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OpenCV最新版本号为 4.5.5,发行版本中共有 72 个模块,其中主要模块有16个,附加模块有 56 个。

主模块源码地址 opencv/opencv at 4.5.5 (

附加模块源码地址 opencv/opencv_contrib at 4.5.5 (



  • core. Core functionality,核心模块,定义了基础类型和基本函数,是其他模块的基础。
  • imgproc. Image Processing,图像处理算法模块,线性或非线性滤波,图像变换等功能。
  • imgcodecs. Image file reading and writing,各图像格式的编解码功能。
  • videoio. Video I/O,视频捕捉和视频编解码器。
  • highgui. High-level GUI,实现了一个简单好用的界面库,显示图像,创建简单的控件等。
  • video. Video Analysis,视频分析模块,包括运动估计,背景减法和目标跟踪算法。
  • calib3d. Camera Calibration and 3D Reconstruction,多视图几何算法,单一和立体相机校准,目标位姿估计,立体匹配,以及三维重建等算法,相机校准。
  • features2d. 2D Features Framework,二维特征检测器、描述符和描述符匹配器。
  • objdetect. Object Detection,人脸、眼睛、人体、车辆等目标检测。
  • dnn. Deep Neural Network module,神经网络相关,构造神经网络、模型加载推理等。
  • ml. Machine Learning,机器学习相关,包含 SVM, MLP, LR, DT 等常见的统计机器学习模型,支持模型训练和预测。 flann. Clustering and Search in Multi-Dimensional Spaces,快速最近邻逼近搜索函数库,角点特征匹配。
  • photo. Computational Photography,计算摄影相关,包含图像修复和去噪等功能。
  • stitching. Images stitching,图像拼接函数库,特征点提取和配准、接缝估计、曝光补偿、图片混合等。
  • gapi. Graph API,即Graph API,高效图像处理 pipeline 引擎集成为opencv_gapi模块,用来加速图像处理。添加CPU_BASELINE=AVX2编译选项可以获得比原来15~30%的速度提升。


alphamat. Alpha Matting

aruco. ArUco Marker Detection

barcode. Barcode detecting and decoding methods

bgsegm. Improved Background-Foreground Segmentation Methods

bioinspired. Biologically inspired vision models and derivated tools

ccalib. Custom Calibration Pattern for 3D reconstruction

cudaarithm. Operations on Matrices

cudabgsegm. Background Segmentation

cudacodec. Video Encoding/Decoding

cudafeatures2d. Feature Detection and Description

cudafilters. Image Filtering

cudaimgproc. Image Processing

cudalegacy. Legacy support

cudaobjdetect. Object Detection

cudaoptflow. Optical Flow

cudastereo. Stereo Correspondence

cudawarping. Image Warping

cudev. Device layer

cvv. GUI for Interactive Visual Debugging of Computer Vision Programs

datasets. Framework for working with different datasets

dnn_objdetect. DNN used for object detection

dnn_superres. DNN used for super resolution

dpm. Deformable Part-based Models

face. Face Analysis

freetype. Drawing UTF-8 strings with freetype/harfbuzz

fuzzy. Image processing based on fuzzy mathematics

hdf. Hierarchical Data Format I/O routines

hfs. Hierarchical Feature Selection for Efficient Image Segmentation

img_hash. The module brings implementations of different image hashing algorithms.

intensity_transform. The module brings implementations of intensity transformation algorithms to adjust image contrast.

julia. Julia bindings for OpenCV

line_descriptor. Binary descriptors for lines extracted from an image

mcc. Macbeth Chart module

optflow. Optical Flow Algorithms

ovis. OGRE 3D Visualiser

phase_unwrapping. Phase Unwrapping API

plot. Plot function for Mat data

quality. Image Quality Analysis (IQA) API

rapid. silhouette based 3D object tracking

reg. Image Registration

rgbd. RGB-Depth Processing

saliency. Saliency API

sfm. Structure From Motion

shape. Shape Distance and Matching

stereo. Stereo Correspondance Algorithms

structured_light. Structured Light API

superres. Super Resolution

surface_matching. Surface Matching

text. Scene Text Detection and Recognition

tracking. Tracking API

videostab. Video Stabilization

viz. 3D Visualizer

wechat_qrcode. WeChat QR code detector for detecting and parsing QR code.

xfeatures2d. Extra 2D Features Framework

ximgproc. Extended Image Processing

xobjdetect. Extended object detection

xphoto. Additional photo processing algorithms

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