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为节点生成节点表征(Node Representation)是图计算任务成功的关键,我们要利用神经网络来学习节点表征。消息传递范式是一种聚合邻接节点信息来更新中心节点信息的范式,它将卷积算子推广到不规则数据领域,实现了图与神经网络的连接。消息传递范式因为简单、强大的特性,于是被人们广泛的使用。遵循消息传递范式的图神经网络被称为消息传递图神经网络。本节中,

  • 首先我们将学习图神经网络生成节点表征的范式消息传递(Message Passing)范式。
  • 接着我们将初步分析PyG中的MessagePassing基类,通过继承此基类我们可以方便的构造一个图神经网络。
  • 然后我们以继承MessagePassing基类的GCNConv类为例,学习如何通过继承MessagePassing基类来构造图神经网络。
  • 再接着我们将对MessagePassing基类进行剖析。
  • 最后我们将学习在继承MessagePassing基类的子类中覆写message(),aggreate(),message_and_aggreate()和update(),这些方法的规范。


消息传递图神经网络遵循上述的“聚合邻接节点信息的过程”,来生成节点表征。 x i ( k ? 1 ) {{x_i}^(k-1)} xi?(k?1)表示(k-1)层中节点 i i i的节点表征, e j , i e_{j,i} ej,i?表示从节点 j j j到节点 i i i的边的书信,消息传递图神经网络可以描述为
γ \gamma γ ? \phi ?表示可微分的函数,如MLPs(多层感知器)
注(1):神经网络的生成节点表征的操作称为节点嵌入(Node Embedding),节点表征也可以称为节点嵌入。


Pytorch Geometric(PyG)提供了MessagePassing基类,它封装了“消息传递”的运行流程。通过继承MessagePassing基类,可以方便的构造消息传递神经网络。构造一个最简单的消息传递图神经网络类,我们只需定义message()方法( ? \phi ?)、update()方法( γ \gamma γ),以及使用的消息聚合方案(aggr=“add”、aggr="mean"或aggr=“max”)。这一切是在以下方法的帮助下完成的:

  • MessagePassing(aggr=“add”,flow=“source_to_target”,node_dim=-2)(对象初始化方法):

    • aggr:定义要使用的聚合方案(“add”,"mean"或“max”)
    • flow:定义消息传递的流向(“source_to_target”或"target_to_source")
    • node_dim:定义沿着哪个维度传播,默认值为-2,也就是节点表征张量(Tensor)的哪一个维度是节点维度。节点表征张量x形状为[num_nodes,num_features],其第0维度(也就是第-2维度)是节点维度,其第一维度(也是第-1维度)是节点表征维度,所以我们可以设置node_dim=2.
    • 注:MessagePassing(…)等同于MessagePassing._init_(…)
  • MessagePassing.propagate(edge_index,size=None,**kwargs):

    • 开始传递消息的起始调用,在此方法中message、update等方法被调用。
    • 它以edge_index(边的端点的索引)和flow(消息的流向)以及额外的一些数据为参数。
    • 注意,propagate()不局限于基于形状为[N,N]的对称邻接矩阵进行“消息传递过程”。基于非对称的邻接矩阵进行消息传递,需要size=(N,M)。
    • 如果设置size=None,则认为邻接矩阵是对称的。
  • MessagePassing.message(…):

    • 首先要确定要给节点 i i i传递消息的边的集合:

      • 如果flow=“source_to_target”,则是( j j j, i i i) ∈ \in E E E的边的集合;
      • 如果flow=“target_to_source”,则是( i i i, j j j) ∈ \in E E E的边的集合。
    • 接着为各条边创建要传递给节点 i i i的消息,即实现 ? \phi ?函数。

  • MessagePassing.message(…)方法可以接收传递给MessagePassing.propagate(edge_index,size=None,**kwargs)方法的所有参数,我们在message()方法的参数列表里定义要接收的参数,例如我们要接收x,y,z参数,则我们应该定义message(x,y,z)方法。

  • 传递给propagate()方法的参数,如果是节点的属性的话,可以被拆分成属于中心节点的部分和属于邻接节点的部分,只需在变量名后面加上_i或_j。例如我们自己定义的message方法包含参数x_i,那么首先propagate()方法将节点表征拆分成中心节点表征和邻接节点表征,接着propagate()方法调用message()方法并传递中心节点表征给参数x_i。而如果我们自己定义的message()方法包含参数x_j,那么propagate()方法会传递邻接节点表征给参数x_j.

  • 我们用 i i i表示“消息传递”中的中心节点,用 j j j表示“消息传递”中的邻接节点。

  • MessagePassing.aggregate(…):

    • 将从源节点传递过来的消息聚合在目标节点上,一般可选的聚合方式有sum,mean和max。
  • MessagePassing.message_and_aggregate(…):

    • 在一些场景里,邻接节点信息变换和邻接节点消息聚合这两项操作可以融合在一起,那么我们可以在此方法里定义这两项操作,从而让程序更加高效。
  • MessagePassing.update(aggr_out,…)

    • 为每个节点 i i i ∈ \in V V V更新节点表征,即实现 γ \gamma γ函数。此方法以aggregate方法的输出为第一个参数,并接收所有传递给propagate()方法的参数。



其中,邻接节点的表征 x j ( k ? 1 ) {x_j}^{(k-1)} xj?(k?1)首先通过与权重矩阵 Θ \Theta Θ相乘进行变换,然后按端点的度deg( i i i),deg( j j j)进行归一化处理,最后进行求和。这个公式可以分为以下几个步骤:

  1. 向邻接矩阵添加自环
  2. 对节点表征做线性变换
  3. 计算归一化系数
  4. 归一化邻接节点的表征
  5. 将相邻节点表征聚合
import torch
from torch_geometric.nn import MessagePassing
from torch_geometric.utils import add_self_loops,degree

class GCNConv(MessagePassing):
    def _init__(self,in_channels,out_channels):
        super(GCNConv,self).__init__(aggr = 'add',flow = 'source_to_target')

        #"add" aggeration (step 5)
        #flow = 'source_to_target'表示消息从源节点传播到目标节点

        self.lin = torch.nn.Linear(in_channels,out_channels)

    def forward(self,x,edge_index):

        #x has shape [N,in_channels]
        #edge_index has shape [2,E]
        #step 1:Add self_loops to the adjacency matrix

        edge_index,_ = add_self_loops(edge_index,num_nodes = x.size(0))

        #step2:Linearly transform node feature matrix

        x = self.lin(x)

        #step3:compute normalization

        row,col = edge_index
        deg = degree(col,x.size(0),dtype = x.dtype)
        deg_inv_sqrt = deg.pow(-0.5)
        norm = deg_inv_sqrt[row]*deg_inv_sqrt[col]

        #step4-5:start propagating messages.

        return self.propagate(edge_index,x = x,norm = norm)
    def message(self,x_j,norm):
        #x_j has shape [E,out_channels]
        #step4:Normalize node features

        return norm.view(-1,1)*x_j





from torch_geometric.datasets import Planetoid

dataset = Planetoid(root = 'dataset',name = 'Cora')
data = dataset[0]

net = GCNConv(data.num_features,64)
h_nodes = net(data.x,data.edge_index)




class MessagePassing(torch.nn.Module):
    r"""Base class for creating message passing layers of the form

    .. math::
        \mathbf{x}_i^{\prime} = \gamma_{\mathbf{\Theta}} \left( \mathbf{x}_i,
        \square_{j \in \mathcal{N}(i)} \, \phi_{\mathbf{\Theta}}
        \left(\mathbf{x}_i, \mathbf{x}_j,\mathbf{e}_{j,i}\right) \right),

    where :math:`\square` denotes a differentiable, permutation invariant
    function, *e.g.*, sum, mean, min, max or mul, and
    :math:`\gamma_{\mathbf{\Theta}}` and :math:`\phi_{\mathbf{\Theta}}` denote
    differentiable functions such as MLPs.
    See `here <
    create_gnn.html>`__ for the accompanying tutorial.

        aggr (string, optional): The aggregation scheme to use
            (:obj:`"add"`, :obj:`"mean"`, :obj:`"min"`, :obj:`"max"`,
            :obj:`"mul"` or :obj:`None`). (default: :obj:`"add"`)
        flow (string, optional): The flow direction of message passing
            (:obj:`"source_to_target"` or :obj:`"target_to_source"`).
            (default: :obj:`"source_to_target"`)
        node_dim (int, optional): The axis along which to propagate.
            (default: :obj:`-2`)
        decomposed_layers (int, optional): The number of feature decomposition
            layers, as introduced in the `"Optimizing Memory Efficiency of
            Graph Neural Networks on Edge Computing Platforms"
            <>`_ paper.
            Feature decomposition reduces the peak memory usage by slicing
            the feature dimensions into separated feature decomposition layers
            during GNN aggregation.
            This method can accelerate GNN execution on CPU-based platforms
            (*e.g.*, 2-3x speedup on the
            :class:`~torch_geometric.datasets.Reddit` dataset) for common GNN
            models such as :class:`~torch_geometric.nn.models.GCN`,
            :class:`~torch_geometric.nn.models.GIN`, etc.
            However, this method is not applicable to all GNN operators
            available, in particular for operators in which message computation
            can not easily be decomposed, *e.g.* in attention-based GNNs.
            The selection of the optimal value of :obj:`decomposed_layers`
            depends both on the specific graph dataset and available hardware
            A value of :obj:`2` is suitable in most cases.
            Although the peak memory usage is directly associated with the
            granularity of feature decomposition, the same is not necessarily
            true for execution speedups. (default: :obj:`1`)

    special_args: Set[str] = {
        'edge_index', 'adj_t', 'edge_index_i', 'edge_index_j', 'size',
        'size_i', 'size_j', 'ptr', 'index', 'dim_size'

    def __init__(self, aggr: Optional[str] = "add",
                 flow: str = "source_to_target", node_dim: int = -2,
                 decomposed_layers: int = 1):


        self.aggr = aggr
        assert self.aggr in ['add', 'sum', 'mean', 'min', 'max', 'mul', None]

        self.flow = flow
        assert self.flow in ['source_to_target', 'target_to_source']

        self.node_dim = node_dim
        self.decomposed_layers = decomposed_layers

        self.inspector = Inspector(self)
        self.inspector.inspect(self.aggregate, pop_first=True)
        self.inspector.inspect(self.message_and_aggregate, pop_first=True)
        self.inspector.inspect(self.update, pop_first=True)

        self.__user_args__ = self.inspector.keys(
            ['message', 'aggregate', 'update']).difference(self.special_args)
        self.__fused_user_args__ = self.inspector.keys(
            ['message_and_aggregate', 'update']).difference(self.special_args)
        self.__edge_user_args__ = self.inspector.keys(

        # Support for "fused" message passing.
        self.fuse = self.inspector.implements('message_and_aggregate')


def propagate(self, edge_index: Adj, size: Size = None, **kwargs):
        r"""The initial call to start propagating messages.

            edge_index (Tensor or SparseTensor): A :obj:`torch.LongTensor` or a
                :obj:`torch_sparse.SparseTensor` that defines the underlying
                graph connectivity/message passing flow.
                :obj:`edge_index` holds the indices of a general (sparse)
                assignment matrix of shape :obj:`[N, M]`.
                If :obj:`edge_index` is of type :obj:`torch.LongTensor`, its
                shape must be defined as :obj:`[2, num_messages]`, where
                messages from nodes in :obj:`edge_index[0]` are sent to
                nodes in :obj:`edge_index[1]`
                (in case :obj:`flow="source_to_target"`).
                If :obj:`edge_index` is of type
                :obj:`torch_sparse.SparseTensor`, its sparse indices
                :obj:`(row, col)` should relate to :obj:`row = edge_index[1]`
                and :obj:`col = edge_index[0]`.
                The major difference between both formats is that we need to
                input the *transposed* sparse adjacency matrix into
            size (tuple, optional): The size :obj:`(N, M)` of the assignment
                matrix in case :obj:`edge_index` is a :obj:`LongTensor`.
                If set to :obj:`None`, the size will be automatically inferred
                and assumed to be quadratic.
                This argument is ignored in case :obj:`edge_index` is a
                :obj:`torch_sparse.SparseTensor`. (default: :obj:`None`)
            **kwargs: Any additional data which is needed to construct and
                aggregate messages, and to update node embeddings.
        decomposed_layers = 1 if self._explain else self.decomposed_layers

        for hook in self._propagate_forward_pre_hooks.values():
            res = hook(self, (edge_index, size, kwargs))
            if res is not None:
                edge_index, size, kwargs = res

        size = self.__check_input__(edge_index, size)

        # Run "fused" message and aggregation (if applicable).
        if (isinstance(edge_index, SparseTensor) and self.fuse
                and not self._explain):
            coll_dict = self.__collect__(self.__fused_user_args__, edge_index,
                                         size, kwargs)

            msg_aggr_kwargs = self.inspector.distribute(
                'message_and_aggregate', coll_dict)
            for hook in self._message_and_aggregate_forward_pre_hooks.values():
                res = hook(self, (edge_index, msg_aggr_kwargs))
                if res is not None:
                    edge_index, msg_aggr_kwargs = res
            out = self.message_and_aggregate(edge_index, **msg_aggr_kwargs)
            for hook in self._message_and_aggregate_forward_hooks.values():
                res = hook(self, (edge_index, msg_aggr_kwargs), out)
                if res is not None:
                    out = res

            update_kwargs = self.inspector.distribute('update', coll_dict)
            out = self.update(out, **update_kwargs)

        # Otherwise, run both functions in separation.
        elif isinstance(edge_index, Tensor) or not self.fuse:
            if decomposed_layers > 1:
                user_args = self.__user_args__
                decomp_args = {a[:-2] for a in user_args if a[-2:] == '_j'}
                decomp_kwargs = {
                    a: kwargs[a].chunk(decomposed_layers, -1)
                    for a in decomp_args
                decomp_out = []

            for i in range(decomposed_layers):
                if decomposed_layers > 1:
                    for arg in decomp_args:
                        kwargs[arg] = decomp_kwargs[arg][i]

                coll_dict = self.__collect__(self.__user_args__, edge_index,
                                             size, kwargs)

                msg_kwargs = self.inspector.distribute('message', coll_dict)
                for hook in self._message_forward_pre_hooks.values():
                    res = hook(self, (msg_kwargs, ))
                    if res is not None:
                        msg_kwargs = res[0] if isinstance(res, tuple) else res
                out = self.message(**msg_kwargs)
                for hook in self._message_forward_hooks.values():
                    res = hook(self, (msg_kwargs, ), out)
                    if res is not None:
                        out = res

                # For `GNNExplainer`, we require a separate message and
                # aggregate procedure since this allows us to inject the
                # `edge_mask` into the message passing computation scheme.
                if self._explain:
                    edge_mask = self._edge_mask
                    if self._apply_sigmoid:
                        edge_mask = edge_mask.sigmoid()
                    # Some ops add self-loops to `edge_index`. We need to do
                    # the same for `edge_mask` (but do not train those).
                    if out.size(self.node_dim) != edge_mask.size(0):
                        edge_mask = edge_mask[self._loop_mask]
                        loop = edge_mask.new_ones(size[0])
                        edge_mask =[edge_mask, loop], dim=0)
                    assert out.size(self.node_dim) == edge_mask.size(0)
                    out = out * edge_mask.view([-1] + [1] * (out.dim() - 1))

                aggr_kwargs = self.inspector.distribute('aggregate', coll_dict)
                for hook in self._aggregate_forward_pre_hooks.values():
                    res = hook(self, (aggr_kwargs, ))
                    if res is not None:
                        aggr_kwargs = res[0] if isinstance(res, tuple) else res
                out = self.aggregate(out, **aggr_kwargs)
                for hook in self._aggregate_forward_hooks.values():
                    res = hook(self, (aggr_kwargs, ), out)
                    if res is not None:
                        out = res

                update_kwargs = self.inspector.distribute('update', coll_dict)
                out = self.update(out, **update_kwargs)

                if decomposed_layers > 1:

            if decomposed_layers > 1:
                out =, dim=-1)

        for hook in self._propagate_forward_hooks.values():
            res = hook(self, (edge_index, size, kwargs), out)
            if res is not None:
                out = res

        return out


  • edge_index: 边端点索引,它可以是Tensor类型或SparseTensor类型。

    • 当flow="source_to_target"时,节点edge_index[0]的信息将被传递到节点edge_index[1],
    • 当flow="target_to_source"时,节点edge_index[1]的信息将被传递到节点edge_index[0]
  • size: 邻接节点的数量与中心节点的数量。

    • 对于普通图,邻接节点的数量与中心节点的数量都是N,我们可以不给size传参数,即让size取值为默认值None。
    • 对于二部图,邻接节点的数量与中心节点的数量分别记为M, N,于是我们需要给size参数传一个元组(M, N)。
  • kwargs: 图其他属性或额外的数据。

  • propagate()方法首先检查edge_index是否为SparseTensor类型以及是否子类实现了message_and_aggregate()方法,如是就执行子类message_and_aggregate方法;否则依次执行子类的message(),aggregate(),update()三个方法。



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