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[人工智能]YOLOv2、v3使用K-means聚类计算anchor boxes的具体方法

距离度量如果使用标准的欧氏距离,大盒子会比小盒子产生更多的错误。例 ?。因此这里使用其他的距离度量公式。聚类的目的是anchor boxes和临近的ground truth有更大的IOU值,这和anchor box的尺寸没有直接关系。自定义的距离度量公式:
到聚类中心的距离越小越好,但IOU值是越大越好,所以使用 1 - IOU,这样就保证距离越小,IOU值越大

??使用的聚类原始数据是只有标注框的检测数据集,YOLOv2、v3都会生成一个包含标注框位置和类别的TXT文件,其中每行都包含 ?,即ground truth boxes相对于原图的坐标, ?是框的中心点, ?是框的宽和高,N是所有标注框的个数;
?首先给定k个聚类中心点 ?,这里的 ?是anchor boxes的宽和高尺寸,由于anchor boxes位置不固定,所以没有(x,y)的坐标,只有宽和高;
?计算每个标注框和每个聚类中心点的距离 d=1-IOU(标注框,聚类中心),计算时每个标注框的中心点都与聚类中心重合,这样才能计算IOU值,即 ?。将标注框分配给“距离”最近的聚类中心;
?所有标注框分配完毕以后,对每个簇重新计算聚类中心点,计算方式为 ?, ?是第i个簇的标注框个数,就是求该簇中所有标注框的宽和高的平均值。

yolov2.cfg中[region] anchors = ?0.57273, 0.677385, 1.87446, 2.06253, 3.33843, 5.47434, 7.88282, 3.52778, 9.77052, 9.16828
yolov3.cfg中[region] anchors = 10,13, ?16,30, ?33,23, ?30,61, ?62,45, ?59,119, ?116,90, ?156,198, ?373,326

from os import listdir

from os.path import isfile, join

import argparse

#import cv2

import numpy as np

import sys

import os

import shutil

import random

import math

def IOU(x,centroids):

??? '''

??? :param x: 某一个ground truth的w,h

??? :param centroids:? anchor的w,h的集合[(w,h),(),...],共k个

??? :return: 单个ground truth box与所有k个anchor box的IoU值集合

??? '''

??? IoUs = []

??? w, h = x? # ground truth的w,h

??? for centroid in centroids:

??????? c_w,c_h = centroid?? #anchor的w,h

??????? if c_w>=w and c_h>=h:?? #anchor包围ground truth

??????????? iou = w*h/(c_w*c_h)

??????? elif c_w>=w and c_h<=h:??? #anchor宽矮

??????????? iou = w*c_h/(w*h + (c_w-w)*c_h)

??????? elif c_w<=w and c_h>=h:??? #anchor瘦长

??????????? iou = c_w*h/(w*h + c_w*(c_h-h))

??????? else: #ground truth包围anchor???? means both w,h are bigger than c_w and c_h respectively

??????????? iou = (c_w*c_h)/(w*h)

??????? IoUs.append(iou) # will become (k,) shape

??? return np.array(IoUs)

def avg_IOU(X,centroids):

??? '''

??? :param X: ground truth的w,h的集合[(w,h),(),...]

??? :param centroids: anchor的w,h的集合[(w,h),(),...],共k个

??? '''

??? n,d = X.shape

??? sum = 0.

??? for i in range(X.shape[0]):

??????? sum+= max(IOU(X[i],centroids))? #返回一个ground truth与所有anchor的IoU中的最大值

??? return sum/n??? #对所有ground truth求平均

def write_anchors_to_file(centroids,X,anchor_file,input_shape,yolo_version):

??? '''

??? :param centroids: anchor的w,h的集合[(w,h),(),...],共k个

??? :param X: ground truth的w,h的集合[(w,h),(),...]

??? :param anchor_file: anchor和平均IoU的输出路径

??? '''

??? f = open(anchor_file,'w')


??? anchors = centroids.copy()

??? print(anchors.shape)

??? if yolo_version=='yolov2':

??????? for i in range(anchors.shape[0]):

??????????? #yolo中对图片的缩放倍数为32倍,所以这里除以32,

??????????? # 如果网络架构有改变,根据实际的缩放倍数来

??????????? #求出anchor相对于缩放32倍以后的特征图的实际大小(yolov2)

??????????? anchors[i][0]*=input_shape/32.

??????????? anchors[i][1]*=input_shape/32.

??? elif yolo_version=='yolov3':

??????? for i in range(anchors.shape[0]):

??????????? #求出yolov3相对于原图的实际大小

??????????? anchors[i][0]*=input_shape

??????????? anchors[i][1]*=input_shape

??? else:

??????? print("the yolo version is not right!")

??????? exit(-1)

??? widths = anchors[:,0]

??? sorted_indices = np.argsort(widths)

??? print('Anchors = ', anchors[sorted_indices])


??? for i in sorted_indices[:-1]:

??????? f.write('%0.2f,%0.2f, '%(anchors[i,0],anchors[i,1]))

??? #there should not be comma after last anchor, that's why

??? f.write('%0.2f,%0.2f\n'%(anchors[sorted_indices[-1:],0],anchors[sorted_indices[-1:],1]))


??? f.write('%f\n'%(avg_IOU(X,centroids)))

??? print()

def kmeans(X,centroids,eps,anchor_file,input_shape,yolo_version):


??? N = X.shape[0] #ground truth的个数

??? iterations = 0

??? print("centroids.shape",centroids)

??? k,dim = centroids.shape? #anchor的个数k以及w,h两维,dim默认等于2

??? prev_assignments = np.ones(N)*(-1)??? #对每个ground truth分配初始标签

??? iter = 0

??? old_D = np.zeros((N,k))? #初始化每个ground truth对每个anchor的IoU

??? while True:

??????? D = []

??????? iter+=1??????????

??????? for i in range(N):

??????????? d = 1 - IOU(X[i],centroids)

??????????? D.append(d)

??????? D = np.array(D) # D.shape = (N,k)? 得到每个ground truth对每个anchor的IoU


??????? print("iter {}: dists = {}".format(iter,np.sum(np.abs(old_D-D))))? #计算每次迭代和前一次IoU的变化值


?? ?????#assign samples to centroids

??????? assignments = np.argmin(D,axis=1)? #将每个ground truth分配给距离d最小的anchor序号


??????? if (assignments == prev_assignments).all() :? #如果前一次分配的结果和这次的结果相同,就输出anchor以及平均IoU

??????????? print("Centroids = ",centroids)

??????????? write_anchors_to_file(centroids,X,anchor_file,input_shape,yolo_version)

??????????? return

??????? #calculate new centroids

??????? centroid_sums=np.zeros((k,dim),np.float)?? #初始化以便对每个簇的w,h求和

??????? for i in range(N):

??????????? centroid_sums[assignments[i]]+=X[i]???????? #将每个簇中的ground truth的w和h分别累加

??????? for j in range(k):??????????? #对簇中的w,h求平均

??????????? centroids[j] = centroid_sums[j]/(np.sum(assignments==j)+1)


??????? prev_assignments = assignments.copy()????

??????? old_D = D.copy()?

def main(argv):

??? parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()

??? parser.add_argument('-filelist', default = r'scripts\train.txt',

??????????????????????? help='path to filelist\n' ) #这个文件是由运行scripts文件夹中的???

???????????????????????????? #voc_label.py文件得到的,scripts文件夹中会生成几个TXT文件。

???????????????????????????? #python

???????????????????????????? #目前yolo打标签可以使用labelimg中的yolo格式

??? parser.add_argument('-output_dir', default = r'\scripts', type = str,

??????????????????????? help='Output anchor directory\n' )

??? parser.add_argument('-num_clusters', default = 0, type = int,

??????????????????????? help='number of clusters\n' )

??? '''

??? 需要注意的是yolov2输出的值比较小是相对特征图来说的,

??? yolov3输出值较大是相对原图来说的,

??? 所以yolov2和yolov3的输出是有区别的

??? '''

??? parser.add_argument('-yolo_version', default='yolov2', type=str,

??????????????????????? help='yolov2 or yolov3\n')

??? parser.add_argument('-yolo_input_shape', default=416, type=int,

???????????????? ???????help='input images shape,multiples of 32. etc. 416*416\n')

??? args = parser.parse_args()


??? if not os.path.exists(args.output_dir):

??????? os.mkdir(args.output_dir)

??? f = open(args.filelist)


??? lines = [line.rstrip('\n') for line in f.readlines()]


??? annotation_dims = []

??? for line in lines:

??????? line = line.replace('JPEGImages','labels')

??????? line = line.replace('.jpg','.txt')

??????? line = line.replace('.png','.txt')

?????? ?print(line)

??????? f2 = open(line)

??????? for line in f2.readlines():

??????????? line = line.rstrip('\n')

??????????? w,h = line.split(' ')[3:]???????????

??????????? #print(w,h)

??????????? annotation_dims.append((float(w),float(h)))

??? annotation_dims = np.array(annotation_dims) #保存所有ground truth框的(w,h)


??? eps = 0.005

??? if args.num_clusters == 0:

??????? for num_clusters in range(1,11): #we make 1 through 10 clusters

??????????? anchor_file = join( args.output_dir,'anchors%d.txt'%(num_clusters))

??????????? indices = [ random.randrange(annotation_dims.shape[0]) for i in range(num_clusters)]

??????????? centroids = annotation_dims[indices]

??????????? kmeans(annotation_dims,centroids,eps,anchor_file,args.yolo_input_shape,args.yolo_version)

??????????? print('centroids.shape', centroids.shape)

??? else:

??????? anchor_file = join( args.output_dir,'anchors%d.txt'%(args.num_clusters))

??????? indices = [ random.randrange(annotation_dims.shape[0]) for i in range(args.num_clusters)]

??????? centroids = annotation_dims[indices]

??????? kmeans(annotation_dims,centroids,eps,anchor_file,args.yolo_input_shape,args.yolo_version)

??????? print('centroids.shape', centroids.shape)

if __name__=="__main__":

??? main(sys.argv)


? ?


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