1. flow chart for data acquisition 数据采集流程图
2. discover what data is available 发现可用的数据
- identify existing datasets 识别现有数据集
- find benchmark datasets to evaluate a new idea 寻找基准数据集来评估新想法
(1) a diverse set of small to medium datasets for a new hyper-parameter tuning algorithm一种新的超参数调优算法的不同的中小数据集 (2)large scale datasets for a very big deep neural network 一个非常大的深度神经网络的大规模数据集 - collect new data 收集新的数据
(1)driving videos covering different driving scenarity涵盖不同驾驶场景的驾驶视频
3. Popular ML datasets 常见的机器学习数据集
MNIST : digits written by employees of the US Census BureauImageNet : millions of images from image search enginesAudioSet : YouTube sound clips for sound classificationLibriSpeech : 1000 hours of English speech from audiobookKinetics : YouTube videos clips for human actions classificationKITTI : traffic scenarios recorded by cameras and other sensorsAmazon Review : customer reviews and from Amazon online shoppingSQuAD : question-answer pairs derived from Wikipedia
4. Where to Find Datasets 哪里去找数据集
- Paperswithcodes Datasets: academic datasets with leaderboard
- Kaggle Datasets: ML datasets uploaded by data scientists
- Google Dataset search: search datasets in the Web
- Various toolkits datasets: tensorflow, huggingface
- Various conference/company ML competitions
- Open Data on AWS: 100+ large-scale raw data
- Data lakes in your own organization
5. Datasets Comparison 数据集对比
- You often need to deal with raw data in industrial settings 经常需要在工业环境中处理原始数据
- Data curation can be a big projection involving multiple teams.Processing pipeline, storage, legal issue, privacy,…
6. Data Integration数据融合
- Combine data from multiple sources into a coherent dataset 将来自多个数据源的数据组合成一个一致的数据集
- Product data is often stored in multiple tables 产品数据通常存储在多个表中
- a table for house information, a table for sales, a table for listing agents 用于房屋信息的表,销售表,清单代理的表格
- Join tables by keys, which are often entity IDs;通过键连接表,键通常是实体id;
- Key issues: identify IDs, missing rows, redundant columns, value conflicts 关键问题:标识id,缺少行,冗余列,值冲突
7. Generate Synthetic Data 生成合成数据
use GAN 用GAN网络生成合成数据 ![在这里插入图片描述](https://img-blog.csdnimg.cn/61e606c08306460a8e1dcde587f52755.png?x-oss-process=image/watermark,type_d3F5LXplbmhlaQ,shadow_50,text_Q1NETiBA5Y-W5Liq5ZCN5a2X55yf6Zq-5ZGQ,size_20,color_FFFFFF,t_70,g_se,x_16)
8. Summary 小结
- Finding the right data is challenging 寻找正确的数据是一项挑战
- Raw data in industrial settings VS academic datasets 工业环境中的原始数据VS学术数据集
- Data integration combines data from multiple sources 结合数据集成来自多个数据源的数据
- Data augmentation a common practice 数据增加一个常见的做法
- Synthesizing data is getting popular 合成数据变得越来越流行