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   -> 人工智能 -> NER 原理及 TENER 模型搭建 -> 正文阅读

[人工智能]NER 原理及 TENER 模型搭建


NER 原理:
NER 多种实现(浅显):
参考 Github 代码实现:
用到的 fastNLP Github:
fastNLP 模型 save:
需要保存 Vocabulary:

NER 原理

NER 包括两个方面:BILSTM / Bert / Transform + Linear(softmax) + CRF

  1. 其中神经网络层:主要是 input(文本) -> embedding 化 -> 通过 lstm / transformer 等提取特征信息 --> softmax 得到每个字符(char)的 label(B-xx、I-xx、O…)概率([context_size,tag_size] 的矩阵,其中每个字词对应一行标签 softmax 分数)
  2. CRF 层:是 tag_size * tag_size 的可学习概率矩阵
  3. 损失函数:模型学习到了第一步的 [context_size, tag_size] 概率矩阵,也就是每个字符(xi)都得到一个属于哪种 tag 的概率值,如果没有 CRF,那么对每个字符的概率向量,计算 argmax 得到的就是最终的 Y 序列。但是每个字符都是最大概率值,不等于最后的 Y 序列概率最大(最大似然),所以需要找到概率最大的路径(也就是 y1 -> y2 -> y3 -> ... 概率最大):CRF的解码策略就是在所有可能的路径中,找出得出概率最大,效果最优的一条路径,那这个标签序列就是模型的最终输出 Y。
    假设标签数量是k,文本长度是n,显然会有N=k**n (k 的 n 次方)条路径,若用 Si 代表第i条路径的分数,那我们可以这样去算一个标签序列出现的概率:
    显然,我们需要让 Real 真实的那条路径概率最大,也就是:
    因此,我们建模学习的目的就是为了不断的提高 P(Sreal) 的概率值,这就是我们的目标函数,当目标函数越大时,它对应的损失就应该越小,所以我们可以这样去建模它的损失函数:
    对于只有两个 tag 的例子,到 x1 位置的概率为 log(ex00+t00+x10+ex01+t01+x10+ex00+t10+x11+ex01+t11+x11),其中 x00 表示 x0 这个字符(索引为 0 的字符)属于 tag0 的概率,也就是 lstm 网络第一行的 softmax 概率向量,t00 表示从 tag1 转移到 tag0 的概率,见下图公式
    因此模型的损失是综合了 lstm 的 softmax 概率,以及 CRF 的 tag 转移概率,两个损失得到的,因此模型的前向传播就可以在这两部分中进行了。


下面是 TENER (CRF 的一种最新实现,主要思想是去除 / √dk 归一化的 transformer + softmax + CRF)的代码整理,CRF 是个数据概率算法,所以无论任何模型都是固定的,优化的方向就是如何让文本的信息提取能力更强(transformer),如何让各个 tag 的区分度更大(去除归一化)


from models.TENER import TENER
from fastNLP import cache_results
from fastNLP import Trainer, GradientClipCallback, WarmupCallback
from torch import optim
from fastNLP import SpanFPreRecMetric, BucketSampler
from fastNLP.embeddings import StaticEmbedding
from import ModelSaver, ModelLoader
from modules.pipe import  CNNERPipe

import argparse
from modules.callbacks import EvaluateCallback

device = 0
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()

# choices 里需要加上自己业务(模型)的定义名,如我这里是门票 ner 模型,加了一个 ticket
# 在当前代码目录执行:sudo python --dataset ticket 开始训练
parser.add_argument('--dataset', type=str, default='resume', choices=['weibo', 'resume', 'ontonotes', 'msra', 'ticket'])

args = parser.parse_args()

# 前面四个 dataset 是一些开源数据,根据自己业务的数据量,修改定义自己网络的参数
dataset = args.dataset
if dataset == 'resume':
    n_heads = 4
    head_dims = 64
    num_layers = 2
    lr = 0.0007
    attn_type = 'adatrans'
    n_epochs = 50
elif dataset == 'weibo':
    n_heads = 4
    head_dims = 32
    num_layers = 1
    lr = 0.001
    attn_type = 'adatrans'
    n_epochs = 100
elif dataset == 'ontonotes':
    n_heads = 4
    head_dims = 48
    num_layers = 2
    lr = 0.0007
    attn_type = 'adatrans'
    n_epochs = 100
elif dataset == 'msra':
    n_heads = 6
    head_dims = 80
    num_layers = 2
    lr = 0.0007
    attn_type = 'adatrans'
    n_epochs = 100
elif dataset == 'ticket':
    n_heads = 6
    head_dims = 80
    num_layers = 2
    lr = 0.0007
    attn_type = 'adatrans'
    n_epochs = 100

# 一些通用的参数,可根据自己业务进行修改
pos_embed = None

batch_size = 16
warmup_steps = 0.01
after_norm = 1
model_type = 'transformer'
normalize_embed = True


# 根据样本的标注形式,修改这里的 Encoding_type:['bmeso', 'bio', 'bioes'] 这三种,我用的是 BIO 也即是 begin、inside、other 三种类型
encoding_type = 'bio'
# 这里是 CNNERPipe 处理数据后,存放的数据文件
name = 'caches/{}_{}_{}_{}.pkl'.format(dataset, model_type, encoding_type, normalize_embed)
d_model = n_heads * head_dims
dim_feedforward = int(2 * d_model)

@cache_results(name, _refresh=False)
def load_data():
    # 替换路径
    if dataset == 'ontonotes':
        paths = {'train':'../data/OntoNote4NER/train.char.bmes',
        min_freq = 2
    elif dataset == 'weibo':
        paths = {'train': '../data/WeiboNER/train.all.bmes',
        min_freq = 1
    elif dataset == 'resume':
        paths = {'train': '../data/ResumeNER/train.char.bmes',
        min_freq = 1
    elif dataset == 'msra':
        paths = {'train': '../data/MSRANER/train_dev.char.bmes',
        min_freq = 2
    # 自定义自己业务数据的目录
    elif dataset == 'ticket':
        paths = {'train': '../data/train.all.bmes',
                 'dev': '../data/dev.all.bmes',
                 'test': '../data/test.all.bmes'}
        # 如 word2vec 的思想,设置最小词频
        min_freq = 2
    # 数据处理
    data_bundle = CNNERPipe(bigrams=True, encoding_type=encoding_type).process_from_file(paths)
    # 字符级的预训练 embedding
    embed = StaticEmbedding(data_bundle.get_vocab('chars'),
                            min_freq=1, only_norm_found_vector=normalize_embed, word_dropout=0.01, dropout=0.3)
    # bigram 级别(两个字符)的预训练 embedding
    bi_embed = StaticEmbedding(data_bundle.get_vocab('bigrams'),
                               word_dropout=0.02, dropout=0.3, min_freq=min_freq,
                               only_norm_found_vector=normalize_embed, only_train_min_freq=True)

    return data_bundle, embed, bi_embed

data_bundle, embed, bi_embed = load_data()

# 这三个 vocabulary 需要存下来,线上使用的时候需要用到
# 存词库:字符 - index 的映射
# 存词库:两个字符的词语 - index 的映射
# 存 target:target(label:B-xx、I-xx、O、...) - index 的映射

# 模型网络定义,需要传入 target、embed 模型、bi_embed 模型、网络参数等
model = TENER(tag_vocab=data_bundle.get_vocab('target'), embed=embed, num_layers=num_layers,
              d_model=d_model, n_head=n_heads,
              feedforward_dim=dim_feedforward, dropout=dropout,
              after_norm=after_norm, attn_type=attn_type,

# 定义优化器
optimizer = optim.SGD(model.parameters(), lr=lr, momentum=0.9)

# 定义 callback
callbacks = []
clip_callback = GradientClipCallback(clip_type='value', clip_value=5)
evaluate_callback = EvaluateCallback(data_bundle.get_dataset('test'))

if warmup_steps>0:
    warmup_callback = WarmupCallback(warmup_steps, schedule='linear')
callbacks.extend([clip_callback, evaluate_callback])

# 开始训练,使用的是 fastNLP 的框架,需要传入 data_bundle 训练/测试集,模型、训练参数等
trainer = Trainer(data_bundle.get_dataset('train'), model, optimizer, batch_size=batch_size, sampler=BucketSampler(),
                  num_workers=2, n_epochs=n_epochs, dev_data=data_bundle.get_dataset('dev'),
                  metrics=SpanFPreRecMetric(tag_vocab=data_bundle.get_vocab('target'), encoding_type=encoding_type),
                  dev_batch_size=batch_size, callbacks=callbacks, device=None, test_use_tqdm=False,
                  use_tqdm=True, print_every=300, save_path=None)

# 模型保存
# 只保存参数
state_saver = ModelSaver("../model/ticket_ner_state_dict_200.pkl")
state_saver.save_pytorch(model, param_only=True)

# 保存整个模型
pkl_saver = ModelSaver("../model/ticket_ner_200.pkl")
pkl_saver.save_pytorch(model, param_only=False)


from fastNLP.modules import ConditionalRandomField, allowed_transitions
from modules.transformer import TransformerEncoder

from torch import nn
import torch
import torch.nn.functional as F

class TENER(nn.Module):
    def __init__(self, tag_vocab, embed, num_layers, d_model, n_head, feedforward_dim, dropout,
                 after_norm=True, attn_type='adatrans',  bi_embed=None,
                 fc_dropout=0.3, pos_embed=None, scale=False, dropout_attn=None):

        :param tag_vocab: fastNLP Vocabulary
        :param embed: fastNLP TokenEmbedding
        :param num_layers: number of self-attention layers
        :param d_model: input size
        :param n_head: number of head
        :param feedforward_dim: the dimension of ffn
        :param dropout: dropout in self-attention
        :param after_norm: normalization place
        :param attn_type: adatrans, naive
        :param rel_pos_embed: position embedding的类型,支持sin, fix, None. relative时可为None
        :param bi_embed: Used in Chinese scenerio
        :param fc_dropout: dropout rate before the fc layer

        # 字符预训练 embedding 模型
        self.embed = embed
        embed_size = self.embed.embed_size

        # bigram 预训练 embedding 模型
        self.bi_embed = None
        if bi_embed is not None:
            self.bi_embed = bi_embed
            embed_size += self.bi_embed.embed_size

        # 模型网络层
        self.in_fc = nn.Linear(embed_size, d_model)
        self.transformer = TransformerEncoder(num_layers, d_model, n_head, feedforward_dim, dropout,
                                              after_norm=after_norm, attn_type=attn_type,
                                              scale=scale, dropout_attn=dropout_attn,
        self.fc_dropout = nn.Dropout(fc_dropout)
        self.out_fc = nn.Linear(d_model, len(tag_vocab))

        trans = allowed_transitions(tag_vocab, include_start_end=True)
        # crf 层
        self.crf = ConditionalRandomField(len(tag_vocab), include_start_end_trans=True, allowed_transitions=trans)

    def _forward(self, chars, target, bigrams=None):
        # chars、target、bigrams 都是 Tensor,是映射后的 index
        # print(chars)
        # print(type(chars))
        mask =
        # 字符级别的 embedding
        chars = self.embed(chars)
        if self.bi_embed is not None:
            # 词袋级别的 embedding,二者 concat,这个的作用是模拟LSTM,让模型学到字符之间的顺序(attention 是字符级的,学不到 bigram 顺序关系)
            bigrams = self.bi_embed(bigrams)
            chars =[chars, bigrams], dim=-1)

        # 网络结构,全连接 + transformer + dropout + 全连接 + softmax多分类
        chars = self.in_fc(chars)
        chars = self.transformer(chars, mask)
        chars = self.fc_dropout(chars)
        # 最后 softmax 的时候是 target 的种类数(B-xx、I-xx、O...)
        chars = self.out_fc(chars)
        logits = F.log_softmax(chars, dim=-1)
        # 发射分数(标签向量)(每个字符有一个 softmax 向量,所以是 len(chars) * len(tag_vocab) 维)导入 CRF 解码最优路径
        if target is None:
            # 预测的时候
            paths, _ = self.crf.viterbi_decode(logits, mask)
            return {'pred': paths}
            # 训练的时候
            loss = self.crf(logits, target, mask)
            return {'loss': loss}
    # 训练
    def forward(self, chars, target, bigrams=None):
        return self._forward(chars, target, bigrams)
    # 线上预测时使用的函数,target 为 None
    def predict(self, chars, bigrams=None):
        return self._forward(chars, target=None, bigrams=bigrams)


from import Pipe, ConllLoader
from import DataBundle
from import _add_words_field, _indexize
from import iob2, iob2bioes
from import _add_chars_field
from import check_loader_paths

from import Conll2003NERLoader
from fastNLP import Const

def bmeso2bio(tags):
    new_tags = []
    for tag in tags:
        tag = tag.lower()
        if tag.startswith('m') or tag.startswith('e'):
            tag = 'i' + tag[1:]
        if tag.startswith('s'):
            tag = 'b' + tag[1:]
    return new_tags

def bmeso2bioes(tags):
    new_tags = []
    for tag in tags:
        lowered_tag = tag.lower()
        if lowered_tag.startswith('m'):
            tag = 'i' + tag[1:]
    return new_tags

class CNNERPipe(Pipe):
    def __init__(self, bigrams=False, encoding_type='bmeso'):
        self.bigrams = bigrams
        if encoding_type=='bmeso':
            self.encoding_func = lambda x:x
        elif encoding_type=='bio':
            self.encoding_func = bmeso2bio
        elif encoding_type == 'bioes':
            self.encoding_func = bmeso2bioes
            raise RuntimeError("Only support bio, bmeso, bioes")

    def process(self, data_bundle: DataBundle):
        _add_chars_field(data_bundle, lower=False)

        # 这里用的是 bmeso2bio 方法,所以只是把 target(bio label)都 lower 了一下,作为 target
        data_bundle.apply_field(self.encoding_func, field_name=Const.TARGET, new_field_name=Const.TARGET)

        # 将所有 digit(数字) 转为 '0',其余不变,作为 input
        data_bundle.apply_field(lambda chars:[''.join(['0' if c.isdigit() else c for c in char]) for char in chars],
            field_name=Const.CHAR_INPUT, new_field_name=Const.CHAR_INPUT)

        input_field_names = [Const.CHAR_INPUT]
        # bigrams 所以 c1 + c2 每两个字符构成一个词语
        if self.bigrams:
            data_bundle.apply_field(lambda chars:[c1+c2 for c1,c2 in zip(chars, chars[1:]+['<eos>'])],
                                    field_name=Const.CHAR_INPUT, new_field_name='bigrams')

        # index
        _indexize(data_bundle, input_field_names=input_field_names, target_field_names=Const.TARGET)

        # data 有四列:target、seq_len、chars、bigrams
        input_fields = [Const.TARGET, Const.INPUT_LEN] + input_field_names
        target_fields = [Const.TARGET, Const.INPUT_LEN]

        for name, dataset in data_bundle.datasets.items():


        return data_bundle

    def process_from_file(self, paths):
        paths = check_loader_paths(paths)
        # 构造 dataset,默认分隔符是:制表符/空格, raw_chars 是中文字符,target是每个bio(B-xx、I-xx、O)label
        loader = ConllLoader(headers=['raw_chars', 'target'])
        data_bundle = loader.load(paths)
        return self.process(data_bundle)


sudo python --dataset ticket

线上使用(& 离线预测)

from __future__ import division

from copy import deepcopy

import math
import torch
import torch.nn.functional as F
from fastNLP.core import Vocabulary
from fastNLP.embeddings import StaticEmbedding
from fastNLP.modules import ConditionalRandomField, allowed_transitions
from torch import nn

class RelativeEmbedding(nn.Module):
    def forward(self, input):
        """Input is expected to be of size [bsz x seqlen].
        bsz, seq_len = input.size()
        max_pos = self.padding_idx + seq_len
        if max_pos > self.origin_shift:
            # recompute/expand embeddings if needed
            weights = self.get_embedding(
                max_pos * 2,
            weights =
            del self.weights
            self.origin_shift = weights.size(0) // 2
            self.register_buffer('weights', weights)

        positions = torch.arange(-seq_len, seq_len).to(input.device).long() + self.origin_shift  # 2*seq_len
        embed = self.weights.index_select(0, positions.long()).detach()
        return embed

class RelativeSinusoidalPositionalEmbedding(RelativeEmbedding):
    """This module produces sinusoidal positional embeddings of any length.
    Padding symbols are ignored.

    def __init__(self, embedding_dim, padding_idx, init_size=1568):

        :param embedding_dim: 每个位置的dimension
        :param padding_idx:
        :param init_size:
        self.embedding_dim = embedding_dim
        self.padding_idx = padding_idx
        assert init_size % 2 == 0
        weights = self.get_embedding(
            init_size + 1,
        self.register_buffer('weights', weights)
        self.register_buffer('_float_tensor', torch.FloatTensor(1))

    def get_embedding(self, num_embeddings, embedding_dim, padding_idx=None):
        """Build sinusoidal embeddings.
        This matches the implementation in tensor2tensor, but differs slightly
        from the description in Section 3.5 of "Attention Is All You Need".
        half_dim = embedding_dim // 2
        emb = math.log(10000) / (half_dim - 1)
        emb = torch.exp(torch.arange(half_dim, dtype=torch.float) * -emb)
        emb = torch.arange(-num_embeddings // 2, num_embeddings // 2, dtype=torch.float).unsqueeze(1) * emb.unsqueeze(0)
        emb =[torch.sin(emb), torch.cos(emb)], dim=1).view(num_embeddings, -1)
        if embedding_dim % 2 == 1:
            # zero pad
            emb =[emb, torch.zeros(num_embeddings, 1)], dim=1)
        if padding_idx is not None:
            emb[padding_idx, :] = 0
        self.origin_shift = num_embeddings // 2 + 1
        return emb

class RelativeMultiHeadAttn(nn.Module):
    def __init__(self, d_model, n_head, dropout, r_w_bias=None, r_r_bias=None, scale=False):

        :param int d_model:
        :param int n_head:
        :param dropout: 对attention map的dropout
        :param r_w_bias: n_head x head_dim or None, 如果为dim
        :param r_r_bias: n_head x head_dim or None,
        :param scale:
        :param rel_pos_embed:
        self.qkv_linear = nn.Linear(d_model, d_model * 3, bias=False)
        self.n_head = n_head
        self.head_dim = d_model // n_head
        self.dropout_layer = nn.Dropout(dropout)

        self.pos_embed = RelativeSinusoidalPositionalEmbedding(d_model // n_head, 0, 1200)

        if scale:
            self.scale = math.sqrt(d_model // n_head)
            self.scale = 1

        if r_r_bias is None or r_w_bias is None:  # Biases are not shared
            self.r_r_bias = nn.Parameter(nn.init.xavier_normal_(torch.zeros(n_head, d_model // n_head)))
            self.r_w_bias = nn.Parameter(nn.init.xavier_normal_(torch.zeros(n_head, d_model // n_head)))
            self.r_r_bias = r_r_bias  # r_r_bias就是v
            self.r_w_bias = r_w_bias  # r_w_bias就是u

    def forward(self, x, mask):

        :param x: batch_size x max_len x d_model
        :param mask: batch_size x max_len

        batch_size, max_len, d_model = x.size()
        pos_embed = self.pos_embed(mask)  # l x head_dim

        qkv = self.qkv_linear(x)  # batch_size x max_len x d_model3
        q, k, v = torch.chunk(qkv, chunks=3, dim=-1)
        q = q.view(batch_size, max_len, self.n_head, -1).transpose(1, 2)
        k = k.view(batch_size, max_len, self.n_head, -1).transpose(1, 2)
        v = v.view(batch_size, max_len, self.n_head, -1).transpose(1, 2)  # b x n x l x d

        rw_head_q = q + self.r_r_bias[:, None]
        AC = torch.einsum('bnqd,bnkd->bnqk', [rw_head_q, k])  # b x n x l x d, n是head

        D_ = torch.einsum('nd,ld->nl', self.r_w_bias, pos_embed)[None, :, None]  # head x 2max_len, 每个head对位置的bias
        B_ = torch.einsum('bnqd,ld->bnql', q, pos_embed)  # bsz x head  x max_len x 2max_len,每个query对每个shift的偏移
        E_ = torch.einsum('bnqd,ld->bnql', k, pos_embed)  # bsz x head x max_len x 2max_len, key对relative的bias
        BD = B_ + D_  # bsz x head x max_len x 2max_len, 要转换为bsz x head x max_len x max_len
        BDE = self._shift(BD) + self._transpose_shift(E_)
        attn = AC + BDE

        attn = attn / self.scale

        attn = attn.masked_fill(mask[:, None, None, :].eq(0), float('-inf'))

        attn = F.softmax(attn, dim=-1)
        attn = self.dropout_layer(attn)
        v = torch.matmul(attn, v).transpose(1, 2).reshape(batch_size, max_len, d_model)  # b x n x l x d

        return v

    def _shift(self, BD):
        -3 -2 -1 0 1 2
        -3 -2 -1 0 1 2
        -3 -2 -1 0 1 2

        0   1  2
        -1  0  1
        -2 -1  0

        :param BD: batch_size x n_head x max_len x 2max_len
        :return: batch_size x n_head x max_len x max_len
        bsz, n_head, max_len, _ = BD.size()
        zero_pad = BD.new_zeros(bsz, n_head, max_len, 1)
        BD =[BD, zero_pad], dim=-1).view(bsz, n_head, -1, max_len)  # bsz x n_head x (2max_len+1) x max_len
        BD = BD[:, :, :-1].view(bsz, n_head, max_len, -1)  # bsz x n_head x 2max_len x max_len
        BD = BD[:, :, :, max_len:]
        return BD

    def _transpose_shift(self, E):
          -3   -2   -1   0   1   2
         -30  -20  -10  00  10  20
        -300 -200 -100 000 100 200

          0  -10   -200
          1   00   -100
          2   10    000

        :param E: batch_size x n_head x max_len x 2max_len
        :return: batch_size x n_head x max_len x max_len
        bsz, n_head, max_len, _ = E.size()
        zero_pad = E.new_zeros(bsz, n_head, max_len, 1)
        # bsz x n_head x -1 x (max_len+1)
        E =[E, zero_pad], dim=-1).view(bsz, n_head, -1, max_len)
        indice = (torch.arange(max_len) * 2 + 1).to(E.device)
        E = E.index_select(index=indice, dim=-2).transpose(-1, -2)  # bsz x n_head x max_len x max_len

        return E

class MultiHeadAttn(nn.Module):
    def __init__(self, d_model, n_head, dropout=0.1, scale=False):

        :param d_model:
        :param n_head:
        :param scale: 是否scale输出
        assert d_model % n_head == 0

        self.n_head = n_head
        self.qkv_linear = nn.Linear(d_model, 3 * d_model, bias=False)
        self.fc = nn.Linear(d_model, d_model)
        self.dropout_layer = nn.Dropout(dropout)

        if scale:
            self.scale = math.sqrt(d_model // n_head)
            self.scale = 1

    def forward(self, x, mask):

        :param x: bsz x max_len x d_model
        :param mask: bsz x max_len
        batch_size, max_len, d_model = x.size()
        x = self.qkv_linear(x)
        q, k, v = torch.chunk(x, 3, dim=-1)
        q = q.view(batch_size, max_len, self.n_head, -1).transpose(1, 2)
        k = k.view(batch_size, max_len, self.n_head, -1).permute(0, 2, 3, 1)
        v = v.view(batch_size, max_len, self.n_head, -1).transpose(1, 2)

        attn = torch.matmul(q, k)  # batch_size x n_head x max_len x max_len
        attn = attn / self.scale
        attn.masked_fill_(mask=mask[:, None, None].eq(0), value=float('-inf'))

        attn = F.softmax(attn, dim=-1)  # batch_size x n_head x max_len x max_len
        attn = self.dropout_layer(attn)
        v = torch.matmul(attn, v)  # batch_size x n_head x max_len x d_model//n_head
        v = v.transpose(1, 2).reshape(batch_size, max_len, -1)
        v = self.fc(v)

        return v

class TransformerLayer(nn.Module):
    def __init__(self, d_model, self_attn, feedforward_dim, after_norm, dropout):

        :param int d_model: 一般512之类的
        :param self_attn: self attention模块,输入为x:batch_size x max_len x d_model, mask:batch_size x max_len, 输出为
            batch_size x max_len x d_model
        :param int feedforward_dim: FFN中间层的dimension的大小
        :param bool after_norm: norm的位置不一样,如果为False,则embedding可以直接连到输出
        :param float dropout: 一共三个位置的dropout的大小

        self.norm1 = nn.LayerNorm(d_model)
        self.norm2 = nn.LayerNorm(d_model)

        self.self_attn = self_attn

        self.after_norm = after_norm

        self.ffn = nn.Sequential(nn.Linear(d_model, feedforward_dim),
                                 nn.Linear(feedforward_dim, d_model),

    def forward(self, x, mask):

        :param x: batch_size x max_len x hidden_size
        :param mask: batch_size x max_len, 为0的地方为pad
        :return: batch_size x max_len x hidden_size
        residual = x
        if not self.after_norm:
            x = self.norm1(x)

        x = self.self_attn(x, mask)
        x = x + residual
        if self.after_norm:
            x = self.norm1(x)
        residual = x
        if not self.after_norm:
            x = self.norm2(x)
        x = self.ffn(x)
        x = residual + x
        if self.after_norm:
            x = self.norm2(x)
        return x

class TransformerEncoder(nn.Module):
    def __init__(self, num_layers, d_model, n_head, feedforward_dim, dropout, after_norm=True, attn_type='naive',
                 scale=False, dropout_attn=None, pos_embed=None):
        if dropout_attn is None:
            dropout_attn = dropout
        self.d_model = d_model

        if pos_embed is None:
            self.pos_embed = None
        elif pos_embed == 'sin':
            self.pos_embed = SinusoidalPositionalEmbedding(d_model, 0, init_size=1024)
        elif pos_embed == 'fix':
            self.pos_embed = LearnedPositionalEmbedding(1024, d_model, 0)

        if attn_type == 'transformer':
            self_attn = MultiHeadAttn(d_model, n_head, dropout_attn, scale=scale)
        elif attn_type == 'adatrans':
            self_attn = RelativeMultiHeadAttn(d_model, n_head, dropout_attn, scale=scale)

        self.layers = nn.ModuleList([TransformerLayer(d_model, deepcopy(self_attn), feedforward_dim, after_norm, dropout)
                                     for _ in range(num_layers)])

    def forward(self, x, mask):

        :param x: batch_size x max_len
        :param mask: batch_size x max_len. 有value的地方为1
        if self.pos_embed is not None:
            x = x + self.pos_embed(mask)

        for layer in self.layers:
            x = layer(x, mask)
        return x

def make_positions(tensor, padding_idx):
    """Replace non-padding symbols with their position numbers.
    Position numbers begin at padding_idx+1. Padding symbols are ignored.
    # The series of casts and type-conversions here are carefully
    # balanced to both work with ONNX export and XLA. In particular XLA
    # prefers ints, cumsum defaults to output longs, and ONNX doesn't know
    # how to handle the dtype kwarg in cumsum.
    mask =
    return (
                   torch.cumsum(mask, dim=1).type_as(mask) * mask
           ).long() + padding_idx

class SinusoidalPositionalEmbedding(nn.Module):
    """This module produces sinusoidal positional embeddings of any length.
    Padding symbols are ignored.

    def __init__(self, embedding_dim, padding_idx, init_size=1568):
        self.embedding_dim = embedding_dim
        self.padding_idx = padding_idx
        self.weights = SinusoidalPositionalEmbedding.get_embedding(
        self.register_buffer('_float_tensor', torch.FloatTensor(1))

    def get_embedding(num_embeddings, embedding_dim, padding_idx=None):
        """Build sinusoidal embeddings.
        This matches the implementation in tensor2tensor, but differs slightly
        from the description in Section 3.5 of "Attention Is All You Need".
        half_dim = embedding_dim // 2
        emb = math.log(10000) / (half_dim - 1)
        emb = torch.exp(torch.arange(half_dim, dtype=torch.float) * -emb)
        emb = torch.arange(num_embeddings, dtype=torch.float).unsqueeze(1) * emb.unsqueeze(0)
        emb =[torch.sin(emb), torch.cos(emb)], dim=1).view(num_embeddings, -1)
        if embedding_dim % 2 == 1:
            # zero pad
            emb =[emb, torch.zeros(num_embeddings, 1)], dim=1)
        if padding_idx is not None:
            emb[padding_idx, :] = 0
        return emb

    def forward(self, input):
        """Input is expected to be of size [bsz x seqlen]."""
        bsz, seq_len = input.size()
        max_pos = self.padding_idx + 1 + seq_len
        if max_pos > self.weights.size(0):
            # recompute/expand embeddings if needed
            self.weights = SinusoidalPositionalEmbedding.get_embedding(
        self.weights =

        positions = make_positions(input, self.padding_idx)
        return self.weights.index_select(0, positions.view(-1)).view(bsz, seq_len, -1).detach()

    def max_positions(self):
        """Maximum number of supported positions."""
        return int(1e5)  # an arbitrary large number

class LearnedPositionalEmbedding(nn.Embedding):
    This module learns positional embeddings up to a fixed maximum size.
    Padding ids are ignored by either offsetting based on padding_idx
    or by setting padding_idx to None and ensuring that the appropriate
    position ids are passed to the forward function.

    def __init__(
            num_embeddings: int,
            embedding_dim: int,
            padding_idx: int,
        super().__init__(num_embeddings, embedding_dim, padding_idx)

    def forward(self, input):
        # positions: batch_size x max_len, 把words的index输入就好了
        positions = make_positions(input, self.padding_idx)
        return super().forward(positions)

# In[13]:

class TENER(nn.Module):
    def __init__(self, tag_vocab, embed, num_layers, d_model, n_head, feedforward_dim, dropout,
                 after_norm=True, attn_type='adatrans', bi_embed=None,
                 fc_dropout=0.3, pos_embed=None, scale=False, dropout_attn=None):

        :param tag_vocab: fastNLP Vocabulary
        :param embed: fastNLP TokenEmbedding
        :param num_layers: number of self-attention layers
        :param d_model: input size
        :param n_head: number of head
        :param feedforward_dim: the dimension of ffn
        :param dropout: dropout in self-attention
        :param after_norm: normalization place
        :param attn_type: adatrans, naive
        :param rel_pos_embed: position embedding的类型,支持sin, fix, None. relative时可为None
        :param bi_embed: Used in Chinese scenerio
        :param fc_dropout: dropout rate before the fc layer

        self.embed = embed
        embed_size = self.embed.embed_size
        self.bi_embed = None
        if bi_embed is not None:
            self.bi_embed = bi_embed
            embed_size += self.bi_embed.embed_size

        self.in_fc = nn.Linear(embed_size, d_model)

        self.transformer = TransformerEncoder(num_layers, d_model, n_head, feedforward_dim, dropout,
                                              after_norm=after_norm, attn_type=attn_type,
                                              scale=scale, dropout_attn=dropout_attn,
        self.fc_dropout = nn.Dropout(fc_dropout)
        self.out_fc = nn.Linear(d_model, len(tag_vocab))

        trans = allowed_transitions(tag_vocab, include_start_end=True)
        self.crf = ConditionalRandomField(len(tag_vocab), include_start_end_trans=True, allowed_transitions=trans)

    def _forward(self, chars, target, bigrams=None):
        mask =
        # 字符级别的 embedding
        chars = self.embed(chars)
        if self.bi_embed is not None:
            # 词袋级别的 embedding,二者 concat
            bigrams = self.bi_embed(bigrams)
            chars =[chars, bigrams], dim=-1)

        # 网络结构,全连接 + transformer + dropout + 全连接 + softmax多分类
        chars = self.in_fc(chars)
        chars = self.transformer(chars, mask)
        chars = self.fc_dropout(chars)
        # 最后 softmax 的时候是 target 的种类数(B-xx、I-xx、O...)
        chars = self.out_fc(chars)
        logits = F.log_softmax(chars, dim=-1)
        # 发射分数(标签向量)(每个字符有一个 softmax 向量,所以是 len(chars) * len(tag_vocab) 维)导入 CRF 解码最优路径
        if target is None:
            paths, _ = self.crf.viterbi_decode(logits, mask)
            return {'pred': paths}
            loss = self.crf(logits, target, mask)
            return {'loss': loss}

    def forward(self, chars, target, bigrams=None):
        return self._forward(chars, target, bigrams)

    def predict(self, chars, bigrams=None):
        return self._forward(chars, target=None, bigrams=bigrams)

# In[9]:

min_freq = 2

n_heads = 6
head_dims = 80
num_layers = 2
lr = 0.0007
attn_type = 'adatrans'
n_epochs = 100

pos_embed = None

batch_size = 16
warmup_steps = 0.01
after_norm = 1
model_type = 'transformer'
normalize_embed = True

dropout = 0.15
fc_dropout = 0.4

encoding_type = 'bio'
d_model = n_heads * head_dims
dim_feedforward = int(2 * d_model)

# In[26]:

# 单字符的 embedding
chars_vocab = Vocabulary().load('./model/chars_vocab.npy')
chars_vocab_dict = dict(chars_vocab)
embed = StaticEmbedding(chars_vocab,
                        min_freq=1, only_norm_found_vector=normalize_embed, word_dropout=0.01, dropout=0.3)

# word 的 embedding
bigrams_vocab = Vocabulary().load('./model/bigrams_vocab.npy')
bigrams_vocab_dict = dict(bigrams_vocab)
bi_embed = StaticEmbedding(bigrams_vocab,
                           word_dropout=0.02, dropout=0.3, min_freq=min_freq,
                           only_norm_found_vector=normalize_embed, only_train_min_freq=True)

# 训练集中没有的字符,使用 <unk> 对应的 index 填充
chars_unk_index = chars_vocab_dict['<unk>']
bigrams_unk_index = bigrams_vocab_dict['<unk>']

# label
target_vocab = Vocabulary().load('./model/target_vocab.npy')
target_vocab_dict = dict(target_vocab)
target_vocab_dict_reverse = dict({v: k for k, v in target_vocab_dict.items()})

model = TENER(tag_vocab=target_vocab, embed=embed, num_layers=num_layers,
              d_model=d_model, n_head=n_heads,
              feedforward_dim=dim_feedforward, dropout=dropout,
              after_norm=after_norm, attn_type=attn_type,
              scale=attn_type == 'transformer')

# 模型类必须在此之前被定义

# 待预测的单条样本
chars = ['x', 'x', 'x', 'x'] # ...

# 按照 CNNERPipe 的方法进行预处理,需要传入 chars 和 bigram
input_chars = [''.join(['0' if c.isdigit() else c for c in char]) for char in chars]
input_bigrams = [c1 + c2 for c1, c2 in zip(chars, chars[1:] + ['<eos>'])]

# 使用映射字典,转成 Tensor
tensor_input_chars = torch.Tensor([[chars_vocab_dict[i] if i in chars_vocab_dict else chars_unk_index for i in input_chars]]).long()
tensor_input_bigrams = torch.Tensor([[bigrams_vocab_dict[i] if i in bigrams_vocab_dict else bigrams_unk_index for i in input_bigrams]]).long()

# 预测,得到结果
preds = [target_vocab_dict_reverse[i] for i in model.predict(tensor_input_chars, tensor_input_bigrams)['pred'][0].tolist()]
# ['b-poi', 'i-poi', 'i-poi', 'i-poi', 'i-poi', 'i-poi', 'i-poi', 'i-poi', 'i-poi', 'o', 'b-project', 'i-project', 'b-people_number', 'i-people_number', 'b-project', 'i-project', 'o', 'o', 'b-people', 'i-people', 'i-people']



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