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[人工智能]【吴恩达深度学习】04_week2_quiz Deep convolutional models

(1)Which of the following do you typically see as you move to deeper layer in a ConvNet?
[A] n H n_H nH? and n W n_W nW? decrease, while n C n_C nC? increases.
[B] n H n_H nH? and n W n_W nW? decrease, while n C n_C nC? also decreases.
[C] n H n_H nH? and n W n_W nW? increases, while n C n_C nC? also increases.
[D] n H n_H nH? and n W n_W nW? increases, while n C n_C nC? decreases.


(2)Which of the following do you typically see in a ConvNet? (Check
all that apply.)
[A]Multiple CONV layers followed by a POOL layer.
[B]Multiple POOL layers followed by a CONV layer.
[C]FC layers in the last few layers.
[D]FC layers in the first few layers.


(3)In order to be able to build very deep networks, we usually only use pooling layers to downsize the height/width of the activation volumes while convolutions are used with “valid” padding. Otherwise, we would downsize the input of the model too quickly.

解析:构建比较深的网络,卷积层一般用"same" padding 。如果用"valid" padding 的话每一次卷积操作都会使 height/width 缩小

(4)Training a deeper network (for example, adding additional layers to the network) allows the network to fit more complex functions and thus almost always results in lower training error. For this question, assume we’re referring to “plain” networks.


(5)The following equation captures the computation in a ResNet block. What goes into the two blanks above?
a [ l + 2 ] = g ( W [ l + 2 ] g ( W [ l + 1 ] a [ l ] + b [ l + 1 ] ) + b [ l + 2 ] + _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ) + _ _ _ _ _ _ _ a^{[l+2]}=g(W^{[l+2]}g(W^{[l+1]}a^{[l]}+b^{[l+1]})+b^{[l+2]}+\_\_\_\_\_\_\_)+\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ a[l+2]=g(W[l+2]g(W[l+1]a[l]+b[l+1])+b[l+2]+_______)+_______
[A] z [ l ] z^{[l]} z[l] and a [ l ] a^{[l]} a[l], respectively
[B] a [ l ] a^{[l]} a[l] and 0, respectively
[C] 0 0 0 and a [ l ] a^{[l]} a[l], respectively
[D] 0 0 0 and z [ l + 1 ] z^{[l+1]} z[l+1], respectively

a [ l + 2 ] = g ( z [ l + 2 ] + a [ l ] ) = g ( W [ l + 2 ] a [ l + 1 ] + b [ l + 2 ] + a [ l ] ) = g ( W [ l + 2 ] g ( z [ l + 1 ] ) + b [ l + 2 ] + a [ l ] ) = g ( W [ l + 2 ] g ( W [ l + 1 ] a [ l ] + b [ l + 1 ] ) + b [ l + 2 ] + a [ l ] ) \begin{aligned} a^{[ l+2 ]}&=g( z^{[ l+2 ]}+a^{[ l ]} ) \\ &=g( W^{[ l+2 ]}a^{[ l+1 ]}+b^{[ l+2 ]}+a^{[ l ]} ) \\ &=g( W^{[ l+2 ]}g( z^{[ l+1 ]} ) +b^{[ l+2 ]}+a^{[ l ]} ) \\ &=g( W^{[ l+2 ]}g( W^{[ l+1 ]}a^{[ l ]}+b^{[ l+1 ]} ) +b^{[ l+2 ]}+a^{[ l ]} ) \end{aligned} a[l+2]?=g(z[l+2]+a[l])=g(W[l+2]a[l+1]+b[l+2]+a[l])=g(W[l+2]g(z[l+1])+b[l+2]+a[l])=g(W[l+2]g(W[l+1]a[l]+b[l+1])+b[l+2]+a[l])?

(6)Which ones of the following statements on Residual Networks are true?(Check all that apply.)
[A]A ResNet with L L L layers would have on the order of L 2 L^2 L2 skip connections in total.
[B]The skip-connection makes it easy for the network to learn an identity mapping between the input and the output within the ResNet block.
[C]Using a skip-connection helps the gradient to backpropagate and thus helps you to train deeper networks.
[D]The skip-connections compute a complex non-linear function of the input to pass to a deeper layer in the network.

在残差网络中 skip connections 的数量不会大于层数,故A错。注意和 DenseNet 区分。下面展示了两种常见的残差网络块。

(7)Suppose you have an input volume of dimension 64x64x16. How many parameters would a single 1x1 convolutional filter have (including the bias)?
[A] 2
[B] 17
[C] 1
[D] 4097

解析:filter的维度为1x1x16,再加上1个bias,总参数个数为17 。

(8)Suppose you have an input volume of dimension n H × n W × n C n_H\times n_W\times n_C nH?×nW?×nC? . Which of the following statements you agree with? (Assume that “1x1 convolutional layer” below always uses a stride of 1 and no padding.)
[A]You can use a 1x1 convolutional layer to reduce n H n_H nH?, n W n_W nW?, and n C n_C nC?.
[B]You can use a pooling layer to reduce n H n_H nH?, n W n_W nW?, and n C n_C nC?.
[C]You can use a pooling layer to reduce n H n_H nH?, n W n_W nW?, but not n C n_C nC?.
[D]You can use a 1x1 convolutional layer to reduce n C n_C nC? but not n H n_H nH?, n W n_W nW?.


(9)Which ones of the following statements on Inception Network are true? (Check all that apply.)
[A]Making an inception network deeper (by stacking more inception blocks together) should not hurt training set performance.
[B]A single inception block allows the network to use a combination of 1x1, 3x3, 5x5 convolutions and pooling.
[C]Inception networks incorporates a variety of network architectures (similar to dropout, which randomly chooses a network architecture on each step) and thus has a similar regularizing effect as dropout.
[D]Inception blocks usually use 1x1 convolutions to reduce the input data volume’s size before applying 3x3 and 5x5 convolutions.

Inception networks 不模仿dropout 随机选择网络结构,而是将这些网络结构堆叠起来,如图所示:

(10)Which of the following are common reasons for using open-source implementations of ConvNets (both the model and/or weights)? (Check all that apply)
[A]Parameters trained for one computer vision task are often useful as pretraining for other computer vision tasks.
[B]The same techniques for winning computer vision competitions, such as using multiple crops at test time, are widely used in practical deployments (or production system deployments) of ConvNets.
[C]It is a convenient way to get working an implementation of a complex ConvNet architecture.
[D]A model trained for one computer vision task can usually be used to perform data augmentation even for a different computer vision task.


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