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   -> 人工智能 -> 让阿宅不再寂寞的聊天机器人 -> 正文阅读


? ? ? ? 阿宅爱上了阿美






? ? ? ? 阿美嫁给了二富

? ? ? ? 在一个有香槟的晴天

? ? ? ? 豪车从眼前驶过

? ? ? ? 车笛也震动那烈阳

? ? ? ? 虽然说爱情让生活变得美丽

? ? ? ? 但是失去确实让人生更加无趣

? ? ? ?技术员阿宅失恋了,他最爱的阿美离开了他,夜深人静的晚上,看着和阿美那十几G的聊天记录,他哭了,眼泪在伴随的聊天记录的下滑也簌簌的落下,他从没想过眼泪的味道,是苦的!

? ? ? ? 阿宅苦笑了起来,打开了网易云,越来越收不住。突然他暴跳了起来,怒目圆瞪,歇斯底里的锤着眼前的空气,“不可能!不可能!”阿宅大喊到:”谁也别想抢走你,?不可能!不可能!我是不会让你离开的!你只能活着有我的世界里!只有我的世界!!“ 阿宅疯似的跑进房间,急躁的打开了电脑。。。。。。

? ? ? ? 他打开文档:恶狠狠的敲下这几个大字


? ? ? ? 为了还原阿美那灵动和活泼的口语,阿宅决定使用 seq2seq +attention 的深度学习架构的NLP的聊天系统。



GitHub - Boris-2021/ChatBot-seq2seq_attention: A NLP apply, base on seq2seq and attention.A NLP apply, base on seq2seq and attention. Contribute to Boris-2021/ChatBot-seq2seq_attention development by creating an account on GitHub.


seq2seqEncoder层面: 双向GRU(内部5层网络)的架构
Decoder层面: 单向GRU(内部3层)的架构
attentionBahdanau attention 架构
Luong attention 架构

? ? ? ? 解释:GRU是rnn(lstm)的变体(由lstm的三个门变成了两个门),BI-GRU是个双向GRU会联系上下文。这里Ecoder选择5层。Decoder(3GRU) : 默认的3层,单向的GRU。

? ? ? ? Attention机制是现在深度神经网络流行的一种方式,从本质上说attention重点在于在encoder 和decoder之间的C中间序列中加了softmax.也可以理解为一种数据降维,将要集中的特征的地方调高相应的参数,在NLP领域有着广泛的应用。












xmind 已上传github,可以下载下来看








创建数据集类?class Corpus(所有数据集操作都在类里):

class Corpus:
    def __init__(self, filePath, maxSentenceWordsNum=-1, id2word=None, word2id=None, wordNum=None, tfidf=False, QIDF=None, AIDF=None, testSize=0.2, isCharVec=False):
        # testsize:取百分之20做测试

        self.id2word, self.word2id, self.wordNum = id2word, word2id, wordNum

        #遍历所有内容 #对预料所有进行操作
        with open(filePath,'r',encoding='utf8') as f:
            txt = self._purify(f.readlines())
            data = [i.split('\t') for i in txt]


def _purify(self, txt):
    return [filter_sent(qa) for qa in txt]


def filter_sent(sent):
    return sent.replace('\n','').replace(' ','').replace(',',',').replace('。','.').replace(';',';').replace(':',':').replace('?','?').replace('!','!').replace('“','"').replace('”','"').replace("‘","'").replace("’","'").replace('(','(').replace(')',')')



    if isCharVec:
        data = [[[c for c in i[0]], [c for c in i[1]]] for i in data]
        data = [[jieba.lcut(i[0]), jieba.lcut(i[1])] for i in data]
    data = [i for i in data if (len(i[0])<maxSentenceWordsNum and len(i[1])<maxSentenceWordsNum) or maxSentenceWordsNum==-1]
self.chatDataWord = data
self._word_id_map(data) # 将data变成有字符(词)有编号的字典


def _word_id_map(data, wordNum=None, word2id=None, id2word=None):
    if id2word==None:
        id2word = list(set([w for qa in data for sent in qa for w in sent]))
        id2word = ['<EOS>','<SOS>'] + id2word + ['<UNK>']
    if word2id==None: word2id = {i[1]:i[0] for i in enumerate(id2word)}
    if wordNum==None: wordNum = len(id2word)
    print('Total words num:',len(id2word)-2)

????????word2id 的效果:

    chatDataId = [[[self.word2id[w] for w in qa[0]],[self.word2id[w] for w in qa[1]]] for qa in self.chatDataWord]
    chatDataId = [[[self.word2id[w] for w in qa[0] if w in self.id2word],[self.word2id[w] for w in qa[1] if w in self.id2word]] for qa in self.chatDataWord]



self.maxSentLen = max(maxSentenceWordsNum, self.AMaxLen)
self.QChatDataId, self.AChatDataId = [qa[0] for qa in chatDataId], [qa[1] for qa in chatDataId]
self.totalSampleNum = len(data)



def _QALens(self, data):
    QLens, ALens = [len(qa[0])+1 for qa in data], [len(qa[1])+1 for qa in data]
    QMaxLen, AMaxLen = max(QLens), max(ALens)
    print('QMAXLEN:',QMaxLen,'  AMAXLEN:',AMaxLen)
    self.QLens, self.ALens = np.array(QLens, dtype='int32'), np.array(ALens, dtype='int32')
    self.QMaxLen, self.AMaxLen = QMaxLen, AMaxLen


if tfidf:

    self.QIDF = QIDF if QIDF is not None else np.array([np.log(self.totalSampleNum/(sum([(i in qa[0]) for qa in chatDataId])+1)) for i in range(self.wordNum)], dtype='float32')
    self.AIDF = AIDF if AIDF is not None else np.array([np.log(self.totalSampleNum/(sum([(i in qa[1]) for qa in chatDataId])+1)) for i in range(self.wordNum)], dtype='float32')

print("Total sample num:",self.totalSampleNum)
self.trainIdList, self.testIdList = train_test_split([i for i in range(self.totalSampleNum)], test_size=testSize)
self.trainSampleNum, self.testSampleNum = len(self.trainIdList), len(self.testIdList)
print("train size: %d; test size: %d"%(self.trainSampleNum, self.testSampleNum))
self.testSize = testSize
print("Finished loading corpus!")






????????Total words num: 44908

????????QMAXLEN: 25 ??AMAXLEN: 25

????????Total sample num: 104912

????????train size: 83929; test size: 20983

????????Finished loading corpus!



 def reset_word_id_map(self, id2word, word2id):
     self.id2word, self.word2id = id2word, word2id
     chatDataId = [[[self.word2id[w] for w in qa[0]],[self.word2id[w] for w in qa[1]]] for qa in self.chatDataWord]
     self.QChatDataId, self.AChatDataId = [qa[0] for qa in chatDataId], [qa[1] for qa in chatDataId]



# 随机数据流
def random_batch_data_stream(self, batchSize=128, isDataEnhance=False, dataEnhanceRatio=0.2, type='train'):
    # isDataEnhance :是否进行数据增广,dataEnhanceRatio 数据增广率,type代表只在训练中数据增广。
    idList = self.trainIdList if type=='train' else self.testIdList
    eosToken, unkToken = self.word2id['<EOS>'], self.word2id['<UNK>']
    # 结束符<EOS> 未知符<UNK>
    while True:
        # 打乱的操作  random.sample随机抽样
        samples = random.sample(idList, min(batchSize, len(idList))) if batchSize>0 else random.sample(idList, len(idList))
        if isDataEnhance:
            yield self._dataEnhance(samples, dataEnhanceRatio, eosToken, unkToken)


深入理解yield以及和return的区别 - 南哥的天下 - 博客园


????????不同点:return 在返回结果后结束函数的运行,而yield 则是让函数变成一个生成器,生成器每次产生一个值(yield语句),函数被冻结,被唤醒后再产生一个值


def _dataEnhance(self, samples, ratio, eosToken, unkToken):

    q_tf_idf = [[self.QIDF[w]*self.QChatDataId[i].count(w)/(self.QLens[i]-1) for w in self.QChatDataId[i]] for i in samples]

    q_tf_idf = [[j/sum(i) for j in i] for i in q_tf_idf]

    QDataId = [[w for cntw,w in enumerate(self.QChatDataId[i]) if random.random()>ratio or random.random()<q_tf_idf[cnti][cntw]] for cnti,i in enumerate(samples)]

    QDataId = [[w if random.random()>ratio/5 else unkToken for w in self.QChatDataId[i]] for i in samples]

    ADataId = [self.AChatDataId[i] for i in samples]
    for i in range(len(samples)):
        if random.random()<ratio:random.shuffle(QDataId[i])

    QLens = np.array([len(q)+1 for q in QDataId], dtype='int32')
    ALens = np.array([len(a)+1 for a in ADataId], dtype='int32')
    QMaxLen, AMaxLen = max(QLens), max(ALens)

    QDataId = np.array([q+[eosToken for j in range(QMaxLen-len(q))] for q in QDataId], dtype='int32')
    ADataId = np.array([a+[eosToken for j in range(AMaxLen-len(a))] for a in ADataId], dtype='int32')

    validId = (QLens>1) & (ALens>1)
    return QDataId[validId], QLens[validId], ADataId[validId], ALens[validId]


    QMaxLen, AMaxLen = max(self.QLens[samples]), max(self.ALens[samples])
    QDataId = np.array([self.QChatDataId[i]+[eosToken for j in range(QMaxLen-self.QLens[i]+1)] for i in samples], dtype='int32')
    ADataId = np.array([self.AChatDataId[i]+[eosToken for j in range(AMaxLen-self.ALens[i]+1)] for i in samples], dtype='int32')
    yield QDataId, self.QLens[samples], ADataId, self.ALens[samples]

????????QdataId 变成shape(len(samples), Qmaxlen ) ,抽样个数行,该样本中最单词最多的对话的行中的列数,不足长度的Q对话,用<eos>填充。

# 确定一个epoch数据流 确认数据是训练数据
def one_epoch_data_stream(self, batchSize=128, isDataEnhance=False, dataEnhanceRatio=0.2, type='train'):
    # isDataEnhance :是否进行数据增广,dataEnhanceRatio 数据增广率,type代表只在训练中数据增广。
    # 判断数据是不是训练数据据,另外给定结束符。
    idList = self.trainIdList if type=='train' else self.testIdList
    eosToken = self.word2id['<EOS>']
    for i in range((len(idList)+batchSize-1)//batchSize):
        samples = idList[i*batchSize:(i+1)*batchSize]
        # 数据增广
        if isDataEnhance:
            yield self._dataEnhance(samples, dataEnhanceRatio, eosToken, unkToken=None)
            QMaxLen, AMaxLen = max(self.QLens[samples]), max(self.ALens[samples])
            QDataId = np.array([self.QChatDataId[i]+[eosToken for j in range(QMaxLen-self.QLens[i]+1)] for i in samples], dtype='int32')
            ADataId = np.array([self.AChatDataId[i]+[eosToken for j in range(AMaxLen-self.ALens[i]+1)] for i in samples], dtype='int32')
            yield QDataId, self.QLens[samples], ADataId, self.ALens[samples]

????????遍历epotch 每个batch 进行处理。

def seq2id(word2id, seqData):
    seqId = [word2id[w] for w in seqData]
    return seqId


def id2seq(id2word, seqId):
    seqData = [id2word[i] for i in seqId]
    return seqData



nn.utils.rnn.pack_padded_sequence? ? ??
NLTKsentence_bleu 评价指标

? ? ? ? 讲解:nn.gru: 主要是定义什么样的网络,类似于lstm但是计算比lstm简洁。

????????pack_padded_sequence API 的解释:torch.nn.GRU()函数解读_wang xiang的博客-CSDN博客

Pytorch中的RNN之pack_padded_sequence()和pad_packed_sequence() - sbj123456789 - 博客园

lstm pytorch梳理之 batch_first 参数 和torch.nn.utils.rnn.pack_padded_sequence - 打了鸡血的女汉子 - 博客园小萌新在看pytorch官网 LSTM代码时 对batch_first 参数 和torch.nn.utils.rnn.pack_padded_sequence 不太理解, 在回去苦学了一番 ,将自己消


通俗讲解pytorch中nn.Embedding原理及使用 - 简书函数调用形式 其为一个简单的存储固定大小的词典的嵌入向量的查找表,意思就是说,给一个编号,嵌入层就能返回这个编号对应的嵌入向量,嵌入向量反映了各个编号代表的符号之间的语义关系...

创建encoder类??class EncoderRNN?

class EncoderRNN(nn.Module):
    def __init__(self, featureSize, hiddenSize, embedding, numLayers=1, dropout=0.1, bidirectional=True):
        :param featureSize: 特征大小
        :param hiddenSize: GRU, lstm 隐层大小
        :param embedding:Embedding就是从原始数据提取出来的Feature,也就是那个通过神经网络映射之后的低维向量。
        :param numLayers:
        :param dropout:防止过拟合
        :param bidirectional:BI双向GRU
        super(EncoderRNN, self).__init__()
        self.embedding = embedding
        self.gru = nn.GRU(featureSize, hiddenSize, num_layers=numLayers, dropout=(0 if numLayers==1 else dropout), bidirectional=bidirectional, batch_first=True)
        self.featureSize = featureSize
        self.hiddenSize = hiddenSize
        self.numLayers = numLayers
        self.bidirectional = bidirectional

????????补充后边对embed ing来源的定义:

embedding = embedding if embedding else nn.Embedding(outputSize+1, featureSize)


def forward(self, input, lengths, hidden):
    # input: batchSize × seq_len; hidden: numLayers*d × batchSize × hiddenSize
    input = self.embedding(input) # => batchSize × seq_len × feaSize
    #加入paddle 方便计算
    packed = nn.utils.rnn.pack_padded_sequence(input, lengths, batch_first=True)
    output, hn = self.gru(packed, hidden) # output: batchSize × seq_len × hiddenSize*d; hn: numLayers*d × batchSize × hiddenSize 
    output, _ = nn.utils.rnn.pad_packed_sequence(output, batch_first=True)
    if self.bidirectional:
        output = output[:,:,:self.hiddenSize] + output[:,:,self.hiddenSize:]
    return output, hn


? ? ? ? 补充知识点:

????????nn.utils.rnn.pack_padded_sequence===>output==>nn.utils.rnn.pad_packed_sequence的变换。? ? ? ?


????????pack之后,原来填充的 PAD(一般初始化为0)占位符被删掉了。

????????输入的形状可以是(T×B×* )。T是最长序列长度,B是batch size,*代表任意维度(可以是0)。如果batch_first=True的话,那么相应的 input size 就是 (B×T×*)。

????????Variable中保存的序列,应该按序列长度的长短排序,长的在前,短的在后。即input[:,0]代表的是最长的序列,input[:, B-1]保存的是最短的序列。

????????NOTE: 只要是维度大于等于2的input都可以作为这个函数的参数。你可以用它来打包labels,然后用RNN的输出和打包后的labels来计算loss。通过PackedSequence对象的.data属性可以获取 Variable。



????????上面提到的函数的功能是将一个填充后的变长序列压紧。 这个操作和pack_padded_sequence()是相反的。把压紧的序列再填充回来。填充时会初始化为0。

????????返回的Varaible的值的size是 T×B×*, T 是最长序列的长度,B 是 batch_size,如果 batch_first=True,那么返回值是B×T×*。


创建decoderGRU? class DecoderRNN?类:

class DecoderRNN(nn.Module):
    def __init__(self, featureSize, hiddenSize, outputSize, embedding, numLayers=1, dropout=0.1):
        super(DecoderRNN, self).__init__()
        self.embedding = embedding
        self.gru = nn.GRU(featureSize, hiddenSize, num_layers=numLayers, batch_first=True)
        self.out = nn.Linear(featureSize, outputSize)


def forward(self, input, hidden):
    # input: batchSize × seq_len; hidden: numLayers*d × batchSize × hiddenSize
    input = self.embedding(input) # => batchSize × seq_len × feaSize
    input = F.relu(input)
    output,hn = self.gru(input, hidden) # output: batchSize × seq_len × feaSize; hn: numLayers*d × batchSize × hiddenSize
    output = F.log_softmax(self.out(output), dim=2) # output: batchSize × seq_len × outputSize
    return output,hn,torch.zeros([input.size(0), 1, input.size(1)])


?Bahdanau attention机制的decoder?class BahdanauAttentionDecoderRNN? 类:

BahdanauAttention与LuongAttention注意力机制简介_u010960155的博客-CSDN博客在使用tensorflow时发现其提供了两种Attention Mechanisms(注意力机制),如下The two basic attention mechanisms are:tf.contrib.seq2seq.BahdanauAttention?(additive attention,?ref.)tf.contrib.seq2seq.LuongAttention?(multi...

#定义 BahdanauAttention的Decoder
class BahdanauAttentionDecoderRNN(nn.Module):
    def __init__(self, featureSize, hiddenSize, outputSize, embedding, numLayers=1, dropout=0.1):
        super(BahdanauAttentionDecoderRNN, self).__init__()
        self.embedding = embedding
        self.dropout = nn.Dropout(dropout)
        self.attention_weight = nn.Linear(hiddenSize*2, 1)
        # 定义如何进行链接
        self.attention_combine = nn.Linear(featureSize+hiddenSize, featureSize)
        #核心API 搭建GRU层,并给定超参
        self.gru = nn.GRU(featureSize, hiddenSize, num_layers=numLayers, dropout=(0 if numLayers==1 else dropout), batch_first=True)
        self.out = nn.Linear(hiddenSize, outputSize)
        self.numLayers = numLayers
def forward(self, inputStep, hidden, encoderOutput):
    inputStep = self.embedding(inputStep) # => batchSize × 1 × feaSize
    inputStep = self.dropout(inputStep)
    attentionWeight = F.softmax(self.attention_weight(, hidden[-1:].expand(encoderOutput.size(1),-1,-1).transpose(0,1)), dim=2)).transpose(1,2), dim=2)

    context = torch.bmm(attentionWeight, encoderOutput) # context: batchSize × 1 × hiddenSize
    attentionCombine = self.attention_combine(, context), dim=2)) # attentionCombine: batchSize × 1 × feaSize
    attentionInput = F.relu(attentionCombine) # attentionInput: batchSize × 1 × feaSize
    output, hidden = self.gru(attentionInput, hidden) # output: batchSize × 1 × hiddenSize; hidden: numLayers × batchSize × hiddenSize
    output = F.log_softmax(self.out(output), dim=2) # output: batchSize × 1 × outputSize
    return output, hidden, attentionWeight


定义luongAttention?class LuongAttention?+?class LuongAttentionDecoderRNN 类:

class LuongAttention(nn.Module):
    def __init__(self, method, hiddenSize):
        super(LuongAttention, self).__init__()
        self.method = method
        if self.method not in ['dot', 'general', 'concat']:
            raise ValueError(self.method, "is not an appropriate attention method.")
        if self.method == 'general':
            self.Wa = nn.Linear(hiddenSize, hiddenSize)
        elif self.method == 'concat':
            self.Wa = nn.Linear(hiddenSize*2, hiddenSize)
            self.v = nn.Parameter(torch.FloatTensor(1, hiddenSize)) # self.v: 1 × hiddenSize

? ? ? ? 补充知识点:luongAttention有三种模式【dot,general,conca区别在论文中查找】



def dot_score(self, hidden, encoderOutput):
    return torch.sum(hidden*encoderOutput, dim=2)

# 给出general计算方法
def general_score(self, hidden, encoderOutput):
    energy = self.Wa(encoderOutput) # energy: batchSize × seq_len × hiddenSize
    return torch.sum(hidden*energy, dim=2)

# 给出gconcat计算方法
def concat_score(self, hidden, encoderOutput):
    # hidden: batchSize × 1 × hiddenSize; encoderOutput: batchSize × seq_len × hiddenSize
    energy = torch.tanh(self.Wa(, encoderOutput.size(1), -1), encoderOutput), dim=2))) # energy: batchSize × seq_len × hiddenSize
    return torch.sum(self.v*energy, dim=2)


# 定义前向计算
def forward(self, hidden, encoderOutput):
    if self.method == 'general':
        attentionScore = self.general_score(hidden, encoderOutput)
    elif self.method == 'concat':
        attentionScore = self.concat_score(hidden, encoderOutput)
    elif self.method == 'dot':
        attentionScore = self.dot_score(hidden, encoderOutput)
    # attentionScore: batchSize × seq_len
    return F.softmax(attentionScore, dim=1).unsqueeze(1) # => batchSize × 1 × seq_len

? ? ? ? ?定义向前计算



????????最终 定义luongattention decoder:

 # 定义LuongAttentionDecoder
class LuongAttentionDecoderRNN(nn.Module):
    def __init__(self, featureSize, hiddenSize, outputSize, embedding, numLayers=1, dropout=0.1, attnMethod='dot'):
        super(LuongAttentionDecoderRNN, self).__init__()
        self.embedding = embedding
        self.dropout = nn.Dropout(dropout)
        self.gru = nn.GRU(featureSize, hiddenSize, num_layers=numLayers, dropout=(0 if numLayers==1 else dropout), batch_first=True)
        self.attention_weight = LuongAttention(attnMethod, hiddenSize)
        self.attention_combine = nn.Linear(hiddenSize*2, hiddenSize)
        self.out = nn.Linear(hiddenSize, outputSize)
        self.numLayers = numLayers

    # 定义前向计算
    def forward(self, inputStep, hidden, encoderOutput):
        # inputStep: batchSize × 1; hidden: numLayers × batchSize × hiddenSize
        inputStep = self.embedding(inputStep) # => batchSize × 1 × feaSize
        inputStep = self.dropout(inputStep)
        output, hidden = self.gru(inputStep, hidden) # output: batchSize × 1 × hiddenSize; hidden: numLayers × batchSize × hiddenSize
        attentionWeight = self.attention_weight(output, encoderOutput) # batchSize × 1 × seq_len
        # encoderOutput: batchSize × seq_len × hiddenSize
        context = torch.bmm(attentionWeight, encoderOutput) # context: batchSize × 1 × hiddenSize
        attentionCombine = self.attention_combine(, context), dim=2)) # attentionCombine: batchSize × 1 × hiddenSize
        attentionOutput = torch.tanh(attentionCombine) # attentionOutput: batchSize × 1 × hiddenSize
        output = F.log_softmax(self.out(attentionOutput), dim=2) # output: batchSize × 1 × outputSize
        return output, hidden, attentionWeight

????????父类继承luongattention类,基本和B decoder 差不多,encoder和decoder间连接方式有所不同。

# 如何去选择decoder L or B or DecodeRnn
def _DecoderRNN(attnType, featureSize, hiddenSize, outputSize, embedding, numLayers, dropout, attnMethod):
    :param attnType: 选择L or B这两种decoder
    :param featureSize:特征的维度
    :param hiddenSize:隐层的大小
    :param outputSize:输出得大小
    :param embedding:embedding
    :param numLayers:内部几层
    :param dropout:正则去除过拟合
    :param attnMethod:dot,general,concat
    if attnType not in ['L', 'B', None]:
        raise ValueError(attnType, "is not an appropriate attention type.")
    if attnType == 'L':
        return LuongAttentionDecoderRNN(featureSize, hiddenSize, outputSize, embedding=embedding, numLayers=numLayers, dropout=dropout, attnMethod=attnMethod)
    elif attnType == 'B':
        return BahdanauAttentionDecoderRNN(featureSize, hiddenSize, outputSize, embedding=embedding, numLayers=numLayers, dropout=dropout)
        return DecoderRNN(featureSize, hiddenSize, outputSize, embedding=embedding, numLayers=numLayers, dropout=dropout)

? ? ? ? 这个方法定义了选择那种模式的luongattention。

?定义seq2seq? class Seq2Seq? 类:

class Seq2Seq:

    def __init__(self, dataClass, featureSize, hiddenSize, encoderNumLayers=1, decoderNumLayers=1, attnType='L', attnMethod='dot', dropout=0.1, encoderBidirectional=False, outputSize=None, embedding=None, device=torch.device("cpu")):
        # dataclass 是数据
        outputSize = outputSize if outputSize else dataClass.wordNum
        # 对话的长度,数据的长度。
        embedding = embedding if embedding else nn.Embedding(outputSize+1, featureSize)
        self.dataClass = dataClass
        self.featureSize, self.hiddenSize = featureSize, hiddenSize
        # 准备encoder  调用构建
        self.encoderRNN = EncoderRNN(featureSize, hiddenSize, embedding=embedding, numLayers=encoderNumLayers, dropout=dropout, bidirectional=encoderBidirectional).to(device)
        # 准备decoder  调用构建
        self.decoderRNN = _DecoderRNN(attnType, featureSize, hiddenSize, outputSize, embedding=embedding, numLayers=decoderNumLayers, dropout=dropout, attnMethod=attnMethod).to(device)
        self.embedding =
        self.device = device


def train(self, batchSize, isDataEnhance=False, dataEnhanceRatio=0.2, epoch=100, stopRound=10, lr=0.001, betas=(0.9, 0.99), eps=1e-08, weight_decay=0, teacherForcingRatio=0.5):
    # 使用那个api训练
    self.encoderRNN.train(), self.decoderRNN.train()


????????补充知识点:self.encoderRNN.train(), self.decoderRNN.train()这两个API使用的pythorcn中model.train()的作用


????????表示在有Batchnorm 和Dropout是的前向计算中指定当前模型是在训练还是验证。

#给定batchSize 和 是否数据增广isDataEnhance
batchSize = min(batchSize, self.dataClass.trainSampleNum) if batchSize>0 else self.dataClass.trainSampleNum
dataStream = self.dataClass.random_batch_data_stream(batchSize=batchSize, isDataEnhance=isDataEnhance, dataEnhanceRatio=dataEnhanceRatio)
# 对于测试数据batch制作。testsize默认0.2 ,即为0.2比例的测试数据。
if self.dataClass.testSize>0: testStrem = self.dataClass.random_batch_data_stream(batchSize=batchSize, type='test')
itersPerEpoch = self.dataClass.trainSampleNum//batchSize # 训练数据总长度//批次大小  = preEpoch
# 定义有优化器
encoderOptimzer = torch.optim.Adam(self.encoderRNN.parameters(), lr=lr, betas=betas, eps=eps, weight_decay=weight_decay)
decoderOptimzer = torch.optim.Adam(self.decoderRNN.parameters(), lr=lr, betas=betas, eps=eps, weight_decay=weight_decay)
# 记忆个时间
st = time.time()
for e in range(epoch):
    for i in range(itersPerEpoch):
        X, XLens, Y, YLens = next(dataStream)
        loss = self._train_step(X, XLens, Y, YLens, encoderOptimzer, decoderOptimzer, teacherForcingRatio)


#训练中的梯度及loss计算 bp
  def _train_step(self, X, XLens, Y, YLens, encoderOptimzer, decoderOptimzer, teacherForcingRatio):
      #计算梯度 BP  模型梯度初始化为0
      loss, nTotal = _calculate_loss(self.encoderRNN, self.decoderRNN, X, XLens, Y, YLens, teacherForcingRatio, device=self.device)
      #实现反向传播 loss/nTotal 平均生成一个字符的产生的loss,本身返回的loss是生成一句话,即连续decoder的loss和。
      # 更新所有的参数

      return loss.item() / nTotal



????????技巧teacher forcing是加速收敛的一个技巧,在decoder迭代计算出预测index的过程中,如果第一个字就预测错了,那么作为错误的输入,后面预测的结果大概率也就是错的了,第一个字错误意整个序列错误,这样的情况很显然会让训练收敛很困难,所以我们可以让网络在训练过程中有一定概率进行teacher forcing:在网络预测网一个单词后,我们不以这个预测出的单词作为decoder的下一次输入,而是把这个位置上的标签值作为下一次输入。这么做相当于强制要求网络学会每一单词的输入。形象一点,也就是把网络往每个时序节点上拉扯(这是我对teacher forcing的理解)。引用自:
PyTorch搭建聊天机器人(三)训练与评估 - 知乎补充:关键API ?F.nll_loss

????????nll_loss 函数接收两个tensor第一个是模型的output,第二个是label?targetoutput中每一行与一个标签中每一列的元素对应,根据target的取值找出output行中对应位置元素,求和取平均值。??PyTorch-损失函数-NLLLoss_花开花落,人走茶凉-CSDN博客_f.nll_loss

def _calculate_loss(encoderRNN, decoderRNN, X, XLens, Y, YLens, teacherForcingRatio, device):
    featureSize, hiddenSize = encoderRNN.featureSize, encoderRNN.hiddenSize
    # X: batchSize × XSeqLen; Y: batchSize × YSeqLen
    X, Y = torch.tensor(X, dtype=torch.long, device=device), torch.tensor(Y, dtype=torch.long, device=device)#转tensor
    XLens, YLens = torch.tensor(XLens,, device=device), torch.tensor(YLens,, device=device)

    batchSize = X.size(0)
    XSeqLen, YSeqLen = X.size(1), YLens.max().item()
    # 初始化encoderOutput
    encoderOutput = torch.zeros((batchSize, XSeqLen, featureSize), dtype=torch.float32, device=device)

    d = int(encoderRNN.bidirectional)+1
    hidden = torch.zeros((d*encoderRNN.numLayers, batchSize, hiddenSize), dtype=torch.float32, device=device)
    # XLens进行降序排序
    XLens, indices = torch.sort(XLens, descending=True)
    _, desortedIndices = torch.sort(indices, descending=False)
    encoderOutput, hidden = encoderRNN(X[indices], XLens, hidden)
    # encoderOutput按desortedIndices 重排 对应原始的 X
    encoderOutput, hidden = encoderOutput[desortedIndices], hidden[-d*decoderRNN.numLayers::d, desortedIndices, :] #hidden[:decoderRNN.numLayers, desortedIndices, :]
    # 初始化decoderInput seq,以一个开始字符开始。
    decoderInput = torch.tensor([[sosToken] for i in range(batchSize)], dtype=torch.long, device=device)
    loss, nTotal = 0, 0
    for i in range(YSeqLen):
        #遍历  对于每个decoder的中,都会取top,并计算loss,训练过程中对比训练数据和真实数据之间的差
        # decoderOutput: batchSize × 1 × outputSize
        decoderOutput, hidden, decoderAttentionWeight = decoderRNN(decoderInput, hidden, encoderOutput)
        loss += F.nll_loss(decoderOutput[:,0,:], Y[:,i], reduction='sum')
        nTotal += len(decoderInput)
        if random.random() < teacherForcingRatio:
            decoderInput = Y[:,i:i+1]
            topv, topi = decoderOutput.topk(1)
            decoderInput = topi[:,:,0]# topi.squeeze().detach()
        # 过滤掉长度已经小于当次循环长度为i的句子。
        restId = (YLens>i+1).view(-1)
        decoderInput = decoderInput[restId]
        hidden = hidden[:, restId, :]
        encoderOutput = encoderOutput[restId]
        Y = Y[restId]
        YLens = YLens[restId]
    # loss,和循环的计数。
    return loss, nTotal

? ? ? ?计算具体loss值。?


if (e*itersPerEpoch+i+1)%stopRound==0:
    bleu = _bleu_score(self.encoderRNN, self.decoderRNN, X, XLens, Y, YLens, self.dataClass.maxSentLen, device=self.device)
    embAve = _embAve_score(self.encoderRNN, self.decoderRNN, X, XLens, Y, YLens, self.dataClass.maxSentLen, device=self.device)
    print("After iters %d: loss = %.3lf; train bleu: %.3lf, embAve: %.3lf; "%(e*itersPerEpoch+i+1, loss, bleu, embAve), end='')
    if self.dataClass.testSize>0:
        X, XLens, Y, YLens = next(testStrem)
        bleu = _bleu_score(self.encoderRNN, self.decoderRNN, X, XLens, Y, YLens, self.dataClass.maxSentLen, device=self.device)
        embAve = _embAve_score(self.encoderRNN, self.decoderRNN, X, XLens, Y, YLens, self.dataClass.maxSentLen, device=self.device)
        print('test bleu: %.3lf, embAve: %.3lf; '%(bleu, embAve), end='')
    restNum = ((itersPerEpoch-i-1)+(epoch-e-1)*itersPerEpoch)*batchSize
    speed = (e*itersPerEpoch+i+1)*batchSize/(time.time()-st)
    print("%.3lf qa/s; remaining time: %.3lfs;"%(speed, restNum/speed))

????????ResNum:剩余的数据(对话数量),speed: 处理的数据量比时间差



????????主要输入就是:Y 和Y_PRE(预测结果)

????????主要API :from nltk.translate.bleu_score import sentence_bleu。

def _bleu_score(encoderRNN, decoderRNN, X, XLens, Y, YLens, maxSentLen, device, mean=True):
    Y_pre = _calculate_Y_pre(encoderRNN, decoderRNN, X, XLens, Y, maxSentLen, teacherForcingRatio=0, device=device)
    Y = [list(Y[i])[:YLens[i]-1] for i in range(len(YLens))]
    Y_pre = Y_pre.cpu().data.numpy()
    Y_preLens = [list(i).index(0) if 0 in i else len(i) for i in Y_pre]
    Y_pre = [list(Y_pre[i])[:Y_preLens[i]] for i in range(len(Y_preLens))]
    bleuScore = [sentence_bleu([i], j, weights=(1,0,0,0)) for i,j in zip(Y, Y_pre)]
    return np.mean(bleuScore) if mean else np.sum(bleuScore)

????????embAVe评价指标:类似平方差之类的 :emb表示Y和Y_PRE经过embedding数据格式得转换(作用主要在于每个字符,与文中的所有字产生关联,变成词嵌入向量形式),AVE表示,平均提取方差值 ,或称平均变抽取,是统计学中检验结构变量内部一致性的统计量。

验证性因素分析AVE和CR值_fitzgerald0的博客-CSDN博客AVE (Average Variance Extracted)“平均方差提取值” 衡量收敛效度CR(Construct Reliability, CR)建构信度,反映了每个潜变量中所有题目是否一致性地解释该潜变量,当该值高于0.70时表示该潜变量具有较好的建构信度。验证性因素分析AVE和CR值,可以通过AMOS或者Mplus输出的因子负荷和误差变异,手工求解,也可以用R公式如下:...

def _embAve_score(encoderRNN, decoderRNN, X, XLens, Y, YLens, maxSentLen, device, mean=True):
    Y_pre = _calculate_Y_pre(encoderRNN, decoderRNN, X, XLens, Y, maxSentLen, teacherForcingRatio=0, device=device)
    Y_pre =
    Y_preLens = [list(i).index(0) if 0 in i else len(i) for i in Y_pre]
    # emb代表embedding
    emb = encoderRNN.embedding
    # 每个单独的字符变成词嵌入向量
    Y, Y_pre = emb(torch.tensor(Y, dtype=torch.long, device=device)).cpu().data.numpy(), emb(Y_pre).cpu().data.numpy()
    # 每一句话的中的词的嵌入向量均值
    sentVec = np.array([np.mean(Y[i,:YLens[i]], axis=0) for i in range(len(Y))], dtype='float32')
    sent_preVec = np.array([np.mean(Y_pre[i,:Y_preLens[i]], axis=0) for i in range(len(Y_pre))], dtype='float32')
    # 计算Ave
    embAveScore = np.sum(sentVec*sent_preVec, axis=1)/(np.sqrt(np.sum(np.square(sentVec), axis=1))*np.sqrt(np.sum(np.square(sent_preVec), axis=1)))
    return np.mean(embAveScore) if mean else np.sum(embAveScore)
def save(self, path):{"encoder":self.encoderRNN, "decoder":self.decoderRNN, 
                "word2id":self.dataClass.word2id, "id2word":self.dataClass.id2word}, path)
    print('Model saved in "%s".'%path)

????????保存模型:保存4方面信息: encoder,decoder,word2id,id2word。


????????from model.pre_process import seq2id, id2seq, filter_sent

开始创建chatbot?class ChatBot?类:


class ChatBot:
    def __init__(self, modelPath, device=torch.device('cpu')):   #初始化
        modelDict = torch.load(modelPath)
        self.encoderRNN, self.decoderRNN = modelDict['encoder'].to(device), modelDict['decoder'].to(device)
        self.word2id, self.id2word = modelDict['word2id'], modelDict['id2word']
        self.hiddenSize = self.encoderRNN.hiddenSize
        self.device = device
        self.encoderRNN.eval(), self.decoderRNN.eval()

????????定义:输入问题seq,传入神经网络后,结果序列中使用贪心算法,拿到回答seq 的过程。

ef predictByGreedySearch(self, inputSeq, maxAnswerLength=32, showAttention=False, figsize=(12,6)):
    # inputseq :输入的问句
    inputSeq = filter_sent(inputSeq) # 去掉停用词
    inputSeq = [w for w in jieba.lcut(inputSeq) if w in self.word2id.keys()]  #先做分词
    X = seq2id(self.word2id, inputSeq)  # 变成单词的编号
    XLens = torch.tensor([len(X)+1],, device=self.device)   #处理输入成张量,计算长度,加结束符
    X = X + [eosToken] # 加终止符
    X = torch.tensor([X], dtype=torch.long, device=self.device)  # x输入数据转化成张量
    d = int(self.encoderRNN.bidirectional)+1 # 如果是双向的需要numlayers *2
    hidden = torch.zeros((d*self.encoderRNN.numLayers, 1, self.hiddenSize), dtype=torch.float32, device=self.device)# hidden矩阵的初始化
encoderOutput, hidden = self.encoderRNN(X, XLens, hidden)
hidden = hidden[-d*self.decoderRNN.numLayers::2].contiguous()

????????补充:contiguous:view只能用在contiguous的variable上。如果在view之前用了transpose, permute等,需要用contiguous()来返回一个contiguous copy。





attentionArrs = []
Y = []
decoderInput = torch.tensor([[sosToken]], dtype=torch.long, device=self.device)  #给定decoder的输入 sos起始字符
while decoderInput.item() != eosToken and len(Y)<maxAnswerLength:   #确定输出的序列,同时使用attention计算权重,选取最优解
    decoderOutput, hidden, decoderAttentionWeight = self.decoderRNN(decoderInput, hidden, encoderOutput)
    # top v: seq中分值最大的 value ,i 代表index
    topv, topi = decoderOutput.topk(1)  # 排序h ttps://
    decoderInput = topi[:,:,0]  # 跟新decoderinput
outputSeq = id2seq(self.id2word, Y)  # id 序列在词典中配对成文字序列

?????????如果需要showAttention 可视化:

if showAttention:   #  是否可视化attention,
    attentionArrs = np.vstack(attentionArrs)  # 竖直(按列顺序)把数组给堆叠起来
    fig = plt.figure(figsize=figsize)
    ax = fig.add_subplot('111')
    cax = ax.matshow(attentionArrs, cmap='bone')
    ax.set_xticklabels(['', '<SOS>'] + inputSeq)
    ax.set_yticklabels([''] + outputSeq)

????????最终输出的结果seq 去掉最后的eos 结束符。

return ''.join(outputSeq[:-1])

??? ? ? 下边构建基束搜索beamsearch的定义,inference时使用,计算量比贪婪算法大:


如何理解语言生成的greedy search 与 beam search_姬香的博客-CSDN博客greedy search每一步都都采用最大概率的词,如下:from numpy import arrayfrom numpy import argmax# greedy decoderdef greedy_decoder(data): # 每一行最大概率词的索引 return [argmax(s) for s in data]# 定义一个句子,长度为10,词典大...

def predictByBeamSearch(self, inputSeq, beamWidth=10, maxAnswerLength=32, alpha=0.7, isRandomChoose=False, allRandomChoose=False, improve=True, showInfo=False):
    # 定义输出
    outputSize = len(self.id2word)
    inputSeq = filter_sent(inputSeq) #去停用词
    inputSeq = [w for w in jieba.lcut(inputSeq) if w in self.word2id.keys()]#分词

    X = seq2id(self.word2id, inputSeq)
    XLens = torch.tensor([len(X)+1],, device=self.device) #输入转tensor 同时加结束符
    X = X + [eosToken]
    X = torch.tensor([X], dtype=torch.long, device=self.device)

    #  默认参数情况下,使用双向gru encoder 和2层GRU decoder
    d = int(self.encoderRNN.bidirectional)+1
    # 初始化hidden
    hidden = torch.zeros((d*self.encoderRNN.numLayers, 1, self.hiddenSize), dtype=torch.float32, device=self.device)

    encoderOutput, hidden = self.encoderRNN(X, XLens, hidden)
    hidden = hidden[-d*self.decoderRNN.numLayers::2].contiguous()

    #把搜索宽度和最大回答长度做个数组 beamWidth行maxAnswerLength列
    Y = np.ones([beamWidth, maxAnswerLength], dtype='int32')*eosToken
    # prob: beamWidth × 1 下限的概率0  beamWidth行每一行seq的打分
    prob = np.zeros([beamWidth, 1], dtype='float32')
    #初始化输出seq 一个起始符开始。
    decoderInput = torch.tensor([[sosToken]], dtype=torch.long, device=self.device)
    # decoderOutput: 1 × 1 × outputSize; hidden: numLayers × 1 × hiddenSize 
    decoderOutput, hidden, decoderAttentionWeight = self.decoderRNN(decoderInput, hidden, encoderOutput)
    # topv: 1 × 1 × beamWidth; topi: 1 × 1 × beamWidth
    # 在贪心算法中只取了topk(1),这里beamWidth。
    topv, topi = decoderOutput.topk(beamWidth)
    # decoderInput: beamWidth × 1
    decoderInput = topi.view(beamWidth, 1)
    for i in range(beamWidth):
        Y[i, 0] = decoderInput[i].item()
    Y_ = Y.copy() # 将第一个字符id 的beamWidth个结果 放在第一列的位置(每一行,0列)
    prob += topv.view(beamWidth, 1).data.cpu().numpy()
    prob_ = prob.copy()  # 第一个字符id beamWidth个结果的概率

    # hidden: numLayers × beamWidth × hiddenSize
    hidden = hidden.expand(-1, beamWidth, -1).contiguous()
    localRestId = np.array([i for i in range(beamWidth)], dtype='int32')
    encoderOutput = encoderOutput.expand(beamWidth, -1, -1) # => beamWidth × 1 × hiddenSize
    for i in range(1, maxAnswerLength):# 从第二个词开始,每个词进行计算

        # decoderOutput: beamWidth × 1 × outputSize; hidden: numLayers × beamWidth × hiddenSize; decoderAttentionWeight: beamWidth × 1 × XSeqLen
        decoderOutput, hidden, decoderAttentionWeight = self.decoderRNN(decoderInput, hidden, encoderOutput)
        # topv: beamWidth × 1; topi: beamWidth × 1
        if improve:
            decoderOutput = decoderOutput.view(-1, 1)
            if allRandomChoose:
                topv, topi = self._random_pick_k_by_prob(decoderOutput, k=beamWidth)
                topv, topi = decoderOutput.topk(beamWidth, dim=0)
            topv, topi = (torch.tensor(prob[localRestId], dtype=torch.float32, device=self.device).unsqueeze(2)+decoderOutput).view(-1,1).topk(beamWidth, dim=0)
        # decoderInput: beamWidth × 1
        decoderInput = topi%outputSize
        idFrom = topi.cpu().view(-1).numpy()//outputSize
        Y[localRestId, :i+1] = np.hstack([Y[localRestId[idFrom], :i], decoderInput.cpu().numpy()])
        prob[localRestId] = prob[localRestId[idFrom]] +
        hidden = hidden[:, idFrom, :]

        restId = (decoderInput!=eosToken).cpu().view(-1)
        localRestId = localRestId[restId.numpy().astype('bool')]
        decoderInput = decoderInput[restId]
        hidden = hidden[:, restId, :]
        encoderOutput = encoderOutput[restId]
        beamWidth = len(localRestId)
        if beamWidth<1:  #直到搜索宽度为0
    lens = [i.index(eosToken) if eosToken in i else maxAnswerLength for i in Y.tolist()]
    ans = [''.join(id2seq(self.id2word, i[:l])) for i,l in zip(Y,lens)]
    prob = [prob[i,0]/np.power(lens[i], alpha) for i in range(len(ans))]
    # 上边的代码主要对结果,长度,概率,做了个定义和计算

    # 给定结果id的策略
    if isRandomChoose or allRandomChoose:    #对于回答方面做的策略,会去prob最大的那个,同时也可以给出概率
        prob = [np.exp(p) for p in prob]
        prob = [p/sum(prob) for p in prob]
        if showInfo:
            for i in range(len(ans)):
                print((ans[i], prob[i]))
        return random_pick(ans, prob)
        ansAndProb = list(zip(ans,prob))
        ansAndProb.sort(key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True)
        if showInfo:
            for i in ansAndProb:
        return ansAndProb[0][0]


    def evaluate(self, dataClass, batchSize=128, isDataEnhance=False, dataEnhanceRatio=0.2, streamType='train'):
        dataClass.reset_word_id_map(self.id2word, self.word2id) #给定输入,同时初始化bleu等评价指标
        dataStream = dataClass.one_epoch_data_stream(batchSize=batchSize, isDataEnhance=isDataEnhance, dataEnhanceRatio=dataEnhanceRatio, type=streamType)
        bleuScore, embAveScore = 0.0, 0.0
        totalSamplesNum = dataClass.trainSampleNum if streamType=='train' else dataClass.testSampleNum#选用test数据
        iters = 0
        st = time.time()
        while True:   #验证的循环中主要完成计算bleu和embave的评分同时打印出来
                X, XLens, Y, YLens = next(dataStream)
            bleuScore += _bleu_score(self.encoderRNN, self.decoderRNN, X, XLens, Y, YLens, dataClass.maxSentLen, self.device, mean=False)
            embAveScore += _embAve_score(self.encoderRNN, self.decoderRNN, X, XLens, Y, YLens, dataClass.maxSentLen, self.device, mean=False)
            iters += len(X)
            finishedRatio = iters/totalSamplesNum
            # 打印时间,完成比例
            print('Finished %.3lf%%; remaining time: %.3lfs'%(finishedRatio*100.0, (time.time()-st)*(1.0-finishedRatio)/finishedRatio))
        return bleuScore/totalSamplesNum, embAveScore/totalSamplesNum


def _random_pick_k_by_prob(self, decoderOutput, k):#根据概率随机取K个结果
    # decoderOutput: beamWidth*outputSize × 1
    df = pd.DataFrame([[i] for i in range(len(decoderOutput))])
    prob = torch.softmax(, dim=0).cpu().numpy().reshape(-1)
    topi = torch.tensor(np.array(df.sample(n=k, weights=prob)), dtype=torch.long, device=self.device)
    return decoderOutput[topi.view(-1)], topi

?????????定义随机pick 一个概率比较大的结果。

def random_pick(sample, prob):#随机pick一个prob比较大的
    x = random.uniform(0,1)
    cntProb = 0.0
    for sampleItem, probItem in zip(sample, prob):
        cntProb += probItem
        if x < cntProb:break
    return sampleItem



def _calculate_Y_pre(encoderRNN, decoderRNN, X, XLens, Y, YMaxLen, teacherForcingRatio, device):
    featureSize, hiddenSize = encoderRNN.featureSize, encoderRNN.hiddenSize
    # X: batchSize × XSeqLen; Y: batchSize × YSeqLen
    X, Y = torch.tensor(X, dtype=torch.long, device=device), torch.tensor(Y, dtype=torch.long, device=device)  #给定输入
    XLens = torch.tensor(XLens,, device=device)

    batchSize = X.size(0)
    XSeqLen = X.size(1)
    encoderOutput = torch.zeros((batchSize, XSeqLen, featureSize), dtype=torch.float32, device=device)  #encoder输出

    d = int(encoderRNN.bidirectional)+1
    hidden = torch.zeros((d*encoderRNN.numLayers, batchSize, hiddenSize), dtype=torch.float32, device=device)
    # # XLens进行降序排序
    XLens, indices = torch.sort(XLens, descending=True)
    _, desortedIndices = torch.sort(indices, descending=False)  #排序
    encoderOutput, hidden = encoderRNN(X[indices], XLens, hidden)
    encoderOutput, hidden = encoderOutput[desortedIndices], hidden[-d*decoderRNN.numLayers::d, desortedIndices, :] #hidden[:decoderRNN.numLayers, desortedIndices, :]
    decoderInput = torch.tensor([[sosToken] for i in range(batchSize)], dtype=torch.long, device=device)#把encoder的输出接入到decoder输入中
    Y_pre, localRestId = torch.ones([batchSize, YMaxLen], dtype=torch.long, device=device)*eosToken, torch.tensor([i for i in range(batchSize)], dtype=torch.long, device=device)
    for i in range(YMaxLen):  #循环 把每一个batch中的y_pre的得到(使用attention的权重)
        # decoderOutput: batchSize × 1 × outputSize
        decoderOutput, hidden, decoderAttentionWeight = decoderRNN(decoderInput, hidden, encoderOutput)
        if random.random() < teacherForcingRatio:
            decoderInput = Y[:,i:i+1]
            topv, topi = decoderOutput.topk(1)#取top1
            decoderInput = topi[:,:,0]# topi.squeeze().detach()
        Y_pre[localRestId, i] = decoderInput.squeeze()
        restId = (decoderInput!=eosToken).view(-1)
        localRestId = localRestId[restId]
        decoderInput = decoderInput[restId]
        hidden = hidden[:, restId, :]
        encoderOutput = encoderOutput[restId]
        Y = Y[restId]
        if len(localRestId)<1:
    return Y_pre ,, 的讲解:

? ? ? ? 剩下的部分的代码就比较简单了,这里不做太多解释了,具体内容请看源码。

? ? ? ? 补充一个知识点:argparse.ArgumentParser() 的学习

Python3学习总结——argparse.ArgumentParser()_ia_heng的博客-CSDN博客@TOC本文只是作为以后回顾所学知识所用argparse 官方教程argparse 模块可以让人轻松编写用户友好的命令行接口。程序定义它需要的参数,然后 argparse 将弄清如何从 sys.argv 解析出那些参数。 argparse 模块还会自动生成帮助和使用手册,并在用户给程序传入无效参数时报出错误信息。此模块是 Python 标准库中推荐的命令行解析模块。如何使用创建解...


? ? ? ? 通过几个昼夜的爆肝码代码,最后阿宅把那和阿美好几个G的美好回忆==>聊天记录文档,传入了系统中,聊天机器人学习。

? ? ? ? ”成功了!!成功了!!“,阿宅通红的眼睛盯着屏幕,身体激动的控制不住的抖动”我的阿美回来了!!55555.。。“。


? ? ? ? ?阿宅心满意足的睡着了,在甜甜的梦乡中,嘴角抿起了笑意。。。。。

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