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[人工智能]Codes for VaR-Copula |
Codes (Latex Environment) \chapter{附件} \section{Python代码} 编程软件:Python3.8\ jupyter\ notebook 电脑系统:Window\ 10\ 家庭中文版 电脑型号:ASUS\ TUF\ Gaming\ FA506IU 处理器:AMD\ Ryzen\ 7\ 4800H\ with\ Radeon\ Graphics\ 2.90GHz 电脑内存(RAM):16.0GB \subsection{收益率边缘分布} \begin{lstlisting}[language=Python] import numpy as np import pandas as pd import scipy.stats as st from scipy.stats import t import matplotlib.pyplot as plt plt.rcParams['font.sans-serif'] = ['Microsoft YaHei'] sh = pd.read_csv('上证指数历史数据(2).csv') sz = pd.read_csv('深证成份指数历史数据(2).csv') hs = pd.read_csv('香港恒生指数历史数据.csv') def get_pct(data): ??? data.index = data['日期'] ??? data_pct = data ['涨跌幅'] ??? return data_pct sh_pct = get_pct(sh) sz_pct = get_pct(sz) hs_pct = get_pct(hs) #边缘密度 def show_edge(data,choose): ??? mu = data.mean()#.values ??? sigma = data.std()#.values ??? num_bins = 100 ??? x = mu + sigma * np.random.randn(1000000) ??? # 正态分布的数据 ??? data.hist(bins=300,figsize=(16,8),density = True,range=(-0.1,0.1) ???????????????? ,color='b',alpha=0.6,label='密度函数') ??? n, bins, patches = plt.hist(x, num_bins, density = True,alpha=0) ??? # 拟合曲线 ??? y = st.norm.pdf(bins, mu, sigma) ??? plt.plot(bins, y,'r', alpha = 0.8,linewidth=2.5,label='正态分布') ??? #data.plot(kind = 'kde', color = 'g',linewidth=1.5,alpha=1, ???????????????? ?label = '核密度图') ??? t_dimen = 10 ??? z = np.linspace(t.ppf(0.01, t_dimen,loc=mu,scale=sigma),t.ppf(0.99 ???????????????? ,t_dimen,loc=mu,scale=sigma), 1000) ??? plt.plot(z, t.pdf(z, t_dimen,loc=mu,scale=sigma), alpha=1.0 ???????????????? ,linewidth=2.5, c='gray',label='t-分布') ??? scipy_kde=st.gaussian_kde(data)#高斯核密度估计 ??? X_plot=np.linspace(-0.1,0.1,1000) ??? dens=scipy_kde.evaluate(X_plot) ??? plt.plot(X_plot,dens,c='g',linewidth=2.5,label='核密度图') ??? font = {'size': 15}#设置横纵坐标的名称以及对应字体格式、大小 ??? plt.xlabel('Expectation',font) ??? plt.ylabel('Probability',font) ??? plt.title('histogram of normal distribution: $\mu =$' + ???????????????? str(mu)[:6] + ', $\sigma =$'+ str(sigma)[:6],font) ??? axes = plt.gca() ??? axes.set_xlim([-0.075,0.075]) ??? #显示题注 ??? plt.legend(loc=0) ??? plt.legend(fontsize=15)#显示图例,设置图例字体大小 ??? plt.grid(True) ??? plt.savefig(str(choose)+'.png') ??? plt.show() show_edge(sh_pct,choose='sh') show_edge(sz_pct,choose='sz') show_edge(hs_pct,choose='hs') time_preiod = ['2015年12月9日','2016年12月9日','2017年12月8日' ??????? ,'2018年12月7日','2019年12月9日','2020年12月9日'] def get_period_pct(time_preiod): ??? n = len(time_preiod) ??? S=[] ?? ?for i in range(n-1): ??????? sh_mean,sh_std = sh_pct[time_preiod[i]:time_preiod[i+1]] ???????????????? .mean(),sh_pct[time_preiod[i]:time_preiod[i+1]].std() ??????? sz_mean,sz_std = sz_pct[time_preiod[i]:time_preiod[i+1]] ???????????????? .mean(),sz_pct[time_preiod[i]:time_preiod[i+1]].std() ??????? hs_mean,hs_std = hs_pct[time_preiod[i]:time_preiod[i+1]] ???????????????? .mean(),hs_pct[time_preiod[i]:time_preiod[i+1]].std() ??????? S.append([sh_mean,sh_std,sz_mean,sz_std,hs_mean,hs_std]) ??? return pd.DataFrame(S) get_period_pct(time_preiod) \end{lstlisting} \subsection{相关系数及等高线} \begin{lstlisting}[language=Python] def merge(datalist): ??? n=len(datalist) ??? result = pd.DataFrame(datalist[0]).copy() ??? result.columns=[0] ??? for i in range(1,n): ??????? result[i]=datalist[i] ??? result = result.dropna() ??? return result a= [sh_pct,sz_pct,hs_pct] data = merge(a) data.corr(method='pearson', min_periods=1) data.corr(method='kendall', min_periods=1) data.corr(method='spearman', min_periods=1) #分布图 def show_mult(data,a,b,choose): ??? plt.figure(figsize=(16,8)) ??? font = {'size': 15}#设置横纵坐标的名称以及对应字体格式、大小 ??? plt.scatter(data.values[:,a],data.values[:,b],marker = '+') ??? plt.xlabel('深证指数',font) ??? plt.ylabel('恒生指数',font) ??? plt.title('scatter figure',font) ??? plt.grid(True) ??? plt.savefig(str(choose)+'.png') ??? plt.show() #这里修改参数即可得到不同数据集之间散点图,下同 show_mult(data,1,2,choose='scatter3') #等高线 def norm_d(x1,x2,mu,Sigma): ??? mu1 = mu[0] ??? mu2 = mu[1] ??? s1,s2 = Sigma[0,0]**0.5,Sigma[1,1]**0.5 ??? rho = Sigma[0,1]/s1/s2 ??? num=((1)/(2*np.pi*s1*s2*np.sqrt(1-rho**2))) ??? A=((x1-mu1)**2)/(s1**2) ??? B=2*rho*(((x1-mu1)*(x2-mu2))/(s1*s2)) ??? C=((x2-mu2)**2)/(s2**2) ??? D=-1/(2*(1-rho**2))*(A-B+C) ??? pdf=num*np.exp(D) ??? return pdf def show_contour(data,a,b,choose): ??? data1 = data[[a,b]] ??? plt.style.use('seaborn-whitegrid') ??? x1=np.arange(-0.1,0.1,0.001) ??? y1=np.arange(-0.1,0.1,0.001) ??? x1,y1 = np.meshgrid(x1,y1) ??? plt.figure(figsize=(16,8)) ??? mu = data1.mean().values ??? Sigma = np.sqrt(data1.cov().values) ??? z = norm_d(x1,y1,mu,Sigma) ??? plt.contourf(x1, y1, z, 10) ??? plt.scatter(data.values[:,a],data.values[:,b],marker = 'x') ??? plt.grid(True) ??? font = {'size': 15}#设置横纵坐标的名称以及对应字体格式、大小 ??? plt.rcParams['font.sans-serif'] = ['Microsoft YaHei'] ?? ?plt.xlabel('上证指数',font) ??? plt.ylabel('深证指数',font) ??? plt.title('contour figure',font) ??? plt.savefig(str(choose)+'.png') ??? plt.show() show_contour(data,0,1,choose='contour1') \end{lstlisting} \subsection{VaR计算} \begin{lstlisting}[language=Python] import scipy.stats as st def get_VaR(data,choose): ??? if choose == 0: ??????? return np.ptp(data),st.skew(data),st.kurtosis(data) ???????????????????????? ,np.percentile(data,[5,10,90,95]) ??? if choose ==1: ??????? mu = data.mean() ??????? sigma = data.std() ??????? num_bins = 100 ??????? x = mu + sigma * np.random.randn(1000000) ??????? return np.percentile(x,[5,10,90,95]) ??? if choose ==2: ??????? mu = data.mean() ??????? sigma = data.std() ??????? X = st.t(df=10,loc=mu, scale=sigma) ??????? return X.ppf(0.05),X.ppf(0.1),X.ppf(0.9),X.ppf(0.95) for i in range(3): ??????? get_VaR(sh_pct,i) ??????? get_VaR(sz_pct,i) ??????? get_VaR(hs_pct,i) def MCMC_kde(data,choose): ??? scipy_kde=st.gaussian_kde(data) ??? X_plot=np.linspace(-0.12,0.12,1201) ??? dens=scipy_kde.evaluate(X_plot) ?? ?X=[] ??? x=0 ??? for i in range(100000): ??????? z1 = np.random.randint(-100,100)/5000 ??????? y=x+z1 ??????? pro = dens[int((y+0.12)*5000)]/dens[int((x+0.12)*5000)] ??????? z2 = np.random.uniform() ??????? if pro >z2: ??????????? X.append(y) ??????????? x=y ??????? else: ??????????? X.append(x) ??? data_MCMC = pd.DataFrame(X[50000:100000]) ??? data_MCMC.hist(bins=300,figsize=(16,8),density = True ???????????????? ,range=(-0.1,0.1),color='b',alpha=0.6,label='MCMC抽样') ??? plt.plot(X_plot,dens,c='r',linewidth=2.5,label='核密度值') ??? font = {'size': 15}#设置横纵坐标的名称以及对应字体格式、大小 ??? plt.xlabel('Expectation',font) ??? plt.ylabel('Probability',font) ??? plt.title('MCMC取样',font) ??? axes = plt.gca() ??? axes.set_xlim([-0.075,0.075]) ??? #显示题注 ??? plt.legend(loc=0) ??? plt.legend(fontsize=15)#显示图例,设置图例字体大小 ??? plt.grid(True) ??? plt.savefig(str(choose)+'MCMC.png') ??? plt.show() ??? print(np.percentile(data_MCMC,[5,10,90,95])) MCMC_kde(sh_pct,choose='sh_pct') MCMC_kde(sz_pct,choose='sz_pct') MCMC_kde(hs_pct,choose='hs_pct') \end{lstlisting} \subsection{相依性计算} \begin{lstlisting}[language=Python] def rank(df): ??? df = df.rank(method='min',axis=0) ??? df=df.T ??? return (df) def pct_to_rank(data0): ??? data=data0.copy() ??? col = data.columns ??? n = len(col) ??? for i in range(n): ??????? data[col[i]]=rank(data[col[i]]) ??? return data data_rank = pct_to_rank(data) def depends(data,a,precent,b): ??? df = data[[a,b]].copy() ??? n = len(df.index) ??? k=0 ??? for i in range(n): ??????? if df[a][i]>=n*precent and df[b][i]>=n*precent and precent>=0.5: ??????????? k = k+1 ??????? if df[a][i]<=n*precent and df[b][i]<=n*precent and precent<0.5: ??????????? k = k+1 ??? return k/(n*precent) def show_depends(data,a,b,start,end,n): ??? l = [] ??? step = (end-start)/n ??? for i in range(n+1): ??????? precent = start+i*step ??????? l.append(depends(data,a,precent,b)) ??? plt.figure(figsize=(16,8)) ??? plt.plot(l) ??? plt.grid(True) ??? plt.show() show_depends(data_rank,0,1,0.9,1,10) #注意到a不能取0 show_depends(data_rank,0,1,0.01,0.11,10) \end{lstlisting} \subsection{MCMC模拟} \begin{lstlisting}[language=Python] import scipy import sympy from sympy import diff, symbols import numpy as np import pandas as pd import math from math import * import matplotlib.pyplot as plt x = symbols('x', real=True) y = symbols('y', real=True) z = symbols('z', real=True) e = sympy.exp(1) t = symbols('t', real=True) def fun_diff3(function,x,y,z): function1 = diff(function, x, 1) function2 = diff(function1, y, 1) function3 = diff(function2, z, 1) return (function3) def pdf(sth_pdf,x0,y0,z0,t0): if 0<x0<1 and 0<y0<1 and 0<z0<1: return float(sth_pdf.subs({x:x0,y:y0,z:z0,t:t0,e:math.e})) else: return 0 def get_MCMC_values(func_pdf,t0,itn): L=[] l=np.array([0.5,0.5,0.5]) for i in range(itn): z1 = (np.random.random()-0.5)/5 z2 = (np.random.random()-0.5)/5 z3 = (np.random.random()-0.5)/5 u = np.random.random() z4 = pdf(func_pdf,l[0],l[1],l[2],t0) l_new = l+np.array([z1,z2,z3]) z5 = pdf(func_pdf,l_new[0],l_new[1],l_new[2],t0) if (z5/z4)>u: L.append(l_new) l=l_new else: L.append(l) return (pd.DataFrame(L)) def get_VaR(L,precent): S=[] n=len(L) for i in range(n): S.append(L.iloc[i].sum()) S=np.array(S) return np.percentile(S,precent) gumble_cdf = e**(-((-sympy.log(x))**t+(-sympy.log(y))**t+(-sympy.log(z))**t)**(1/t)) gumble_pdf = fun_diff3(gumble_cdf,x,y,z) gumble_values = get_MCMC_values(gumble_pdf,t0=1.788,itn=2000) print(get_VaR(gumble_values,[5,10,90,95])) clayton_cdf = (x**(-t)+y**(-t)+z**(-t)-2)**(-1/t) clayton_pdf = fun_diff3(clayton_cdf,x,y,z) clayton_values = get_MCMC_values(clayton_pdf,t0=1.136,itn=2000) print(get_VaR(clayton_values,[5,10,90,95])) \end{lstlisting} \section{R代码} \subsection{copula拟合} \begin{lstlisting}[] library(parallel) library(zoo) library(rugarch) library(xts) library(ADGofTest) library(qqtest) library(copula) library(qrmdata) library(qrmtools) library(dplyr) datax<-read.csv(file="1.csv",sep=",",header=TRUE) x<-datax$SZI y<-datax$SH o<-datax$HSI plot(x,y) plot(x,o) plot(y,o) data<-data.frame(x,y,o) S<-data ### 2 Fitting marginal ARMA(1,1)-GARCH(1,1) models with ??????? ?standardized t residuals ## Build negative log-returns X <- -returns(S) # -log-returns Y <- returns(S) ## Basic plot plot.zoo(X, main = "Negative log-returns") plot.zoo(Y, main = "log-returns") ## Fit marginal time series uspec <- rep(list(ugarchspec(distribution.model = "std")), ncol(X)) fit.ARMA.GARCH <- fit_ARMA_GARCH(X, ugarchspec.list = uspec) stopifnot(sapply(fit.ARMA.GARCH$error, is.null)) # NULL = no error if(FALSE) ? fit.ARMA.GARCH$warning ## => Warning comes from finding initial values and can ??????? ?be ignored here fits <- fit.ARMA.GARCH$fit # fitted models Z <- as.matrix(do.call(merge, lapply(fits, residuals, standardize ??????? = TRUE))) # grab out standardized residuals colnames(Z) <- colnames(S) (nu.mar <- vapply(fits, function(x) x@fit$coef[["shape"]], ??????? NA_real_)) # vector of estimated df n <- nrow(X) # sample size d <- ncol(X) # dimension ### Fitting copulas ########################################## ## Compute pseudo-observations from the standardized t residuals U <- pobs(Z) pairs2(U, cex = 0.4, col = adjustcolor("black", alpha.f = 0.5)) ## Compare various bivariate copulas fit.nc <- fitCopula(normalCopula(dim= d),? data = U) fit.tc <- fitCopula(tCopula(dim= d),?????? data = U) # df of ??????? freedom are estimated, too fit.cl <- fitCopula(claytonCopula(dim= d), data = U) fit.gc <- fitCopula(gumbelCopula(dim=d),? data = U) ## Comparing the likelihoods sort(c(nc = fit.nc@loglik, tc = fit.tc@loglik, cl = fit.cl@loglik ??????? , gc = fit.gc@loglik), ???? decreasing = TRUE) ### 3 Fitting copulas ######################################### ## Fitting a Gumbel copula fit.gc <- fitCopula(gumbelCopula(dim = d), ??????????????????? data = U, method = "mpl") fit.gc@estimate # estimated copula parameter gc <- fit.gc@copula # fitted copula ## Compute matrices of pairwise Kendall's tau and upper ??????? tail-dependence coefficients p2P(tau(gc), d = d) p2P(lambda(gc)["upper"], d = d) ## Fitting a Clayton copula fit.cl <- fitCopula(claytonCopula(dim = d), ??????????????????? data = U) fit.cl@estimate # estimated copula parameter cl <- fit.cl@copula # fitted copula ## Compute matrices of pairwise Kendall's tau and lower ??????? tail-dependence coefficients p2P(tau(cl), d = d) p2P(lambda(cl)["lower"], d = d) ## Fitting a Normal copula fit.nc <- fitCopula(normalCopula(dim = d), ??????????????????? data = U) fit.nc@estimate # estimated copula parameter nc <- fit.nc@copula # fitted copula ## Compute matrices of pairwise Kendall's tau and lower ??????? tail-dependence coefficients p2P(tau(nc), d = d) p2P(lambda(nc), d = d) ## Fitting a t copula fit.tc <- fitCopula(tCopula(dim = d, dispstr = "un"), ??????????????????? data = U, method = "itau.mpl") (nu <- tail(fit.tc@estimate, n = 1)) # estimated degrees of freedom nu (P <- p2P(head(fit.tc@estimate, n = -1))) # estimated correlation matrix tc <- fit.tc@copula # fitted copula ## Compute matrices of pairwise Kendall's tau and upper ??????? tail-dependence coefficients p2P(tau(tc)) p2P(lambda(tc)[(choose(d,2)+1):(d*(d-1))]) ### 4 Goodness-of-fit ########################################## ## We use the parametric bootstrap here, based on the ??????? maximum pseudo-likelihood ## estimator. N <- 200 ## Check the Gumbel copula gof.gc <- gofCopula(gc, x = U, N = N) # warning also because ??????? the copula doesn't fit well here stopifnot(gof.gc$p.value < 0.05) # if occur=> rejection ## Check the Clayton copula gof.cl <- gofCopula(cl, x = U, N = N) # warning also because ??????? the copula doesn't fit well here stopifnot(gof.cl$p.value < 0.05) # if occur=> rejection ## Check the normal copula gof.nc <- gofCopula(nc, x = U, N = N) # warning also because ??????? the copula doesn't fit well here stopifnot(gof.nc$p.value < 0.05) # if occur=> rejection ## Check the t copula is different from the three above since ??????? t copula contains two integers. U.Rsnbl_tc <- cCopula(U, copula = tc) pairs2(U.Rsnbl_tc, cex = 0.4, col = adjustcolor("black", ??????? alpha.f = 0.5),main ="t copula") # looks ok ## normal copula also checked U.Rsnbl_nc <- cCopula(U, copula = nc) pairs2(U.Rsnbl_nc, cex = 0.4, col = adjustcolor("black", ??????? alpha.f = 0.5),main ="normal copula") # looks not good ## clayton copula also checked U.Rsnbl_cl <- cCopula(U, copula = cl) pairs2(U.Rsnbl_cl, cex = 0.4, col = adjustcolor("black", ??????? alpha.f = 0.5),main="clayton copula") # looks not good ## Gumbel copula also checked U.Rsnbl_gc <- cCopula(U, copula = gc) pairs2(U.Rsnbl_gc, cex = 0.4, col = adjustcolor("black", ??????? alpha.f = 0.5),main ="gumbel copula") # looks ok ## Map it to a K_d distribution ("kay") and do a Q-Q plot U.Rsnbl.K <- sqrt(rowMeans(qnorm(U.Rsnbl_tc)^2)) # map to a kay distribution pK <- function(q, d) pchisq(d*q*q, df = d) # df of a K_d distribution AD <- ad.test(U.Rsnbl.K, distr.fun = pK, d = d) # compute an AD test for t copula stopifnot(AD$p.value >= 0.05)# contrary to the above test ## A (sophisticated) Q-Q plot, Attetion: we have to clear the ??????? chart space since we defined above. qqtest(U.Rsnbl.K, dist = "kay", df = d, nreps = 1000, pch = 1, ?????? col = adjustcolor("black", alpha.f = 0.5), main = "good", ?????? xlab = substitute(K[dof]~"quantiles", list(dof = d))) # => looks ok \end{lstlisting} \subsection{t\ copula的蒙特卡罗} \begin{lstlisting} ## t copula montecarlo library(mvtnorm) tcsample<-rmvt(2000,sigma=Sigma,df=v,type=c("shifted","Kshirsagar")[2]) tcsample[,2]<- (tcsample[,2]-min(tcsample[,2]))/(max(tcsample[,2])-min(tcsample[,2])) tcsample[,3]<- (tcsample[,3]-min(tcsample[,3]))/(max(tcsample[,3])-min(tcsample[,3])) tcsample[,1]<- (tcsample[,1]-min(tcsample[,1]))/(max(tcsample[,1])-min(tcsample[,1])) tcsample1<-(apply(tcsample,1,sum)) quantile(tcsample1, probs = seq(0,1, 0.01), type = 7) \end{lstlisting} % vim:ts=4:sw=4 |
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