place designated for pedestrians to cross a road.
message Crosswalk {
?optional Id id = 1;
?optional Polygon polygon = 2; ?// 人行横道区域,是一个多边形
?repeated Id overlap_id = 3; ? ?// 相互重叠区域的id
syntax = "proto2";
package apollo.hdmap;
import "modules/map/proto/map_id.proto";
import "modules/map/proto/map_geometry.proto";
// 两条或者两条以上道路的交叉口
// A junction is the junction at-grade of two or more roads crossing.
message Junction {
?optional Id id = 1;
?optional Polygon polygon = 2;
?repeated Id overlap_id = 3; ?// 相互重叠区域的id
syntax = "proto2";
package apollo.hdmap;
import "modules/map/proto/map_id.proto";
import "modules/map/proto/map_geometry.proto";
// A stop sign is a traffic sign to notify drivers that they must stop before
// proceeding.
message StopSign {
?optional Id id = 1;
?repeated Curve stop_line = 2; ? // 停止线(由一系列的点构成)
?repeated Id overlap_id = 3;
?enum StopType {
? ?UNKNOWN = 0;
? ?ONE_WAY = 1;
? ?TWO_WAY = 2;
? ?THREE_WAY = 3;
? ?FOUR_WAY = 4;
? ?ALL_WAY = 5;
?optional StopType type = 4;
syntax = "proto2";
package apollo.hdmap;
import "modules/common/proto/geometry.proto";
import "modules/map/proto/map_geometry.proto";
import "modules/map/proto/map_id.proto";
message Subsignal {
?enum Type {
? ?UNKNOWN = 1;
? ?CIRCLE = 2; ? ? ? // 环岛?
? ?ARROW_LEFT = 3; ? // 左转
? ?ARROW_FORWARD = 4; ?// 直行
? ?ARROW_RIGHT = 5; ? ?// 右转
? ?ARROW_LEFT_AND_FORWARD = 6; ?// 左转和直行
? ?ARROW_RIGHT_AND_FORWARD = 7; // 右转和直行
? ?ARROW_U_TURN = 8; // U turn
?optional Id id = 1;
?optional Type type = 2;
?// Location of the center of the bulb. now no data support.
?optional apollo.common.PointENU location = 3;
message SignInfo {
?enum Type {
? ?None = 0;
? ?NO_RIGHT_TURN_ON_RED = 1; ?// 红灯时禁止右转
?optional Type type = 1;
message Signal {
?enum Type {
? ?UNKNOWN = 1;
? ?MIX_2_VERTICAL = 3;
? ?MIX_3_VERTICAL = 5;
? ?SINGLE = 6;
?optional Id id = 1;
?optional Polygon boundary = 2;
?repeated Subsignal subsignal = 3;
?// TODO: add orientation. now no data support.
?repeated Id overlap_id = 4;
?optional Type type = 5; ?// 交通标志的形状和数量
?// stop line
?repeated Curve stop_line = 6; ?// ??
?repeated SignInfo sign_info = 7;
syntax = "proto2";
package apollo.hdmap;
import "modules/map/proto/map_id.proto";
import "modules/map/proto/map_geometry.proto";
// A yield indicates that each driver must prepare to stop if necessary to let a
// driver on another approach proceed.
// A driver who stops or slows down to let another vehicle through has yielded
// the right of way to that vehicle.
message YieldSign {
?optional Id id = 1;
?repeated Curve stop_line = 2;
?repeated Id overlap_id = 3;
syntax = "proto2";
package apollo.hdmap;
import "modules/map/proto/map_id.proto";
import "modules/map/proto/map_geometry.proto";
message LaneOverlapInfo {
?optional double start_s = 1; ?// position (s-coordinate)
?optional double end_s = 2; ? ?// position (s-coordinate)
?optional bool is_merge = 3; ? // 是否是汇入车道???
?optional Id region_overlap_id = 4;
message SignalOverlapInfo {}
message StopSignOverlapInfo {}
message CrosswalkOverlapInfo {
?optional Id region_overlap_id = 1;
message JunctionOverlapInfo {}
message YieldOverlapInfo {}
message ClearAreaOverlapInfo {}
message SpeedBumpOverlapInfo {}
message ParkingSpaceOverlapInfo {}
message PNCJunctionOverlapInfo {}
message RSUOverlapInfo {}
message RegionOverlapInfo {
?optional Id id = 1;
?repeated Polygon polygon = 2;
// Information about one object in the overlap.
message ObjectOverlapInfo {
?optional Id id = 1;
?oneof overlap_info {
? ?LaneOverlapInfo lane_overlap_info = 3;
? ?SignalOverlapInfo signal_overlap_info = 4;
? ?StopSignOverlapInfo stop_sign_overlap_info = 5;
? ?CrosswalkOverlapInfo crosswalk_overlap_info = 6;
? ?JunctionOverlapInfo junction_overlap_info = 7;
? ?YieldOverlapInfo yield_sign_overlap_info = 8;
? ?ClearAreaOverlapInfo clear_area_overlap_info = 9;
? ?SpeedBumpOverlapInfo speed_bump_overlap_info = 10;
? ?ParkingSpaceOverlapInfo parking_space_overlap_info = 11;
? ?PNCJunctionOverlapInfo pnc_junction_overlap_info = 12;
? ?RSUOverlapInfo rsu_overlap_info = 13;
// Here, the "overlap" includes any pair of objects on the map
// (e.g. lanes, junctions, and crosswalks).
message Overlap {
?optional Id id = 1;
?// Information about one overlap, include all overlapped objects.
?repeated ObjectOverlapInfo object = 2;
?repeated RegionOverlapInfo region_overlap = 3;
syntax = "proto2";
package apollo.hdmap;
import "modules/map/proto/map_id.proto";
import "modules/map/proto/map_geometry.proto";
// A clear area means in which stopping car is prohibited
message ClearArea {
?optional Id id = 1;
?repeated Id overlap_id = 2;
?optional Polygon polygon = 3;
syntax = "proto2";
package apollo.hdmap;
import "modules/map/proto/map_id.proto";
import "modules/map/proto/map_geometry.proto";
message SpeedBump {
?optional Id id = 1;
?repeated Id overlap_id = 2;
?repeated Curve position = 3;
syntax = "proto2";
package apollo.hdmap;
import "modules/map/proto/map_geometry.proto";
import "modules/map/proto/map_id.proto";
// ParkingSpace is a place designated to park a car.
message ParkingSpace {
?optional Id id = 1;
?optional Polygon polygon = 2;
?repeated Id overlap_id = 3;
?optional double heading = 4;
// ParkingLot is a place for parking cars.
message ParkingLot {
?optional Id id = 1;
?optional Polygon polygon = 2;
?repeated Id overlap_id = 3;
syntax = "proto2";
package apollo.hdmap;
import "modules/map/proto/map_id.proto";
import "modules/map/proto/map_geometry.proto";
message Passage {
?optional Id id = 1;
?repeated Id signal_id = 2;
?repeated Id yield_id = 3;
?repeated Id stop_sign_id = 4;
?repeated Id lane_id = 5;
?enum Type {
? ?UNKNOWN = 0;
? ?ENTRANCE = 1;
? ?EXIT = 2;
?optional Type type = 6;
message PassageGroup {
?optional Id id = 1;
?repeated Passage passage = 2;
message PNCJunction {
?optional Id id = 1;
?optional Polygon polygon = 2;
?repeated Id overlap_id = 3;
?repeated PassageGroup passage_group = 4;
syntax = "proto2";
package apollo.hdmap;
import "modules/map/proto/map_id.proto";
message RSU {
?optional Id id = 1;
?optional Id junction_id = 2;
?repeated Id overlap_id = 3;
1.3 Routing Input
1.3.1 proto 目录
1.3.2 proto定义
syntax = "proto2";
package apollo.routing;
import "modules/common/proto/header.proto";
import "modules/common/proto/geometry.proto";
import "modules/common/proto/error_code.proto";
import "modules/map/proto/map_parking_space.proto";
message LaneWaypoint {
?optional string id = 1;
?optional double s = 2;
?optional apollo.common.PointENU pose = 3;
message LaneSegment {
?optional string id = 1;
?optional double start_s = 2; ?// lanesegment 在lane上的起始位置
?optional double end_s = 3; ? ?// lanesegment 在lane上的终止位置
message ParkingInfo {
?optional string parking_space_id = 1;
?optional apollo.common.PointENU parking_point = 2;
message RoutingRequest {
?optional apollo.common.Header header = 1;
?// at least two points. The first is start point, the end is final point.
?// The routing must go through each point in waypoint.
?repeated LaneWaypoint waypoint = 2; ? // 导航路径的查询点
?repeated LaneSegment blacklisted_lane = 3; // ??
?repeated string blacklisted_road = 4; ? ? ?// ??
?optional bool broadcast = 5 [default = true]; ?// ??
?optional apollo.hdmap.ParkingSpace parking_space = 6 [deprecated = true];
?optional ParkingInfo parking_info = 7;
message Measurement {
?optional double distance = 1;
enum ChangeLaneType {
?LEFT = 1;
?RIGHT = 2;
// passage是不是应该加上priority
message Passage {
?repeated LaneSegment segment = 1; ?// passage的一段,包含了id和起止点信息
?optional bool can_exit = 2; ?// 当前passage是否可以接续到Routing结果的另外一个passage上
?optional ChangeLaneType change_lane_type = 3 [default = FORWARD]; ?//道路的类型,有FORWARD,LEFT,RIGHT三种取值。
message RoadSegment {
?optional string id = 1;
?repeated Passage passage = 2; ?// 车道,把lane分段,由lane segment组成
message RoutingResponse {
?optional apollo.common.Header header = 1; ? ?// header
?repeated RoadSegment road = 2; ? ? ? ? ? ? ? // road,由纵向分割的一个个section构成
?optional Measurement measurement = 3; ? ? ? ?// 应该是到终点的距离
?optional RoutingRequest routing_request = 4; // 全局规划(导航)的查询点(必经点)
?// the map version which is used to build road graph
?optional bytes map_version = 5;
?optional apollo.common.StatusPb status = 6;
1.4 Localization Input
1.4.1 proto 目录
1.4.2 proto定义
* Copyright 2017 The Apollo Authors. All Rights Reserved.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
syntax = "proto2";
package apollo.localization;
import "modules/common/proto/header.proto";
import "modules/localization/proto/pose.proto";
import "modules/common/proto/geometry.proto";
import "modules/common/proto/pnc_point.proto";
import "modules/localization/proto/localization_status.proto";
message Uncertainty {
?// Standard deviation of position, east/north/up in meters.
?optional apollo.common.Point3D position_std_dev = 1;
?// Standard deviation of quaternion qx/qy/qz, unitless.
?optional apollo.common.Point3D orientation_std_dev = 2;
?// Standard deviation of linear velocity, east/north/up in meters per second.
?optional apollo.common.Point3D linear_velocity_std_dev = 3;
?// Standard deviation of linear acceleration, right/forward/up in meters per
?// square second.
?optional apollo.common.Point3D linear_acceleration_std_dev = 4;
?// Standard deviation of angular velocity, right/forward/up in radians per
?// second.
?optional apollo.common.Point3D angular_velocity_std_dev = 5;
?// TODO: Define covariance items when needed.
message LocalizationEstimate {
?optional apollo.common.Header header = 1;
?optional apollo.localization.Pose pose = 2; ?// adc的位置,速度,加速度,航向角
?optional Uncertainty uncertainty = 3; ? ? ? ?// 定位信息的标准差
?// The time of pose measurement, seconds since 1970-1-1 (UNIX time).
?optional double measurement_time = 4; ?// In seconds.
?// Future trajectory actually driven by the drivers
?repeated apollo.common.TrajectoryPoint trajectory_point = 5;
?// msf status
?optional MsfStatus msf_status = 6;
?// msf quality
?optional MsfSensorMsgStatus sensor_status = 7;
enum MeasureState {
?OK = 0;
?ERROR = 2;
message LocalizationStatus {
?optional apollo.common.Header header = 1;
?optional MeasureState fusion_status = 2;
?optional MeasureState gnss_status = 3 [deprecated = true];
?optional MeasureState lidar_status = 4 [deprecated = true];
?// The time of pose measurement, seconds since 1970-1-1 (UNIX time).
?optional double measurement_time = 5; ?// In seconds.
?optional string state_message = 6;
* Copyright 2017 The Apollo Authors. All Rights Reserved.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
syntax = "proto2";
package apollo.localization;
import "modules/common/proto/geometry.proto";
message Pose {
?// Position of the vehicle reference point (VRP) in the map reference frame.
?// The VRP is the center of rear axle.
?optional apollo.common.PointENU position = 1; ? // 车辆后轴中心的坐标(x, y, z),和地图是一样的坐标系
?// A quaternion that represents the rotation from the IMU coordinate
?// (Right/Forward/Up) to the
?// world coordinate (East/North/Up).
?optional apollo.common.Quaternion orientation = 2;
?// Linear velocity of the VRP in the map reference frame.
?// East/north/up in meters per second.
?optional apollo.common.Point3D linear_velocity = 3; ?// 地图所用坐标系
?// Linear acceleration of the VRP in the map reference frame.
?// East/north/up in meters per square second.
?optional apollo.common.Point3D linear_acceleration = 4; // 地图所用坐标系
?// Angular velocity of the vehicle in the map reference frame.
?// Around east/north/up axes in radians per second.
?optional apollo.common.Point3D angular_velocity = 5; // 地图所用坐标系
?// Heading
?// The heading is zero when the car is facing East and positive when facing
?// North.
?optional double heading = 6;
?// Linear acceleration of the VRP in the vehicle reference frame.
?// Right/forward/up in meters per square second.
?optional apollo.common.Point3D linear_acceleration_vrf = 7; ?// 车体坐标系下的加速度
?// Angular velocity of the VRP in the vehicle reference frame.
?// Around right/forward/up axes in radians per second.
?optional apollo.common.Point3D angular_velocity_vrf = 8; ?// 车体坐标系下的角速度
?// Roll/pitch/yaw that represents a rotation with intrinsic sequence z-x-y.
?// in world coordinate (East/North/Up)
?// The roll, in (-pi/2, pi/2), corresponds to a rotation around the y-axis.
?// The pitch, in [-pi, pi), corresponds to a rotation around the x-axis.
?// The yaw, in [-pi, pi), corresponds to a rotation around the z-axis.
?// The direction of rotation follows the right-hand rule.
?optional apollo.common.Point3D euler_angles = 9; ?// 欧拉角
1.5 Canbus Input
1.5.1 proto 目录
1.5.2 proto定义
syntax = "proto2";
package apollo.canbus;
import "modules/common/proto/header.proto";
import "modules/common/proto/vehicle_signal.proto";
import "modules/common/proto/drive_state.proto";
import "modules/common/proto/geometry.proto";
import "modules/common/configs/proto/vehicle_config.proto";
// next id :31
message Chassis
?// 驾驶模式
?enum DrivingMode {
? ?COMPLETE_MANUAL = 0; ?// human drive
? ?COMPLETE_AUTO_DRIVE = 1; // 自动驾驶模式
? ?AUTO_STEER_ONLY = 2; ?// only steer
? ?AUTO_SPEED_ONLY = 3; ?// include throttle and brake
? ?// security mode when manual intervention happens, only response status
?enum ErrorCode {
? ?NO_ERROR = 0;
? ?CMD_NOT_IN_PERIOD = 1; ?// control cmd not in period, Control cmd超时
? ?// car chassis report error, like steer, brake, throttle, gear fault
? ?// classify the types of the car chassis errors
? ?MANUAL_INTERVENTION = 3; ?// human manual intervention
? ?// receive car chassis can frame not in period
? ?CHASSIS_CAN_NOT_IN_PERIOD = 4; // 底盘反馈消息超时
?// 档位信息
?enum GearPosition {
? ?GEAR_DRIVE = 1;
? ?GEAR_LOW = 4;
? ?GEAR_NONE = 6;
?optional bool engine_started = 3; ? // 发动机点火标志位
?// Engine speed in RPM.
?optional float engine_rpm = 4 [default = nan];
?// Vehicle Speed in meters per second.
?optional float speed_mps = 5 [default = nan];
?// Vehicle odometer in meters.
?optional float odometer_m = 6 [default = nan]; ?// 里程计
?// Fuel range in meters.
?optional int32 fuel_range_m = 7;
?// Real throttle location in [%], ranging from 0 to 100.
?optional float throttle_percentage = 8 [default = nan];
?// Real brake location in [%], ranging from 0 to 100.
?optional float brake_percentage = 9 [default = nan];
?// Real steering location in [%], ranging from -100 to 100.
?// steering_angle / max_steering_angle
?// Clockwise: negative
?// CountClockwise: positive
?optional float steering_percentage = 11 [default = nan];
?// Applied steering torque in [Nm].
?optional float steering_torque_nm = 12 [default = nan]; ?// 驾驶员施加在方向盘上的转矩??
?// Parking brake status.
?optional bool parking_brake = 13; ?// 驻车制动,手刹
?// Light signals.
?optional bool high_beam_signal = 14 [deprecated = true]; ?// 远光灯
?optional bool low_beam_signal = 15 [deprecated = true]; ? // 近光灯
?optional bool left_turn_signal = 16 [deprecated = true]; ?// 左转灯
?optional bool right_turn_signal = 17 [deprecated = true]; // 右转灯
?optional bool horn = 18 [deprecated = true]; ?// 喇叭
?optional bool wiper = 19; ?// 雨刮器
?optional bool disengage_status = 20 [deprecated = true]; ?// 驾驶员是否脱离方向盘???
?optional DrivingMode driving_mode = 21 [default = COMPLETE_MANUAL]; ?// 驾驶模式
?optional ErrorCode error_code = 22 [default = NO_ERROR]; ?// 错误码
?optional GearPosition gear_location = 23; ?// 档位
?// timestamp for steering module
?optional double steering_timestamp = 24; ?// In seconds, with 1e-6 accuracy
?// chassis also needs it own sending timestamp
?optional apollo.common.Header header = 25;
?optional int32 chassis_error_mask = 26 [default = 0]; ?// 错误码掩码??
?optional apollo.common.VehicleSignal signal = 27; ?// 驾驶员输入信号: 转向\灯光\喇叭
?// Only available for Lincoln now
?optional ChassisGPS chassis_gps = 28;
?optional apollo.common.EngageAdvice engage_advice = 29;
?optional WheelSpeed wheel_speed = 30; ?// 轮速信息
?optional Surround surround = 31;
?// Vehicle registration information
?optional License license = 32 [deprecated = true];
?// Real gear location.
?// optional int32 gear_location = 10 [deprecated = true]; deprecated use enum
?// replace this [id 23]
?optional apollo.common.VehicleID vehicle_id = 33;
?optional int32 battery_soc_percentage = 34 [default = -1];
message ChassisGPS {
?optional double latitude = 1;
?optional double longitude = 2;
?optional bool gps_valid = 3;
?optional int32 year = 4;
?optional int32 month = 5;
?optional int32 day = 6;
?optional int32 hours = 7;
?optional int32 minutes = 8;
?optional int32 seconds = 9;
?optional double compass_direction = 10;
?optional double pdop = 11;
?optional bool is_gps_fault = 12;
?optional bool is_inferred = 13;
?optional double altitude = 14;
?optional double heading = 15;
?optional double hdop = 16;
?optional double vdop = 17;
?optional GpsQuality quality = 18;
?optional int32 num_satellites = 19;
?optional double gps_speed = 20;
enum GpsQuality {
?FIX_NO = 0;
?FIX_2D = 1;
?FIX_3D = 2;
message WheelSpeed {
?enum WheelSpeedType {
? ?FORWARD = 0;
? ?BACKWARD = 1;
? ?INVALID = 3;
?optional bool is_wheel_spd_rr_valid = 1 [default = false];
?optional WheelSpeedType wheel_direction_rr = 2 [default = INVALID];
?optional double wheel_spd_rr = 3 [default = 0.0];
?optional bool is_wheel_spd_rl_valid = 4 [default = false];
?optional WheelSpeedType wheel_direction_rl = 5 [default = INVALID];
?optional double wheel_spd_rl = 6 [default = 0.0];
?optional bool is_wheel_spd_fr_valid = 7 [default = false];
?optional WheelSpeedType wheel_direction_fr = 8 [default = INVALID];
?optional double wheel_spd_fr = 9 [default = 0.0];
?optional bool is_wheel_spd_fl_valid = 10 [default = false];
?optional WheelSpeedType wheel_direction_fl = 11 [default = INVALID];
?optional double wheel_spd_fl = 12 [default = 0.0];
// 雷达
message Sonar {
?optional double range = 1; ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? // Meter, 距离
?optional apollo.common.Point3D translation = 2; ?// Meter
?optional apollo.common.Quaternion rotation = 3;
message Surround {
?optional bool cross_traffic_alert_left = 1; ?// 左侧车辆报警
?optional bool cross_traffic_alert_left_enabled = 2; ?// 左侧车辆报警是否使能
?optional bool blind_spot_left_alert = 3; ?// 左侧盲区报警
?optional bool blind_spot_left_alert_enabled = 4;
?optional bool cross_traffic_alert_right = 5; // 右侧车辆报警
?optional bool cross_traffic_alert_right_enabled = 6;
?optional bool blind_spot_right_alert = 7; // 右侧盲区报警
?optional bool blind_spot_right_alert_enabled = 8;
?optional double sonar00 = 9; ?// 毫米波雷达测距
?optional double sonar01 = 10;
?optional double sonar02 = 11;
?optional double sonar03 = 12;
?optional double sonar04 = 13;
?optional double sonar05 = 14;
?optional double sonar06 = 15;
?optional double sonar07 = 16;
?optional double sonar08 = 17;
?optional double sonar09 = 18;
?optional double sonar10 = 19;
?optional double sonar11 = 20;
?optional bool sonar_enabled = 21; ?// 雷达是否使用
?optional bool sonar_fault = 22; ? ?// 雷达是否故障
?repeated double sonar_range = 23; ?// 雷达测距范围
?repeated Sonar sonar = 24;
message License {
?optional string vin = 1 [deprecated = true];
syntax = "proto2";
package apollo.common;
// 驾驶员输入信号
message VehicleSignal {
?enum TurnSignal {
? ?TURN_NONE = 0;
? ?TURN_LEFT = 1;
? ?TURN_RIGHT = 2;
?optional TurnSignal turn_signal = 1; ? // 转向信号
?// lights enable command
?optional bool high_beam = 2; ?// 远光灯是否打开
?optional bool low_beam = 3; ? // 近光灯是否打开
?optional bool horn = 4; ? ? ? // 喇叭是否打开
?optional bool emergency_light = 5; ?// 双闪是否打开
1.6 Pad Input
在L2 或者L3 智能驾驶系统中,没有Pad 输入,此功能是Robotaix 中乘客的指令信息.
1.6.1 proto 目录
1.6.2 proto定义
syntax = "proto2";
package apollo.planning;
import "modules/common/proto/header.proto";
enum DrivingAction {
?NONE = 100;
?FOLLOW = 0; ? ? ? ?// acc
?CHANGE_LEFT = 1; ? // 向左换道
?CHANGE_RIGHT = 2; ?// 向右换道
?PULL_OVER = 3; ? ? // 靠边停车
?STOP = 4; ? ? ? ? ?// 停车
?RESUME_CRUISE = 5; // 启动
message PadMessage {
?optional apollo.common.Header header = 1;
?// driving action
?optional DrivingAction action = 2;
1.7 Storytelling Input
Storytelling Module 发布的信息和Planning 中的scenarios 相似,Planning 并未对Storytelling 信息做响应或者处理.
1.7.1 proto 目录
1.7.2 proto定义
syntax = "proto2";
package apollo.storytelling;
import "modules/common/proto/header.proto";
message CloseToCrosswalk {
?optional string id = 1;
?optional double distance = 2 [default = nan];
message CloseToClearArea {
?optional string id = 1;
?optional double distance = 2 [default = nan];
message CloseToJunction {
?enum JunctionType {
? ?JUNCTION = 2;
?optional string id = 1;
?optional JunctionType type = 2;
?optional double distance = 3 [default = nan];
message CloseToSignal {
?optional string id = 1;
?optional double distance = 2 [default = nan];
message CloseToStopSign {
?optional string id = 1;
?optional double distance = 2 [default = nan];
message CloseToYieldSign {
?optional string id = 1;
?optional double distance = 2 [default = nan];
// Usage guide for action modules:
// 1. Call `stories.has_XXX()` to check if a story you are interested is in
// ? charge.
// 2. Access the story details if necessary, and take action accordingly.
message Stories {
?optional apollo.common.Header header = 1;
?optional CloseToClearArea close_to_clear_area = 2;
?optional CloseToCrosswalk close_to_crosswalk = 3;
?optional CloseToJunction close_to_junction = 4;
?optional CloseToSignal close_to_signal = 5;
?optional CloseToStopSign close_to_stop_sign = 6;
?optional CloseToYieldSign close_to_yield_sign = 7;
2 Output
2.1 ADCTrajectory
2.1.1 proto 目录
2.1.2 proto定义
syntax = "proto2";
package apollo.planning;
import "modules/canbus/proto/chassis.proto";
import "modules/common/proto/drive_state.proto";
import "modules/common/proto/geometry.proto";
import "modules/common/proto/header.proto";
import "modules/common/proto/pnc_point.proto";
import "modules/map/proto/map_id.proto";
import "modules/planning/proto/decision.proto";
import "modules/planning/proto/planning_internal.proto";
message EStop {
?// is_estop == true when emergency stop is required
?optional bool is_estop = 1; ?// 是否紧急刹车
?optional string reason = 2; ?// 紧急刹车原因
message TaskStats {
?optional string name = 1;
?optional double time_ms = 2;
message LatencyStats {
?optional double total_time_ms = 1;
?repeated TaskStats task_stats = 2;
?optional double init_frame_time_ms = 3;
message RSSInfo {
?optional bool is_rss_safe = 1;
?optional double cur_dist_lon = 2;
?optional double rss_safe_dist_lon = 3;
?optional double acc_lon_range_minimum = 4;
?optional double acc_lon_range_maximum = 5;
?optional double acc_lat_left_range_minimum = 6;
?optional double acc_lat_left_range_maximum = 7;
?optional double acc_lat_right_range_minimum = 8;
?optional double acc_lat_right_range_maximum = 9;
// next id: 24
message ADCTrajectory {
?optional apollo.common.Header header = 1;
?optional double total_path_length = 2; ?// in meters, 规划轨迹的长度
?optional double total_path_time = 3; ? ?// in seconds, 规划轨迹的时间
?// path data + speed data
?repeated apollo.common.TrajectoryPoint trajectory_point = 12; // 轨迹
?optional EStop estop = 6; // 紧急刹车
?// path point without speed info
?repeated apollo.common.PathPoint path_point = 13; // 规划的路径信息(没有速度信息)
?// is_replan == true mean replan triggered
?optional bool is_replan = 9 [default = false]; ?// 是否是重规划的轨迹
?optional string replan_reason = 22; ? ? ? ? ? ? // 重规划的原因
?// Specify trajectory gear
?optional apollo.canbus.Chassis.GearPosition gear = 10; ?// 档位信息
?optional apollo.planning.DecisionResult decision = 14; ?//决策信息:任务决策(停车换道等),障碍物决策,灯光信息(转向信号等)
?optional LatencyStats latency_stats = 15; ?// Planning的运算时间造成的延迟
?// the routing used for current planning result
?optional apollo.common.Header routing_header = 16; ?// 导航信息的时间戳
?optional apollo.planning_internal.Debug debug = 8; ?// planning的debug信息
?enum RightOfWayStatus { // adc右侧道路的状态:有保护,无保护
?optional RightOfWayStatus right_of_way_status = 17;
?// lane id along current reference line
?repeated apollo.hdmap.Id lane_id = 18; // 当前车道id
?// set the engage advice for based on current planning result.
?optional apollo.common.EngageAdvice engage_advice = 19;
?// the region where planning cares most
?message CriticalRegion {
? ?repeated apollo.common.Polygon region = 1;
?// critical region will be empty when planning is NOT sure which region is
?// critical
?// critical regions may or may not overlap
?optional CriticalRegion critical_region = 20; ?//
?enum TrajectoryType {
? ?UNKNOWN = 0;
? ?NORMAL = 1; ?// 规划求解成功
? ?PATH_FALLBACK = 2; ?// 路径规划求解失败,fallback
? ?SPEED_FALLBACK = 3; // 速度规划求解失败,fallback
? ?PATH_REUSED = 4; ? ?// 复用上一帧路路径
?optional TrajectoryType trajectory_type = 21 [default = UNKNOWN];
?// lane id along target reference line
?repeated apollo.hdmap.Id target_lane_id = 23; // 目标车道ID
?// output related to RSS
?optional RSSInfo rss_info = 100;
2.2 RoutingRequest
2.2.1 proto 目录
2.2.2 proto定义
见Routing Input
2.3 PlanningLearningData
2.3.1 proto 目录
2.3.2 proto定义
syntax = "proto2";
package apollo.planning;
import "modules/canbus/proto/chassis.proto";
import "modules/common/proto/geometry.proto";
import "modules/common/proto/header.proto";
import "modules/common/proto/pnc_point.proto";
import "modules/map/proto/map_lane.proto";
import "modules/perception/proto/perception_obstacle.proto";
import "modules/prediction/proto/feature.proto";
import "modules/prediction/proto/prediction_obstacle.proto";
import "modules/perception/proto/traffic_light_detection.proto";
import "modules/routing/proto/routing.proto";
message OverlapFeature {
?optional string id = 1;
?optional double distance = 2;
message PlanningTag {
?optional apollo.hdmap.Lane.LaneTurn lane_turn = 1;
?optional OverlapFeature clear_area = 2;
?optional OverlapFeature crosswalk = 3;
?optional OverlapFeature pnc_junction = 4;
?optional OverlapFeature signal = 5;
?optional OverlapFeature stop_sign = 6;
?optional OverlapFeature yield_sign = 7;
message ChassisFeature {
?optional double message_timestamp_sec = 1;
?// Features from chassis
?// Vehicle Speed in meters per second.
?optional float speed_mps = 2;
?// Real throttle location in [%], ranging from 0 to 100.
?optional float throttle_percentage = 3;
?// Real brake location in [%], ranging from 0 to 100.
?optional float brake_percentage = 4;
?// Real steering location in [%], ranging from -100 to 100.
?// steering_angle / max_steering_angle
?// Clockwise: negative
?// CountClockwise: positive
?optional float steering_percentage = 5;
?optional apollo.canbus.Chassis.GearPosition gear_location = 6;
message LocalizationFeature {
?optional double message_timestamp_sec = 1;
?// Position of the vehicle reference point (VRP) in the map reference frame.
?// The VRP is the center of rear axle.
?optional apollo.common.PointENU position = 2;
?// Heading
?// The heading is zero when the car is facing East and positive when facing
?// North.
?optional double heading = 3;
?// Linear velocity of the VRP in the map reference frame.
?// East/north/up in meters per second.
?optional apollo.common.Point3D linear_velocity = 4;
?// Linear acceleration of the VRP in the map reference frame.
?// East/north/up in meters per second.
?optional apollo.common.Point3D linear_acceleration = 5;
?// Angular velocity of the vehicle in the map reference frame.
?// Around east/north/up axes in radians per second.
?optional apollo.common.Point3D angular_velocity = 6;
// based on apollo.common.PathPoint
message CommonPathPointFeature {
?// coordinates
?optional double x = 1;
?optional double y = 2;
?optional double z = 3;
?// direction on the x-y plane
?optional double theta = 4;
?// accumulated distance from beginning of the path
?optional double s = 5;
?// The lane ID where the path point is on
?optional string lane_id = 6;
// based on apollo.commom.TrajectoryPoint
message CommonTrajectoryPointFeature {
?// path point
?optional CommonPathPointFeature path_point = 1;
?// linear velocity
?optional double v = 2; ?// in [m/s]
?// linear acceleration
?optional double a = 3;
?// relative time from beginning of the trajectory
?optional double relative_time = 4;
?// Gaussian probability information
?optional apollo.common.GaussianInfo gaussian_info = 5;
message TrajectoryPointFeature {
?optional double timestamp_sec = 1;
?optional CommonTrajectoryPointFeature trajectory_point = 2;
// based on apollo.perception.PerceptionObstacle
message PerceptionObstacleFeature {
?optional double timestamp_sec = 1; ?// GPS time in seconds
?// obstacle position in the OBJECT coordinate system
?optional apollo.common.Point3D position = 2;
?// heading in RELATIVE coordinate to ADC
?optional double theta = 3;
?// obstacle velocity in RELATIVE coordinate to ADC
?optional apollo.common.Point3D velocity = 4; ?// obstacle velocity
?// obstacle acceleration in RELATIVE coordinate to ADC
?optional apollo.common.Point3D acceleration = 5;
?// obstacle corner points in RELATIVE coordinate to ADC
?repeated apollo.common.Point3D polygon_point = 6;
// obstacle的序列化信息
message ObstacleTrajectoryFeature {
?repeated PerceptionObstacleFeature perception_obstacle_history = 1;
?repeated TrajectoryPointFeature evaluated_trajectory_point = 2;
// based on apollo.prediction.Trajectory
message PredictionTrajectoryFeature {
?optional double probability = 1; ?// probability of this trajectory
?repeated TrajectoryPointFeature trajectory_point = 2;
// based on apollo.prediction.PredictionObstacle
message PredictionObstacleFeature {
?optional double timestamp_sec = 1; ?// GPS time in seconds
?optional double predicted_period = 2;
?optional apollo.prediction.ObstacleIntent intent = 3;
?optional apollo.prediction.ObstaclePriority priority = 4;
?optional bool is_static = 5 [default = false];
?// can have multiple trajectories per obstacle
?repeated PredictionTrajectoryFeature trajectory = 6;
message ObstacleFeature {
?optional int32 id = 1; ? ? ? // obstacle ID.
?optional double length = 2; ?// obstacle length.
?optional double width = 3; ? // obstacle width.
?optional double height = 4; ?// obstacle height.
?optional apollo.perception.PerceptionObstacle.Type type = 5; ?// obstacle type
?optional ObstacleTrajectoryFeature obstacle_trajectory = 6;
?optional PredictionObstacleFeature obstacle_prediction = 7;
// based on apollo.routing.RoutingResponse
message RoutingResponseFeature {
?repeated apollo.routing.RoadSegment road = 1;
?optional apollo.routing.Measurement measurement = 2;
message RoutingFeature {
?optional RoutingResponseFeature routing_response = 1;
?repeated string local_routing_lane_id = 2; ?// local routing close to ADC
?optional RoutingResponseFeature local_routing = 3;
// based on apollo.perception.TrafficLight
message TrafficLightFeature {
?optional apollo.perception.TrafficLight.Color color = 1;
?optional string id = 2;
?optional double confidence = 3 [default = 1.0];
?optional double tracking_time = 4;
?optional bool blink = 5;
?optional double remaining_time = 6;
message TrafficLightDetectionFeature {
?optional double message_timestamp_sec = 1;
?repeated TrafficLightFeature traffic_light = 2;
message ADCTrajectoryPoint {
?optional double timestamp_sec = 1; ?// localization measurement_time
?optional PlanningTag planning_tag = 2;
?optional CommonTrajectoryPointFeature trajectory_point = 3;
message LearningOutput {
?repeated TrajectoryPointFeature adc_future_trajectory_point = 1;
message LearningDataFrame {
?// localization message publishing time in seconds.
?optional double message_timestamp_sec = 1;
?optional uint32 frame_num = 2;
?optional string map_name = 3;
?optional PlanningTag planning_tag = 4;
?// Features from chassis
?optional ChassisFeature chassis = 5;
?// Features from localization
?optional LocalizationFeature localization = 6;
?// Features from perception obstacles
?repeated ObstacleFeature obstacle = 7;
?// Features from routing
?optional RoutingFeature routing = 8;
?// Features from traffic_light_detection
?optional TrafficLightDetectionFeature traffic_light_detection = 9;
?// ADC past trajectory
?repeated ADCTrajectoryPoint adc_trajectory_point = 10;
?// Learning ouputs
?optional LearningOutput output = 11;
message LearningData {
?repeated LearningDataFrame learning_data_frame = 1;
message PlanningLearningData {
?optional apollo.common.Header header = 1;
?optional LearningDataFrame learning_data_frame = 2;