AutoML即为Auto+ML,是自动化+机器学习两个学科的结合体;从技术角度来说,则是泛指在机器学习各阶段流程中有一个或多个阶段采取自动化而无需人工参与的实现方案。例如在本文开篇引用的AutoML经典图例中:其覆盖了特征工程(Feature Engineering)、模型选择(Model Selection)、算法选择(Algorithm Selection)以及模型评估(Model Evaluation)4个典型阶段,而仅有问题定义、数据准备和模型部署这三部分工作交由人工来实现。
!pip install autogluon
from autogluon.tabular import TabularPredictor
predictor = TabularPredictor(label = target).fit(train_df[columns_names + [target]],
tuning_data = validation_df[columns_names + [target]],
timelimit = 240)
predictor.leaderboard(test_df, silent = True)
predictor.feature_importance(test_df, subsample_size = None)
ABSTRACT We introduce AutoGluon-Tabular, an open-source AutoML framework that requires only a single line of Python to train highly accurate machine learning models on an unprocessed tabular dataset such as a CSV file. Unlike existing AutoML frameworks that primarily focus on model/hyperparameter selection, AutoGluon-Tabular succeeds by ensembling multiple models and stacking them in multiple layers. Experiments reveal that our multi-layer combination of many models offers better use of allocated training time than seeking out the best. A second contribution is an extensive evaluation of public and commercial AutoML platforms including TPOT, H2O, AutoWEKA, auto-sklearn, AutoGluon, and Google AutoML Tables. Tests on a suite of 50 classification and regression tasks from Kaggle and the OpenML AutoML Benchmark reveal that AutoGluon is faster, more robust, and much more accurate. We find that AutoGluon often even outperforms the best-in-hindsight combination of all of its competitors. In two popular Kaggle competitions, AutoGluon beat 99% of the participating data scientists after merely 4h of training on the raw data.
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可以借助第三方平台,这些机器学习平台一般都支持机器学习相关环境,而且都是基于LINUX操作系统开发,例如国外Google的colab,但是需要翻墙,国内可使用的平台有百度AI Studio,而且近期有活动,为认证用户提供免费算力。