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[人工智能]A binaryrotation invariant and noise tolerant texture descriptor




局部BRINT_S描述符的构造如图2所示。与原始LBP方法中的采样方案类似,我们对中心像素Xc周围的像素进行采样,但在半径r的任何圆上,我们限制采样点数为8的倍数,因此p=8q,q为正整数。因此,在半径r上采样的Xc的邻居是Xr,8q=[Xr,8q,0,·····,Xr,8q8q?1] T。
图2 BNT_S描述符的说明:BRINT引入了量化前平均的思想,首先将原始邻域转换为新的Yr,8q,i,其中i=0,…,7,在中心像素的灰度值处对Yr,8q,i进行阈值化,以生成二值模式,而不是直接从每个相邻像素Xr,8q,i, i = 0, . . . , 8q ? 1,的精确灰度值中减去中心像素的灰度值Xc

给定Yr,q = [yr,q,0, · · · , yr,q,7]T我们可以简单地计算一个关于中心像素的二进制模式,如LBP:
对于控制采样和平均圆中相邻邻居数量的参数q,我们采用了采样方案(r,p)∈ {(1,8),(2,24),(3,24),···,(r,24)}作为实现操作符的合理起点,但不能保证它们为给定任务生成最佳操作符。
图3 使用Ojala等人(BLP)指定的Outex数据库中的所有三个基准测试套件,比较BRINT_S描述符和传统LBPri描述符的分类精度。实验装置与LBP保持一致。结果有力地表明,所提出的BRINT_S描述符明显优于传统的LBPri描述符。



继CLBP中的工作之后,?r, 8q是局部差异的重要分量。与(2)类似,?r, 8q转换为Zr,q,i=


到目前为止,BRINT描述符是从一个分辨率中提取出来的,该分辨率是位于半径为r的圆上的8q像素的圆对称邻域集。鉴于我们方法的一个目标是处理大量不同的尺度,通过改变r,我们可以实现不同空间分辨率的操作符,理想情况下,通过将来自多个分辨率的二进制直方图连接到单个直方图来表示纹理面片,这显然要求在每个分辨率下生成的直方图特征具有低维性。因此BRINT_CSM,BRINT_C、BRINT_S和BRINT_M的联合直方图的维数非常高,为36? 36? 2=2592,为了减少所需的统计堆栈数量,我们采用BRINT_CSr,q_CMr,q描述符,即联合直方图BRINT_C? BRINT_Sr,q与BRINT_C? BRINT_Mr,q连接,生成一个低维直方图:36? 2+36? 2=144。作为比较点,作为比较点,在实验结果中,我们还将评估BRINT_Sr,q_Mr,q,其维数为36+36=72。




#ifndef MISC_HPP
#define MISC_HPP

#include <vector>
#include <array>
#include <climits>
#include <cmath>

using std::vector;
using std::array;

namespace misc{

	// find min{ROR(x, i)} i=0..i; ROR -> right circular shift
	unsigned char minROR(unsigned char x, int numShifts);

	// vector of cordinates of circular neighbourhood
	// and interpolation weights
	// [floor_x, floor_y, ceil_x, ceil_y, w1, w2, w3, w4]
	vector<array<float, 8>> getNeighbourhoodCoordinates(int radius,
		int neighbours);



#include "misc.hpp"

** Author: Bhavik N Gala
** Email:

using std::floor;
using std::ceil;
using std::min;

namespace misc{
	vector<array<float, 8>> getNeighbourhoodCoordinates(int radius,
		int neighbours){
		// vector of cordinates and interpolation weights
		// [floor_x, floor_y, ceil_x, ceil_y, w1, w2, w3, w4]
		vector<array<float, 8>> neighbourhoodCoords;
		//float theta = 2.0*M_PI/neighbours;

		for(int i=0; i<neighbours; i++){
			// array template
			array<float, 8> neighbourhoodCoord;
			// theta = 2*pi/neighbours
			// x = r*cos(i * theta) + r
			// y = r*sin(i * theta) + r
			// adding r for translating center to image center
			float x = (float)(radius)*cos(i*2.0*M_PI/neighbours) + (float)(radius);
			float y = (float)(radius)*sin(i*2.0*M_PI/neighbours) + (float)(radius);

			// relative indices
			neighbourhoodCoord[0] = floor(x); // fx
			neighbourhoodCoord[1] = floor(y); // fy
			neighbourhoodCoord[2] = ceil(x);  // cx
			neighbourhoodCoord[3] = ceil(y);  // cy

			// fractional parts
			float tx = x-floor(x);
			float ty = y-floor(y);

			// weights
			neighbourhoodCoord[4] = (1-tx) * (1-ty); // w1
			neighbourhoodCoord[5] =    tx  * (1-ty); // w2
			neighbourhoodCoord[6] = (1-tx) *    ty;  // w3
			neighbourhoodCoord[7] =    tx  *    ty;  // w4

			// add array to vector
		return neighbourhoodCoords;

	unsigned char minROR(unsigned char x, int numShifts){
		unsigned char m = x;
		for(int i=1; i<numShifts; i++){
			m = min((unsigned char)((x >> i)|(x << (CHAR_BIT-i))), m);
		return m;


#ifndef BRINT_HPP
#define  BRINT_HPP

#include <cmath>
#include <limits>
#include <array>
#include <vector>
#include <opencv2/core/core.hpp>
#include <opencv2/imgcodecs.hpp>
#include <opencv2/highgui/highgui.hpp>
#include <opencv2/imgproc.hpp>

#include "misc.hpp"

using namespace cv;
using namespace std;

namespace features{
	class Brint{
		static void brint_s(const Mat& src, Mat& dst,
				Mat& hist, int radius, int neighbours, bool normalizeHist);

		static void brint_m(const Mat& src, Mat& dst,
				Mat& hist, int radius, int neighbours, bool normalizeHist);

		static void brint_c(const Mat& src, Mat& dst,
				Mat& hist, int radius, int neighbours, bool normalizeHist);

		static void brint_cs_cm(const Mat& src, Mat& hist,
				int radius, int neighbours, bool normalizeHist);



#include "brint.hpp"
#include <iostream>

** Author: Bhavik N Gala
** Email:

namespace features{

	void Brint::brint_s(const Mat& src, Mat& dst, Mat& hist, int radius,
		int neighbours, bool normalizeHist){

		// computes 'Binary Noise Tolerant Sign'
		// features for an given image

		// TODO: assert neighbours%8 == 0
		int q = (int)(neighbours/8);

		// TODO: check out other interpolation methods
		// interpolating pixel values
		// vector of cordinates and interpolation weights
		// [floor_x, floor_y, ceil_x, ceil_y, w1, w2, w3, w4]
		vector<array<float, 8>> neighbourhoodCoords = \
			misc::getNeighbourhoodCoordinates(radius, neighbours);

		// int dataType = src.depth();
		dst = Mat::zeros(src.rows-2*radius, src.cols-2*radius, CV_8U);

		// iterating through each pixel value
		for(int y=radius; y<src.rows-radius; y++){
			for(int x=radius; x<src.cols-radius; x++){
				// getting the neighbourhood
				Mat neighbourhood(src, Rect(x-radius, y-radius,
					2*radius+1, 2*radius+1));
				uint8_t *nData =;

				// array of circular neighbourhood pixel values
				float neighbourVector[neighbours];

				// iterating through all the points in the circular
				// neighbourhood and interpolating them
				for(int p=0; p<neighbours; p++){

					array<float, 8> xy = neighbourhoodCoords[p];

					// s = w1*src(fy,fx)+w2*src(fy,cx)+w3*src(cy,fx)+w4*src(cy,cx)
					Scalar p1 =<uchar>((int)(xy[1]), (int)(xy[0]));
					Scalar p2 =<uchar>((int)(xy[1]), (int)(xy[2]));
					Scalar p3 =<uchar>((int)(xy[3]), (int)(xy[0]));
					Scalar p4 =<uchar>((int)(xy[3]), (int)(xy[2]));
					//neighbourVector[p] = xy[4]*nData[(int)(xy[1]), (int)(xy[0])] + xy[5]*nData[(int)(xy[1]), (int)(xy[2])] + xy[6]*nData[(int)(xy[3]), (int)(xy[0])] + xy[7]*nData[(int)(xy[3]), (int)(xy[2])];
					neighbourVector[p] = xy[4]*p1.val[0] + xy[5]*p2.val[0] + xy[6]*p3.val[0] + xy[7]*p4.val[0];

				// transform the neighbour vector by local averaging
				// along the arc
				unsigned char bnt_s = 0;
				for(int i=0; i<8; i++){
					float y = 0;
					// y_r,q,i=(1/q)*sum(from k=0,..,q-1)(x_r,8q,qi+k)
					for(int k=0; k<q; k++){
						y += neighbourVector[q*i + k];
					y /= q;

					// compute LBP
					unsigned char s = ((y-nData[radius, radius])>=0) ? 1 : 0;
					bnt_s += s * (unsigned char)(pow(2, i));

				// addding rotation invariance
				// BRINT_S = min{ROR(BNT_S, i)} i=0..7<unsigned char>(y-radius, x-radius) = misc::minROR(bnt_s, q);

		// compute histogram
		// number of bins in the histogram
		int histSize = 256;
		// set the range of values, from 0 to 255
		// upper value is exclusive
		float range[] = {0, 2};
		const float* histRange = {range};
		// uniform size of bins
		bool uniform = true;
		// set this flag to accumulate values of bins with previous histogram
		bool accumulate = false;
		cv::calcHist(&dst, 1, 0, Mat(), hist, 1, &histSize, &histRange, uniform, accumulate);

			// min output value = 0; max output value = 255
			normalize(hist, hist, 0, 255, NORM_MINMAX, -1, Mat());

	void Brint::brint_m(const Mat& src, Mat& dst, Mat& hist, int radius,
		int neighbours, bool normalizeHist){
		// computes 'Binary Noise Tolerant Magnitude'
		// features for an given image

		// TODO: assert neighbours%8 == 0
		int q = (int)(neighbours/8);

		// TODO: check out other interpolation methods
		// interpolating pixel values
		// vector of cordinates and interpolation weights
		// [floor_x, floor_y, ceil_x, ceil_y, w1, w2, w3, w4]
		vector<array<float, 8>> neighbourhoodCoords = \
			misc::getNeighbourhoodCoordinates(radius, neighbours);

		dst = Mat::zeros(src.rows-2*radius, src.cols-2*radius, CV_8U);

		// iterating through each pixel value
		for(int y=radius; y<src.rows-radius; y++){
			for(int x=radius; x<src.cols-radius; x++){
				// getting the neighbourhood
				Mat neighbourhood(src, Rect(x-radius, y-radius,
					2*radius+1, 2*radius+1));
				uint8_t *nData =;

				// array of circular neighbourhood pixel values
				float neighbourVector[neighbours];

				// iterating through all the points in the circular
				// neighbourhood and interpolating them
				for(int p=0; p<neighbours; p++){

					array<float, 8> xy = neighbourhoodCoords[p];

					// s = w1*src(fy,fx)+w2*src(fy,cx)+w3*src(cy,fx)+w4*src(cy,cx)
					neighbourVector[p] = \
					xy[4]*nData[(int)(xy[1]), (int)(xy[0])] + \
					xy[5]*nData[(int)(xy[1]), (int)(xy[2])] + \
					xy[6]*nData[(int)(xy[3]), (int)(xy[0])] + \
					xy[7]*nData[(int)(xy[3]), (int)(xy[2])];

					// delta_r = abs(x_r,p,i - x_c)
					neighbourVector[p] = abs(neighbourVector[p] - nData[radius, radius]);

				// transform the neighbour vector by local averaging
				// along the arc
				float z[8];
				for(int i=0; i<8; i++){
					float y = 0;
					// y_r,q,i=(1/q)*sum(from k=0,..,q-1)(x_r,8q,qi+k)
					for(int k=0; k<q; k++){
						y += neighbourVector[q*i + k];
					y /= q;
					z[i] = y;
				// compute mean of the array z
				float mu_z = 0;
				for(int i=0; i<8; i++){
					mu_z += z[i];
				mu_z /= 8;

				unsigned char bnt_m = 0;
				for(int i=0; i<8; i++){
					// compute LBP
					unsigned char s = ((z[i]-mu_z)>=0) ? 1 : 0;
					bnt_m += s * (unsigned char)(pow(2, i));

				// addding rotation invariance
				// BRINT_M = min{ROR(BNT_M, i)} i=0..7<unsigned char>(y-radius, x-radius) = misc::minROR(bnt_m, q);

		// compute histogram
		// number of bins in the histogram
		int histSize = 256;
		// set the range of values, from 0 to 255
		// upper value is exclusive
		float range[] = {0, 2};
		const float* histRange = {range};
		// uniform size of bins
		bool uniform = true;
		// set this flag to accumulate values of bins with previous histogram
		bool accumulate = false;
		calcHist(&dst, 1, 0, Mat(), hist, 1, &histSize, &histRange, uniform, accumulate);

			// min output value = 0; max output value = 255
			normalize(hist, hist, 0, 255, NORM_MINMAX, -1, Mat());

	void Brint::brint_c(const Mat& src, Mat& dst, Mat& hist, int radius,
		int neighbours, bool normalizeHist){
		// computes 'Binary Noise Tolerant Center'
		// features for an given image

		dst = Mat::zeros(src.rows-2*radius, src.cols-2*radius, CV_8U);

		uint8_t *srcData =;
		// mean of all the pixels in the image
		float mu = (cv::mean(src(Range(radius, src.rows-radius),
						  Range(radius, src.cols-radius))))[0];

		// iterating through each pixel value
		for(int y=radius; y<src.rows-radius; y++){
			for(int x=radius; x<src.cols-radius; x++){
				unsigned char s = ((srcData[y, x]-mu)>=0) ? 1 : 0;<unsigned char>(y-radius, x-radius) = s;

		// compute histogram
		// number of bins in the histogram
		int histSize = 2;
		// set the range of values, from 0 to 1
		// upper value is exclusive
		float range[] = {0, 2};
		const float* histRange = {range};
		// uniform size of bins
		bool uniform = true;
		// set this flag to accumulate values of bins with previous histogram
		bool accumulate = false;
		calcHist(&dst, 1, 0, Mat(), hist, 1, &histSize, &histRange, uniform, accumulate);

			// min output value = 0; max output value = 255
			normalize(hist, hist, 0, 255, NORM_MINMAX, -1, Mat());

	void Brint::brint_cs_cm(const Mat& src, Mat& hist, int radius, int neighbours, bool normalizeHist){
		// computes BRINT feature
		// computes joint histogram from BNT_C a)nd BNT_S; BNT_C and BNT_M
		// concatenates the two joint histogram

		// TODO: assert neighbours%8 == 0
		int q = (int)(neighbours/8);
		// TODO: check out other interpolation methods
		// interpolating pixel values
		// vector of cordinates and interpolation weights
		// [floor_x, floor_y, ceil_x, ceil_y, w1, w2, w3, w4]
		vector<array<float, 8>> neighbourhoodCoords = \
			misc::getNeighbourhoodCoordinates(radius, neighbours);

		Mat bnt_s = Mat::zeros(src.rows-2*radius, src.cols-2*radius, CV_8U);
		Mat bnt_m = Mat::zeros(src.rows-2*radius, src.cols-2*radius, CV_8U);
		Mat bnt_c = Mat::zeros(src.rows-2*radius, src.cols-2*radius, CV_8U);

		uint8_t *srcData =;

		// mean of all the pixels in the image
		float mu = (cv::mean(src(Range(radius, src.rows-radius),
								 Range(radius, src.cols-radius))))[0];

		for(int y=radius; y<src.rows-radius; y++){
			for(int x=radius; x<src.cols-radius; x++){
				// getting the neighbourhood
				Mat neighbourhood(src, Rect(x-radius, y-radius,
											2*radius+1, 2*radius+1));
				uint8_t *nData =;

				// array of circular neighbourhood pixel values
				float neighbourVector[neighbours];

				// iterating through all the points in the circular
				// neighbourhood and interpolating them
				for(int p=0; p<neighbours; p++){

					array<float, 8> xy = neighbourhoodCoords[p];

					// s = w1*src(fy,fx)+w2*src(fy,cx)+w3*src(cy,fx)+w4*src(cy,cx)
					Scalar p1 =<uchar>((int)(xy[1]), (int)(xy[0]));
					Scalar p2 =<uchar>((int)(xy[1]), (int)(xy[2]));
					Scalar p3 =<uchar>((int)(xy[3]), (int)(xy[0]));
					Scalar p4 =<uchar>((int)(xy[3]), (int)(xy[2]));
					neighbourVector[p] = xy[4]*p1.val[0] + xy[5]*p2.val[0] + xy[6]*p3.val[0] + xy[7]*p4.val[0];

				// transform the neighbour vector by local averaging
				// along the arc
				float z[8];
				for(int i=0; i<8; i++){
					float y = 0;
					// y_r,q,i=(1/q)*sum(from k=0,..,q-1)(x_r,8q,qi+k)
					for(int k=0; k<q; k++){
						y += neighbourVector[q*i + k];
					y /= q;
					z[i] = y;
				// compute mean of the array z
				float mu_z = 0;
				for(int i=0; i<8; i++){
					mu_z += z[i];
				mu_z /= 8;

				unsigned char bnt_s1 = 0;
				unsigned char bnt_m1 = 0;
				unsigned char s;
				for(int i=0; i<8; i++){
					// compute LBP
					// bnt_s
					s = ((z[i]-nData[radius, radius])>=0) ? 1 : 0;
					bnt_s1 += s * (unsigned char)(pow(2, i));
					// bnt_m
					s = ((z[i]-mu_z)>=0) ? 1 : 0;
					bnt_m1 += s * (unsigned char)(pow(2, i));
				// bnt_c
				s = ((srcData[y, x]-mu)>=0) ? 1 : 0;<unsigned char>(y-radius, x-radius) = misc::minROR(bnt_s1, q);<unsigned char>(y-radius, x-radius) = misc::minROR(bnt_m1, q);<unsigned char>(y-radius, x-radius) = s;

		// compute histogram
		// number of bins in the histogram
		int histSize1 = 256;
		int histSize2 = 2;
		// set the range of values, from 0 to 255
		// upper value is exclusive
		float range1[] = {0, 256};
//		float range2[] = {0, 2};
		const float* histRange1 = {range1};
//		const float* histRange2= {range2};

		Mat hist_cs;
		Mat hist_cm;

		calcHist(&bnt_s, 1, 0, Mat(), hist_cs, 1, &histSize1, &histRange1, true, false); // clear the hist_cs array
		calcHist(&bnt_c, 1, 0, Mat(), hist_cs, 1, &histSize1, &histRange1, true, true); // accumulate the hist_cs array

		calcHist(&bnt_m, 1, 0, Mat(), hist_cm, 1, &histSize1, &histRange1, true, false); // clear the hist_cs array
		calcHist(&bnt_c, 1, 0, Mat(), hist_cm, 1, &histSize1, &histRange1, true, true); // accumulate the hist_cs array

			// min output value = 0; max output value = 255
			normalize(hist_cs, hist_cs, 0, 255, NORM_MINMAX, -1, Mat());
			normalize(hist_cm, hist_cm, 0, 255, NORM_MINMAX, -1, Mat());

		// concatenate the histograms
		vconcat(hist_cs, hist_cm, hist);



#include "../utils/misc.hpp"
#include "../utils/brint.hpp"

using namespace std;
using namespace cv;

int main(int argc, char** argv){
	Mat image = imread("./data/leaf.png", IMREAD_GRAYSCALE);
	Mat brintImage;
	Mat hist;

//	Mat saltpepper_noise = Mat::zeros(image.rows, image.cols,CV_8U);
//	randu(saltpepper_noise,0,255);
//	Mat black = saltpepper_noise < 30;
//	Mat white = saltpepper_noise > 225;

//	Mat saltpepper_img = image.clone();
//	saltpepper_img.setTo(255,white);
//	saltpepper_img.setTo(0,black);
//	imwrite("./results/leaf_sp.jpg", saltpepper_img);

//	namedWindow("saltNpepper", WINDOW_NORMAL);
//	resizeWindow("saltNpepper", 1080, 1280);
//	imshow("saltNpepper", saltpepper_img);

	features::Brint::brint_s(image, brintImage, hist, 2, 32);
	imwrite("./results/as_brint_s_r2_n32.jpg", brintImage);

//	namedWindow( "Image", WINDOW_NORMAL);
//	resizeWindow("Image", 1280, 1080);
//	namedWindow( "Texture r=2, n=32", WINDOW_NORMAL );
//	resizeWindow("Texture r=2, n=32", 1280, 1080);
//	imshow("Image", image);
//	imshow( "Texture r=2, n=32", brintImage );

//	namedWindow( "Texture r=4, n=32", WINDOW_NORMAL );
//	resizeWindow("Texture r=4, n=32", 1280, 1080);
	features::Brint::brint_s(image, brintImage, hist, 4, 32);
	imwrite("./results/as_brint_s_r4_n32.jpg", brintImage);
//	imshow( "Texture r=4, n=32", brintImage );

//	namedWindow( "Texture r=8, n=32", WINDOW_NORMAL );
//	resizeWindow("Texture r=8, n=32", 1280, 1080);
	features::Brint::brint_s(image, brintImage, hist, 8, 32);
	imwrite("./results/as_brint_s_r8_n32.jpg", brintImage);
//	imshow( "Texture r=8, n=32", brintImage );

//	namedWindow( "Texture r=12, n=32", WINDOW_NORMAL );
//	resizeWindow("Texture r=12, n=32", 1280, 1080);
	features::Brint::brint_s(image, brintImage, hist, 12, 32);
	imwrite("./results/as_brint_s_r12_n32.jpg", brintImage);
//	imshow( "Texture r=12, n=32", brintImage );

//    waitKey(0);
	return 0;



import cv2
import numpy as np
import math

def brint_s(srcimg, radius, neighbours):
    src = cv2.cvtColor(srcimg, cv2.COLOR_RGB2GRAY)
    q = int(neighbours / 8)
    neighbourhoodCoords = getNeighbourhoodCoordinates(radius, neighbours)

    height = src.shape[0] - 2 * radius  # rows
    width = src.shape[1] - 2 * radius  # cols

    dst = np.zeros((height, width), dtype=np.uint8)
    # dst = src.resize(height,width)
    # cv2.imshow("1",dst)
    # cv2.waitKey(0)
    # print(radius,height+radius,width+radius)
    for y in range(radius, height+radius):
        for x in range(radius, width+radius):
            # 获得邻域
            neighbourhood = src[int(x - radius):int(x + radius + 1), int(y - radius):int(y + radius + 1)]

            nData =
            # 邻域像素值
            neighbourVector = np.zeros(neighbours, dtype=float)

            for p in range(0, neighbours):
                xy = neighbourhoodCoords[p]

                p1 = neighbourhood[int(xy[1]), int(xy[0])]
                p2 = neighbourhood[int(xy[1]), int(xy[2])]
                p3 = neighbourhood[int(xy[3]), int(xy[0])]
                p4 = neighbourhood[int(xy[3]), int(xy[2])]
                neighbourVector[p] = xy[4] * p1 + xy[5] * p2 + xy[6] * p3 + xy[7] * p4

            bnt_s = 0
            for i in range(0, 8):
                m = 0
                for k in range(0, q):
                    m += neighbourVector[q * i + k]
                m /= q
                if m - nData[radius, radius] >= 0:
                    s = 1
                    s = 0
                bnt_s += s * (2 ** i)

            dst[y - radius, x - radius] = float(minROR(bnt_s, q))
    tmp1 = np.zeros((height, width), dtype=np.uint8)
    return tmp1

def getNeighbourhoodCoordinates(radius,neighbours):
    neighbourhoodCoords = np.zeros((neighbours,8),dtype=float)
    for i in range(0,neighbours):
        # neighbourhoodCoord = np.zeros(8,dtype=float)
        x = float(radius*math.cos(i*2*math.pi/neighbours)+radius)
        y = float(radius*math.sin(i*2*math.pi/neighbours+radius))

        neighbourhoodCoords[i,0] = math.floor(x)
        neighbourhoodCoords[i,1] = math.floor(y)
        neighbourhoodCoords[i,2] = math.ceil(x)
        neighbourhoodCoords[i,3] = math.ceil(y)

        tx = float(x-math.floor(x))
        ty = float(y-math.floor(y))

        neighbourhoodCoords[i,4] = (1-tx)*(1-ty)
        neighbourhoodCoords[i,5] = tx*(1-ty)
        neighbourhoodCoords[i,6] = (1-tx)*ty
        neighbourhoodCoords[i,7] = tx*ty

    return neighbourhoodCoords

def minROR(x,numShifts):
    for i in range(1,numShifts):
        m = min(m,(x>>i)|(x<<(8-i)))

    return m

import cv2
import numpy as np

from BRINT import brint_s

if __name__ == '__main__':
    img = cv2.imread("C:/Users/WRP/Desktop/3.jpg")
    dst = brint_s(img,2,32)
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