读取过程中,如果需要消除径向畸变,需要知道相机内参(通过标定板,蜂窝标定等) 下面的畸变的影响效果,消除畸变后的 没消除畸变的 消除畸变的代码,在读取图像时进行畸变矫正即可
gen_cam_par_area_scan_division (0.0121693, -2675.63, 7.40046e-006, 7.4e-006, 290.491, 258.887, 640, 480, CamParam)
change_radial_distortion_cam_par ('adaptive', CamParam, 0, CamParOut)
gen_empty_obj (Images)
for J := 1 to 10 by 1
read_image (Image, ImgPath + ImgName + J$'02')
change_radial_distortion_image (Image, Image, Image, CamParam, CamParOut)
concat_obj (Images, Image, Images)
2定义图像对image pairs
即各个图像之间的联系(构成重叠部分的两个图像),具体定义见如安装位置halcon文档中solution_guide的solution_guide_iii_c_3d_vision.pdf,其中的第196页,安装了halcon就会有 例程中定义图像对的代码
if (PairConfiguration == 1)
From := [1,2,3,4,6,7,8,9,1]
To := [2,3,4,5,7,8,9,10,6]
elseif (PairConfiguration == 2)
From := [1,2,3,4,6,7,8,9,3]
To := [2,3,4,5,7,8,9,10,8]
elseif (PairConfiguration == 3)
From := [1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,5]
To := [2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10]
* Set default pair configuration.
From := [1,2,3,4,6,7,8,9,3]
To := [2,3,4,5,7,8,9,10,8]
简要概括一下(copy from doc)
- each image is connected to all the other images. 每个图像彼此之间要有关系(直接或间接都行),From和To各自的长度不少于图像数量减1
- the path along which neighboring images are connected is not too long.两个相邻的图像不要设置太远,比如下图,并且如果出现两行的情况,建议取中间的图像作为两行之间的连接,如下
- the overlapping areas of image pairs are large enough and contain enough texture to ensure a proper matching.图像之间的重叠部分尽量大,包含尽量多的共同角点信息(后面代码会体现)
SigmaGrad := 1
SigmaSmooth := 3
Alpha := 0.04
Threshold := 0
points_harris (ImageFrom, SigmaGrad, SigmaSmooth, Alpha, Threshold, RowFromAll, ColumnFromAll)
points_harris (ImageTo, SigmaGrad, SigmaSmooth, Alpha, Threshold, RowToAll, ColumnToAll)
匹配算法有(copy from halcon help doc) 1. sad(以角点为中心 左右窗口内对应像素灰度值之差 的绝对值 ,再求和 结果最小时,即为匹配点,先确定左窗口,再遍历右窗口。 单位:灰度值之差的和) 2. ssd(以角点为中心 左右窗口内对应像素灰度值之差 的平方) 3. ncc( 计算两幅图像匹配区域的互相关性 最大时 即为匹配点。单位:相似程度 0-1) 具体算法原理参见binocular_disparity算子说明文档
* Determine the position of the from and to images in the set of overlapping images.
* 确定“To”和“From”图像在重叠图像集(大图像)中的位置。
FromImagePosRow := ImagePosRow[F - 1]
FromImagePosColumn := ImagePosColumn[F - 1]
ToImagePosRow := ImagePosRow[T - 1]
ToImagePosColumn := ImagePosColumn[T - 1]
* Define initial values for the position of the search window by defining the approximate position
* of the corresponding ImageFrom and ImageTo.
* 通过定义相应ImageFrom和ImageTo的大致位置,定义搜索窗口位置的初始值。
FromShiftRow := FromImagePosRow * Height
FromShiftColumn := FromImagePosColumn * Width
ToShiftRow := ToImagePosRow * Height
ToShiftColumn := ToImagePosColumn * Width
* Perform the matching.
* 进行匹配
MaskSize := 21
OverlapRow := 0.65
OverlapColumn := 0.5
RowMove := (FromShiftRow - ToShiftRow) * (1 - OverlapRow)
ColumnMove := (FromShiftColumn - ToShiftColumn) * (1 - OverlapColumn)
RowTolerance := 20
ColumnTolerance := 20
Rotation := 0
MatchThreshold := 50
DistanceThreshold := 0.4
RandSeed := 0
* 返回值Points1和Points2是传入的角点集对应的匹配下标,即RowFromAll,ColumnFromAll中的点与RowToAll, ColumnToAll中的点相匹配的下标
proj_match_points_ransac (ImageFrom, ImageTo, RowFromAll, ColumnFromAll, RowToAll, ColumnToAll,
'sad', MaskSize, RowMove, ColumnMove, RowTolerance, ColumnTolerance,
Rotation, MatchThreshold, 'gold_standard', DistanceThreshold, RandSeed, ProjMatrix, Points1, Points2)
5 使用gen_projective_mosaic拼接图像
* Finally, we can generate the mosaic image from the projective transformations.
* 连接图像起点,填图像集中间的图像序号,这个值不同会影响拼接后的输出图像的角度
* 填3则代表将3号图片当成行列、角度基准来构建后面的图像
StartImage := 3
* StackingOrder图片堆叠顺序,经过验证,第1位是下方的区域(6,7,8,9,10),最后一位是上方的区域(1,2,3,4,5)
* 并且建议将不同行进行连接的图像作为最后一位,如采用1,6连接,则stacking order为[7,8,9,10,6,2,3,4,5,1]
* 如采用3,8连接,则stacking order为[6,10,7,9,8,1,5,2,4,3]
StackingOrder := [6,7,9,10,8,1,2,4,5,3]
StackingOrder := [6,10,7,9,8,1,5,2,4,3]
*StackingOrder := [7,8,9,10,6,2,3,4,5,1]
*StackingOrder := [6,7,8,9,10,1,2,3,4,5]
gen_projective_mosaic (Images, MosaicImage, StartImage, From, To, ProjMatrices, StackingOrder, 'false', MosaicMatrices2D)
* To investigate the seam between two images, we first display the borders
* of the individual images.
* This can be done most easily by creating an image that contains the border
* of the images, generating a mosaic from it, and segmenting the resulting
* mosaic image.
visualize_seams (Image, MosaicImage, StartImage, From, To, ProjMatrices, StackingOrder)
get_image_size (Image, Width, Height)
gen_image_const (ImageBlank, 'byte', Width, Height)
gen_rectangle1 (Rectangle, 0, 0, Height - 1, Width - 1)
paint_region (Rectangle, ImageBlank, ImageBorder, 255, 'margin')
gen_empty_obj (ImagesBorder)
for J := 1 to 10 by 1
concat_obj (ImagesBorder, ImageBorder, ImagesBorder)
gen_projective_mosaic (ImagesBorder, MosaicImageBorder, StartImage, From, To, ProjMatrices, StackingOrder, 'false', MosaicMatrices2D)
threshold (MosaicImageBorder, Seams, 128, 255)
dev_clear_window ()
dev_display (MosaicImage)
dev_set_color ('green')
dev_display (Seams)
return ()
下面是效果图 10张拍摄图像 部分对应角点图 拼接效果图,图中的xld轮廓线,就是拼接处
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