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[人工智能]《graph self- supervised learning:a survey》论文阅读

2022.5.5 天气晴。




在SSL中,模型通过一系列的手工辅助任务来进行学习(pretext tasks),这样监督信号就可以通过模型本身来获得,而不依赖于手工的标签,SSL这样使得模型可以获得informative representation。

SSL on CV、NLP与SSL on graph的gap(Fig. 1):




downstream tasks vs pretext tasks:
downstream tasks一般用来评测获得的graph embedding效果如何,如图分类和节点分类等。而pretext tasks则是用来帮助学习获得更好的representations,benifits downstream tasks。一般的,downstream tasks需要手工标签、pretext tasks需要伪标签。

是无监督学习的一个subset,自监督学习指监督信息从data本身获取,模型通过pretext任务来获得更好的表现和泛化性能用于downstream tasks。

plain graph:

attributed graph:



3.1 框架定义

encoder-decoder框架for graph SSL:
encoder f θ f_{\theta} fθ?用于学习low- dimensional representation(aka embedding): h i ∈ H h_i \in H hi?H

pretext decoder p ? p_\phi p??:接收 H H H为输入for pretext tasks。 p θ p_{\theta} pθ?的结构依据具体的下游任务。

graph SSL可以被定义如下:
θ ? , ? ? = argmin ? θ , ? L s s l ( f θ , p ? , D ) . (1) \theta^*,\phi^* = \operatorname{argmin}_{\theta,\phi}\mathcal{L}_{ssl}(f_{\theta},p_{\phi},\mathcal{D}). \tag{1} θ?,??=argminθ,??Lssl?(fθ?,p??,D).(1)
D \mathcal{D} D代表图数据分布, L s s l \mathcal{L}_{ssl} Lssl?代表SSL 损失函数。

通过使用学习到的graph encoder f θ ? f_{\theta^*} fθ??,生成的representation可以被用于各种的下游任务。定义一个下游任务decoder q ψ q_{\psi} qψ?,将下游任务视为一个图supervised learning task: θ ? ? , ψ ? = argmin ? θ ? , ψ L s u p ( f θ ? , q ψ , G , y ) . (2) \theta^{**},\psi^* = \operatorname{argmin}_{\theta^*,\psi}\mathcal{L}_{sup}(f_{\theta^*},q_{\psi},\mathcal{G},y).\tag{2} θ??,ψ?=argminθ?,ψ?Lsup?(fθ??,qψ?,G,y).(2)
y y y:下游任务的标签, L s u p \mathcal{L}_{sup} Lsup?有监督损失函数用于下游任务。

3.2 图自监督学习的四种分类

通过使用不同的pretext decoders和objective functions,有四种分类:generation-based,auxiliary property-based,contrastive-based,hybrid methods.请添加图片描述
generation-based methods:
pretext task:图数据重构(图数据包括:node/edge特征和图的拓扑结构)。
θ ? , ? ? = argmin ? θ , ? L s s l ( p ? ( f θ ( G ~ ) ) , G ) . \theta^*,\phi^* = \operatorname{argmin}_{\theta,\phi}\mathcal{L}_{ssl}(p_{\phi}(f_{\theta}(\tilde{\mathcal{G}})),\mathcal{G}). θ?,??=argminθ,??Lssl?(p??(fθ?(G~?)),G).

此时 L s s l \mathcal{L}_{ssl} Lssl?一般用于测量重构图数据和原图数据的差距。

auxiliary property-based methods:
这种方法可以被进一步分类为:regression- and classification-based。
θ ? , ? ? = argmin ? θ , ? L s s l ( p ? ( f θ ( G ) ) , c ) . \theta^*,\phi^* = \operatorname{argmin}_{\theta,\phi}\mathcal{L}_{ssl}(p_{\phi}(f_{\theta}({\mathcal{G}})),\mathcal{c}). θ?,??=argminθ,??Lssl?(p??(fθ?(G)),c).
c \mathcal{c} c代表specific crafted auxiliary properties。对于regression-based方法, c \mathcal{c} c可以是localized or global graph properties,如节点度或者到cluster的距离,此时 L s s l \mathcal{L}_{ssl} Lssl?可以是MSE。对于classification-based方法,auxiliary properties可以是伪标签,如图切分或者cluster的下标,此时 L s s l \mathcal{L}_{ssl} Lssl?可以是CE。

contrast-based methods:
基于互信息最大化的思想出发(mutual information maximization)。
θ ? , ? ? = argmin ? θ , ? L s s l ( p ? ( f θ ( G ~ ( 1 ) , G ~ ( 2 ) ) ) ) ) . \theta^*,\phi^* = \operatorname{argmin}_{\theta,\phi}\mathcal{L}_{ssl}(p_{\phi}(f_{\theta}(\tilde{\mathcal{G}}^{(1)},\tilde{\mathcal{G}}^{(2)})))). θ?,??=argminθ,??Lssl?(p??(fθ?(G~?(1),G~?(2))))).
其中 G ~ ( 1 ) , G ~ ( 2 ) \tilde{\mathcal{G}}^{(1)},\tilde{\mathcal{G}}^{(2)} G~?(1),G~?(2) 是不同的对图的增强视角。
pretext decoder p ? p_\phi p??是一个discriminator(如bilinear function or dot product), L s s l \mathcal{L}_{ssl} Lssl?是对比损失。
pretext task目标是:估计和最大化MI between positive pairs/最小化MI between negative pairs。

hybrid methods:
可能组合了之前提到的多种方法,可能是weighted or unweighted combination。

generation-based methods:simple to implement,but memory-consuming for large scale graph。
auxiliary property-based methods:the selection of 有用的附加属性需要领域知识。
contrast-based methods:more flexible designs and boarder applications。对比学习框架、增强策略和损失函数设计需要大量时间的实验。
hybrid methods:main challenge is:如何设计一个协同训练框架来balance每个成分。

3.3 自监督训练策略的分类

根据graph encoders,self-supervised pretext tasks,downstream tasks之间的关系,图自监督训练方法大致可以分为:
pre-training and fine-tuning(PF)、joint learning(JL)、 unsupervised representation learning(URL).
pre-training and fine-tuning(PF):

  1. encoder f θ f_\theta fθ?首先在pre- training数据集上通过pretext tasks进行pre-train,这可以被视为是对encoder参数的初始化。
  2. the pre-trained encoder f θ i n i t f_{\theta_{init}} fθinit??在fine-tuning数据集上with a downstream decoder q ψ q_{\psi} qψ? under supervision of specific downstraem tasks进行fine-tune。

θ ? , ? ? = argmin ? θ , ? L s s l ( f θ , p ? , D ) \theta^*,\phi^* = \operatorname{argmin}_{\theta,\phi}\mathcal{L}_{ssl}(f_\theta,p_\phi,\mathcal{D}) θ?,??=argminθ,??Lssl?(fθ?,p??,D).
θ ? ? , ? ? = argmin ? θ ? , ψ L s u p ( f θ , q ψ , G , y ) \theta^{**},\phi^* = \operatorname{argmin}_{\theta^*,\psi}\mathcal{L}_{sup}(f_\theta,q_\psi,\mathcal{G},y) θ??,??=argminθ?,ψ?Lsup?(fθ?,qψ?,G,y)


joint learning(JL):
α \alpha α为一个trade-off超参数,JL可以被视为是一种multi-task learning,pretext task可以被视为是一种对downstraem task的regularization:
θ ? , ? ? , ψ ? = argmin ? θ , ? , ψ [ α L s s l ( f θ , p ? , D ) + L s u p ( f θ , q ψ , G , y ) ] . \theta^*,\phi^*,\psi^* = \operatorname{argmin}_{\theta,\phi,\psi}[\alpha \mathcal{L}_{ssl}(f_\theta,p_\phi,\mathcal{D}) +\mathcal{L}_{sup}(f_\theta,q_\psi,\mathcal{G},y)]. θ?,??,ψ?=argminθ,?,ψ?[αLssl?(fθ?,p??,D)+Lsup?(fθ?,qψ?,G,y)].

unsupervised representation learning(URL):
URL 策略的第一步几乎和PF是一样的。两者的不同在于:

  1. 第二步的encoder的参数frozen了(在下游任务的训练过程中)。
  2. 这两步的训练使用相同的数据集。

θ ? , ? ? = argmin ? θ , ? L s s l ( f θ , p ? , D ) \theta^*,\phi^* = \operatorname{argmin}_{\theta,\phi}\mathcal{L}_{ssl}(f_\theta,p_\phi,\mathcal{D}) θ?,??=argminθ,??Lssl?(fθ?,p??,D).
? ? = argmin ? ψ L s u p ( f θ ? , q ψ , G , y ) \phi^* = \operatorname{argmin}_{\psi}\mathcal{L}_{sup}(f_\theta^*,q_\psi,\mathcal{G},y) ??=argminψ?Lsup?(fθ??,qψ?,G,y)

3.4 下游任务的分类

下游任务可以被大致分为:node-、link-、graph-level tasks。

四、generation-based methods

可以大致被分为:feature generation、structure generation。请添加图片描述

4.1 feature generation

feature generation:learn by recovering feature information from the perturbed or original graphs。
θ ? , ? ? = argmin ? θ , ? L m s e ( p ? ( f θ ( G ~ ) ) , X ^ ) . \theta^*,\phi^* = \operatorname{argmin}_{\theta,\phi}\mathcal{L}_{mse}(p_{\phi}(f_{\theta}(\tilde{\mathcal{G}})),\hat{X}). θ?,??=argminθ,??Lmse?(p??(fθ?(G~?)),X^).
其中, p ? ( ? ) p_\phi(\cdot) p??(?)is the decoder for feature regression(如:一个全连接网络用于maps: representations -> reconstructed features)
X ^ \hat{X} X^是各种feature matrices的通用表示。

为了利用节点之间的依赖性,一种具有代表性的特征生成的branch follows the masked feature regression strategy.
举例:graph completion: X ^ = X , G ~ = ( A , X ~ ) \hat{X} = X,\tilde{\mathcal{G}}=(A,\tilde{X}) X^=X,G~?=(A,X~).
attibutedMask: X ^ = P C A ( X ) \hat{X} = PCA(X) X^=PCA(X),因此还原高维稀疏的raw data是很困难的.
attrMasking: X ^ = [ X , X e d g e ] \hat{X} = [X,X_{edge}] X^=[X,Xedge?].

另一种代表性的branch是利用noisy features。 G ~ = ( A , X ~ ) \tilde{\mathcal{G}}=(A,\tilde{X}) G~?=(A,X~),其中 X ~ \tilde{X} X~ is corrupted with random noise。

还可以直接使用clean data 来 rebuilding features. G ~ = ( A , X ) . \tilde{\mathcal{G}}=(A,X). G~?=(A,X).

4.2 structure generation

learn by recovering the structural information。在多数情况下,都是重构邻接矩阵。
θ ? , ? ? = argmin ? θ , ? L s s l ( p ? ( f θ ( G ~ ) ) , A ) . \theta^*,\phi^* = \operatorname{argmin}_{\theta,\phi}\mathcal{L}_{ssl}(p_{\phi}(f_{\theta}(\tilde{\mathcal{G}})),A). θ?,??=argminθ,??Lssl?(p??(fθ?(G~?)),A).
p ? ( ? ) p_\phi(\cdot) p??(?) is a decoder for结构重建, A A A为部分或者全部的邻接矩阵。

邻接矩阵中存在的边一般为positive sample,不存在的为negative。为了避免稀疏邻接矩阵的unbalanced问题 A i , j = 1 A_{i,j}=1 Ai,j?=1的系数。 2.sub- sampling terms with A i , j = 0 A_{i,j}=0 Ai,j?=0.

两大类:rebuilding the full graph / reconstruct the masked edges。

structure generation:更多利用node pair-level information。
feature generation:更多利用node level knowledge。

五、auxiliary property-based methods

auxiliary property-based methods从node-、link-、graph- level properties来获得监督信息。和监督学习是几乎一样的训练模式:learn with sample-label pairs。但是监督学习里的标签是手工标签,而auxiliary property-based methods是伪标签:self-generated automatically without any cost。大致可以分为两类:auxiliary property classification、auxiliary property regression。

5.1 auxiliary property classification

θ ? , ? ? = argmin ? θ , ? L s s l ( p ? ( f θ ( G ) ) , c ) . \theta^*,\phi^* = \operatorname{argmin}_{\theta,\phi}\mathcal{L}_{ssl}(p_{\phi}(f_{\theta}({\mathcal{G}})),\mathcal{c}). θ?,??=argminθ,??Lssl?(p??(fθ?(G)),c).
其中 p ? p_{\phi} p?? 是基于神经网络分类器的decoder,输出是一个k维的概率向量(k为类别的数目), c c c是相关的伪标签(属于伪标签集合 C C C)。根据伪标签集合 C C C的不同,大致可以分为两类:clustering-based、pair relation-based method。

5.1.1 clustering-based methods

a promising way to construct 伪标签:根据节点特征和结构属性将节点划分为不同的clusters。
mapping function : Ω : V → C \Omega : V \to C Ω:VC,用于为每个节点获得伪标签,一般基于无标签聚类或者是切分算法。
learning objective:
θ ? , ? ? = argmin ? θ , ? 1 ∣ V ∣ ∑ v i ∈ V L c e ( p ? ( [ f θ ( G ) ] v i ) , Ω ( v i ) ) . \theta^*,\phi^* = \operatorname{argmin}_{\theta,\phi} \frac{1}{|V|}\sum_{v_i \in V}\mathcal{L}_{ce}(p_{\phi}([f_{\theta}({\mathcal{G}})]_{v_i}),\Omega(v_i)). θ?,??=argminθ,??V1?vi?V?Lce?(p??([fθ?(G)]vi??),Ω(vi?)).
其中, [ ? ] v i [\cdot]_{v_i} [?]vi??代表the picking function to extract the representation of v i . v_i. vi?.

feature-based clustering:by feature-based clustering algorithm。
structure-based clustering:by minimizing the connections across subsets。

5.1.2 pair relation-based methods

关注于:the relationship between each pair of nodes within a graph。输入是:a pair of nodes。
mapping function : Ω : V × V → C \Omega : V \times V \to C Ω:V×VC,用于根据pair-wise contextual relationship来获得伪标签。
objective function:
θ ? , ? ? = argmin ? θ , ? 1 ∣ P ∣ ∑ v i , v j ∈ P L c e ( p ? ( [ f θ ( G ) ] v i , v j ) , Ω ( v i , v j ) ) . \theta^*,\phi^* = \operatorname{argmin}_{\theta,\phi} \frac{1}{|P|}\sum_{v_i ,v_j\in P}\mathcal{L}_{ce}(p_{\phi}([f_{\theta}({\mathcal{G}})]_{v_i,v_j}),\Omega(v_i,v_j)). θ?,??=argminθ,??P1?vi?,vj?P?Lce?(p??([fθ?(G)]vi?,vj??),Ω(vi?,vj?)).
P ? V × V P \subseteq V\times V P?V×V:node pair set defined by specific tasks.
[ ? ] v i , v j [\cdot]_{v_i,v_j} [?]vi?,vj??:picking function that extracts and concats the node representations of v i , v j . v_i,v_j. vi?,vj?.

5.2 auxiliary property regression

和auxiliary property classification相比,auxiliary properties是一定范围内的连续值(而不是一个有限集合里的离散伪标签)。
θ ? , ? ? = argmin ? θ , ? L m s e ( p ? ( f θ ( G ) ) , c ) . \theta^*,\phi^* = \operatorname{argmin}_{\theta,\phi}\mathcal{L}_{mse}(p_{\phi}(f_{\theta}({\mathcal{G}})),\mathcal{c}). θ?,??=argminθ,??Lmse?(p??(fθ?(G)),c).
c ∈ R c\in \mathbb{R} cR 是一个连续的属性值。这种属性值可以是节点度、local node importance,local clustering coefficient。
θ ? , ? ? = argmin ? θ , ? 1 ∣ V ∣ ∑ v i ∈ V L m s e ( p ? ( [ f θ ( G ) ] v i ) , Ω ( v i ) ) . \theta^*,\phi^* = \operatorname{argmin}_{\theta,\phi}\frac{1}{|V|}\sum_{v_i \in V}\mathcal{L}_{mse}(p_{\phi}([f_{\theta}({\mathcal{G}})]_{v_i}),\Omega(v_i)). θ?,??=argminθ,??V1?vi?V?Lmse?(p??([fθ?(G)]vi??),Ω(vi?)).
Ω ( v i ) = ∑ j = 1 n A i j . \Omega(v_i) = \sum_{j=1}^{n}A_{ij}. Ω(vi?)=j=1n?Aij?.
也可以利用pair-wise property作为回归目标:
θ ? , ? ? = argmin ? θ , ? 1 ∣ P ∣ ∑ v i , v j ∈ P L m s e ( p ? ( [ f θ ( G ) ] v i , v j ) , Ω ( v i , v j ) ) . \theta^*,\phi^* = \operatorname{argmin}_{\theta,\phi}\frac{1}{|P|}\sum_{v_i,v_j \in P}\mathcal{L}_{mse}(p_{\phi}([f_{\theta}({\mathcal{G}})]_{v_i,v_j}),\Omega(v_i,v_j)). θ?,??=argminθ,??P1?vi?,vj?P?Lmse?(p??([fθ?(G)]vi?,vj??),Ω(vi?,vj?)).
举例: Ω ( v i , v j ) = c o s i n e ( v i , v j ) \Omega(v_i,v_j) = cosine(v_i,v_j) Ω(vi?,vj?)=cosine(vi?,vj?):the cosine similarity of raw features。

讨论:classification的方法比regression更多,因为有很多的定义离散伪标签的方法。更多连续属性的应用研究can be future direction。

六、contrast-based methods

基于对比的方法基于the idea of 互信息最大化(mutual information maximization),learns by predicting the agreement between two augmented instances。

存在各种各样的图增强和对比学习的pretext tasks。可以分为三个部分来讲解说明这种方法。
1.graph augmentation:用于生成各种各样的graph instances。
2.graph contrastive learning:在非欧几里得空间中生成各种各样的contrastive pretext tasks。 information estimation:measures the MI between instances and forms the contrastive learning objective together with specific pretext tasks。

6.1 graph augmentations

现在的图增强方法大致可以被分为:attributive-based、topological-based、hybrid augmentations。请添加图片描述
给定图 G G G,the i-th augmented graph instance: G ~ ( i ) = t i ( G ) , t i ~ τ \tilde{G}^{(i)} = t_i(G), t_i\sim \tau G~(i)=ti?(G),ti?τ is a selected 图增强, τ \tau τ is a set of available augmentations。

6.1.1 attributive augmentations

G = ( A , X ) G = (A,X) G=(A,X), the augmented graph:
G ~ ( i ) = ( A , X ~ ( i ) ) = ( A , t i ( X ) ) . \tilde{G}^{(i)}=(A,\tilde{X}^{(i)}) = (A,t_i(X)). G~(i)=(A,X~(i))=(A,ti?(X)).
attributive augmentations have 2 variants:node feature masking(NFM),node feature shuffle(NFS)。

node feature masking(NFM): 随机mask掉一部分节点的特征。
t i ( X ) = M ° X t_i(X) = M\circ X ti?(X)=M°X
M:masking matrix, ° \circ °:哈达玛积。
除了M矩阵随机生成外,还可以calculate it adaptively:keep important nodes featires unmasked。

node feature shuffle(NFS): partially and row- wisely perturbs the node feature matrix。
t i ( X ) = [ X ] V ~ . t_i(X) = [X]_{\tilde{V}}. ti?(X)=[X]V~?.
[ ? ] v i [\cdot]_{v_i} [?]vi??: picking function that indexs the feature vector of v i v_i vi?. V ~ \tilde{V} V~: partially shuffled node set。

6.1.2 topological augmentations

G ~ ( i ) = ( A ~ ( i ) , X ) = ( t i ( A ) , X ) . \tilde{G}^{(i)}=(\tilde{A}^{(i)},X) = (t_i(A),X). G~(i)=(A~(i),X)=(ti?(A),X).
两种典型方法是:edge modification(EM)、graph diffusion(GD).
edge modification(EM): 通过随机丢弃或者插入边来干扰给定的图邻接矩阵。
t i ( A ) = M 1 ° A + M 2 ° ( 1 ? A ) . t_i(A) = M_1 \circ A + M_2 \circ (1-A). ti?(A)=M1?°A+M2?°(1?A).
M 1 , M 2 M_1,M_2 M1?,M2?分别是edge dropping 和 insertion matrix,其实就是随机masking矩阵,它们也可以calculate adaptively。

graph diffusion(GD): 为给定的邻接矩阵添加更加全局的拓扑信息:通过连接不直接连接的邻居。
t i ( A ) = ∑ k = 0 ∞ Θ k T k . t_i(A) = \sum_{k=0}^\infty \Theta_k T^k. ti?(A)=k=0?Θk?Tk.
Θ \Theta Θ: weighting coefficient.
T T T: transition matrix.

  1. Θ k = e ? ι t k k ! , T = A D ? 1 . \Theta_k = \frac{e^{-\iota}t^k}{k!}, T = AD^{-1}. Θk?=k!e?ιtk?,T=AD?1.
    t i ( A ) = e x p ( ι A D ? 1 ? ι ) . t_i(A) = \mathop{exp}(\iota AD^{-1}-\iota). ti?(A)=exp(ιAD?1?ι).
    ι \iota ι: the diffusion time。

  2. the personalized pagerank-based graph diffusion:
    Θ k = β ( 1 ? β ) k , T = D ? 1 2 A D ? 1 2 . \Theta_k = \beta(1-\beta)^k, T = D^{-\frac{1}{2}}AD^{-\frac{1}{2}}. Θk?=β(1?β)k,T=D?21?AD?21?.
    t i ( A ) = β ( I ? ( 1 ? β ) ) D ? 1 2 A D ? 1 2 . t_i(A) = \beta(I-(1-\beta)) D^{-\frac{1}{2}}AD^{-\frac{1}{2}}. ti?(A)=β(I?(1?β))D?21?AD?21?.
    β \beta β: the tunable teleport probability.

6.1.3 hybrid augmentations

G ~ ( i ) = ( A ~ ( i ) , X ~ ( i ) ) = ( t i ( A , X ) ) . \tilde{G}^{(i)}=(\tilde{A}^{(i)},\tilde{X}^{(i)}) = (t_i(A,X)). G~(i)=(A~(i),X~(i))=(ti?(A,X)).
一种典型的hybrid graph augmentation:subgraph sampling(SS).
t i ( A , X ) = [ ( A , X ) ] V ′ ∈ V . t_i(A,X) = [(A,X)]_{V' \in V}. ti?(A,X)=[(A,X)]VV?.
V ′ V' V V V V的子集,可以使用多种的子集生成方法。
hybrid augmentations也可以是组合前面提到的多种图增强方法。

6.2 graph contrastive learning

可以大致分为:same-scale 、cross-scale contrastive learning。

6.2.1 same-scale contrast

可以进一步被分为:node-level和graph-level。 node-level same-scale contrast

θ ? = a r g m i n θ 1 ∣ V ∣ ∑ v i ∈ V L c o n ( p ( [ f θ ( A , X ) ] v i , [ f θ ( A , X ) ] v c ) ) . \theta^* = argmin_{\theta}\frac{1}{|V|}\sum_{v_i \in V}L_{con}(p([f_\theta(A,X)]_{v_i},[f_\theta(A,X)]_{v_c})). θ?=argminθ?V1?vi?V?Lcon?(p([fθ?(A,X)]vi??,[fθ?(A,X)]vc??)).
v c v_c vc?: the contextual node of v i v_i vi?, e.g. a neighboring node in a random walk starting from v i v_i vi?.
这里的 p p p一般是点乘。

modern node-level same-scale contrastive methods:under various graph augmentations, instead limiting on subgraph sampling.
θ ? , ? ? = a r g m i n θ , ? L c o n ( p ? ( f θ ( A ~ ( 1 ) , X ~ ( 1 ) ) , f θ ( A ~ ( 2 ) , X ~ ( 2 ) ) ) ) . \theta^*,\phi^* = argmin_{\theta,\phi}L_{con}(p_\phi(f_\theta(\tilde{A}^{(1)},\tilde{X}^{(1)}),f_\theta(\tilde{A}^{(2)},\tilde{X}^{(2)}))). θ?,??=argminθ,??Lcon?(p??(fθ?(A~(1),X~(1)),fθ?(A~(2),X~(2)))).
拉近相似节点、推远不相关节点(构造负样本)。 graph-level same-scale contrast

θ ? , ? ? = a r g m i n θ , ? L c o n ( p ? ( g ~ ( 1 ) , g ~ ( 2 ) ) ) . \theta^*,\phi^* = argmin_{\theta,\phi}L_{con}(p_\phi(\tilde{g}^{(1)},\tilde{g}^{(2)})). θ?,??=argminθ,??Lcon?(p??(g~?(1),g~?(2))).
g ~ ( i ) = R ( f θ ( A ~ ( i ) , X ~ ( i ) ) ) \tilde{g}^{(i)} = R(f_\theta(\tilde{A}^{(i)},\tilde{X}^{(i)})) g~?(i)=R(fθ?(A~(i),X~(i))), R is the readout function.

6.2.2 cross-scale contrast

可以大致被分为:patch-global and context- global contrast。 patch-global cross-scale contrast

θ ? , ? ? = a r g m i n θ , ? 1 ∣ V ∣ ∑ v i ∈ V L c o n ( p ? ( [ f θ ( A , X ) ] v i , R ( f θ ( A , X ) ) ) ) . \theta^*,\phi^* = argmin_{\theta,\phi}\frac{1}{|V|}\sum_{v_i \in V}L_{con}(p_\phi([f_\theta(A,X)]_{v_i},R(f_\theta(A,X)))). θ?,??=argminθ,??V1?vi?V?Lcon?(p??([fθ?(A,X)]vi??,R(fθ?(A,X)))).
node-level representation <-> graph-level representation:最大化它们之间的互信息,来帮助graph encoder to learn both localized and global semantic information。

θ ? , ? ? = a r g m i n θ , ? 1 ∣ V ∣ ∑ v i ∈ V L c o n ( p ? ( h ~ i ( 1 ) , g ~ ( 2 ) ) ) . \theta^*,\phi^* = argmin_{\theta,\phi}\frac{1}{|V|}\sum_{v_i \in V}L_{con}(p_\phi(\tilde{h}_i^{(1)},\tilde{g}^{(2)})). θ?,??=argminθ,??V1?vi?V?Lcon?(p??(h~i(1)?,g~?(2))).
h ~ i ( 1 ) = [ f θ ( A ~ ( 1 ) , X ~ ( 1 ) ) ] v i \tilde{h}_i^{(1)}=[f_\theta(\tilde{A}^{(1)},\tilde{X}^{(1)})]_{v_i} h~i(1)?=[fθ?(A~(1),X~(1))]vi??:representation of node v i v_i vi? in augmentation view1.
g ~ ( 2 ) = R ( f θ ( A ~ ( 2 ) , X ~ ( 2 ) ) ) \tilde{g}^{(2)}=R(f_\theta(\tilde{A}^{(2)},\tilde{X}^{(2)})) g~?(2)=R(fθ?(A~(2),X~(2))):representation of augmentation view2. context-global cross-scale contrast

θ ? , ? ? = a r g m i n θ , ? 1 ∣ S ∣ ∑ s ∈ S L c o n ( p ? ( h ~ s , g ~ ) ) . \theta^*,\phi^* = argmin_{\theta,\phi}\frac{1}{|S|}\sum_{s\in S}L_{con}(p_\phi(\tilde{h}_s,\tilde{g})). θ?,??=argminθ,??S1?sS?Lcon?(p??(h~s?,g~?)).
S S S: 增强的输入图 G ~ \tilde{G} G~的上下文子图集合(contextual subgraphs),这里的图增强一般是图采样。
h ~ s \tilde{h}_s h~s?: the representation of augmented contextual subgraph s.
g ~ \tilde{g} g~?: the graph-level representation over all subgraphs in S.

h ~ s = R ( [ f θ ( A ~ , X ~ ) ] v i ∈ s ) , g ~ = R ( f θ ( A ~ , X ~ ) ) . \tilde{h}_s = R([f_\theta(\tilde{A},\tilde{X})]_{v_i \in s}),\tilde{g} = R(f_\theta(\tilde{A},\tilde{X})). h~s?=R([fθ?(A~,X~)]vi?s?),g~?=R(fθ?(A~,X~)).

6.3 mutual information estimation

给定a pair of instance ( x i , x j ) (x_i,x_j) (xi?,xj?), let ( h i , h j ) (h_i,h_j) (hi?,hj?) denote their representations. the MI between ( i , j ) (i,j) (i,j):
2 common forms of lower bound:Jensen-Shannon Estimator、Noise-Contrastive Estimator.

6.3.1 Jensen-Shannon Estimator

Jensen-Shannon (JSD): 提供了MI的有效估计和紧下界。基于JSD的对比损失定义如下:
h i , h j ~ P , h ~ j ′ ~ P ~ h_i,h_j \sim P, \tilde{h}_j'\sim \tilde{P} hi?,hj?P,h~j?P~
p ? ( ? ) p_\phi(\cdot) p??(?)可以是多种形式:如bilinear transformation. p ? ( h i , h j ) = h i T Φ h j p_\phi(h_i,h_j) = h_i^T \Phi h_j p??(hi?,hj?)=hiT?Φhj?

6.3.2 Noise-Contrastive Estimator

Noise-Contrastive Estimator也提供了a lower bound MI estimation,自然地关联了a positive and N negative pairs:

6.3.3 triplet loss

注意:minimizing this loss can not guarantee that the MI is being maximized because it cannot represent the lower bound of MI:

6.3.4 BYOL loss

not relying on negative samples:

6.3.5 Barlow Twins Loss

the representation of 2 views: H ( 1 ) , H ( 2 ) H^{(1)},H^{(2)} H(1),H(2) for a batch of data instances sampled from a distribution P P P.

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