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[人工智能][2108] [ICCV 2021 Workshop] SwinIR: Image Restoration Using Swin Transformer



  • process image with local attention mechanism
  • capture long-range dependency with shifted window MSA
  • better performance than SOTA, less parameter

PSNR results vs the total number of parameters of different methods for image SR ( × 4 \times4 ×4) on Set5


model architecture

The architecture of the proposed SwinIR for image restoration.

shallow feature extraction
given LQ input I L Q ∈ R H × W × C i n I_{LQ}\in\Reals^{H\times W\times C_{in}} ILQ?RH×W×Cin?, extract shallow features F 0 ∈ R H × W × C F_0\in\Reals^{H\times W\times C} F0?RH×W×C
F 0 = H S F ( I L Q ) F_0=H_{SF}(I_{LQ}) F0?=HSF?(ILQ?)

where, C C C is feature channel number, H S F ( ? ) H_{SF}(\cdot) HSF?(?) is a 3 × 3 3\times3 3×3 conv layer

deep feature extraction
extract deep features F D ∈ R H × W × C F_D\in\Reals^{H\times W\times C} FD?RH×W×C from F 0 F_0 F0?
F D = H D F ( F 0 ) F_D=H_{DF}(F_0) FD?=HDF?(F0?)

where, H D F H_{DF} HDF? consists of K K K RSTB and a conv layer
specifically, intermediate features F 1 , F 2 , . . . , F K F_1, F_2, ..., F_K F1?,F2?,...,FK? and output features F D F_D FD? as
F i = H R S R B i ( F i ? 1 ) , i = 1 , 2 , . . . , K F D = H c o n v ( F K ) \begin{aligned} F_i&=H_{RSRB_i}(F_{i-1}), i=1, 2, ..., K \\ F_D&=H_{conv}(F_K) \end{aligned} Fi?FD??=HRSRBi??(Fi?1?),i=1,2,...,K=Hconv?(FK?)?

where, H R S R B i ( ? ) H_{RSRB_i}(\cdot) HRSRBi??(?) is i i i-th RSTB, H c o n v H_{conv} Hconv? is a 3 × 3 3\times3 3×3 conv layer

aggregate shallow and deep features to reconstruct HQ image I R H Q I_{RHQ} IRHQ?
I R H Q = H R E C ( F 0 + F D ) I_{RHQ}=H_{REC}(F_0+F_D) IRHQ?=HREC?(F0?+FD?)

where, H R E C ( ? ) H_{REC}(\cdot) HREC?(?) is a reconstruction module

  • for super-resolution, a sub-pixel conv for up-sampling
  • for artifact reduction and denoising, a single conv

loss function
for super-resolution, use L 1 L_1 L1? pixel loss
L = ∥ I R H Q ? I H Q ∥ 1 \mathcal{L}=\Vert I_{RHQ}-I_{HQ}\Vert_1 L=IRHQ??IHQ?1?

where, I R H Q I_{RHQ} IRHQ? is obtained by network from I L Q I_{LQ} ILQ?, I H Q I_{HQ} IHQ? is ground-truth HQ image

for artifact reduction and denoising, use Charbonnier loss
L = ( I R H Q ? I H Q ) 2 ? ? 2 \mathcal{L}=\sqrt{(I_{RHQ}-I_{HQ})^2-{\epsilon}^2} L=(IRHQ??IHQ?)2??2 ?

where, I_{RHQ} is obtained by network from I L Q I_{LQ} ILQ?, I H Q I_{HQ} IHQ? is ground-truth HQ image, ? \epsilon ? is s constant set to 1 0 ? 3 10^{-3} 10?3

residual Swin transformer block (RSTB)

residual Swin transformer block (RSTB): L L L Swin transformer layer (STL), a convolutional layer

given input features F i , 0 F_{i, 0} Fi,0? of i i i-th RSTB
extract intermediate features F i , 1 , F i , 2 , . . . , F i , L F_{i, 1}, F_{i, 2}, ..., F_{i, L} Fi,1?,Fi,2?,...,Fi,L? by L L L STL
F i , j = H S T L i , j ( F i , j ? 1 ) , j = 1 , 2 , . . . , L F_{i, j}=H_{STL_{i, j}}(F_{i, j-1}), j=1, 2, ..., L Fi,j?=HSTLi,j??(Fi,j?1?),j=1,2,...,L

where, H S T L i , j ( ? ) H_{STL_{i, j}}(\cdot) HSTLi,j??(?) is j j j-th STL in i i i-th RSTB

add a conv layer before residual connection
F i , o u t = H c o n v i ( F i , L ) + F i , 0 F_{i, out}=H_{conv_i}(F_{i, L})+F_{i, 0} Fi,out?=Hconvi??(Fi,L?)+Fi,0?

where, H c o n v i ( ? ) H_{conv_i}(\cdot) Hconvi??(?) is a conv layer in i i i-th RSTB

2 benefits of design mentioned above

  • convolution with spatially invariant filters enhance translational equivariance
    note that transformer viewed as spatially varying convolution
  • residual connection aggregate different levels of features
Swin transformer layer (STL)

given an input F ∈ R H × W × C F\in\Reals^{H\times W\times C} FRH×W×C
partition input into F ∈ R H W M 2 × M 2 × C F\in\Reals^{\frac{HW}{M^2}\times M^2\times C} FRM2HW?×M2×C features with non-overlapping M × M M\times M M×M windows
where, H W M 2 \frac{HW}{M^2} M2HW? is windows number

compute standard self-attention separately for each window
produce query, key, value matrices Q , K , V Q, K, V Q,K,V, for a local window feature X ∈ R M 2 × C X\in\Reals^{M^2\times C} XRM2×C
Q = X P Q , K = X P K , V = X P V Q=XP_Q, K=XP_K, V=XP_V Q=XPQ?,K=XPK?,V=XPV?

where, P Q , P K , P V P_Q, P_K, P_V PQ?,PK?,PV? are projection matrices shared across windows
compute attention matrix by self-attention in a local window
A t t e n t i o n ( Q , K , V ) = S o f t M a x ( Q K T d + B ) V \mathrm{Attention}(Q, K, V)=\mathrm{SoftMax}(\frac{QK^T}{\sqrt{d}}+B)V Attention(Q,K,V)=SoftMax(d ?QKT?+B)V

where, B B B is learnable relative positional encoding

M L P \mathrm{MLP} MLP consist of 2 FC layers with GELU between them
L N \mathrm{LN} LN layer added before both M S A \mathrm{MSA} MSA and M L P \mathrm{MLP} MLP
residual connection employed for both modules

to sum up, whole STL formulated as
X = M S A ( L N ( X ) ) + X X = M L P ( L N ( X ) ) + X \begin{aligned} X&=\mathrm{MSA}(\mathrm{LN}(X))+X \\ X&=\mathrm{MLP}(\mathrm{LN}(X))+X \end{aligned} XX?=MSA(LN(X))+X=MLP(LN(X))+X?

shifted window partitioning used alternately for cross-window connections
shift feature by ( ? M 2 ? , ? M 2 ? ) (\lfloor\frac{M}2\rfloor, \lfloor\frac{M}2\rfloor) (?2M??,?2M??) pixels before window partitioning


datasets DIV2K and Flickr2K


Quantitative comparison (average PSNR/SSIM) with state-of-the-art methods for classical image SR on benchmark datasets. Best and second best performance are in red and blue colors, respectively.

Quantitative comparison (average PSNR/SSIM) with state-of-the-art methods for classical image SR ( × 8 \times8 ×8) on benchmark datasets. Best and second best performance are in red and blue colors, respectively.

Visual comparison of bicubic image SR ( × 4 \times4 ×4) methods. Best viewed by zooming.

Quantitative comparison (average PSNR/SSIM) with state-of-the-art methods for lightweight image SR on benchmark datasets. Best and second best performance are in red and blue colors, respectively.

Visual comparison of real-world image SR ( × 4 \times4 ×4) methods on real-world images.

artifact reduction

Quantitative comparison (average PSNR/SSIM/PSNR-B) with state-of-the-art methods for JPEG compression artifact reduction on benchmark datasets. Best and second best performance are in red and blue colors, respectively.


Quantitative comparison (average PSNR) with state-of-the-art methods for grayscale image denoising on benchmark datasets. Best and second best performance are in red and blue colors, respectively.

Visual comparison of grayscale image denoising (noise level 50) methods on image “Monarch” from Set12.

Quantitative comparison (average PSNR) with state-of-the-art methods for color image denoising on benchmark datasets. Best and second best performance are in red and blue colors, respectively.

Visual comparison of color image denoising (noise level 50) methods on image “163085” from CBSD68.

ablation studies

Ablation study on RSTB design.

Ablation study on different settings of SwinIR. Results are tested on Manga109 for image SR ( × 2 \times2 ×2).

key findings

  • from (e) training data scale
    • different from IPT which heavily relied on large training datasets, SwinIR achieve better results than RCAN using the same training data, even when dataset is small
  • from (f) model convergence
    • SwinIR converge faster and better than RCAN, contradictory to previous observations that transformer often suffer from slow model convergence
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