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[人工智能]如何计算一个信号的多尺度熵 Multiscale Entropy

如何计算一个信号的多尺度熵 Multiscale Entropy



SampEn has two advantages over ApEn: data length independence and a relatively trouble-free implementation.








2)样本熵,不包含自身。? 近似熵包含了自身;

代码仿真:? wiki

import numpy as np

def sampen(L, m, r):
    N = len(L)
    B = 0.0
    A = 0.0
    # Split time series and save all templates of length m
    xmi = np.array([L[i : i + m] for i in range(N - m)])
    xmj = np.array([L[i : i + m] for i in range(N - m + 1)])

    # Save all matches minus the self-match, compute B
    B = np.sum([np.sum(np.abs(xmii - xmj).max(axis=1) <= r) - 1 for xmii in xmi])

    # Similar for computing A
    m += 1
    xm = np.array([L[i : i + m] for i in range(N - m + 1)])

    A = np.sum([np.sum(np.abs(xmi - xm).max(axis=1) <= r) - 1 for xmi in xm])

    # Return SampEn
    return -np.log(A / B)



多尺度熵的基本原理包括对时间序列进行粗粒化或下采样 - 主要是在越来越粗略的时间分辨率下分析时间序列。







% matlab 主程序
clear all;
%% generate signals
Sf ?= 1000; ?% Sampling frequency
dur = 30; ?% Time duration
y = colored_noise(Sf,dur,0); ?% white noise
%% Plot time course
t = (0:length(y)-1)/Sf; ?% time vector
figure, set(gcf,'Color',[1 1 1]), hold on
ylim([-3 3])
xlabel('Time (s)')
ylabel('Amp. (a.u.)')
title(['White' ' noise (1/f^{' num2str(0) '})'])
%% Plot spectra
[F xf] = spectra(y, Sf, Sf*10, @hann);
figure, set(gcf,'Color',[1 1 1]), hold on
% xlim([0 400])
ylim([-0.01 0.06])
xlabel('Frequency (Hz)')
ylabel('Amplitude (a.u.)')
title(['White ' 'noise (1/f^{' num2str(0) '})'])
%% Compute MultiScale Entropy
% [mse sf] = MSE_Costa2005(x,nSf,m,r)
% x ? - input signal vector (e.g., EEG signal or sound signal)
% nSf - number of scale factors
% m ? - template length (epoch length); Costa used m = 2 throughout?
% r ? - matching threshold; typically chosen to be between 10% and 20% of
% ? ? ? the sample deviation of the time series; when x is z-transformed:
% ? ? ? defined the tolerance as r times the standard deviation
% mse - multi-scale entropy
% sf ?- scale factor corresponding to mse
[mse,sf] = MSE_Costa2005(y,20,2,std(y)*0.15);
? ??
%% Plot mse
figure, set(gcf,'Color',[1 1 1]), hold on, pp = []; labfull = {};
pp = plot(sf,mse,'-','Color',[0,0,0],'LineWidth',2);
labfull = ['White' ' noise (1/f^{' num2str(0) '})'];
ylim([0 3])
title('Multi-scale entropy')


function [mse,sf] = MSE_Costa2005(x,nSf,m,r)
% [mse(:,ii) sf] = MSE_Costa2005(y(:,ii),20,2,std(y(:,ii))*0.15);
% [mse sf] = MSE_Costa2005(x,nSf,m,r)
% x ? - input signal vector (e.g., EEG signal or sound signal)
% nSf - number of scale factors
% m ? - template length (epoch length); Costa used m = 2 throughout?
% r ? - matching threshold; typically chosen to be between 10% and 20% of
% ? ? ? the sample deviation of the time series; when x is z-transformed:
% ? ? ? defined the tolerance as r times the standard deviation
% mse - multi-scale entropy
% sf ?- scale factor corresponding to mse
% Interpretation: Costa interprets higher values of entropy to reflect more
% information at this scale (less predictable when if random). For 1/f
% pretty constant across scales.
% References:
% Costa et al. (2002) Multiscale Entropy Analysis of Complex Physiologic
% Costa et al. (2005) Multiscale entropy analysis of biological signals.
% ? ?PHYSICAL REVIEW E 71, 021906.
% Requires: SampleEntropy.m
% Description: The script calculates multi-scale entropy using a
% coarse-graining approach.
% ---------
% ? ?Copyright (C) 2017, B. Herrmann
% ? ?This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
% ? ?it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
% ? ?the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
% ? ?(at your option) any later version.
% ? ?This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
% ? ?but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
% ? ?GNU General Public License for more details.
% ? ?You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
% ? ?along with this program. ?If not, see <>.
% ----------------------------------------------------------------------
% B. Herrmann, Email:, 2017-05-06
% pre-allocate mse vector
mse = zeros([1 nSf]);
% coarse-grain and calculate sample entropy for each scale factor
for ii = 1 : nSf
?? ?% get filter weights
?? ?f = ones([1 ii]);
?? ?f = f/sum(f);
?? ?% get coarse-grained time series (i.e., average data within non-overlapping time windows)
?? ?y = filter(f,1,x);
?? ?y = y(length(f):end);
?? ?y = y(1:length(f):end);
?? ?
?? ?% calculate sample entropy
?? ?mse(ii) = SampleEntropy(y,m,r,0);
% get sacle factors
sf = 1 : nSf;


function SampEn = SampleEntropy(x,m,r,sflag)
% SampEn = SampleEntropy(x,m,r,sflag)
% Obligatory inputs:
%?? ?x - input signal vector (e.g., EEG signal or sound signal)
% Optional inputs (defaults):
%?? ?m ? ? = 2; ? % template length (epoch length)
%?? ?r ? ? = 0.2; % matching threshold (default r=.2), when standardized: defined the tolerance as r times the standard deviation
%?? ?sflag = 1; ? % 1 - standardize signal (zero mean, std of one), 0 - no standarization
% Output:
%?? ?SampEn - sample entropy estimate (for a sine tone of 1s (Fs=44100) and r=0.2, m=2, the program needed 3.3min)
% References:
% Richman JS, Moorman, JR (2000) Physiological time series analysis using approximate?
%?? ? ? entropy and sample entropy. Am J Physiol 278:H2039-H2049
% Abasolo D, Hornero R, Espino P, Alvarez D, Poza J (2006) Entropy analysis of the EEG
%?? ? ? background activity in Alzheimer抯 disease patients. Physioogical Measurement 27:241�253.
% Molina-Pico A, Cuesta-Frau D, Aboy M, Crespo C, Mir�-Mart韓ez P, Oltra-Crespo S (2011) Comparative
%?? ? ? study of approximate entropy and sample entropy robustness to spikes. Artificial Intelligence
% ?? ? in Medicine 53:97�106.
% The first reference introduces the method and provides all formulas. But see also these two references,?
% because they depict the formulas much clearer. If you need a standard error estimate have a look at (or the papers):
% Description: The program calculates the sample entropy (SampEn) of a given signal. SampEn is the negative?
% logarithm of the conditional probability that two sequences similar for m points remain similar at the next
% point, where self-matches are not included in calculating the probability. Thus, a lower value of SampEn
% also indicates more self-similarity in the time series.
% ---------
% ? ?Copyright (C) 2012, B. Herrmann
% ? ?This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
% ? ?it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
% ? ?the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
% ? ?(at your option) any later version.
% ? ?This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
% ? ?but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
% ? ?GNU General Public License for more details.
% ? ?You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
% ? ?along with this program. ?If not, see <>.
% -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
% B. Herrmann, Email:, 2012-01-15
% check inputs
SampEn = [];
if nargin < 1 || isempty(x), fprintf('Error: x needs to be defined!\n'), return; end
if ~isvector(x), fprintf('Error: x needs to be a vector!\n'), return; end
if nargin < 2 || isempty(m), m = 2; end
if nargin < 3 || isempty(r), r = 0.2; end
if nargin < 4 || isempty(sflag), sflag = 1; end
% force x to be column vector
x = x(:);
N = length(x);
?% normalize/standardize x vector
if sflag > 0, x = (x - mean(x)) / std(x); end ?
% obtain subsequences of the signal
Xam = zeros(N-m,m+1); Xbm = zeros(N-m,m);
for ii = 1 : N-m ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? % although for N-m+1 subsequences could be extracted for m,
?? ?Xam(ii,:) = x(ii:ii+m); ? ? ? ? ?% in the Richman approach only N-m are considered as this gives the same length for m and m+1
?? ?Xbm(ii,:) = x(ii:ii+m-1);
% obtain number of matches
B = zeros(1,N-m); A = zeros(1,N-m);
for ii = 1 : N-m
?? ?% number of matches for m
?? ?d = abs(bsxfun(@minus,Xbm((1:N-m)~=ii,:),Xbm(ii,:)));
??? ?B(ii) = sum(max(d,[],2) <= r);
??? ?
?? ?% number of matches for m+1
?? ?d = abs(bsxfun(@minus,Xam((1:N-m)~=ii,:),Xam(ii,:)));
??? ?A(ii) = sum(max(d,[],2) <= r);
% get probablities for two sequences to match
B ?= 1/(N-m-1) * B; ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?% mean number of matches for each subsequence for m
Bm = 1/(N-m) * sum(B); ? ? ? ? ? ? ? % probability that two sequences will match for m points (mean of matches across subsequences)
A ?= 1/(N-m-1) * A; ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?% mean number of matches for each subsequence for m+1
Am = 1/(N-m) * sum(A); ? ? ? ? ? ? ? % probability that two sequences will match for m+1 points (mean of matches across subsequences)
cp = Am/Bm; ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?% conditional probability
SampEn = -log(cp); ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? % sample entropy




多尺度熵---Understanding Multiscale Entropy_木须耐豆皮的博客-CSDN博客_多尺度样本熵


模糊熵、样本熵、近似熵都是什么?反映了什么? - 知乎

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