#在分词前用规则处理句子 def preprocess(oriSentence): ??? #删除后缀 ??? oriSentence = deleteTMword(oriSentence,'\r') ??? oriSentence = deleteTMword(oriSentence,'\n') ??? oriSentence = deleteTMword(oriSentence,'\t') ??? #load the rules ??? #加载规则 ??? deletes = Rule.Rules["DELETE"] ??? updates = Rule.Rules["CHANGE"].keys() ??? #we must delete the whitespaces. ??? #对于空格进行删除 ??? deletes.append(' ') ??? deletes.append(' ') ??? sentence = '' ??? for char in oriSentence: ??????? #对于词组进行删除操作 ??????? if(char in deletes): ??????????? sentence += '' ??????? #对词组进行替换操作 ??????? elif(char in updates): ??????????? sentence += Rule.Rules["CHANGE"][char] ??????? #不进行操作 ??????? else: ??????????? sentence += char ??? return sentence
##将一个段落切割成几个最简单的句子 def segmentSentence(text,isForSegmentWord=False): ??? #载入需要进行切割的符号 ??? lst = [',','!','?','…',',','。','!','?','"','“','”','\'','‘','’',':',':',';',';','—','(',')','(',')'] ??? #是否需要进一步切分 ??? if(isForSegmentWord): ??????? #these punctuations shouldn't cut the sentence. ??????? #这些标点不应该删减句子。 ??????? lst += ['、','《','》','<','>'] ??? #这里是对于输出格式的处理 ??? assert isinstance(text, str) ??? text_seg = "" ??? for char in text: ??????? text_seg += char in lst and '|' or char ??? sentence_lst = text_seg.split('|') ??? while('' in sentence_lst): ??????? sentence_lst.remove('') ??? return sentence_lst
#将Dict中的每个单词切成作为前缀,基于前缀词典,对输入文本进行切分,便于之后构造无环图 def generatePrefixDict(): ??? global Possibility,PrefixDict,total,Dictionary_URL ??? fo = Lexicon.loadDict(Dictionary_URL) ??? PrefixDict = set() ??? FREQ = {} ??? for line in"\n"): ??????? word,freq = line.split(' ')[:2] ??????? FREQ[word] = float(freq) ??????? total += float(freq) #calculate the total number of words ??????? for idx in range(len(word)): #generate the prefix dictionary ??????????? prefix = word[0:idx+1] ??????????? PrefixDict.add(prefix) ??? fo.close() ??? #将频率转化为可能性????????????????????????????????? ??? Possibility = dict((key,log(value/total)) for key,value in FREQ.items())
#对于每一种划分,都将相应的位置相连,构造有向无环图 def getDAG(sentence:str): ??? global PrefixDict,Possibility ??? DAG = {} ??? N = len(sentence) ??? for i in range(N): ??????? lst_pos = [] ??????? #这个列表是保存那些可以用第i个字符组成单词的字符的索引。 ??????? j = i ??????? word = sentence[i] ??????? lst_pos.append(i) ??????? while(j<N and word in PrefixDict): ????? ??????if(word in Possibility): ??????????????? if(lst_pos[0]!=j): ??????????????????? lst_pos.append(j) ??????????? j+=1 ??????????? word = sentence[i:j+1] ??????? #把这个第i个列表放入DAG[i] ??????? DAG[i]=lst_pos ??? return? DAG
#动态规划查找最大概率路径,计算每个开始字符的最可能路线,找出基于词频的最大切分组合 def calculateRoute(DAG:dict,route:dict,sentence:str): ??? #from right to left ??? global Possibility , min_Possibility ??? N = len(sentence) ??? route[N]=(0.0,'') ??? #In fact, it is a recurse procedure. ??? for i in range(N-1,-1,-1): ??????? max_psblty = None ??????? max_cur = i ??????? for j in DAG[i]: ??????????? #to consider every possible word ??????????? word = sentence[i:j+1] ??????????? posb1 = Possibility.get(word,min_Possibility) ??????????? posb2 = route[j+1][0] ??????????? posb = posb1 + posb2 ??????????? if max_psblty is None: ??????????????? max_psblty = posb ??????????? if(posb>=max_psblty): ??????????????? max_psblty = posb ??????????????? max_cur = j ??????? route[i] = (max_psblty,max_cur)
(4)对于不在词典中的词,使用HMM的方法,对这些词进行标注 实现了HMM模型识别未登录词; 存储了已经训练好的HMM模型的状态初始概率表; 存储了已经训练好的HMM模型的状态转移概率表; 存储了已经训练好的HMM模型的状态发射概率表;
#删去不认识的句子,这句话可以用eng和chs处理 def cutUnrecognized(sentence): ??? #first we need to find all indexes of abnormal char ??? #首先我们需要找到异常单词的所有索引 ??? eng_dgt_start,eng_dgt_end = findEngAndDigits(sentence) ??? cur = 0 ??? N = len(eng_dgt_start) ??? L = len(sentence) ??? words = [] ??? #And then we need to ues them as the flag to segment the sentence ??? #然后我们需要将它们作为标志来分割句子 ??? if(N!=0): ??????? for t in range(N): ??????????? begin = eng_dgt_start[t] ??????????? end = eng_dgt_end[t] ??????????? if(t==0 and begin!=0): ??????????????? buf = sentence[0:begin] ??????????????? words += cutWithHMM(buf) ??????????? if(t!=N-1): ??????????????? next_start = eng_dgt_start[t+1] ??????????????? buf = sentence[begin:end+1] ??????????????? words.append(buf) ??????????????? buf = sentence[end+1:next_start] ??????????????? words += cutWithHMM(buf) ??????????? else: ??????????????? buf = sentence[begin:end+1] ??????????????? words.append(buf) ??????????????? if(end!=L-1): ??????????????????? buf = sentence[end+1:L] ??????????????????? words += cutWithHMM(buf) ??? else: ??????? words += cutWithHMM(sentence) ??? return words
2)调用viterbi算法,求出输入句子的隐藏状态,然后基于隐藏状态进行分词。 def cutWithHMM(sentence): ??? #possess the english and digits ??? #find their indexes ??? init_P() ??? words = [] ??? #Viterbi是隐马尔科夫模型中用于确定(搜索)已知观察序列在HMM;下最可能的隐藏序列 ??? #通过viterbi算法求出隐藏状态序列 ??? prob,path = viterbi(sentence) ??? buf = "" # temporary variable
#基于隐藏状态序列进行分词 ??? for i in range(len(sentence)): ??????? flag = path[i] ??????? if(flag=='S'): ??????????? buf = sentence[i] ??????????? words.append(buf) ??????????? buf="" ??????? elif(flag=='B'): ??????????? buf = sentence[i] ??????? elif(flag=='M'): ??????????? buf = buf + sentence[i] ??????? elif(flag=='E'): ??????????? buf = buf+sentence[i] ? ??????????words.append(buf) ??????????? buf="" ??? return words
MIN_FLOAT = -3.14e100 #states States = ('B','M','E','S') #every possible previous of each state PrevStatus = { ??? 'B':('E','S'), ??? 'M':('M','B'), ??? 'S':('S','E'), ??? 'E':('B','M') }
def viterbi(obs): ??? V = [{}] ??? path={} ??? #possess the first char ??? for s in States: ??????? #this state's possibility is the start * emit ??????? V[0][s] = start_P[s] + emit_P[s].get(obs[0],MIN_FLOAT) ??????? #record this path ??????? path[s] = [s] ??? #poseess the other chars ??? for i in range(1,len(obs)): ??????? char = obs[i] ??????? V.append({}) ??????? newPath = {} ??????? #check every state it can be ??????? for s in States: ??????????? #assume that in this case and calculate what the possibility is ??????????? emit =? emit_P[s].get(char, MIN_FLOAT) #emit it ??????????? prob_max = MIN_FLOAT ??????????? state_max = PrevStatus[s][0] ??????????? for preState in PrevStatus[s]: ??????????????? #calculate the previous state ??? ????????????prob = V[i-1][preState] + trans_P[preState][s] + emit ??????????????? if(prob>prob_max): ??????????????????? prob_max = prob ??????????????????? state_max = preState ??????????? V[i][s] = prob_max ??????????? newPath[s] = path[state_max] + [s] ??????? path = newPath ??? finalProb = MIN_FLOAT ??? finalState = "" ??? for fs in ('E','S'): ??????? p = V[len(obs)-1][fs] ??????? if(p>finalProb): ??????????? finalProb = p ??????????? finalState = fs ??? return (finalProb,path[finalState]) #judge if the char is a digit or a english char or a punctuation def isDigitOrEng(char): ??? return char in string.ascii_letters or char in string.digits or char in string.punctuation #this is to find the indexes of non-Chinese chars of this sentence def findEngAndDigits(sentence): ??? ind_start = [] ??? ind_end = [] ??? for i in range(len(sentence)): ??????? if(i==0 and isDigitOrEng(sentence[i])): ??????????? ind_start.append(i) ??????????? if(not isDigitOrEng(sentence[i+1])): ??????????????? ind_end.append(i) ??????? elif(i==len(sentence)-1 and isDigitOrEng(sentence[i])): ??????????? ind_end.append(i) ??????????? if(not isDigitOrEng(sentence[i-1])): ??????????????? ind_start.append(i) ??????? else: ??????????? if(isDigitOrEng(sentence[i]) and (not isDigitOrEng(sentence[i-1]))): ??????????????? ind_start.append(i) ??????????? if(isDigitOrEng(sentence[i]) and (not isDigitOrEng(sentence[i+1]))): ??????????????? ind_end.append(i) ??? return ind_start,ind_end
#对于词组进行切分 def segmentWord(oriSentence,useRules=True): ??? #用规则进行处理????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ??? sentence = preprocess(oriSentence) ??? if(not isInitialized): ??????? initialize()
#构造无向图 ??? DAG = getDAG(sentence) ??? route = {} ??? #动态规划查找最大概率路径,计算每个开始字符的最可能路线 ??? calculateRoute(DAG,route,sentence) ??? words = [] ??? cur = 0 ??? buf = "" ??? N = len(sentence) ??? #cur is the current curse of state ??? #cur 是当前状态的几率 ??? while(cur<N): ??????? next_cur = route[cur][1] ??????? word = sentence[cur:next_cur+1] ??????? #如果单词只是一个字符,那么它可能是未登录的单词 ??????? #buf 是临时部分。 ??????? if(len(word)==1): ??????????? buf+=word ??????? else: ??????????? #until we have next word which is not single. ??????????? if(len(buf)!=0): ??????????????? #we have buf ??????????????? #if this word is in dictionary, usually not ??????????????? #or if it is a single word ??????????????? if(buf in Possibility or len(buf)==1): ??????????????????? words.append(buf) ??????????????? else: ??????????????? #if not , it is an un-login word. ??????????????? #we must use HMM to cut them ??????????????? #if not ,它是一个未登录词。 #我们必须使用 HMM 来切割它们,采用的HMM模型了,中文词汇按照BEMS四个状态来标记. #在这个函数中,就是使用HMM的方法,对这些未识别成功的词进行标注 ??????????????????? words += HMM.cutUnrecognized(buf) ??????????????? #clear the buf ??????????????? buf="" ??????????? words.append(word) ??????? cur = next_cur+1 ??? if(buf): ??????? words += HMM.cutUnrecognized(buf) ??? return words