Zucker, A., Belkada, Y., Vu, H. et al. ClusTi: Clustering Method for Table Structure Recognition in Scanned Images. Mobile Netw Appl 26, 1765–1776 (2021). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11036-021-01759-9
- Table structure recognition
- Object recognition
- Clustering method
? 首先,利用聚类算法去除表格图像中的重噪声(DBSCAN)。 ? 其次,它使用最先进的文本识别技术提取所有的文本框(参考论文:CRAFT----Character region awareness for text detection)。 ? 第三,CluSTi基于优化参数的水平(DBSCAN)和垂直聚类算法(DBSCAN),分别将文本框组分到相应正确的行和列。
2.1 识别过程:

2.2 方法过程:

1.Noise Removal
**Noise Removal: **正常的字符一般都是高聚集在一起的,noise一般会离群;使用DBSCAN clustering technique去删除奇异点;

2. Text Detection
Text Detection: 深度神经模型–CRAFT----Character region awareness for text detection;

3. Row Detection
Row Detection: 水平聚类算法。DBSCAN clustering technique (参数都是优化好的)

? 首先,计算每个检测到的文本框的质心坐标(即(x_c、y_c))。然后,根据x轴对它们进行归一化。最后,利用带有优化参数的DBSCAN对归一化的质心(即(x_n,y_n))进行了聚类。
? 输出行数与文体属于哪一行。
微调:Fine-tuning horizontal clustering


参考:【33】Scholkmann F, Boss J, Wolf M (2012) An efficient algorithm for automatic peak detection in noisy periodic and quasi-periodic signals. Algorithms 5(4):588–603
4. Column Detection
**Column Detection: ** DBSCAN clustering technique(参数都是优化好的)
Vertical clustering算法

5. Cell Reconstruction:

3.1 数据集:
397 table images,来自 table-detection-dataset. https://github.com/sgrpanchal31/tabledetection-dataset
ICDAR 2013;
ICDAR 2019;
3.2 实验结果:

3.3 与DeepDeSRT,TableNet的对比结果

【23】 Paliwal SS, Vishwanath D, Rahul R, Sharma M, Vig L (2019) Tablenet: Deep learning model for end-to-end table detection and tabular data extraction from scanned document images. In: 2019 International conference on document analysis and recognition (ICDAR). IEEE, pp 128–133
【34】Schreiber S, Agne S, Wolf I, Dengel A, Ahmed S (2017) Deepdesrt: Deep learning for detection and structure recognition of tables in document images. In: 2017 14th IAPR International conference on document analysis and recognition (ICDAR), vol 1.IEEE, pp 1162–1167
4. 总结
5. 相关工作
DBSCAN(Density-Based Spatial Clustering of Applications with Noise,具有噪声的基于密度的聚类方法);

by hahppyprince 2021-11-24