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[人工智能]Masterclass 01_Writer your Own Story


Leave it all on the floor

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1> 英汉对照

> Introduction: Write your Own story
>  引言:书写自己的故事。

> There's one thing that all great shooters have in common,
> 所有优秀的射手都有一个共同点,

> and that's complete control over their mechanics.
> 那就是对他们自身的机制有着完全控制。

> That's not something you're born with.
> 这不是你与生俱来的。

> You have to practice it.
> 你必须练习。

>  Being great in competition means relentlessly focusing on the small things.
> 竞争中强大意味着不停关注细节。

> in this class, I'm going to show you my mechanics.
> 在这门课上,我将向你们展示我的机制。

> And how I structure the work that I do.
> 以及我如何安排我的训练。

> You have to get in the gym and put a ball in your hands.
> 你必须去训练场,拿着球。

> and work on your mechanics every single day.
> 并且每天都要练习你的机制。

> If you can commit to doing that, you can be as great as you want to be.
> 如果你能确保做到这点,你完全可以成为理想中的样子。

> That was my walk.
> 这就是我的路。

> Growing up, I was always the littlest guy on my team.
> 从小到大,我一直都是球队里个子最小的人。

> Even now, I think I still am.
> 直到现在,我想我还是那个小个。

> And so when I speak to those undersized guys that are trying to find out 
>  how they can make an impact on the team,
>  how they can be vocal leaders。
> 和其他小个子的对话中了解到他们总是在努力寻找 
> 如何给球队带去影响,
> 如何成为领导者。

> You can lead by example.
> 你可以以身作则。

> You can be the hardest woking guy on the team.
> 你可以成为队里最刻苦的那个人。

> The fist one in,  last one out type of mentality.
> 第一个来,最后一个走的决心;

>That underdog king of through process is something that drove me for a very long time.
> 有着失败者的谦卑思维模式这驱使了我很长一段时间。

> To prove naysayers wrong.
> 为了证明喷子说的都是错的。

> But mostly, it's all based on the confidence that you have in yourself
> 但最重要的是,这一切都建立在你自己的内心的信心之上。

> You don't listen to what anyboday says you can't do.
> 不要听别人说你做不到。

> because you know tha you can.
>  因为你知道自己可以。

> it might be tough.
> 可能会很困难。

> You might have to overcome a lot of more than the next guy next to you.
> 你要克服的可能比身边的人更多。

> but that's what makes it all worth it.
> 但这一切都是值得的。

> You can impact people by how you approach your every day.
>  你可以用对待每一天的态度来影响他人。

> And that's someting that I still try to do.
> 这也是我一直在努力做的事情。

> There are two huge turning points in my life.
> 我的人生有2个巨大的转折点。

> when I kind of understood a lot about myself and the certain decisions that I made.
> 每一次我都对自己有更多的了解,也更了解我所做的决定。

> I didn't necessarily regret them, 
> 但我并不后悔

> But it exposed me to my own kind of confidence and thought process.
> 但这让我有了自己的自信和想法。

> And when I was a freshman, I didn't take a chance at trying out for the varsity team.
> 我大一的时候,我没有抓住机会。

> I felt a little scared, a little nervous.
> 我感到有点害怕,有点紧张。

> And I think I took the easy way out trying to play Junior Varsity
>  and not really put myselft out there 
>  and shoot for the moon 
> 我当时走了轻松的那条路,去打了校队培养团,不用太忙,目标也不大。
> And about hafway through my JV season, I really regretted that decision。
> 在我的甲级赛季进行到一半的时候,我开始后悔那个决定。

> Because I felt like I was good enough to play on the next level.
> 因为我能感觉到自己明明可以去打校队的。

> But I didn't really have that belief to put that into action when the time mattered.
> 但我当时没有这样的信念,在机会来临之际没有把想法付诸行动。

> And so I told myself I would never be timid about anything。
> 所以我告诉自己,之后永远不要对任何事情感到胆怯

> like that ever again.
> 再也不要那样了。

> And then fast forward to my senior year in high school, 
> 然后再快进到我高中的最后一年。

> I wasn't getting recruited as heavily as I thought I was supposed to.
> 跟我预想的很不一样,我没有收到很多大学的录用.

> The waiting process trying to get recruited was really stressful.
> 等待大学录用的过程真的很有压力.

> It really nagged at me pretty much evey day.
> 我每天都想着这个事。

> It drove me to work hard.
> 这让我更加努力训练。

> But then when I didn't have any patience then.
> 但是当我的耐心被耗尽的时候。

> I was getting frustrated with the process 
> because I felt like that the time that I put in and my own belief in my game 
> after that point wasn‘t  being reflected in the scholarship offers
> and the attention from the big-time division I schools。
> 我开始对整个过程感到沮丧,因为我觉得我投入的时间 我对篮球的信念
> 在当时都没有在录取的奖学金上体现出来
> 也没有受到名牌大学的关注。

> and none of it worked out.
> 我的努力似乎没起作用。

> So it wasn't a great feeling.
> 所以那种感觉不太好。

> but when I was able to pick a school in Davidson 
> 但当我选择了Davidson学院之后

> It was in a real small school,
> 那是所很小的学校,

> Nobdy knew aboout them from a  basketball standpoint 
> 篮球方面没有什么名气,
* standpoint:

> That I was able to create my own journey and my own story
> 但因此我才能开始创造自己旅程和故事。

> And understand the power and beauty in that and embracing it. 
> 去了解篮球的力量和美 并拥抱它。

> It taught me to appreciate opportunity you have.
> 它教会我珍惜所拥有的机会。

> and that everything happens for a reason
> 万事皆有因

> and to embrace whatever your stroy is.
> 接收你的故事。

> And the rest is history.
> 剩下的就是历史了。

> I'm Stephen Curry, and this is my MasterClass.
> 我是斯蒂芬-库里, 这是我的大师课。

2> 内容解析

Introduction: Write your Own story

  • intro - duc - tion;

There’s one thing that all great shooters have in common,

  • common:adj.共同的 ; /?kɑ?m?n/

and that’s complete control over their mechanics.

  • complete: adj. 完全的;/k?m?pli?t/
  • mechanic:n. 方法,手段,机械工;
  • control over: 短语,控制,支配;

That’s not something you’re born with.

You have to practice it.

Being great in competition means relentlessly focusing on the small things.

  • com-pe-ti-tion: n. 竞争;
  • re-lent-less:adj,坚韧的,不间断的 /r??lent l?s/
  • re-lent-less-ly:adv.
  • focus:v. 关注,聚焦

in this class, I’m going to show you my mechanics.

And how I structure the work that I do.

  • struc-ture: v. 安排,计划;

You have to get in the gym and put a ball in your hands.

  • gym:n. 体育馆,/d??m/

and work on your mechanics every single day.

  • work on: 影响,对…起作用,继续工作,忙于;
  • single day : n, 单日,光棍节;

If you can commit to doing that, you can be as great as you want to be.

  • com-mit: v. 致力于,把…交托给;
  • You can be as good as you want to be。

That was my walk.

Growing up, I was always the littlest guy on my team.

  • grow: v. 成长,生长。
  • up, adv;
  • growing up,长大成人,成熟;
    I grew up in Shanxi.
  • little -> less -> littlest

Even now, I think I still am.

  • even: adv,甚至;
  • even now: 即使到现在,尽管这样;

And so when I speak to those undersized guys that are trying to find out
how they can make an impact on the team,
how they can be vocal leaders。


  • im-pact: n. 巨大影响;
  • find out : 查明,找到;通常含有经过困难,找到难找的,抽象的东西;
  • vocal:adj,发声的,大声表达的;

You can lead by example.

You can be the hardest woking guy on the team.

The fist one in, last one out type of mentality.

  • type of 类型
    I love these type of books.
  • men-tal-ity: n. 心态,思维方式;

That underdog king of through process is something that drove me for a very long time.

  • underdog: n. 失败者;

  • kind of : 有点,有几分;
    kinds of: 各种各样的,不同种类的;
    a kind of: 一种,有一点,kinds of 的单数形式;

  • think -> thought -> thought

    To prove naysayers wrong.

  • prove: v. 证明

  • naysayer: n. 否定者,喷子;

But mostly, it’s all based on the confidence that you have in yourself

  • con-fi-dence: n.自信,信心;

You don’t listen to what anyboday says you can’t do.

because you know tha you can.

it might be tough.

  • might :情态助动词,后面动词用原型
  • tough:adj,棘手的,困难的, 前面用be动词;

You might have to overcome a lot of more than the next guy next to you.

but that’s what makes it all worth it.

You can impact people by how you approach your every day.

  • ap-proach:v. 处理,靠近;/??pro?t?/

And that’s someting that I still try to do.

There are two huge turning points in my life.

  • huge: adj. 巨大的,高大的, /hju?d?/

when I kind of understood a lot about myself and the certain decisions that I made.

  • cer-tain:adj. 确定的,特定的;

I didn’t necessarily regret them,

  • ne-ces-sar-ily: adv, 必要地,
  • regret:v, 懊悔,惋惜;/r??ɡret/

But it exposed me to my own kind of confidence and thought process.

  • ex-pose: v. 暴露,显露
  • thought:/θ??t/, think-thought-thought;

And when I was a freshman, I didn’t take a chance at trying out for the varsity team.

  • try out: 试用,选拔;
  • var-sity: adj,大学代表队的 /?vɑ?r s? ti/

I felt a little scared, a little nervous.

And I think I took the easy way out trying to play Junior Varsity
and not really put myselft out there
and shoot for the moon

  • out ther: 到战场,在那里;

  • shoot for the moon:定一个远大目标; 英语中的成语,

Shoot for the moon. Even if you miss, you will land among the stars.

古文: 取法其上,得乎其中

And about hafway through my JV season, I really regretted that decision。

  • JV: junior Varisity;

Because I felt like I was good enough to play on the next level.

  • feel -> felt -> felt /felt/

But I didn’t really have that belief to put that into action when the time mattered.

  • belief: n,信仰,观念,坚定的信念;
  • matter:v. 要紧;

And so I told myself I would never be timid about anything。

  • timid:adj,胆怯的;

like that ever again.

And then fast forward to my senior year in high school,

I wasn’t getting recruited as heavily as I thought I was supposed to.

  • recruit: v. 招收,招聘;

The waiting process trying to get recruited was really stressful.

  • stress-ful: adj, 压力大的;
  • stress: n. 压力;

It really nagged at me pretty much evey day.

  • nag : n. 唠叨;
  • nagged: adj,感到烦恼的。

It drove me to work hard.

But then when I didn’t have any patience then.

  • pa-tience:n. 耐心;

I was getting frustrated with the process
because I felt like that the time that I put in and my own belief in my game
after that point wasn‘t being reflected in the scholarship offers
and the attention from the big-time division I schools。
我开始对整个过程感到沮丧,因为我觉得我投入的时间 我对篮球的信念

and none of it worked out.

So it wasn’t a great feeling.

but when I was able to pick a school in Davidson

It was in a real small school,

Nobdy knew aboout them from a basketball standpoint

  • standpoint:

That I was able to create my own journey and my own story

  • jour-ney:n.旅行,/?d???rni/

And understand the power and beauty in that and embracing it.
去了解篮球的力量和美 并拥抱它。

  • em-brace : v. 拥抱;

It taught me to appreciate opportunity you have.

and that everything happens for a reason

and to embrace whatever your stroy is.

And the rest is history.

I’m Stephen Curry, and this is my MasterClass.
我是斯蒂芬-库里, 这是我的大师课。

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