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X-Sobel BT和gray BT加权融合


subpixel ineterpolation亚像素插值(二次曲线拟合视差值)



X-Sobel BT和gray BT的实现











参考:立体匹配算法推理笔记 - SGBM算法(一) - 知乎



MI是指互信息(MI,Mutual Information),一种全局的代价计算方法,耗时较多。


对比之后可以发现,其他步骤都是一致的,比如代价聚合cost aggregation,赢者通吃wta,亚像素插值subpixel interpolation等等。










Birchfield S , Tomasi C . Depth Discontinuities by Pixel-to-Pixel Stereo[J]. International Journal of Computer Vision, 1999, 35(3):269-293.








X-Sobel BT和gray BT加权融合



SAD(sum of absolute differences),参考:



subpixel ineterpolation亚像素插值(二次曲线拟合视差值)




int width1 = width + std::min(minD, 0) - std::max(maxD, 0);//行代价空间的宽度

int D = params.numDisparities;//视差范围,行代价空间的高度

int Da = (int)cv::alignSize(D, cv::v_int16::nlanes);//内存对齐,如果D为64,则不变,Da==D

int Dlra = Da + cv::v_int16::nlanes;//Additional memory is necessary to store disparity values(MAX_COST) for d=-1 and d=D

int DISP_SHIFT = cv::StereoMatcher::DISP_SHIFT;//视差偏移量
int DISP_SCALE = (1 << DISP_SHIFT);//视差偏移映射的系数scale,若DISP_SHIFT,则DISP_SCALE为16。

int SADWindowSize = 3;//SAD-BT代价邻域的尺寸,奇数,可以为3、5、7等

int P1 = 8 * 1 * SADWindowSize * SADWindowSize;//设置惩罚P1
int P2 = 32 * 1 * SADWindowSize * SADWindowSize;//设置惩罚P2,opencv-sgbm的P2是固定的,不同于sgm的P2是根据灰度值自适应调整

int SW2 = SADWindowSize / 2;//半个SAD窗口的长度
int SH2 = SADWindowSize / 2;

int costWidth = width1 * Da;//所谓的二维数组实际上是可以存放为一维数组,二维的数据width1 * Da可以存放为长度为costWidth的一维数组
int costHeight = 1;//若是5个路径则为1,若是8个路径则为图像实际高度,这里默认为1;
typedef short CostType;//代价数值类型为short,16bit
typedef uchar PixType;//图像像素的像素值类型为unsigned char,8bit
typedef short DispType;//视差数据类型为short,16bit

BufferSGBM;//opencv 4开始用一个统一的数据结构管理所有内存变量,比如代价空间Cbuf(存放SAD-BT代价),聚合代价Sbuf,单像素BT代价pixDiff等等。
CostType *Cbuf;//长度为 costWidth * costHeight,用于存放SAD-BT代价
CostType *Sbuf;//长度为 costWidth * costHeight,用于存放聚合代价
int hsumRows = SADWindowSize + 2;//缓存行数
CostType *pixDiff;//长度为 costWidth,某行的像素点对之间的BT代价(水平扫描线上点和点之间的BT代价)
CostType *hsumBuf;//长度为 costWidth * hsumRows,用于缓存hsumRows行水平方向的SAD-BT结果,用于计算垂直方向的SAD-BT代价

PixType *tempBuf;//长度为 width * (4 * cn + 2),用于存放左图和右图在当前行的xsobel和rgb(如果cn==1,则为灰度值gray,如果cn==3,则为rgb),以及右图亚像素最小值和右图亚像素最大值

uchar dirs = 16;
uchar dirs2 = 8;
std::vector<CostType *> Lr;//尺寸为 [2] * [(width1 * dirs2 + 2 * dirs)*Dlra]
std::vector<CostType *> minLr;//尺寸为 [2] * [width1 * dirs2 + 2 * dirs]
PixType *clipTab;//长度为256 + 1024 * 2,xsobel映射表,映射关系如上文“X-Sobel的滤波计算过程”所示

X-Sobel BT和gray BT的实现

X-Sobel BT和gray BT的计算过程在calcPixelCostBT函数中实现,

 For each pixel row1[x], max(maxD, 0) <= minX <= x < maxX <= width - max(0, -minD),
 and for each disparity minD<=d<maxD the function
 computes the cost (cost[(x-minX)*(maxD - minD) + (d - minD)]), depending on the difference between
 row1[x] and row2[x-d]. The subpixel algorithm from
 "Depth Discontinuities by Pixel-to-Pixel Stereo" by Stan Birchfield and C. Tomasi
 is used, hence the suffix BT.

 the temporary buffer should contain width2*2 elements
static void calcPixelCostBT( const Mat& img1, const Mat& img2, int y,
                            int minD, int maxD, CostType* cost,
                            PixType* buffer, const PixType* tab,
                            int xrange_min = 0, int xrange_max = DEFAULT_RIGHT_BORDER )
    int x, c, width = img1.cols, cn = img1.channels();
    int minX1 = std::max(maxD, 0), maxX1 = width + std::min(minD, 0);
    int D = (int)cv::alignSize(maxD - minD, cv::v_int16::nlanes), width1 = maxX1 - minX1;
    // This minX1 & maxX2 correction is defining which part of calculatable line must be calculated
    // That is needs of parallel algorithm
    xrange_min = (xrange_min < 0) ? 0 : xrange_min;
    xrange_max = (xrange_max == DEFAULT_RIGHT_BORDER) || (xrange_max > width1) ? width1 : xrange_max;
    maxX1 = minX1 + xrange_max;
    minX1 += xrange_min;
    width1 = maxX1 - minX1;
    int minX2 = std::max(minX1 - maxD, 0), maxX2 = std::min(maxX1 - minD, width);
    int width2 = maxX2 - minX2;

    const PixType *row1 = img1.ptr<PixType>(y), *row2 = img2.ptr<PixType>(y);
    PixType *prow1 = buffer + width2 * 2, *prow2 = prow1 + width * cn * 2;

    for (c = 0; c < cn * 2; c++)
        prow1[width * c] = prow1[width * c + width - 1] =
            prow2[width * c] = prow2[width * c + width - 1] = tab[0];

    int n1 = y > 0 ? -(int)img1.step : 0, s1 = y < img1.rows - 1 ? (int)img1.step : 0;
    int n2 = y > 0 ? -(int)img2.step : 0, s2 = y < img2.rows - 1 ? (int)img2.step : 0;

    int minX_cmn = std::min(minX1, minX2) - 1;
    int maxX_cmn = std::max(maxX1, maxX2) + 1;
    minX_cmn = std::max(minX_cmn, 1);
    maxX_cmn = std::min(maxX_cmn, width - 1);

    if (cn == 1){
        for (x = minX_cmn; x < maxX_cmn; x++){
            prow1[x] = tab[(row1[x + 1] - row1[x - 1]) * 2 + row1[x + n1 + 1] - row1[x + n1 - 1] + row1[x + s1 + 1] - row1[x + s1 - 1]];//顺序存放左图xsobel
            prow2[width - 1 - x] = tab[(row2[x + 1] - row2[x - 1]) * 2 + row2[x + n2 + 1] - row2[x + n2 - 1] + row2[x + s2 + 1] - row2[x + s2 - 1]];//逆序存放右图xsobel

            prow1[x + width] = row1[x];//顺序存放左图原始灰度值
            prow2[width - 1 - x + width] = row2[x];//逆序存放右图原始灰度值
        for (x = minX_cmn; x < maxX_cmn; x++)
            prow1[x] = tab[(row1[x * 3 + 3] - row1[x * 3 - 3]) * 2 + row1[x * 3 + n1 + 3] - row1[x * 3 + n1 - 3] + row1[x * 3 + s1 + 3] - row1[x * 3 + s1 - 3]];
            prow1[x + width] = tab[(row1[x * 3 + 4] - row1[x * 3 - 2]) * 2 + row1[x * 3 + n1 + 4] - row1[x * 3 + n1 - 2] + row1[x * 3 + s1 + 4] - row1[x * 3 + s1 - 2]];
            prow1[x + width * 2] = tab[(row1[x * 3 + 5] - row1[x * 3 - 1]) * 2 + row1[x * 3 + n1 + 5] - row1[x * 3 + n1 - 1] + row1[x * 3 + s1 + 5] - row1[x * 3 + s1 - 1]];

            prow2[width - 1 - x] = tab[(row2[x * 3 + 3] - row2[x * 3 - 3]) * 2 + row2[x * 3 + n2 + 3] - row2[x * 3 + n2 - 3] + row2[x * 3 + s2 + 3] - row2[x * 3 + s2 - 3]];
            prow2[width - 1 - x + width] = tab[(row2[x * 3 + 4] - row2[x * 3 - 2]) * 2 + row2[x * 3 + n2 + 4] - row2[x * 3 + n2 - 2] + row2[x * 3 + s2 + 4] - row2[x * 3 + s2 - 2]];
            prow2[width - 1 - x + width * 2] = tab[(row2[x * 3 + 5] - row2[x * 3 - 1]) * 2 + row2[x * 3 + n2 + 5] - row2[x * 3 + n2 - 1] + row2[x * 3 + s2 + 5] - row2[x * 3 + s2 - 1]];

            prow1[x + width * 3] = row1[x * 3];
            prow1[x + width * 4] = row1[x * 3 + 1];
            prow1[x + width * 5] = row1[x * 3 + 2];

            prow2[width - 1 - x + width * 3] = row2[x * 3];
            prow2[width - 1 - x + width * 4] = row2[x * 3 + 1];
            prow2[width - 1 - x + width * 5] = row2[x * 3 + 2];

    memset(cost + xrange_min * D, 0, width1 * D * sizeof(cost[0]));//代价数组初始化为0

    buffer -= width - maxX2;
    cost -= (minX1 - xrange_min) * D + minD; // simplify the cost indices inside the loop

    for (c = 0; c < cn * 2; c++, prow1 += width, prow2 += width)//这个循环先计算xsobel的BT代价,再计算原始灰度值的BT代价
        // std::cout<<"c:"<<c<<std::endl;
        int diff_scale = c < cn ? 0 : 2;

        // precompute
        //   v0 = min(row2[x-1/2], row2[x], row2[x+1/2]) and
        //   v1 = max(row2[x-1/2], row2[x], row2[x+1/2]) and
        //   to process values from [minX2, maxX2) we should check memory location (width - 1 - maxX2, width - 1 - minX2]
        //   so iterate through [width - maxX2, width - minX2)

        for (x = width - maxX2; x < width - minX2; x++)
            int v = prow2[x];
            int vl = x > 0 ? (v + prow2[x - 1]) / 2 : v;
            int vr = x < width - 1 ? (v + prow2[x + 1]) / 2 : v;
            int v0 = std::min(vl, vr);
            v0 = std::min(v0, v);
            int v1 = std::max(vl, vr);
            v1 = std::max(v1, v);

            buffer[x] = (PixType)v0;//右图-亚像素-最小值,就是右图的I_min,如上文“BT代价的原理”所示

            buffer[x + width2] = (PixType)v1;//右图-亚像素-最大值,就是右图的I_max


        for (x = minX1; x < maxX1; x++)
            int u = prow1[x];//左图 (i,j)
            int ul = x > 0 ? (u + prow1[x - 1]) / 2 : u;
            int ur = x < width - 1 ? (u + prow1[x + 1]) / 2 : u;
            int u0 = std::min(ul, ur);
            u0 = std::min(u0, u);//左图-亚像素-最小值,就是左图的I_min
            int u1 = std::max(ul, ur);
            u1 = std::max(u1, u);//左图-亚像素-最大值,就是左图的I_max

            int d = minD;
            #if CV_SIMD
            //这里采用simd128处理uchar数据(8 bit),一次可以处理16个uchar数据
            //如果是short类型的数据(16 bit),simd128一次只能处理8个short数据
            cv::v_uint8 _u = cv::vx_setall_u8((uchar)u), _u0 = cv::vx_setall_u8((uchar)u0);
            cv::v_uint8 _u1 = cv::vx_setall_u8((uchar)u1);

            for (; d <= maxD - 2 * cv::v_int16::nlanes; d += 2 * cv::v_int16::nlanes)
                cv::v_uint8 _v = cv::vx_load(prow2 + width - x - 1 + d);
                cv::v_uint8 _v0 = cv::vx_load(buffer + width - x - 1 + d);
                cv::v_uint8 _v1 = cv::vx_load(buffer + width - x - 1 + d + width2);
                cv::v_uint8 c0 = cv::v_max(_u - _v1, _v0 - _u);
                cv::v_uint8 c1 = cv::v_max(_v - _u1, _u0 - _v);
                cv::v_uint8 diff = cv::v_min(c0, c1);

                cv::v_int16 _c0 = cv::vx_load_aligned(cost + x * D + d);
                cv::v_int16 _c1 = cv::vx_load_aligned(cost + x * D + d + cv::v_int16::nlanes);

                cv::v_uint16 diff1, diff2;
                cv::v_expand(diff, diff1, diff2);//Expand uint8 values to the uint16 type. uint8x16 ==>  int16x8 int16x8
                cv::v_store_aligned(cost + x * D + d, _c0 + cv::v_reinterpret_as_s16(diff1 >> diff_scale));
                cv::v_store_aligned(cost + x * D + d + cv::v_int16::nlanes, _c1 + cv::v_reinterpret_as_s16(diff2 >> diff_scale));
            for (; d < maxD; d++)
                //u = 左图 (i,j)
                //u0 = 左图-亚像素-最小值
                //u1 = 左图-亚像素-最大值
                int v = prow2[width - x - 1 + d];//右图(i-d,j)
                int v0 = buffer[width - x - 1 + d];//右图-亚像素-最小值
                int v1 = buffer[width - x - 1 + d + width2];//右图-亚像素-最大值
                int c0 = std::max(0, u - v1);
                c0 = std::max(c0, v0 - u);//计算d(x,y)
                int c1 = std::max(0, v - u1);
                c1 = std::max(c1, u0 - v);//计算d(y,x)
                //X-Sobel BT和gray BT加权融合
                //这里分为两个循环分别计算X-Sobel BT和gray BT
                //先计算X-Sobel BT,加权,权重为1,存放于cost[x * D + d] 
                //再计算gray BT。加权,权重为1/4,取出cost[x * D + d],加权累加
                cost[x * D + d] = (CostType)(cost[x * D + d] + (std::min(c0, c1)>> diff_scale));//xsobel代价的权重 是 原图代价的权重的4倍(diff_scale=2)
                //X-Sobel BT的权重比gray BT的权重更高,这样的话,算法会更偏向与纹理特征






 computes disparity for "roi" in img1 w.r.t. img2 and write it to disp1buf.
 that is, disp1buf(x, y)=d means that img1(x+roi.x, y+roi.y) ~ img2(x+roi.x-d, y+roi.y).
 minD <= d < maxD.
 disp2full is the reverse disparity map, that is:
 disp2full(x+roi.x,y+roi.y)=d means that img2(x+roi.x, y+roi.y) ~ img1(x+roi.x+d, y+roi.y)

 note that disp1buf will have the same size as the roi and
 disp2full will have the same size as img1 (or img2).
 On exit disp2buf is not the final disparity, it is an intermediate result that becomes
 final after all the tiles are processed.

 the disparity in disp1buf is written with sub-pixel accuracy
 (4 fractional bits, see StereoSGBM::DISP_SCALE),
 using quadratic interpolation, while the disparity in disp2buf
 is written as is, without interpolation.

 disp2cost also has the same size as img1 (or img2).
 It contains the minimum current cost, used to find the best disparity, corresponding to the minimal cost.
static void computeDisparitySGBM( const Mat& img1, const Mat& img2,
                                 Mat& disp1, const StereoSGBMParams& params )



当y == 0 时,设置 k = 0,1,会计算第0行和第1行的BT代价,hsumAdd是当前行的水平方向的SAD-BT代价

当y != 0时,设置k = y + SH2,默认 k = y + 1,会计算下一行的BT代价,hsumAdd是下一行的水平方向的SAD-BT代价

if (pass == 1) // compute C on the first pass, and reuse it on the second pass, if any.
    int dy1 = y == 0 ? 0 : y + SH2, dy2 = y == 0 ? SH2 : dy1; 
    //当y == 0 时,设置 k = 0,1
    //当y!=0时,设置k = y + SH2,默认 k = y + 1

    for (k = dy1; k <= dy2; k++)
        CostType *hsumAdd = mem.getHSumBuf(std::min(k, height - 1));//缓存第k行水平方向的SAD-BT代价

        if (k < height)
            //计算像素点之间的BT代价,(i,j) <--->  (i-d,j);这里的pixDiff用于存放第k行像素点之间的BT代价
            calcPixelCostBT(img1, img2, k, minD, maxD, mem.pixDiff, mem.tempBuf, mem.getClipTab());

            memset(hsumAdd, 0, Da * sizeof(CostType));
            #if CV_SIMD
            cv::v_int16 h_scale = cv::vx_setall_s16((short)SW2 + 1);
            for (d = 0; d < Da; d += cv::v_int16::nlanes)
                cv::v_int16 v_hsumAdd = cv::vx_load_aligned(mem.pixDiff + d) * h_scale;
                for (x = Da; x <= SW2 * Da; x += Da)
                    v_hsumAdd += cv::vx_load_aligned(mem.pixDiff + x + d);
                cv::v_store_aligned(hsumAdd + d, v_hsumAdd);
            for (d = 0; d < D; d++)
                //第一个SAD窗口的block-cost为第一列的BT代价*(SW2 + 1)+第二列的BT代价;简单理解就是边缘填充pading;这里还没有完成第一个SAD窗口
                hsumAdd[d] = (CostType)(mem.pixDiff[d] * (SW2 + 1));

                for (x = Da; x <= SW2 * Da; x += Da)
                    hsumAdd[d] = (CostType)(hsumAdd[d] + mem.pixDiff[x + d]);

            if (y > 0)
                const CostType *hsumSub = mem.getHSumBuf(std::max(y - SH2 - 1, 0));//上SH2+1行的水平方向的SAD-BT

                const CostType *Cprev = mem.getCBuf(y - 1);//上一行的垂直方向的SAD-BT

                #if CV_SIMD
                for (d = 0; d < Da; d += cv::v_int16::nlanes)
                    cv::v_store_aligned(C + d, cv::vx_load_aligned(Cprev + d) + cv::vx_load_aligned(hsumAdd + d) - cv::vx_load_aligned(hsumSub + d));
                for (d = 0; d < D; d++){
                    C[d] = (CostType)(Cprev[d] + hsumAdd[d] - hsumSub[d]);//在垂直方向累加


                for (x = Da; x < width1 * Da; x += Da)
                    const CostType *pixAdd = mem.pixDiff + std::min(x + SW2 * Da, (width1 - 1) * Da);
                    const CostType *pixSub = mem.pixDiff + std::max(x - (SW2 + 1) * Da, 0);
                    #if CV_SIMD
                    for (d = 0; d < Da; d += cv::v_int16::nlanes)
                        cv::v_int16 hv = cv::vx_load_aligned(hsumAdd + x - Da + d) - cv::vx_load_aligned(pixSub + d) + cv::vx_load_aligned(pixAdd + d);//下一行的水平方向的SAD-BT
                        cv::v_store_aligned(hsumAdd + x + d, hv);
                        cv::v_store_aligned(C + x + d, cv::vx_load_aligned(Cprev + x + d) - cv::vx_load_aligned(hsumSub + x + d) + hv);//在垂直方向累加
                    for (d = 0; d < D; d++)
                        int hv = hsumAdd[x + d] = (CostType)(hsumAdd[x - Da + d] + pixAdd[d] - pixSub[d]);//下一行的水平方向的SAD-BT
                        C[x + d] = (CostType)(Cprev[x + d] + hv - hsumSub[x + d]);//在垂直方向累加
                #if CV_SIMD
                cv::v_int16 v_scale = cv::vx_setall_s16(k == 0 ? (short)SH2 + 1 : 1);
                for (d = 0; d < Da; d += cv::v_int16::nlanes)
                    cv::v_store_aligned(C + d, cv::vx_load_aligned(C + d) + cv::vx_load_aligned(hsumAdd + d) * v_scale);
                int scale = k == 0 ? SH2 + 1 : 1;
                for (d = 0; d < D; d++)
                    C[d] = (CostType)(C[d] + hsumAdd[d] * scale);//第一个SAD窗口的block-cost为第一行的BT代价*(SH2 + 1)+第二行的BT代价;简单理解就是边缘填充pading
                for (x = Da; x < width1 * Da; x += Da)
                    const CostType *pixAdd = mem.pixDiff + std::min(x + SW2 * Da, (width1 - 1) * Da);
                    const CostType *pixSub = mem.pixDiff + std::max(x - (SW2 + 1) * Da, 0);

                    #if CV_SIMD
                    for (d = 0; d < Da; d += cv::v_int16::nlanes)
                        cv::v_int16 hv = cv::vx_load_aligned(hsumAdd + x - Da + d) + cv::vx_load_aligned(pixAdd + d) - cv::vx_load_aligned(pixSub + d);//当前行(第k行)的水平方向的SAD-BT代价
                        cv::v_store_aligned(hsumAdd + x + d, hv);
                        cv::v_store_aligned(C + x + d, cv::vx_load_aligned(C + x + d) + hv * v_scale);
                    for (d = 0; d < D; d++)
                        CostType hv = (CostType)(hsumAdd[x - Da + d] + pixAdd[d] - pixSub[d]);//下一个SAD窗口在水平方向累加
                        hsumAdd[x + d] = hv;//当前行(第k行)的水平方向的SAD-BT代价
                        C[x + d] = (CostType)(C[x + d] + hv * scale);//第一个SAD窗口的block-cost为第一行的BT代价*(SH2 + 1)+第二行的BT代价 |  k=0时scale=SH2 + 1,k=1时scale=1
            if (y > 0)
                const CostType *hsumSub = mem.getHSumBuf(std::max(y - SH2 - 1, 0));
                const CostType *Cprev = mem.getCBuf(y - 1);
                #if CV_SIMD
                for (x = 0; x < width1 * Da; x += cv::v_int16::nlanes)
                    cv::v_store_aligned(C + x, cv::vx_load_aligned(Cprev + x) - cv::vx_load_aligned(hsumSub + x) + cv::vx_load_aligned(hsumAdd + x));
                for (x = 0; x < width1 * Da; x++)
                    C[x] = (CostType)(Cprev[x] + hsumAdd[x] - hsumSub[x]);
                #if CV_SIMD
                for (x = 0; x < width1 * Da; x += cv::v_int16::nlanes)
                    cv::v_store_aligned(C + x, cv::vx_load_aligned(C + x) + cv::vx_load_aligned(hsumAdd + x));
                for (x = 0; x < width1 * Da; x++)
                    C[x] = (CostType)(C[x] + hsumAdd[x]);


    // also, clear the S buffer


CostType *hsumAdd = mem.getHSumBuf(std::min(k, height - 1));


当y == 0 时,设置 k = 0,1,会计算第0行和第1行的BT代价,hsumAdd是当前行的水平方向的SAD-BT代价

当y != 0时,设置k = y + SH2,默认 k = y + 1,会计算下一行的BT代价,hsumAdd是下一行的水平方向的SAD-BT代价


y == 0,k == 0时,




pixAdd表示当前位置x的水平方向前 SW2 的pixdiff,单位是Da

pixSub表示当前位置x的水平方向后 (SW2 + 1)的pixdiff,单位是Da


memset(hsumAdd, 0, Da * sizeof(CostType));
cv::v_int16 h_scale = cv::vx_setall_s16((short)SW2 + 1);
for (d = 0; d < Da; d += cv::v_int16::nlanes)
    cv::v_int16 v_hsumAdd = cv::vx_load_aligned(mem.pixDiff + d) * h_scale;
    for (x = Da; x <= SW2 * Da; x += Da)
        v_hsumAdd += cv::vx_load_aligned(mem.pixDiff + x + d);
    cv::v_store_aligned(hsumAdd + d, v_hsumAdd);
for (d = 0; d < D; d++)
    //第一个SAD窗口的block-cost为第一列的BT代价*(SW2 + 1)+第二列的BT代价;简单理解就是边缘填充pading;这里还没有完成第一个SAD窗口
    hsumAdd[d] = (CostType)(mem.pixDiff[d] * (SW2 + 1));

    for (x = Da; x <= SW2 * Da; x += Da)
        hsumAdd[d] = (CostType)(hsumAdd[d] + mem.pixDiff[x + d]);

当x由Da开始递增时, ?

cv::v_int16 v_scale = cv::vx_setall_s16(k == 0 ? (short)SH2 + 1 : 1);
for (d = 0; d < Da; d += cv::v_int16::nlanes)
    cv::v_store_aligned(C + d, cv::vx_load_aligned(C + d) + cv::vx_load_aligned(hsumAdd + d) * v_scale);
int scale = k == 0 ? SH2 + 1 : 1;
for (d = 0; d < D; d++)
    C[d] = (CostType)(C[d] + hsumAdd[d] * scale);//第一个SAD窗口的block-cost为第一行的BT代价*(SH2 + 1)+第二行的BT代价;简单理解就是边缘填充pading
for (x = Da; x < width1 * Da; x += Da)
    const CostType *pixAdd = mem.pixDiff + std::min(x + SW2 * Da, (width1 - 1) * Da);
    const CostType *pixSub = mem.pixDiff + std::max(x - (SW2 + 1) * Da, 0);

    #if CV_SIMD
    for (d = 0; d < Da; d += cv::v_int16::nlanes)
        cv::v_int16 hv = cv::vx_load_aligned(hsumAdd + x - Da + d) + cv::vx_load_aligned(pixAdd + d) - cv::vx_load_aligned(pixSub + d);//当前行(第k行)的水平方向的SAD-BT代价
        cv::v_store_aligned(hsumAdd + x + d, hv);
        cv::v_store_aligned(C + x + d, cv::vx_load_aligned(C + x + d) + hv * v_scale);
    for (d = 0; d < D; d++)
        CostType hv = (CostType)(hsumAdd[x - Da + d] + pixAdd[d] - pixSub[d]);//下一个SAD窗口在水平方向累加
        hsumAdd[x + d] = hv;//当前行(第k行)的水平方向的SAD-BT代价
        C[x + d] = (CostType)(C[x + d] + hv * scale);//第一个SAD窗口的block-cost为第一行的BT代价*(SH2 + 1)+第二行的BT代价 |  k=0时scale=SH2 + 1,k=1时scale=1


当y == 0 时,设置 k = 0,1,会计算第0行和第1行的BT代价,hsumAdd是当前行的水平方向的SAD-BT代价

当y != 0时,设置k = y + SH2,默认 k = y + 1,会计算下一行的BT代价,hsumAdd是下一行的水平方向的SAD-BT代价


const CostType *hsumSub = mem.getHSumBuf(std::max(y - SH2 - 1, 0));//上SH2+1行的水平方向的SAD-BT

const CostType *Cprev = mem.getCBuf(y - 1);//上一行的垂直方向的SAD-BT

for (d = 0; d < Da; d += cv::v_int16::nlanes)
    cv::v_store_aligned(C + d, cv::vx_load_aligned(Cprev + d) + cv::vx_load_aligned(hsumAdd + d) - cv::vx_load_aligned(hsumSub + d));
for (d = 0; d < D; d++){
    C[d] = (CostType)(Cprev[d] + hsumAdd[d] - hsumSub[d]);//在垂直方向累加


for (x = Da; x < width1 * Da; x += Da)
    const CostType *pixAdd = mem.pixDiff + std::min(x + SW2 * Da, (width1 - 1) * Da);
    const CostType *pixSub = mem.pixDiff + std::max(x - (SW2 + 1) * Da, 0);
    #if CV_SIMD
    for (d = 0; d < Da; d += cv::v_int16::nlanes)
        cv::v_int16 hv = cv::vx_load_aligned(hsumAdd + x - Da + d) - cv::vx_load_aligned(pixSub + d) + cv::vx_load_aligned(pixAdd + d);//下一行的水平方向的SAD-BT
        cv::v_store_aligned(hsumAdd + x + d, hv);
        cv::v_store_aligned(C + x + d, cv::vx_load_aligned(Cprev + x + d) - cv::vx_load_aligned(hsumSub + x + d) + hv);//在垂直方向累加
    for (d = 0; d < D; d++)
        int hv = hsumAdd[x + d] = (CostType)(hsumAdd[x - Da + d] + pixAdd[d] - pixSub[d]);//下一行的水平方向的SAD-BT
        C[x + d] = (CostType)(Cprev[x + d] + hv - hsumSub[x + d]);//在垂直方向累加


[formula 13 in the paper]
compute L_r(p, d) = C(p, d) +
min(L_r(p-r, d),
L_r(p-r, d-1) + P1,
L_r(p-r, d+1) + P1,
min_k L_r(p-r, k) + P2) - min_k L_r(p-r, k)
where p = (x,y), r is one of the directions.
we process all the directions at once:
0: r=(-dx, 0)
1: r=(-1, -dy)
2: r=(0, -dy)
3: r=(1, -dy)   !!!Note that only directions 0 to 3 are processed
4: r=(-2, -dy)
5: r=(-1, -dy*2)
6: r=(1, -dy*2)
7: r=(2, -dy)
for (x = x1; x != x2; x += dx)

    int delta0 = P2 + *mem.getMinLr(lrID, x - dx);
    int delta1 = P2 + *mem.getMinLr(1 - lrID, x - 1, 1);
    int delta2 = P2 + *mem.getMinLr(1 - lrID, x, 2);
    int delta3 = P2 + *mem.getMinLr(1 - lrID, x + 1, 3);

    CostType *Lr_p0 = mem.getLr(lrID, x - dx);
    CostType *Lr_p1 = mem.getLr(1 - lrID, x - 1, 1);
    CostType *Lr_p2 = mem.getLr(1 - lrID, x, 2);
    CostType *Lr_p3 = mem.getLr(1 - lrID, x + 1, 3);

    Lr_p0[-1] = Lr_p0[D] = MAX_COST;
    Lr_p1[-1] = Lr_p1[D] = MAX_COST;
    Lr_p2[-1] = Lr_p2[D] = MAX_COST;
    Lr_p3[-1] = Lr_p3[D] = MAX_COST;

    CostType *Lr_p = mem.getLr(lrID, x);
    const CostType *Cp = C + x * Da;
    CostType *Sp = S + x * Da;

    CostType *minL = mem.getMinLr(lrID, x);
    d = 0;
    #if CV_SIMD
    cv::v_int16 _P1 = cv::vx_setall_s16((short)P1);

    cv::v_int16 _delta0 = cv::vx_setall_s16((short)delta0);
    cv::v_int16 _delta1 = cv::vx_setall_s16((short)delta1);
    cv::v_int16 _delta2 = cv::vx_setall_s16((short)delta2);
    cv::v_int16 _delta3 = cv::vx_setall_s16((short)delta3);
    cv::v_int16 _minL0 = cv::vx_setall_s16((short)MAX_COST);
    cv::v_int16 _minL1 = cv::vx_setall_s16((short)MAX_COST);
    cv::v_int16 _minL2 = cv::vx_setall_s16((short)MAX_COST);
    cv::v_int16 _minL3 = cv::vx_setall_s16((short)MAX_COST);

    for (; d <= D - cv::v_int16::nlanes; d += cv::v_int16::nlanes)//循环中,d最大为D - cv::v_int16::nlanes
        cv::v_int16 Cpd = cv::vx_load_aligned(Cp + d);
        cv::v_int16 Spd = cv::vx_load_aligned(Sp + d);
        cv::v_int16 L;

        L = cv::v_min(cv::v_min(cv::v_min(cv::vx_load_aligned(Lr_p0 + d), cv::vx_load(Lr_p0 + d - 1) + _P1), cv::vx_load(Lr_p0 + d + 1) + _P1), _delta0) - _delta0 + Cpd;
        cv::v_store_aligned(Lr_p + d, L);
        _minL0 = cv::v_min(_minL0, L);
        Spd += L;

        L = cv::v_min(cv::v_min(cv::v_min(cv::vx_load_aligned(Lr_p1 + d), cv::vx_load(Lr_p1 + d - 1) + _P1), cv::vx_load(Lr_p1 + d + 1) + _P1), _delta1) - _delta1 + Cpd;
        cv::v_store_aligned(Lr_p + d + Dlra, L);
        _minL1 = cv::v_min(_minL1, L);
        Spd += L;

        L = cv::v_min(cv::v_min(cv::v_min(cv::vx_load_aligned(Lr_p2 + d), cv::vx_load(Lr_p2 + d - 1) + _P1), cv::vx_load(Lr_p2 + d + 1) + _P1), _delta2) - _delta2 + Cpd;
        cv::v_store_aligned(Lr_p + d + Dlra * 2, L);
        _minL2 = cv::v_min(_minL2, L);
        Spd += L;

        L = cv::v_min(cv::v_min(cv::v_min(cv::vx_load_aligned(Lr_p3 + d), cv::vx_load(Lr_p3 + d - 1) + _P1), cv::vx_load(Lr_p3 + d + 1) + _P1), _delta3) - _delta3 + Cpd;
        cv::v_store_aligned(Lr_p + d + Dlra * 3, L);
        _minL3 = cv::v_min(_minL3, L);
        Spd += L;

        cv::v_store_aligned(Sp + d, Spd);

    #if CV_SIMD_WIDTH > 32
    minL[0] = v_reduce_min(_minL0);
    minL[1] = v_reduce_min(_minL1);
    minL[2] = v_reduce_min(_minL2);
    minL[3] = v_reduce_min(_minL3);
    // Get minimum for L0-L3
    cv::v_int16 t0, t1, t2, t3;
    cv::v_zip(_minL0, _minL2, t0, t2);
    cv::v_zip(_minL1, _minL3, t1, t3);
    cv::v_zip(cv::v_min(t0, t2), cv::v_min(t1, t3), t0, t1);
    t0 = cv::v_min(t0, t1);
    t0 = cv::v_min(t0, cv::v_rotate_right<4>(t0));
    #if CV_SIMD_WIDTH == 32
    CostType buf[v_int16::nlanes];
    v_store_low(buf, v_min(t0, v_rotate_right<8>(t0)));
    minL[0] = buf[0];
    minL[1] = buf[1];
    minL[2] = buf[2];
    minL[3] = buf[3];
    cv::v_store_low(minL, t0);
    minL[0] = MAX_COST;
    minL[1] = MAX_COST;
    minL[2] = MAX_COST;
    minL[3] = MAX_COST;
    for (; d < D; d++)
        int Cpd = Cp[d], L;
        int Spd = Sp[d];

        L = Cpd + std::min((int)Lr_p0[d], std::min(Lr_p0[d - 1] + P1, std::min(Lr_p0[d + 1] + P1, delta0))) - delta0;//
        Lr_p[d] = (CostType)L;
        minL[0] = std::min(minL[0], (CostType)L);
        Spd += L;

        L = Cpd + std::min((int)Lr_p1[d], std::min(Lr_p1[d - 1] + P1, std::min(Lr_p1[d + 1] + P1, delta1))) - delta1;
        Lr_p[d + Dlra] = (CostType)L;
        minL[1] = std::min(minL[1], (CostType)L);
        Spd += L;

        L = Cpd + std::min((int)Lr_p2[d], std::min(Lr_p2[d - 1] + P1, std::min(Lr_p2[d + 1] + P1, delta2))) - delta2;
        Lr_p[d + Dlra * 2] = (CostType)L;
        minL[2] = std::min(minL[2], (CostType)L);
        Spd += L;

        L = Cpd + std::min((int)Lr_p3[d], std::min(Lr_p3[d - 1] + P1, std::min(Lr_p3[d + 1] + P1, delta3))) - delta3;
        Lr_p[d + Dlra * 3] = (CostType)L;
        minL[3] = std::min(minL[3], (CostType)L);
        Spd += L;

        Sp[d] = cv::saturate_cast<CostType>(Spd);









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